TER General Board

Power Huh?
cashorcredit 880 reads


Bear with me this is going to seem strange but it will make sense in the end.  Trust me.

The other day I was at a professional event.  This has happened to me alot over the course of my career and I still fucking love it.  There were about 200 people at this event and I was the only Black person in the room.  Now most people get scared at this situation.  But yours truly is such a F.U.King arrogant asshole I thrive on this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the event was OK (one or 2 contacts for future business).  But nothing great.  Here is the crazy thing.  I would do it all over again.  I would even pay them next time.  Just to be the only black guy in the room so people keep coming up to me asking "You are with *** and you do ****" and then give me that look like "damn REALLY"

Then I started thinking about the Hobby.  Per my usual self.  I just like having women waiting for me in hotel rooms so that I can do nasty things to them.  I get off on it.  Why?  Fuck if I know.  When I walk into that room I like knowing that damn I bought this chick for $$$.  Now that's power mfers.  For the next 60 minutes I own her.  Wow that makes my dick hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I definitely hobby for power not sex.  Does that make me weird?

Now I know the women on here say this is about a job.  But stop the shit.  Some of them are def. here for the power as well.  I saw one Provider that said her first date was like getting high.  She couldn't believe someone paid her $$$ for an hour of sex.  It took her 2 days to come down of that feeling.  

So do you Hobby/Provide for Money, Sex Or Power?  And remember if you lie you are only lying to yourself:)

-- Modified on 11/24/2014 7:06:51 PM

Back_In_Black1081 reads

have a nice thanksgiving and your still my favorite COLORED guy here ( don't know why that offends people ) . and I do enjoy most of your posts don't know why that is but honestly I do .

later rt  

Posted By: Ridgetucky
Bear with me this is going to seem strange but it will make sense in the end.  Trust me.  
 The other day I was at a professional event.  This has happened to me alot over the course of my career and I still fucking love it.  There were about 200 people at this event and I was the only Black person in the room.  Now most people get scared at this situation.  But yours truly is such a F.U.King arrogant asshole I thrive on this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
 Now the event was OK (one or 2 contacts for future business).  But nothing great.  Here is the crazy thing.  I would do it all over again.  I would even pay them next time.  Just to be the only black guy in the room so people keep coming up to me asking "You are with *** and you do ****" and then give me that look like "damn REALLY"  
 Then I started thinking about the Hobby.  Per my usual self.  I just like having women waiting for me in hotel rooms so that I can do nasty things to them.  I get off on it.  Why?  Fuck if I know.  When I walk into that room I like knowing that damn I bought this chick for $$$.  Now that's power mfers.  For the next 60 minutes I own her.  Wow that makes my dick hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
 But I definitely hobby for power not sex.  Does that make me weird?  
 Now I know the women on here say this is about a job.  But stop the shit.  Some of them are def. here for the power as well.  I saw one Provider that said her first date was like getting high.  She couldn't believe someone paid her $$$ for an hour of sex.  It took her 2 days to come down of that feeling.    
 So do you Hobby/Provide for Money, Sex Or Power?  And remember if you lie you are only lying to yourself:)

-- Modified on 11/24/2014 7:06:51 PM

You can say "I'm a person of color," but you can't say "colored." You can say "Asian" but not "Oriental." You can say, "Developmentally disabled" but not "retarded".  And before that you could say "retarded" but not "imbecile."  If a descriptive word is around long enough it becomes pejorative and MUST be changed.
So why can't I say both RTs are imbeciles? It happens to be true.

Back_In_Black786 reads

I bet mrs . rt would cook for us while we played cards or pool and downed a few cold ones . argued a bit and then went our separate ways , its fun to disagree at times and I have to say rt doesn't complain or whine so hes okay in my book ( hope hes not a rapist or serial killer lol ) . and his threads do provoke thought and hes misunderstood ( but I kinda get his point sometime ) . so may I suggest we agree to disagree and enjoy one another ( not in a gay way ) .  

Posted By: inicky46
You can say "I'm a person of color," but you can't say "colored." You can say "Asian" but not "Oriental." You can say, "Developmentally disabled" but not "retarded".  And before that you could say "retarded" but not "imbecile."  If a descriptive word is around long enough it becomes pejorative and MUST be changed.  
 So why can't I say both RTs are imbeciles? It happens to be true.

CubaGoodingJRsMama744 reads

Um, hell no he doesn't own ANYONE. IMO he's a sick ftard.

And 200 people weren't scared of his stupid ass either at some seminar either.

I know that one lady he's reviewed wouldn't put up with him acting a fool and treating her like he OWNED her for an hour. He's blowing smoke and  probably begs for what he gets from a lady and comes on here acting like this. I call BULL SHIT on RidgeTURDY. Ridgebilly for sure though.

