TER General Board

Pretty damn close.
GaGambler 378 reads

Actually a standard bank deposit envelope will hold a hundred bills without bursting at the seams, in hundreds that's ten grand. Ten grand in twenties would be five chock full envelopes full of cash.

I no longer carry tens of thousands in cash, but I used to laugh at people talking about $50,000 being a small briefcase full of cash, I have gone through airport security dozens of times with fifty grand in my pockets. Domestic flights of course, I would never dream of doing so on an international flight. I am VERY careful to carry no more than $10,000 on international flights.

Standard etiquette says cash goes in a plain envelope on the nightstand / dresser / in the bathroom, but who the heck is stocked up on envelopes anymore? I usually have work envelopes but there's no chance in hell I'm setting that out for someone.

Actually, I did once. Then at the end of the session I asked for the envelope back because it had my work information on it and nearly gave the poor lady a heart attack. Whoops :)

Anyways, thoughts on just dropping a wad of cash on the table? Haven't had a problem/complaint yet but certainly don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.

While strictly speaking most escorts probably wouldn't care all that much... I find it to be such an easy thing to do, and it makes them feel safer faster, than why deviate?

You know that everyone will be OK with a white envelope (available at most gas stations, supermarkets, pharmacy etc), and you MAY occasionally find someone who takes offense at a Wad O' Cash...why even risk it when it's so simple to comply?

Always white

At times however,  I have forgotten to write donation on the outside.

Sorry ladies

But if you (the general you) prefer using one, I don't mind at all, but I do ask that it's unsealed.

A "wad of cash" is great, but please count it before hand. It's just a bit awkward to stand there while it's being counted and sorted.

I don't know about envelopes except that I never use them. Always cash folded on the table, usually on the way in. I may say something like "I brought you something." Never ever had a complaint even from girls whose websites specify they want an envelope.

But I always feel a little awkward asking if we can take care of business first.  Perhaps they forget...

I prefer to have the cash laid out in full view and I like big bills. But whatever I am not picky about it. Money is money. Just as long as it hasn't been put through the ringer. A client last week paid me with all 20s and they were all jacked up. They were all ripped up and one had dried up blood on it! He said he got them from the atm that way. I was embarrassed to even pay with them but I did at some retail places. The clerks were like um these are ripped up. I replied " yeah well they are real". Haha!!

thotlover605 reads

Really? Are you too fucking cheap to go to the dollar store and buy some white envelopes? You are just the latest of several newbies recently posting stupid ass questions on this GB. What the hell is going on?

Fucking A..

Posted By: thotlover
Really? Are you too fucking cheap to go to the dollar store and buy some white envelopes? You are just the latest of several newbies recently posting stupid ass questions on this GB. What the hell is going on?

WICardinalfan363 reads

Agree....while some of the topics have been funny, this boarders on nonsense.

Next up will be "To trim your nose hairs or not too"  Followed by "Shaved or Natural"?

When I do a scan of the OPs in two pages of posts on the GDB, I have to SMH at some of the lameness.

Is it time for another dick thread yet? :-)

Steph xoxo

When my money is in an envelope. Personally I use the envelopes to mail off bills. If you don't bring it in an envelope then fanned out in my restroom is preferred.  


I don't mind envelopes, but I actually prefer no envelopes.

First two times, I use an unsealed envelope with "Gift" on the outside.  For subsequent  visits, I put cash on the vanity.  I assume the lady is not concerned about LEO after we've been together a couple times.

then follow those religiously.

If not, then I think using a plain unsealed envelope left by the bathroom sink or dresser is most preferred, at least at one time.  Every time this issue comes up, it seems more and more gals say they are fine with the cash being without an envelope.

Speaking of religiously, I once had a date on the left coast and got the cash at an ATM.  I figured on using an envelope from the hotel I was staying at, but the dump didn't have any in the room.  I did, however, grab a donation envelope from the synagogue I had attended a Bat Mitzvah at the previous day.  I had grabbed it as a souvenir but pressed it into service for the donation.  The provider got a chuckle out of that one.

Further up the thread, someone made mention of using large bills for donations.  I prefer using $20 bills because that's all you can get at ATMs.  To get C-notes you have to stand in line at a bank, and who needs that aggravation?

Do any of you gals feels strongly one way or the other?  I would think the $20 bills are less obtrusive to use for everyday use, and bring less attention

There are providers that mention on their website that they strongly prefer large bills. I figured that it was because its easier for them to confirm the correct donation amount quickly and not find out later that they have been shorted. I suppose this would matter less if the providers counted the money beforehand, but I think both sides prefer that dealing directory with the donation at the beginning of the session is off putting and potentially dangerous for first time encounters.

GaGambler426 reads

Just the biggest you can get.

Personally I think the last thing a woman wants is to be carrying around a "three card monte" bankroll. I opt for hundreds unless grabbing money from the ATM, in that case I agree, twenties it is. I have never heard of a gal refusing them.

