TER General Board

Re: Discretion
MSHSEX 109 reads

If you're afraid of getting burned, then don't play with fire. It's just the nature of the beast.

Posted By: bjlova
Just my 2 cents at this. I'm new at this and it seems like providers want so much intonation and so many references to make every possible way to not go to jail. Many of the providers will blur out there face to further keep themselves discreet.  I don't think that providers realize that hobbyist don't want to go to jail anymore then they do.  And we want to remain discreet as well.  I'm meeting a stranger like you are.  I don't want you to know private things about me such as where I work, my wife name, where I live etc. I have seen so many providers still pictures.  So what's to say that you give all this info and there's not some crazy using ur info to look you up through google or facebook to embarrass you?  I love the game but when it comes to discretion, it seems one sided.

Just my 2 cents at this. I'm new at this and it seems like providers want so much intonation and so many references to make every possible way to not go to jail. Many of the providers will blur out there face to further keep themselves discreet.  I don't think that providers realize that hobbyist don't want to go to jail anymore then they do.  And we want to remain discreet as well.  I'm meeting a stranger like you are.  I don't want you to know private things about me such as where I work, my wife name, where I live etc. I have seen so many providers still pictures.  So what's to say that you give all this info and there's not some crazy using ur info to look you up through google or facebook to embarrass you?  I love the game but when it comes to discretion, it seems one sided.

You should get rid of your facebook profile.

information. But you can always play the game by your own rules. See the providers that ask for less invasive information. Then write reviews. Ask them if they can give you white list referrals. Get a P411 account. Lot of ladies accept those. I've never told a single lady where I work, and I've been hobbying for 8 yrs here.

Be prepared to share some information though. After all she is sharing her body with you.

providing what a certain group of providers ask for, don't see them. There are plenty stupid enough to see you with no info whatsoever...good luck getting what you think you are getting though.

MSHSEX210 reads

Absolutely correct. It's also important for clients to screen paid escorts and make sure they're not hiring a psycho that might make their life a living hell.

That's what makes fck boards so useful. You get to observe paid escorts personalities and behavior. You can see which ones are crazy and to be avoided at all costs.

London Rayne is a GREAT example of an escort that knows how to keep her cool, enjoy her time with the guys, and remain emotionally stable in stressful situations. Reece from Atlanta is another example of an escort that I also hold in high regard. Same can be said for Haley Orlando and Angela Petite as well. I may have forgotten one or two other escorts, so please forgive me if I didn't mention your name.

Posted By: London Rayne
providing what a certain group of providers ask for, don't see them. There are plenty stupid enough to see you with no info whatsoever...good luck getting what you think you are getting though.

I don't "keep my cool" until a guy pays me to stfu..these boards are fair game.

serpius128 reads


I have a question...

Let's say that you asked me for certain information... A to G, but I felt that you were asking for way too much information and I only gave you information A to D and left out E, F, G to protect my privacy.

Does that mean you will refuse to see me even after I explained that to protect my privacy that I didn't want to give out E, F, G to you?


Posted By: London Rayne
providing what a certain group of providers ask for, don't see them. There are plenty stupid enough to see you with no info whatsoever...good luck getting what you think you are getting though.

Posted By: London Rayne
providing what a certain group of providers ask for, don't see them. There are plenty stupid enough to see you with no info whatsoever...good luck getting what you think you are getting though.
Ur selling a "product" I'm sure London Rayne is not ur real name. Who's to say that ur not a murderer? But I guess all the men who see you without asking for your personal info are stupid too

Seriously.  There's almost never a situation where you need to provide real information.  If you have half a brain at all, she'll never know.  Most girls in this business are not exactly rocket scientists.

If she asks where you work, tell her the name of any big company that's plausible.  People in general don't check these things out -- even future employers.  Prostitutes check even less, especially if there's any hassle to it.  So give her the name of a huge company.  Let her call if she wants.

As for names -- same deal.  You can tell them anything.  Give her a common name.  In the 1960s, when many of her clients were born, the most common names in the U.S. were Michael (Mike), John, James (Jim), and David (Dave).  I have NEVER had a girl check my picture ID.  Carry your cash in your pocket and leave your wallet in your car.  You should never carry your wallet or ID into what is about to become a crime scene anyway.  If she asks why you don't have your wallet, look sheepish and say you were nervous about carrying it.  She's not going to turn you away for looking stupid. The best clients are rarely alpha males (except in their own mind), so escorts tend to relax if you seem a little dorky.  Just don't be creepy or jumpy or overly nervous.  Don't freak her out.

You'll need a real phone number of course.  But it doesn't have to be linked to anything. Get a hobby phone or use Google phone or skype or something. Type your phone number into Google and make sure it doesn't pull up anything useful.

Bottom line: She doesn't need your real info any more than you need hers. She just wants you to be cooperative. So *appear* cooperative.