Back_In_Black628 reads

and isn't that rod . or are you rod who is rod and can rod post so I know your not rod  . anyway rt writes shit to provoke , push buttons and obviously hes pushed yours not mine . I didn't  even read the shit but I do from time to time and he sometimes makes a good point or two . lately hes been off on a tangent must be cosby that got to him . either way tell him how you feel not me .

Posted By: CubaGoodingJRsMama
Um, hell no he doesn't own ANYONE. IMO he's a sick ftard.

And 200 people weren't scared of his stupid ass either at some seminar either.

I know that one lady he's reviewed wouldn't put up with him acting a fool and treating her like he OWNED her for an hour. He's blowing smoke and  probably begs for what he gets from a lady and comes on here acting like this. I call BULL SHIT on RidgeTURDY. Ridgebilly for sure though.

CubaGoodingJRsMama550 reads

and I was also responding to a couple of your comments as well, which of course were how you see Ridgefuckoffy.

It's all good BIB, I was being a tad sarcastic about another RT's posts since he's been back.

I mean, really, Schmucky, you need to step up your troll game.  This one was weak.
PS: Do you know who else has sex for power, not sex? Rapists.

....but being a hobbyist ain't one of them.  
She holds all the cards, not us.

Being good at sex is so easy. You don't need to show off...
Once you figure this out, you won't want to brag, or care what anyone else is doing.

If not, what good is the "feeling" of power? Unless paying for sex is the only time you feel a sense of power.  

Seriously, power exchange is part of the encounter with anyone, sexual or not. I don't see how contracting with an escort gives you more power than, say, having a gardener work on your lawn for a few hours or a housecleaner mop and dust for a few hours. Do you feel powerful if a cabbie chauffeurs you downtown? Does the bartender mixing your drink or the chef preparing your meal give you a sense of power? And if so, how much fucking joy can you derive out of sitting around feeling powerful with everyone doing your life for you?

 You're right this time, your OP is a sensible statement for a change, but it's very boring.

Back_In_Black641 reads

over her has to be on a rush as she is controlling the situation from the start especially here .
1. form  
2. references  
3. rules  
4. select menu  
5. times up  

of course its a power trip of sorts !  
now this does not apply to all but for those women who are smart and at the top of their game , its a rush . however most aren't and discounts or thredADS show weakness . also being in the top of any group has merit and being sought after by men in a mans world ( if we actually do still live in one ) is a high .  

Posted By: Ridgetucky
Bear with me this is going to seem strange but it will make sense in the end.  Trust me.  
 The other day I was at a professional event.  This has happened to me alot over the course of my career and I still fucking love it.  There were about 200 people at this event and I was the only Black person in the room.  Now most people get scared at this situation.  But yours truly is such a F.U.King arrogant asshole I thrive on this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
 Now the event was OK (one or 2 contacts for future business).  But nothing great.  Here is the crazy thing.  I would do it all over again.  I would even pay them next time.  Just to be the only black guy in the room so people keep coming up to me asking "You are with *** and you do ****" and then give me that look like "damn REALLY"  
 Then I started thinking about the Hobby.  Per my usual self.  I just like having women waiting for me in hotel rooms so that I can do nasty things to them.  I get off on it.  Why?  Fuck if I know.  When I walk into that room I like knowing that damn I bought this chick for $$$.  Now that's power mfers.  For the next 60 minutes I own her.  Wow that makes my dick hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
 But I definitely hobby for power not sex.  Does that make me weird?  
 Now I know the women on here say this is about a job.  But stop the shit.  Some of them are def. here for the power as well.  I saw one Provider that said her first date was like getting high.  She couldn't believe someone paid her $$$ for an hour of sex.  It took her 2 days to come down of that feeling.    
 So do you Hobby/Provide for Money, Sex Or Power?  And remember if you lie you are only lying to yourself:)

-- Modified on 11/24/2014 7:06:51 PM

For myself anyway, I hobby to have sex with beautiful, sexy women who are willing to make me cum 4 times in two hours. It's really just that simple, great sex with women who would never give me even a second look IRL.There's no thought of a power exchange for me, I just want to get off.

for only a certain period of time, and within certain limits.  That's fine, but I would hardly construe that as great power.

Now, if you want to have power, you act in a way that would allow you to influence her mind.  That is something that can last a long time, and is greatly more powerful, if not rewarding.  It's also quite difficult.

Think about that.

Not weird, but pathetic. I do it because it is fun and feels good.

Storm the citadel of my womanhood and bend me to your will. (but first take a shower and leave the envelope on the dresser)

skarphedin790 reads

She loves and she confesses too,
There’s then at last no more to do;
The happy work’s entirely done,
Enter the town which thou hast won;
The fruits of conquest now begin,
Io, triumph, enter in.

What’s this, ye Gods! What can it be?
Remains there still an enemy?
Bold Honour stands up in the gate,
And would yet capitulate.
Have I o’ercome all real foes,
And shall this phantom me oppose?

