TER General Board

Plus one? The archivist should have posted it before she did. (E)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 341 reads


I can't take this crap much longer.

I can see why all the fun people of the board aren't here. This board has become a board of pathetic losers looking to pick fights and complain about stupidity on a fuck board. This board is all hate. Gone all the days of refreshing banter going back and forth now it's this guy is a troll this guy is a prick and no useful knowledge anywhere that I can see. Come on guys I thought we were better than this.

I haven't seen the cream of the litter providers in here based on getting crap for posting there idea's and getting wise ass comments in return. I wouldn't want to be in here either if I was a provider. Where are the Alyson Parkers she was a great writer. I haven't seen Allie Elina Steph Rox Lauren Savannah forgive me I forget her first name Killington or anyone else in here in weeks.  

Can someone please start a conversation which isn't going to turn into crap.  

I thank you and have a great night.

-- Modified on 5/30/2016 7:19:51 PM

what would it take to push you over the edge?

Actually, I kind of agree with you.  The only thing worse than the guys who want to pick a fight are the ones that are whiney, don't you agree

GaGambler439 reads

but without whiny little fuckers (or fat ones) who would the rest of us have to laugh at?

Once upon a time almost all the BSU's, BSC hookers, and board pinatas left the board pretty much at the same time and until they were replaced by a brand new crop of BSU's, BSC hookers and board pinatas, the rest of us were forced to turn on each other for entertainment.

So lets not be so hasty in bidding Scoed Jr adieu. Guys (and gals) like him serve a necessary function here, without them who would we have to laugh at?

GaGambler420 reads

I might need to find some extra stout rope for Zak, besides being 400 pounds, I wonder if he can bench 400 pounds?

FatVern496 reads

You can laugh at me, but I doubt if I'd make a very good piñata, unless admin doesn't let all my post go through.

GaGambler450 reads

Not just a frontrunner, but most often the odds on favorite, you have also been a board pinata since before Zak had even heard of this place.

I see what posts admin does let through, I can only imagine how stupid the ones are that don't make the cut.

FatVern329 reads

Most people usually end up looking like fool for responding to my posts.

... but it's their own doing, not mine.

....... that if you were a provider, writing such things, there would be those who would suggest you are burnt-out and embittered; perhaps in need of a break. :-)

I believe someone suggested that you take a break quite recently.   ;-)
Please consider doing so, and then return refreshed and renewed, able to laugh off all the "stupidity" and complaints.


PS ~ I too would love to see more ladies posting here.

Senator.Blutarsky400 reads

It appears to me that young Zak is a bit sensitive. One thing I've learned is not to let "locker room" banter bother me. Once, you show that it bothers you, then it's like blood in the water for the sharks and they swarm in. The best course of action is to simply ignore them and they'll get bored and move on to other prey.  

Of course, the another strategy is to give it right back, but this requires some "game", which it also appears he lacks.  

Solo mis dos centavos.

GaGambler504 reads

But yeah, DH is usually spot on in her advice,

AND, she has a nice rack for an old broad. lol

How about we get more hookers who "get it" like Debbie and less PITA, whiny johns like Scoed Jr.

Last time I said something merely answering a question a hobbyist had written about why really high end girls don't seem to be on the board, I got some abusive PM's for my trouble which I deleted feeling quite upset about the whole thing. It just encouraged me to keep my head down and the writing superficial. No one wants to come on a board like this and get their parts sand blasted for their opinions or answers - after all isn't this just a fuck board at the end of the day and hardly to be taken terribly seriously?  
My long winded point is that maybe that's why other ladies have backed off posting - it's all been a bit nasty in here.

people can't respond without being bitter and mean.

it's ironic, because usually i'd say go get laid, but that's what this board is supposedly for lol.

unfortunately it seems that most men  (and a few women) who occupy these boards are too immature to converse like adults.  that's why i stay on the local boards for the most part.

Nothing is ever going to modify the prevailing behavior here.  Well-intentioned newcomers are continually slammed.  Never going to change.  Simply a fact of life not worth worrying about.  This board is destined to be a piece of garbage forever.  

-- Modified on 5/31/2016 6:50:40 AM

The board is too politically correct to be all that useful. There are too many guys who worship hookers and go nuts anytime anything unfavorable is said about the subject..  

Amber Alert: Where is Hobbyist Truth?

it didn't use to be this bad.  used to be 60% interesting and 40% bs.  now the bs outweighs the interesting by 9 to 1 or so.