The only downside to making shit up is that you can never escalate the relationship to something where she's traveling with you or dating you for real or anything. Because when she finds out you lied to her, she'll be livid and that'll be the end. You might be able to argue, as you tried in your post bjlova, that you don't know her real info either. But girls aren't logical. The upside to her dumping you is that you can hire a new girlfriend as easily as you found her.

Posted By: bjlova
Just my 2 cents at this. I'm new at this and it seems like providers want so much intonation and so many references to make every possible way to not go to jail. Many of the providers will blur out there face to further keep themselves discreet.  I don't think that providers realize that hobbyist don't want to go to jail anymore then they do.  And we want to remain discreet as well.  I'm meeting a stranger like you are.  I don't want you to know private things about me such as where I work, my wife name, where I live etc. I have seen so many providers still pictures.  So what's to say that you give all this info and there's not some crazy using ur info to look you up through google or facebook to embarrass you?  I love the game but when it comes to discretion, it seems one sided.
-- Modified on 5/11/2012 2:50:49 AM

-- Modified on 5/11/2012 2:51:36 AM

I have never made anything up completely, but I do believe in not sharing too much at the same time. If she asks for something too personal during the correspondence, I will just say NO and ask her if its a deal breaker.  9/10 times it has not been a big deal.

AnotherPerspective147 reads

My name is  Travlin John   .   I am a  systems analyst for Oracle .


Posted By: A_New_Invention
Seriously.  There's almost never a situation where you need to provide real information.  If you have half a brain at all, she'll never know.  Most girls in this business are not exactly rocket scientists.

If she asks where you work, tell her the name of any big company that's plausible.  People in general don't check these things out -- even future employers.  Prostitutes check even less, especially if there's any hassle to it.  So give her the name of a huge company.  Let her call if she wants.

As for names -- same deal.  You can tell them anything.  Give her a common name.  In the 1960s, when many of her clients were born, the most common names in the U.S. were Michael (Mike), John, James (Jim), and David (Dave).  I have NEVER had a girl check my picture ID.  Carry your cash in your pocket and leave your wallet in your car.  You should never carry your wallet or ID into what is about to become a crime scene anyway.  If she asks why you don't have your wallet, look sheepish and say you were nervous about carrying it.  She's not going to turn you away for looking stupid. The best clients are rarely alpha males (except in their own mind), so escorts tend to relax if you seem a little dorky.  Just don't be creepy or jumpy or overly nervous.  Don't freak her out.

You'll need a real phone number of course.  But it doesn't have to be linked to anything. Get a hobby phone or use Google phone or skype or something. Type your phone number into Google and make sure it doesn't pull up anything useful.

Bottom line: She doesn't need your real info any more than you need hers. She just wants you to be cooperative. So *appear* cooperative.

The only downside to making shit up is that you can never escalate the relationship to something where she's traveling with you or dating you for real or anything. Because when she finds out you lied to her, she'll be livid and that'll be the end. You might be able to argue, as you tried in your post bjlova, that you don't know her real info either. But girls aren't logical. The upside to her dumping you is that you can hire a new girlfriend as easily as you found her.
Posted By: bjlova
Just my 2 cents at this. I'm new at this and it seems like providers want so much intonation and so many references to make every possible way to not go to jail. Many of the providers will blur out there face to further keep themselves discreet.  I don't think that providers realize that hobbyist don't want to go to jail anymore then they do.  And we want to remain discreet as well.  I'm meeting a stranger like you are.  I don't want you to know private things about me such as where I work, my wife name, where I live etc. I have seen so many providers still pictures.  So what's to say that you give all this info and there's not some crazy using ur info to look you up through google or facebook to embarrass you?  I love the game but when it comes to discretion, it seems one sided.
-- Modified on 5/11/2012 2:50:49 AM

-- Modified on 5/11/2012 2:51:36 AM

Most companies do full on backround checks these days, I'm not sure how you figure "People in general don't check these things out -- even future employers."  Hell, I've seen articles lately about companies beginning to ask for FaceBook passwords and even W-2's.  I have turned away a no-reference newbie at the time of our meeting because he refused to show me his ID.  What's the point of screening if I can't confirm that you are the person that I verified?  And yes, I have turned away clients for "appearing stupid.".. especially if that stupidity makes me question my safety.

If there weren't disrespectful wanker game players trying to monkey their way around screening, the process would be much easier for everyone.  Trust me - when I find out that someone has lied during my screening (and I do) - they are a permanent Do Not See.  

If you actually WANT to meet a particular lady, don't lie.  If you are not comfortable with what a lady asks for, just see someone else.  

OK I have to chime in here.

Follow the advice above and be prepared for the consequences. I applaud New Invention on his apparent successful years as a hobbyist who never gives valid screening information. We can only assume he does not have P411, rs2k or Date-check as he does not mention them to you or his use of them. Nor does he recommend them to you.