Noisy nothing, stalking shade,
By what witchcraft wert thou made,
Thou empty cause of solid harms?
But I shall find out counter charms,
Thy airy devilship to remove
From this circle here of love.

Sure I shall rid myself of thee
By the night’s obscurity,
And obscurer secrecy;
Unlike to ev’ry other spright
Thou attempt’st not men to affright
Nor appear’st but in the light.

Abraham Cowley (1618-1667)

Barbarians storming at the gate
Is no cause for trepidation.
I’ll gladly be a willing slave
For proper compensation.

Rasha (2014

skarphedin736 reads

There once was a woman named Rasha
Whose beauty so overwhelmed a great Rajah
That he took of his pants and went into a trance
And gave her all his money for sex.

I'm here for the sex. But more than that, I'm here to find ladies who enjoy sex too. It's way more fun that way. Everyone is cynical, and scoffs at the idea that the lady can enjoy herself within the session. That the women we see here are all 100% fakes in one way or another. Yes, there are a lot of women like that. But also, there are women who are here for the sex too. Yeah, the money is a nice sidelight, but rest assured, the sex is top priority. I will not go into detail for the cynical sharks who swim these waters. It takes time, but when I find a woman who enjoys herself, she's passed my final screening process, and joins my atf circle.  

Actually, I will tell you about one lady. Of course, Sharky's Machine will say that I'm making this up. There is a lady out there who screens in a slightly different way than normal. It's kind of the reverse of normal. If she doesn't get completely satisfied by the paying gentleman, she refuses to see him again. He goes on her blacklist. You better bring your A game. But if you bring your A game, sessions always go way over. So many of the ladies, real or fake, are 400, 500, 600, and 1k or more per hour these days. Her non grandfathered rate has remained at 240, and I've known her for 6 years now. In fact, when she gets hornier than hell, and you've spent your hobby budget for the month, she just says come on over (freebies do happen Sharky, but likely not to you). She enjoys doubles, and triples. That's two guys or three. She arranges gang bangs in private forums, at discounted rates for obvious reasons. IRL she swings with the best of them, and is married. I can't tell you two other things I know about her for safety purposes, but the moniker under her provider name states that she likes sex. It's not just an advertising come on. Its true! That's just one story. I have others.

Of course, I am not an escort but I get really turned on by what I do. I wouldn't do it for free because it is the money that turns me on.

skarphedin777 reads

“Happiness is the feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti-Christ  

And the pussy licking: god how I love that.  

Later Edit

resistance and opposition = society not escorts.  

The escorts are the reason for the season!

-- Modified on 11/25/2014 1:00:28 PM

Comes closer to hitting the mark, particularly when you have just paid to have sex with someone you would not do IRL absent copious amounts of alcohol.  And yes, money can buy you some freedom but it can also trap you.

As far as the payee is concerned, hell yeah, it has to be empowering to know that you can charge pretty good sums of money for somebody to drool over you.   That being said, get real, the ladies are doing this because they see it as the best opportunity to make a living for themselves and their families - although it sure is nice to run into ladies who enjoy their work and are confident, there is nothing sexier than confidence.

Chauncey Gardner705 reads

That meeting with your boss or with your supervisees, the daily commute,  the obnoxious guy sitting next to you on the plane,  the flight attendant who ignores you, your SO asking why you're . . . whatever,  the "friendly" banter with the janitor,  the tense exchange with the computer support person on the phone an ocean away,  the stern looks at the neighbors who let their dogs run unleashed,  explaining to your child why he can't kick his little sister,  the traffic cop treating you like a terrorist for going 10 miles over the speed limit,  the doctor who makes you wait a half hour, the woman at the gym who will not let you use the TRX bands even while she's resting, and on and on. We're constantly testing,  one-upping, challenging,  positioning, and otherwise trying to exercise or respond to power.  And for the record yes, it is part of the turn on when I stop and think that with the mere exercise of a little financial leverage i am able to get two hot women to tap each other with strap ons, one hot woman to let me do outrageous things with her, and to be able to diddle women who wouldn't give me a 2nd look in civvy life ("Hey look what I can do! ").  Damned humans.

-- Modified on 11/25/2014 10:31:27 AM

-- Modified on 11/25/2014 10:32:37 AM

Getting sex from men for free is so simple. Getting them to pay you for that, well that is like a drug and I can control the usage/dosage so as I don't have any side effects that can make this harmful or irritating to me.  

And that Tuck is the absolute truth.

wrps07742 reads

If were not for the sex I would not pay to hobby. It does feel pretty powerful to see what providers are willing to do anal sex, bondage, etc.  

Don't forget about the rule of 72, how long it takes to double your money (72 divide by rate of return). Think about how much you will need for retirement to live for 30 years. That might cause you too hobby a lot less. The government has realized that folks are not saving enough and in 2015 if you are 50 or over you can put away $24,000/year in your 401k, plus another $6500 in your IRA if you are under certain income limits.

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