I think I snapped at somebody the other day regarding a serious issue when a stupid question was directed my way!  Seriously, I believe it was the only time in 5 years I have ever publicly been negative.
For the most part, take it for what it's worth. It takes little courage to bully or belittle someone behind the safety of a keyboard, when you know you will never meet them face to face.  It would not surprise me that the most belligerent and bellicose posters are probably 5 foot nothing and weigh 100 and nothing IRL

Same goes for the braggers; you know the guys who have all the wealth and proclaim on this forum all the freebies they are rewarded with!  If they truly have been there-done that, they would not feel the need to express it.

It is always the empty barrel that makes the loudest racket!

Posted By: Zak0326
I can't take this crap much longer.  
 I can see why all the fun people of the board aren't here. This board has become a board of pathetic losers looking to pick fights and complain about stupidity on a fuck board. This board is all hate. Gone all the days of refreshing banter going back and forth now it's this guy is a troll this guy is a prick and no useful knowledge anywhere that I can see. Come on guys I thought we were better than this.  
 I haven't seen the cream of the litter providers in here based on getting crap for posting there idea's and getting wise ass comments in return. I wouldn't want to be in here either if I was a provider. Where are the Alyson Parkers she was a great writer. I haven't seen Allie Elina Steph Rox Lauren Savannah forgive me I forget her first name Killington or anyone else in here in weeks.  
 Can someone please start a conversation which isn't going to turn into crap.  
 I thank you and have a great night.  

-- Modified on 5/30/2016 7:19:51 PM

JakeFromStateFarm356 reads

I'm not going to argue about guys like me who call out posters we think are idiots or are giving out bad advice.  I'd say we serve a useful purpose in that.  I do take exception with your statement "you know you will never meet them face to face."  In fact, more than a few of us have met at Meet & Greets or gotten together to party, both men and women.  We are in touch back channel and sometimes even meet in some rather interesting locales.  This little world can be rather rich that way.  And, guess what?  It starts on the boards.  If you can respect the way someone posts, many wonderful things can flow from it.  And we're not all trash-talkers either.  Some of us are real gentlemen and ladies.  Not me though!  LOL!
Have a nice night, gov.

JakeFromStateFarm423 reads

But this board has always been a toxic swamp.  Some of us actually enjoy it that way.  I'm surely one of those "losers" you're talking about and frankly, I don't give a rat's ass what you think.  You've proven yourself to be an almost complete fool, whose opinions are valuable only as a counter-intuitive guide on what NOT to do.
But don't take it too hard, Zak, and please don't leave.  We have precious few pinatas around here and it would be a shame to lose one.

Browse and poke around as you wish; ignore all you like.

One things pretty certain, it isn't going anywhere.

-- Modified on 5/30/2016 8:28:11 PM

VOO-doo393 reads

It's NEVER been like this before. EVER.  

I'm not saying that it's perfect, but part of what makes this board entertaining/informative is the level of honesty... If it degenerates to prick-ish-ness and abuse at times... that's just a reflection of human nature. SO learn a lesson from that. Whatever you take from it. It just is what it is.  

If you really can't take the crap anymore, then don't.

Not sure about you but I come to TER to find hot women and enjoy a few laughs.

For a guy to get stressed out by the banter here means you are too emotionally involved.

P4p, for me Zak, is stress relieving and the second it becomes stress inducing is when I need to leave.

Don't worry about all the posters that left as they leave for many reasons and new ones come on board all the time. Many of the ones you are lamenting will most likely come back in time but maybe they needed a break and took it? Hmmmmm...

You keep talking about negativity yet your posts are filled with same.

There are some very serious things in p4p like UA/traffiking, stalking, threatening etc and the good people here all gather together to fight that insanity.

But whether or not so and so is or is not posting at the moment, isn't one of those serious issues.

Just a thought, but maybe you should consider it is still Memorial Day, as many brave men and women gave their life so we could be free and maybe that will put all your worries about this place in its proper perspective. :

expecting sympathy, boy did you come to the wrong place!  Lol

The board ebbs and flows a little but it's generally been the same for many years. Nothing has drastically changed since you joined.

By the way do you have s brother whose initials are RT?

I posted this back in 2012, but it still applies today:

"This is not exactly the Algonquin Roundtable. It's more akin to The Island of Misfit Toys, rezoned for the depraved. And we have 'em all: gawkers, stalkers, confederates, degenerates, panderers, philanderers, enablers, unstablers, the scary, the wary,  flamers, disdainers, complainers, the neurotic, quixotic, robotic, ingrates, reprobates, thinkers, stinkers and a whole bunch of drinkers, all rolled into one happy, albeit dysfunctional family. Why would you want to change that?"