Let me tell you right here, right now, what happens OFTEN when you give bogus information. We find it. And when we do find it,  we get nervous. And when we get nervous, we have our own little spot on this wonderful web where we tell other to watch for this person as all their information is a lie. We don't out you, cause everything you have told us is a lie. We simply post the lie. A warning for everyones safety and to not waste time on you. Quality companions take screening very seriously.

Since YOU have a choice to provide screening information or not, we can only assume that a liar is up to no good. After all, our only thread to safety is screening information. So only LE and crazy people would lie.

I have a rigid screening process. I require information. If its too personal for you, or it does not meet your level of comfort I fully understand. By all means seek another. But rest assured neither of us is going to meet unless I am comfortable. YOU get to read reviews, we get NOTHING. We don't know how comfortable or uncomfortable you made the companion feel. Often the best we get from a reference will be "yes I saw him, and I would see him again". You can be whitelisted, which can be as inflated and corrupted as reviews. You can have P411 or Datecheck, its going to be hard for me to ask for any assistance from them when you have beaten me to a pulp. Not to mention that both of those services have been known to get penetrated by fakes and LE.

No we are not rocket scientists, but I highly doubt A New Invention is either. All the companions I know personally ( albeit not that many ) are not stupid either. I know more than a handful with graduate degrees and other qualities that prove their relative level of intelligence. Think we wont call your work and see if your in the directory? Think again.

I hate that we have to screen, but its a mans world when it comes to mass over mass. Its a fact that there have been far more providers who have been beaten, robbed and even murdered by men, than men by providers. Sure you can find many providers who don't screen or screen very lightly. And you can find parts of their bodies in shallow graves all over the place as well. Not saying it does not happen to men, but the facts speak for themselves as to the ratios.

Screening is what it is. I hate that its necessary, but it is and thats just another part of life. I have no problem getting screening information from prospective clients. You will have no problem finding providers who will screen lightly. Rather than complain about what some do, just stick to those you are comfortable with. We are never offended by the fact you don't make an appointment, we are highly offended when you try to scam us.

As to the best clients being or not being Alpha Males, I guess A New Invention knows best. Personally I can tell you that my best clients are always take charge solid men. I guess he is saying you cant be smart, and a leader at the same time, you cant be a geek with a strong personality. I would tend to disagree.

Evaluate your risk tolerance, and play within those guidelines. In this economy there is no shortage of providers who I am sure will or can meet you at least half way. Best of luck.

Just my two cents...

-- Modified on 5/10/2012 6:47:03 PM

You speak the truth! Yes, it can be an intrusive process, but if you're dealing with a true professional, there's really not too much to worry about.

I wonder about the validity of his claims that he gives wrong information, seriously, how are you getting through?

Posted By: ReaganMoore
OK I have to chime in here.

Follow the advice above and be prepared for the consequences. I applaud New Invention on his apparent successful years as a hobbyist who never gives valid screening information. We can only assume he does not have P411, rs2k or Date-check as he does not mention them to you or his use of them. Nor does he recommend them to you.

Let me tell you right here, right now, what happens OFTEN when you give bogus information. We find it. And when we do find it,  we get nervous. And when we get nervous, we have our own little spot on this wonderful web where we tell other to watch for this person as all their information is a lie. We don't out you, cause everything you have told us is a lie. We simply post the lie. A warning for everyones safety and to not waste time on you. Quality companions take screening very seriously.

Since YOU have a choice to provide screening information or not, we can only assume that a liar is up to no good. After all, our only thread to safety is screening information. So only LE and crazy people would lie.

I have a rigid screening process. I require information. If its too personal for you, or it does not meet your level of comfort I fully understand. By all means seek another. But rest assured neither of us is going to meet unless I am comfortable. YOU get to read reviews, we get NOTHING. We don't know how comfortable or uncomfortable you made the companion feel. Often the best we get from a reference will be "yes I saw him, and I would see him again". You can be whitelisted, which can be as inflated and corrupted as reviews. You can have P411 or Datecheck, its going to be hard for me to ask for any assistance from them when you have beaten me to a pulp. Not to mention that both of those services have been known to get penetrated by fakes and LE.

No we are not rocket scientists, but I highly doubt A New Invention is either. All the companions I know personally ( albeit not that many ) are not stupid either. I know more than a handful with graduate degrees and other qualities that prove their relative level of intelligence. Think we wont call your work and see if your in the directory? Think again.

I hate that we have to screen, but its a mans world when it comes to mass over mass. Its a fact that there have been far more providers who have been beaten, robbed and even murdered by men, than men by providers. Sure you can find many providers who don't screen or screen very lightly. And you can find parts of their bodies in shallow graves all over the place as well. Not saying it does not happen to men, but the facts speak for themselves as to the ratios.