If you ever want to bring a blackjack table to a screeching halt, just try buying in for ten grand all in twenties. Yes, I have done this and yes it stopped the table for a good fifteen minutes to count all the bills. lol

GaGambler379 reads

Actually a standard bank deposit envelope will hold a hundred bills without bursting at the seams, in hundreds that's ten grand. Ten grand in twenties would be five chock full envelopes full of cash.

I no longer carry tens of thousands in cash, but I used to laugh at people talking about $50,000 being a small briefcase full of cash, I have gone through airport security dozens of times with fifty grand in my pockets. Domestic flights of course, I would never dream of doing so on an international flight. I am VERY careful to carry no more than $10,000 on international flights.

I couple of years ago I had about $2,000 in twenties in my pockets, and I had to empty my pockets to go through the scanner.  Sure enough a TSA guy had me wait to talk to another fed (treasury?) who wanted to know why I had so much cash on me.  I told him I was on my way to Phoenix, and liked to go to the well known antiques malls over in Scottsdale where cash is king.  I said I didn't like the highway robbery of the foreign ATMs so that's why I travel with the cash.  After a few minutes he tossed me back into the ocean.

So now I no long bring any significant amount of cash through the airport, I pay the ATM fees when hobbying in the road.

Be careful if leaving the country with over $10,000.  You have to report it or you're ass will really be grass

GaGambler415 reads

I typically make 50-100 flights a year and I have NEVER, not even once been hassled over a few grand in cash.

but yes, I agree completely about international flights, I NEVER carry more than ten grand on international flights, but I often carry right at ten grand if I expect to be "partying hearty" and spending more than what is convenient to get out of an ATM each day. Never has it been a problem.

I agree with the $20 bills.  Not only are they easier to get and less likely to arouse suspicion, but I see providers in the $150-250 range, so there's no point in using big bills, anyway.

I will use the envelopes I receive from the bank when I make a teller or ATM withdrawal, but the banks are getting cheaper and don't always give me back my cash in one. So, if I have one, I use it-if not, I don't. It also is a good way to right down the floor, room number, door code, etc., since I know I won't be taking it home.

I can eyeball it and when satisfied, can get on with the job knowing I have been compensated...always makes for a better session for me.

it just seems a bit classier and more respectful to us both than "dropping a wad of cash on the table". Hell, I've placed the cash in a "Thank You" card inside that unsealed envelope - little effort, but a genuine expression of appreciation. Plus, she can always reuse the thank you card!

Guess I'm just a bit old-fashioned or perhaps a bit delusional. Either way, I'll live with it and feel no need to change. It works for me to minimize the awkwardness of the financial transaction and keep focus on the fun and fantasy elements of the date.

To each, his/her own

GaGambler404 reads

I have never used an envelope, nor do I ever plan on using one. If a hooker is so anal  as to refuse my money because it's not in an envelope she's most likely too anal in other ways for us to be a good fit.

There is nothing "awkward" about dropping three or four (or even a dozen) hundred dollars bills on the nightstand or in the bathroom when getting undressed or taking a shower.

so I can't screw up & forget to leave the donation.  I quickly found out I don't like sharpo cornered  envolupes in my casual clothes...  The donation should be correct & precounted, always, so no fumbling.  I use a big paperclip to keep the precounted donation together.  
IF I was going to use an envolupe, I'd use a generic one that comes with so many bills these days...  and often do not get used...

is having the correct amount whether it is an envelope or not does not make any difference to me.

I have read the ladies like us to wash our hands before a session.  I am thinking if someone washed their hands, then laid down cash not in an envelope they would undo the good they did by washing their hands.  Or, if the ladies handle the cash then touch your goober, that would not be too pleasant.

For sanitary reasons, I would go with an envelope just so neither one of us has to handle that nasty cash, because you don't know what snotty nosed flu carrying person may have handled the cash prior to you handling it.

Probably not a major deal, but I have heard that money is one of the nastiest things you can touch, along with the remote control in a motel room and a gas pump.

I prefer large bills (Benjamins) but I sometimes don't have enough with me and I have to top off with 20s from the ATM.  

I started out with the "plain white envelope" but I kind of learned that it wasn't necessary. If I have a white envelope, I use it. Sometimes one of those bill-sized bank envelopes; sometimes a sheet of white paper from the copier is folded around the cash. I am usually in urban areas so I can usually stop at a news stand and buy a magazine that I think my hostess might like and I slip in a "bookmark" and make sure she understands why I put a magazine on the table or dresser. When visiting ladies of international origin, I look for a foreign language magazine or newspaper as "bookmark" holder. And sometimes I just place the bills in an obvious enough but not too obvious spot. And there are plenty of times when we don't settle up until afterwards. There have been a few occasions when I, before stepping back into the real world, had to remind HER that there was one more thing on the menu!

None of my hostesses has ever said anything to me about the delivery method. I think that most of them don't care as long as they are not stressed and are comfortable in the knowledge that I've taken care of "that."  

-- Modified on 12/2/2015 7:58:56 PM

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