Maybe if you want to see things change send  some positive energy bc your not making anything better

souls_harbor355 reads

There does seem to be a lot of drama here.  I cut way back posting here, and now only use an alias exclusively because nothing good can come from posting under ones main TER name.

On the other hand, telling trolls and assholes that they annoy you is mothers milk to them.  They will redouble their efforts

This board has always been pretty much a **** hole.  It is dominated by a very small percentage (compared to the overall size of the TER community) of vocal posters who love drama and ripping their chosen victims to pieces.  You can see it in this thread - Zak has brought great joy and happiness to them.  

Complaining about it is futile.  Always has been.  Always will be.  If you don't like the atmosphere here, then stay away, and just go about enjoying the hobby.  Which is what the vast majority of TER members do.  This board is an irrelevant side show, and expecting it to be useful beyond low-level entertainment is a losing proposition.  

I don't expect to ever start a thread here, since I have no interest in what 95% of the regular posters have to say, and even less interest in feeding the drama.  It would be great if this board was a more useful place, but then again it is an anonymous internet message board.  Why let it get to you?  It is what it is.

this industry drained me and i am disappointed in people and humanity  

i am hoping i get to retire end of this summer  

Zak, you have a point  

Posted By: Zak0326
I can't take this crap much longer.  
 I can see why all the fun people of the board aren't here. This board has become a board of pathetic losers looking to pick fights and complain about stupidity on a fuck board. This board is all hate. Gone all the days of refreshing banter going back and forth now it's this guy is a troll this guy is a prick and no useful knowledge anywhere that I can see. Come on guys I thought we were better than this.  
 I haven't seen the cream of the litter providers in here based on getting crap for posting there idea's and getting wise ass comments in return. I wouldn't want to be in here either if I was a provider. Where are the Alyson Parkers she was a great writer. I haven't seen Allie Elina Steph Rox Lauren Savannah forgive me I forget her first name Killington or anyone else in here in weeks.  
 Can someone please start a conversation which isn't going to turn into crap.  
 I thank you and have a great night.  

-- Modified on 5/30/2016 7:19:51 PM

bonordonor471 reads

79 reviews in a short 7 month career might be a record. Maybe perfectstorm knows...

and if the 1:10  average holds true, you know what that means.

1:10 ... equals 790 by your count ... seven months ... 210 days ... equals almost 4 appointments a day every day, u days a week.  

I don't think so ... but who knows. I don't. that doesnt mean 4 different partners, but 4 partners every day.  

does anyone wanna take credit for making up that stat

Reminds me of a Frank Sinatra Song: That’s Life:

That's life (that's life) that's what people say
You're riding high in April
Shot down in May
But I know I'm gonna change that tune
When I'm back on top, back on top in June
I said, that's life (that's life) and as funny as it may seem
Some people get their kicks
Stompin' on a dream
But I don't let it, let it get me down
'Cause this fine old world it keeps spinnin' around

-- Modified on 5/31/2016 8:20:24 AM

JakeFromStateFarm492 reads

I'm not going to list all this useful topics I found, but I'd say any fair-minded person who simply scrolls down this page will find mostly interesting and/or useful threads that are largely free (I did not say entirely free) of flaming.
Are there more than a few flame wars?  Sure.  Some of them involving me.  Nothing new about that.
One thing's for sure; this is no place for the thin-skinned.  Zak, I think you need to sit in a corner for a while and just keep repeating, "It's only a fuck board.  Words can't hurt me."  Do this until you get things figured out.

souls_harbor448 reads

I don't post much, but continue to read.   Some topics are interesting up until the regulars come and crap all over everything.

GaGambler478 reads

So far most of your posts have been nothing but whines. If you don't like the way things are, contribute something interesting instead of whining about a little verbal roughhousing.

As Jake said, "it's only a fuckboard, it's only a fuckboard"

souls_harbor427 reads

Every new topic just gives you one more place to crap on.

Posted By: GaGambler
So far most of your posts have been nothing but whines. If you don't like the way things are, contribute something interesting instead of whining about a little verbal roughhousing.  
 As Jake said, "it's only a fuckboard, it's only a fuckboard"

GaGambler408 reads

I think we can agree that some of the biggest assholes on the board are me, Jake, Jack and Perfect Storm. Combined we must have well over ten thousand helpful posts for both newbies and veterans alike. How many helpful posts do you have? All I see out of you is whining.

...you have over 14,000 posts on this board all by yourself.  :-)

souls_harbor382 reads

The nouveau riche syndrome.  You've climbed to the top of the heap so you can ... crap on everyone below.   You see it in Hollywood all the time.  Some nobody from nowhere gets a few good roles and suddenly they are divas from hell.  A legends in their own minds.