Screening is what it is. I hate that its necessary, but it is and thats just another part of life. I have no problem getting screening information from prospective clients. You will have no problem finding providers who will screen lightly. Rather than complain about what some do, just stick to those you are comfortable with. We are never offended by the fact you don't make an appointment, we are highly offended when you try to scam us.

As to the best clients being or not being Alpha Males, I guess A New Invention knows best. Personally I can tell you that my best clients are always take charge solid men. I guess he is saying you cant be smart, and a leader at the same time, you cant be a geek with a strong personality. I would tend to disagree.

Evaluate your risk tolerance, and play within those guidelines. In this economy there is no shortage of providers who I am sure will or can meet you at least half way. Best of luck.

Just my two cents...

-- Modified on 5/10/2012 6:47:03 PM

Careful what you assume, Reagan.  If I know a girl, or know enough about her to not worry, I give plenty of real information about myself. But if I don't know a girl, or suspect she might be flakey, or am just in the mood, I typically become whomever I want to be.  Like another poster on here said: Mostly the girls don't really care and back off if you refuse to hand over the information anyway. So of course they're not going to check whether I'm really Jim Davis in town on a consulting gig for All State Insurance (You're in good hands, baby!) and maybe catch up with an old friend with a house out near Oyster Bay.  Do you know him...  Craig Richards?  Ha ha I thought not. You'd remember his teeny dick.  Anyway, I haven't seen him in 10 years. He had a girlfriend that looked like you and I secretly always had the hots for her... it was one of the reasons I called.  She used to think I was such a dork.  Call me a dork!  Yea!  Like that!  Blah blah blah...

I'm not a bad guy, ladies.  I just don't need anyone knowing any more about me than you want anyone knowing about you.

You think P411, rs2k, or Date-check are perfect?  How hard is it to pull a name & info off some online company directory?  Ukrainian drunks steal thousands of identities every day and the info is good enough to empty your bank account.  Coming up with enough info for an escort who wants the business, or a screening service that just wants to get through the list as fast as possible, is easy.  Worse, you'd be surprised how many girls I've known who, once given the screening service info, never even bother checking.  WTF?

Knowing a guy's name doesn't make you safe, ladies.  Screening is an illusion.  It will weed out the laziest and flakiest of the lazy flakes, sure.  But you should always have friends who know where you are and a mentally-rehearsed plan for every situation.

-Mike (or is it Dave?  Maybe Bill?), a p411 and RS2k member.

Posted By: ReaganMoore
OK I have to chime in here.

Follow the advice above and be prepared for the consequences. I applaud New Invention on his apparent successful years as a hobbyist who never gives valid screening information. We can only assume he does not have P411, rs2k or Date-check as he does not mention them to you or his use of them. Nor does he recommend them to you.

Let me tell you right here, right now, what happens OFTEN when you give bogus information. We find it. And when we do find it,  we get nervous. And when we get nervous, we have our own little spot on this wonderful web where we tell other to watch for this person as all their information is a lie. We don't out you, cause everything you have told us is a lie. We simply post the lie. A warning for everyones safety and to not waste time on you. Quality companions take screening very seriously.

Since YOU have a choice to provide screening information or not, we can only assume that a liar is up to no good. After all, our only thread to safety is screening information. So only LE and crazy people would lie.

I have a rigid screening process. I require information. If its too personal for you, or it does not meet your level of comfort I fully understand. By all means seek another. But rest assured neither of us is going to meet unless I am comfortable. YOU get to read reviews, we get NOTHING. We don't know how comfortable or uncomfortable you made the companion feel. Often the best we get from a reference will be "yes I saw him, and I would see him again". You can be whitelisted, which can be as inflated and corrupted as reviews. You can have P411 or Datecheck, its going to be hard for me to ask for any assistance from them when you have beaten me to a pulp. Not to mention that both of those services have been known to get penetrated by fakes and LE.

No we are not rocket scientists, but I highly doubt A New Invention is either. All the companions I know personally ( albeit not that many ) are not stupid either. I know more than a handful with graduate degrees and other qualities that prove their relative level of intelligence. Think we wont call your work and see if your in the directory? Think again.

I hate that we have to screen, but its a mans world when it comes to mass over mass. Its a fact that there have been far more providers who have been beaten, robbed and even murdered by men, than men by providers. Sure you can find many providers who don't screen or screen very lightly. And you can find parts of their bodies in shallow graves all over the place as well. Not saying it does not happen to men, but the facts speak for themselves as to the ratios.

Screening is what it is. I hate that its necessary, but it is and thats just another part of life. I have no problem getting screening information from prospective clients. You will have no problem finding providers who will screen lightly. Rather than complain about what some do, just stick to those you are comfortable with. We are never offended by the fact you don't make an appointment, we are highly offended when you try to scam us.

