TER General Board

Provider Access to Review
baines78 1 Reviews 317 reads

Longtime vip member, but never wrote a review.  Just getting back into the game after some time away and was just about to post a review.  However, reading these boards, it seems that providers now have access to members' reviews.  (Which I find bizarre, to say the least.)   Can anyone confirm or deny this?


Do agency's review their girls to give them good reviews. I have found that some of the descriptions what they will do are not accurate.  Also some girls get 4-5 reviews in a wk

I would say yes. I find it funny when all of a sudden 3 or 4 new girls from the same agency get reviews in a 1 or 2 day span.

I see too many good agencies with girls who have the occasional lackluster or even bad review...  as far as review volume, when they are seeing many clients a day it does not seem unreasonable that they would get a lot of reviews -

that being said some of the agencies I frequent in my market area, the girl have very few reviews - sometimes just two or three in a visit that might last a week to three weeks...

as far as descriptions,  sure -  agencies sometimes cheat a bit on descriptions or use photographs designed to be most flattering to the girl -

however, in my experience,  overall,  I've found the descriptions of the agencies I deal with to be more accurate and reliable than that of indies....

I am sure there is some what you are suggesting going on, but in DC area, it seems like several people -- established reviewers -- like to get to new agency talent first and write a review.  It is a safe way to TOFTT, since the agency presumably has done some screening work to bring the girls in.  The only times I have ever successfully TOFTT'd is with an agency girl.

Some agencies offer known reviewers free or cut-rate sessions with new girls in return for positive reviews. I can't say they all do it, but some certainly do

some agencies do write reviews for their girls.  
I have a friend with a agent and he did it, she wasnt happy with that as she knew in time reviews will come.

It happens, but I would take reviews into account overall and even if a the girl's agent does so, that doesnt mean her other reviews are false

How many times have you seen a girl listed here with one review by a handle with one review - hers?  Its possible they found true love and ran out of this world with each other.  But more than likely it was written by her agent.  Is "agent" what that dude with the funny hat at the wheel of a hydro-lifted chartreuse Eldo is calling himself these days?

You'll do better playing with the indies.  That's all I have to say...

...that kind of stuff. You have to research the agency just like you have to research an independent. There are good ones and bad ones it's up to you to check them out.  

There are agency reviews here on TER. It's in the site reviews section. It is intended to be a site review but if you check it you'll see that the comments are about the agency.

-- Modified on 9/17/2014 2:35:36 PM

Big agency equals lots of money changing hands, many palms being greased all the way to "Administration".

Longtime vip member, but never wrote a review.  Just getting back into the game after some time away and was just about to post a review.  However, reading these boards, it seems that providers now have access to members' reviews.  (Which I find bizarre, to say the least.)   Can anyone confirm or deny this?


We do have access to our own "Juicy Details" but only have access to them on other profiles if we pay for VIP.

I think it's a great idea to do this, because it helps us as providers not only know what YOU like and thus provide a better experience, but we can weed out those we feel won't be a good fit for us. This is a 2-way street. We can turn away business if we feel we will regret the experience. You initially choose us, but we also get to choose whether to move forward past that

I hear you, and I can understand giving providers access to a blacklist / whitelist, but there is no way that allowing access to detailed reviews makes sense from the client side.  I will still find them helpful to know that a provider is actually a provider instead of...someone else, but frankly this information explains a lot about the accuracy of recent provider reviews

I'm assuming this has been the case all along, so I'm not sure how the accuracy of only the recent provider reviews would come into play.

Just as you likely take the "sum of the whole" in the reviews of a provider you are contemplating, so do many providers with the reviews of a prospective client. I don't have full VIP anymore but when I did that's exactly how I communicated with some of the prospective clients. One had a lot of reviews for "spinners" and how in one the girl wasn't as thin as he had imagined, so I told him I wasn't anywhere near a "spinner" and that he may be disappointed if we were to move forward. That was a very useful thing for the both of us.  

If a guy has a negative review for one or two providers but the rest are good, I'm likely to see him anyhow. I'm confident in my abilities and I know I provide a very good service. As long as I feel his reviews of the ladies are fair (again, by comparing), then I have nothing to worry about.  

I have a feeling inaccuracies can go both ways:

-- A client accentuates the positive and plays down the negative because he truly had a great time and wants a repeat.
-- A client is a jerk and wants to hurt the provider for not bowing to his ever whim.

Either way, it's a balancing act and that's why taking in all the reviews helps.

White/black lists only offer so much. A whitelist only says the provider will see you again. NOTHING about why, the personality, etc for ME to determine if it's a good fit for us both...and a blacklist can be very specific on why a provider won't see him again but if a guy isn't on the blacklist (which is reserved for only the worst of infractions) it doesn't help me as a provider determine if he's a good fit.

Full access to reviews is a great way for a provider to determine if we are able to meet the client's needs adequately.

You clients get to choose us based on the same criteria. We should have a fair way to size you guys up as well.

And of course, everything good has a bad side.


Agree to disagree.  I was just about to write my first (and somewhat negative) review and this stopped me cold.  Anyway, thanks for your thoughtful replies.

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