As to the best clients being or not being Alpha Males, I guess A New Invention knows best. Personally I can tell you that my best clients are always take charge solid men. I guess he is saying you cant be smart, and a leader at the same time, you cant be a geek with a strong personality. I would tend to disagree.

Evaluate your risk tolerance, and play within those guidelines. In this economy there is no shortage of providers who I am sure will or can meet you at least half way. Best of luck.

Just my two cents...

-- Modified on 5/10/2012 6:47:03 PM

Except P411, DateChack, and whitelists has to be at least as reliable as reviews. Many reviews are full of half truths, and out and out lies. Many very dangerous women manipulate their reviews to the point of being as useful as A_New_Invention's screening information.

The other issue is he speaks the truth, most ladies do not check. There was two ladies I used as references all most excursively. They are good friends and when they where active providers I asked if who ever I was trying to see got in contact with then and the answer unfortunately was no, but I passed their screening anyway. P411 lets us know when a lady is looking you up yet it is rare that a woman from that site actually looks you up. When I give out employment information, I have yet to have anyone call. Most ladies do not check. Two of my friends got busted because they fail to do so.

The rest was spot on. Everyone must screen everyone, no one should part with more information then they are comfortable. And if a lady wants more information than a guy wishes to give he should move on. If a guy lies and gives false information he should be blacklisted in provider only blacklists. (The public ones are why guys lie in the first place as often as not.)

Even though we will never meet because I will not give all the information you require, I think you are a fine lady. Great post!

serpius94 reads

Hello ReaganMoore,

You did not mention WHAT you do with the information that you do get from us hobbyists.

Do you keep it in hopes that you can blackmail a potential client into donig something for you?

How do us hobbyists get any kind of assurances from you and other providers that you will not keep the information on hand?

Are we supposed to take your word for it that you will destroy the information once you meet us?


Posted By: ReaganMoore
OK I have to chime in here.
I have a rigid screening process. I require information. If its too personal for you, or it does not meet your level of comfort I fully understand. By all means seek another. But rest assured neither of us is going to meet unless I am comfortable. YOU get to read reviews, we get NOTHING. We don't know how comfortable or uncomfortable you made the companion feel. Often the best we get from a reference will be "yes I saw him, and I would see him again". You can be whitelisted, which can be as inflated and corrupted as reviews. You can have P411 or Datecheck, its going to be hard for me to ask for any assistance from them when you have beaten me to a pulp. Not to mention that both of those services have been known to get penetrated by fakes and LE.

No we are not rocket scientists, but I highly doubt A New Invention is either. All the companions I know personally ( albeit not that many ) are not stupid either. I know more than a handful with graduate degrees and other qualities that prove their relative level of intelligence. Think we wont call your work and see if your in the directory? Think again.

I hate that we have to screen, but its a mans world when it comes to mass over mass. Its a fact that there have been far more providers who have been beaten, robbed and even murdered by men, than men by providers. Sure you can find many providers who don't screen or screen very lightly. And you can find parts of their bodies in shallow graves all over the place as well. Not saying it does not happen to men, but the facts speak for themselves as to the ratios.

Screening is what it is. I hate that its necessary, but it is and thats just another part of life. I have no problem getting screening information from prospective clients. You will have no problem finding providers who will screen lightly. Rather than complain about what some do, just stick to those you are comfortable with. We are never offended by the fact you don't make an appointment, we are highly offended when you try to scam us.
-- Modified on 5/10/2012 6:47:03 PM

Asking what we do with the information we collect is a very valid question and one that should be a cause for concern with hobbyists.  I cannot speak for other providers, but I do answer this particular question fully on my website for those who would like to know how I handle this.

Posted By: A_New_Invention
Seriously.  There's almost never a situation where you need to provide real information.  If you have half a brain at all, she'll never know.  Most girls in this business are not exactly rocket scientists.

If she asks where you work, tell her the name of any big company that's plausible.  People in general don't check these things out -- even future employers.  Prostitutes check even less, especially if there's any hassle to it.  So give her the name of a huge company.  Let her call if she wants.

As for names -- same deal.  You can tell them anything.  Give her a common name.  In the 1960s, when many of her clients were born, the most common names in the U.S. were Michael (Mike), John, James (Jim), and David (Dave).  I have NEVER had a girl check my picture ID.  Carry your cash in your pocket and leave your wallet in your car.  You should never carry your wallet or ID into what is about to become a crime scene anyway.  If she asks why you don't have your wallet, look sheepish and say you were nervous about carrying it.  She's not going to turn you away for looking stupid. The best clients are rarely alpha males (except in their own mind), so escorts tend to relax if you seem a little dorky.  Just don't be creepy or jumpy or overly nervous.  Don't freak her out.

You'll need a real phone number of course.  But it doesn't have to be linked to anything. Get a hobby phone or use Google phone or skype or something. Type your phone number into Google and make sure it doesn't pull up anything useful.

Bottom line: She doesn't need your real info any more than you need hers. She just wants you to be cooperative. So *appear* cooperative.

The only downside to making shit up is that you can never escalate the relationship to something where she's traveling with you or dating you for real or anything. Because when she finds out you lied to her, she'll be livid and that'll be the end. You might be able to argue, as you tried in your post bjlova, that you don't know her real info either. But girls aren't logical. The upside to her dumping you is that you can hire a new girlfriend as easily as you found her.
Posted By: bjlova
Just my 2 cents at this. I'm new at this and it seems like providers want so much intonation and so many references to make every possible way to not go to jail. Many of the providers will blur out there face to further keep themselves discreet.  I don't think that providers realize that hobbyist don't want to go to jail anymore then they do.  And we want to remain discreet as well.  I'm meeting a stranger like you are.  I don't want you to know private things about me such as where I work, my wife name, where I live etc. I have seen so many providers still pictures.  So what's to say that you give all this info and there's not some crazy using ur info to look you up through google or facebook to embarrass you?  I love the game but when it comes to discretion, it seems one sided.
-- Modified on 5/11/2012 2:50:49 AM
Did you see it?
-- Modified on 5/11/2012 2:51:36 AM

cock-up183 reads

Thumbs up man, like your style!

AnotherPerspective132 reads

I had already seen vengeful and lunatic civilian women
 in action  before I joined  TER .

Although none were directed at me , I strive to
keep it that way .
  Never had a provider ask me personal questions before we met .

I've had some ask too many  questions , after a few sessions .

Instead of  becoming defensively silent or exclaiming in vain , it's
none of her business  what business I am in ,  I lie .  


Posted By: bjlova
Just my 2 cents at this. I'm new at this and it seems like providers want so much intonation and so many references to make every possible way to not go to jail. Many of the providers will blur out there face to further keep themselves discreet.  I don't think that providers realize that hobbyist don't want to go to jail anymore then they do.  And we want to remain discreet as well.  I'm meeting a stranger like you are.  I don't want you to know private things about me such as where I work, my wife name, where I live etc. I have seen so many providers still pictures.  So what's to say that you give all this info and there's not some crazy using ur info to look you up through google or facebook to embarrass you?  I love the game but when it comes to discretion, it seems one sided.

MSHSEX110 reads

If you're afraid of getting burned, then don't play with fire. It's just the nature of the beast.

Posted By: bjlova
Just my 2 cents at this. I'm new at this and it seems like providers want so much intonation and so many references to make every possible way to not go to jail. Many of the providers will blur out there face to further keep themselves discreet.  I don't think that providers realize that hobbyist don't want to go to jail anymore then they do.  And we want to remain discreet as well.  I'm meeting a stranger like you are.  I don't want you to know private things about me such as where I work, my wife name, where I live etc. I have seen so many providers still pictures.  So what's to say that you give all this info and there's not some crazy using ur info to look you up through google or facebook to embarrass you?  I love the game but when it comes to discretion, it seems one sided.

And if you wish to remain anonymous, that is fairly easy to accomplish.

The only time I personally require someone's real life name/last name is when i can't screen them via references.

Do not use same email address for hobby and for real life and your facebook with family pics won't come up during screening process.

Do not email using work email and she won't know your entire work history.

The End.

"I don't think that providers realize that hobbyist don't want to go to jail anymore then they do."

"So what's to say that you give all this info and there's not some crazy using ur info to look you up through google or facebook to embarrass you?"

Read the reviews.  Someone who has been around for a good length of time, with a golden reputation for discretion and professionalism, is very unlikely to destroy her livelihood by being crazy and simply trying "to embarrass you."  Dozens of gents say she's ok?  You have means of researching the ladies history over time, verifying that her service is as it's advertised, even confirming that her f'ing tits are a 36DDD.  Who says you are ok?  That you are safe to meet?  You're right - it seems one sided... but you have it ass-backwards.

As Lina mentioned, you are confusing anonymity with discretion.  

Simply see someone who doesn't screen for her own safety, and you'll be fine... unless she was popped by the client just prior to you...

PS - I couldn't care less about your wife's name, where you live, or your FaceBook .

There are lots of women in this game that cherry pick, blackmail clients, write their owe reviews and the like to get inflated scores. In the end reviews are only valid if you know the reviewer and you use them like a reference. Reviews are only good if you can verify the reviewer. They are exactly like references or screening sight OK's.

In the end if both party screens, it is balanced until a real name is given. Give me a real name a city of residents and any other piece of real info, address, linked phone, linked email, age, wife's first name, ages of kids, or employer and I can have your whole life story in about an hour often less. Plus with a real name you have real leverage. Providers out hobbyists all the time. There is whole sites that do little but.

That said I do give my real name. I am on the stupid side and am far to trusting after I have been burned twice. Once when a former favorite got busted and she kept detailed information in her phone, that ended up outing me, and the second well, it was contained, but the woman was well reviewed and she still went psycho.

Just as I spend time researching the ladies who I will be asking for references, the gents would be well off looking at the history of the reviewers... have they been around a while?  Do their scores seem to be in the ball park with others who have reviewed the same lady?  Etc.  Dozens of times over on the newbie board you will see folk saying that you can't just go by the numbers, get that VIP and read more.  

Is it easy to do a good job doing the research?  No.  Is it foolproof?  No.  However, just like a lady trying to screen... it will weed out most of the troublemakers.  And just like a lady who doesn't screen, a gent who doesn't screen should anticipate getting burned.

"In the end if both party screens, it is balanced until a real name is given."
It is ONLY balanced if you have the equal number of references as a lady has reviews!  Hell, if that's the case... it's unlikely many ladies will ask for personal information at all. And, well - when reputable ladies start violently robbing clients, and when we find multiple dumping grounds of numerous gents bodies, we can say the risks are equal.

"Providers out hobbyists all the time. There is whole sites that do little but."
There are sites for reporting bad clients that are misused by irresponsible and vindictive providers, yes.  Most often, even if the punishment is completely out of line to the offense (a black list for a NCNS, for example), the gentleman is not innocent.  All the time?!  That's as accurate as if I were to say that hobbyists stalk ladies "All the time."  

Sorry to hear about your past negative experiences.  I'm sure they influence your views, as my experience shape mine.

Respect to all in how they chose to play,
up to the point where someone is lying, deceitful, and disrespectful...


I can point out outing do to things like walking because she is a fake, and posting of honest reviews. The hobbyists can very well be innocent and just met up with the wrong woman. That being said you are right the risks are not equal. The odds of something bad happening are close but the severity is not. Outing is not equal to rape, or death. When men rob a woman it is often more violent then when a woman robs a guy. Yes there are tons of female thieves and cons in this game. You ladies take greater risks than us guys. That is why I am OK with giving real information.

My point really doesn't change -
both gents and ladies have every right, and RESPONSIBILITY, to evaluate their risk and only do as he is comfortable.  Neither side of the equation should be disrespecting the choices of the other.  

Those who lie to try to pass screening are low down dirty scoundrels who have absolutely no respect for a ladies right to attempt to keep herself safe.  In my book they are pariahs.  Even so, I would never use NBL or any other public posting site.  Some of us do understand and respect discretion.


Anyone that does a bait and switch in this game is a pariah, ether male or female. People misrepresenting themselves are scum, in reviews, in ads, or in information provided for screening. Guys that do not wish to provide certain information should be up front with the lady they wish to see and let her make the choice.

Take me for instance, I think Reagan Moore is the bomb. But if she came to town I doubt I would see her. She requires review board handles that I would not give her. I would not lie to her and say I have none when it is not true, I am a member of several sites. I respect her, but more important, I respect the ladies right to ask what she needs to feel comfortable seeing a client and getting the truth, to make up her own mind. Anyone without that level of basic respect to be who and what they claim to be should be exposed on the provider only blacklists or review board respectfully.

-- Modified on 5/11/2012 3:42:07 PM

hotplants193 reads

“Reviews are only valid if you know the reviewer? Reviews are only good if you can verify the reviewer?”


I am more than capable of taking in an overall perception of a provider---including any number of elements; like her web site,  her interaction (or lack thereof) on boards, her reviews, her direct communication with me, ancillary comments from others about her….. (and, when it comes down to it, most likely a composite of all).

While reviews come into play, I do NOT need to “know” any particular person (or anonymous board handle or reviewer) who actually wrote a review, to make an educated decision as to what my perception of a provider is, or what my comfort level might be when meeting her.

As far as exchange of “real” info you, being married to a provider,  know as well or better than anyone, that a request for this kind of info is intended for safety only. And, giving your name does not make you, or anyone else “stupid”.

I did everything you said plus more and well I wish she just put me on a public blacklist site. There is worse things one can do with real information than posting it on some damn site. She didn't go after me with my information, but someone connected to me to get what she wanted from me. I was a trusting fool not to see the manipulations that can happen with reviews. If I can not verify the vitality and integrity of a reviewer his reviews are worthless to me. I can not trust them. If a woman can manipulate pages of reviews then they are all suspect.

I was wrong to believe that all well reviewed providers only collect information for their safety, the bad news they do need it to be safe. I see no way to perfectly balance the risks in this game when it come to information. But the severity of the risk is greater for the woman so I give my information out.

I am stupid for even playing in the first place, not necessarily for giving screening information necessarily. This game is much like Russian Roulette with a gun that you can add hundreds chambers to but it will always have at least one bullet in it. I have been wondering why I still play.

hotplants176 reads

What could I say?

This is not supposed to be fraught with duplicity, and negativity, and fear, and skepticism, and manipulation, and mistrust, and 007 super-spy maneuvers to stay safe.

This is supposed to be simple.





No complications.

And, if it’s not? …..Why are you doing it?

hotplants154 reads

As I've said before, you strike me as a very intuitive, kind human being. Stupid is not a a description  that has ever come to my mind..:P

HookerCops104 reads

I think you misunderstand the gist of his post.

It's a commonly accepted practice around here to discount reviews written by reviewers with only 1 review. You often see a new provider pop up and her first 2 reviews will be from guys who "coincidentally" happen to be writing their first reviews as well. Are they fake? Maybe, maybe not. Be my guest if you want to trust them. On the other hand, when I see a lady has several reviews from guys with anywhere from 10 - 50 reviews, I tend to put alot more faith in their opinion. I don't need to actually "know" a thing about them personally.

It's still not fool-proof. I've never seen a provider who has "outed" me or even threatened to do so. I do my research as thoroughly as possible and that includes contacting well known reviewers by PM for the real scoop now. I have still run into situations similiar, although to a much lesser scale, as Scoed. When I first started, I saw a lady who was definitely 8 - 10 years older then her advertised age. Blurred photos and never mentioned in a review. How I was supposed to know?

I've seen 2 providers within the past year who had almost all 9's and 10's for appearance. I would estimate that neither of them had looked like their pics for years and many pounds. Both blurred photos and, once again, no mention in their reviews. I understand beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I felt one was a 6 and the other a 7. I gave them a 7 and 8 respectively in hopes of avoiding any drama. Good luck. I had to exchange several emails with both ladies and while I was never flat out threatened, it was very clear I needed to change my scores for my own good. They were now at a 8 and 9 for appearance.

I used to think this was kind of a rare thing, but from my time on the RO board lately, it has become apparent that this type of manipulation is rampant. If the lady in question can't get you to change the scores through favors, threats, or blackmail, then she claims the review is fake and TER takes it down. Most of us guys don't care enough to deal with the drama.

I basically use reviews to see what's on a ladies menu and overall attitude. I could care less about the public opinion on a lady's appearance and performance and the numerical values anymore. PM a guy and watch how many 9's magically become 6's and 7's.

Alot of the ladies are very professional in respecting your privacy and confidentiality. The screening process is much more of a headache for them, than it will ever be for you.
I got ragged on in a recent post because i now screen for a lady. Well, who better to understand the need for confidentiality, than a fellow hobbyist??
If i don't want my private life exposed, you can sure as hell bet, i have that same respect for others!!

Because you are a real example of not knowing who actually has access to screening info...  I would not want my personal info with you or anyone else I did not expect.

Stick with "well reviewed" assistants like me and your problem is solved!!!!
I got all 10's on performance!!

hotplants161 reads

In fact…..It’s well established that all people running a business stay on the lookout for new ways to deliberately embarrass their client base.

Oh wait….

You are never under any obligation to provide any information you are not comfortable providing…..including your wife’s name.

OTOH, providing your real name + may be required to ride that ride.  Deal with it.

or not.

I am not sure why a provider would ask for your wife's name and that is something I would probably not give out. However, as Reagan and the other providers pointed out, they are taking a much bigger risk that us. My philosophy is that if after doing all of my research I do not feel comfortable providing the information requested by a provider then this is most likely someone i should not see. I try to learn as much as possible about a provider by reading all of the reviews, thoroughly examining her website, reading her posts on TER, checking information on other websites such as Date-Check and P411 and anything else I can find. Only when I feel that this is someone I can trust and that there is a good chance that the chemistry will be good do I actually make contact. By then I know what her screening process will be and whether I am comfortable providing the necessary information. Maybe I have just been lucky, but so far this system has worked and all of my dates have been very rewarding.

Posted By: bjlova
Just my 2 cents at this. I'm new at this and it seems like providers want so much intonation and so many references to make every possible way to not go to jail. Many of the providers will blur out there face to further keep themselves discreet.  I don't think that providers realize that hobbyist don't want to go to jail anymore then they do.  And we want to remain discreet as well.  I'm meeting a stranger like you are.  I don't want you to know private things about me such as where I work, my wife name, where I live etc. I have seen so many providers still pictures.  So what's to say that you give all this info and there's not some crazy using ur info to look you up through google or facebook to embarrass you?  I love the game but when it comes to discretion, it seems one sided.
Y'all r funny! I was just being sarcastic about the wife name thing and all.  I do feel that we r all In it for something. Whether its to get gratification or paid.  Trust me when ibtell u that undone feel obligated to do anything that I don't want to do. Just wanted to have an interesting topic. Bit I hav seen numerous great points. Thanks to all who have commented and those who will comment

....their name (at least the first), general intro info about themselves, 2 provider references and how they'll recall him.  Can't win lol.

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