Posted By: GaGambler
I think we can agree that some of the biggest assholes on the board are me, Jake, Jack and Perfect Storm. Combined we must have well over ten thousand helpful posts for both newbies and veterans alike. How many helpful posts do you have? All I see out of you is whining.

Posted By: Zak0326
I can't take this crap much longer.  
 I can see why all the fun people of the board aren't here. This board has become a board of pathetic losers looking to pick fights and complain about stupidity on a fuck board. This board is all hate. Gone all the days of refreshing banter going back and forth now it's this guy is a troll this guy is a prick and no useful knowledge anywhere that I can see. Come on guys I thought we were better than this.  
 I haven't seen the cream of the litter providers in here based on getting crap for posting there idea's and getting wise ass comments in return. I wouldn't want to be in here either if I was a provider. Where are the Alyson Parkers she was a great writer. I haven't seen Allie Elina Steph Rox Lauren Savannah forgive me I forget her first name Killington or anyone else in here in weeks.  
 Can someone please start a conversation which isn't going to turn into crap.  
 I thank you and have a great night.  

-- Modified on 5/30/2016 7:19:51 PM

This is a man's Board.   A lady is representing her business when she posts and is in Danger of receiving the HATE that flows easily from this Board.  It is SAFER for a lady to Not Post.

JakeFromStateFarm429 reads

You manage to make your points and not attract any attackers, so it can be done.  And you are far from alone.  So while it may be a "man's Board," smart, sexy and literate ladies are very welcome.  Hell, even Fancy gets along OK here because she handles the teasing fine.  The people who have problems are over-sensitive whiners of both sexes.

FatVern280 reads

What is the point of the teasing?

Sometimes it appears funny, other times it appears sad.

JakeFromStateFarm408 reads

Fancy gets teased  because of the awful things she does to the English language.  You get teased because of the awful things you do to rational thought.  So the two of you are somewhat alike.  No one is forcing you to come here and put up SPOTY posts.  I guess you just can't help yourself.  Fancy, too, seems unable to post without sounding like Tonto or Tarzan.  Oh, well......

FatVern350 reads

It's sad to see the same people constantly do the teasing, it would appear the people doing the teasing have nothing else better to do. Kind of like an out of work hooker.

If I was trying to attract clients, I might have concern about what I post.  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Fancy gets teased  because of the awful things she does to the English language.  You get teased because of the awful things you do to rational thought.  So the two of you are somewhat alike.  No one is forcing you to come here and put up SPOTY posts.  I guess you just can't help yourself.  Fancy, too, seems unable to post without sounding like Tonto or Tarzan.  Oh, well......
Oh, well... is right.

humorous sarcasm and tongue in cheek that goes on here.  Most guys keep it light even with the teasing or when making a substantive argument, but many times with humor, what sounds funny in your head comes out as an attack when you write it out.  I've had it happen to me a few times on other boards where the IQ's are substantially lower overall.  

Other times, guys may sound passionate, serious and intense when they are arguing a point, but they are just messing with their subject-matter adversaries and the ones that don't get it.  Many of us just like to poke the bear to see the reaction.  

So its only "sad" when people don't get it.

Yes. I agree.  There are some over-sensitive men and women.  I say this is a man's Board because the ladies are not free to rant and vent, because their BUSINESS is attached to every post. ( if they use their real business name)   I post, yet I know, every word I type has the potential to come back and bite me in the ass.  Deep truthful emotions of a woman will not be common on this Board.  The place would go up in flames.

FatVern332 reads

It would be stupid for a woman to let her emotions flow on this, or any board.

ShillBill559 reads

There are providers who want to keep a low profile on TER and don't post much. However, to get on the PO board you need to have a board presence. If a provider has the prerequisite number of reviews, board presence shouldn't matter.

Plus keep in mind the PO board is not private.

There have been many times info was shared outside the board.

This side of my life is hidden. I do not speak to family/friends, so posting here is a relief at times to share with others who share in our "hobby".

I get that it's a F board, but don't get the need to daily barrage with bashing and nastiness.

When I see posts belittling those who may or may not have "issues" it makes me cringe
I see no good in being hurtful, for your own enjoyment. There are many here who do this regularly and it's why I have slowed my posting.

It is a man's board, but know there are many who don't act like that and don't post because of the aggression.

The 90% (Yes, i made that up 😎) who are not part of those posters*, thank you. You're honesty and feedback is helpful and makes me a better provider.

* Gag excluded ( he has a get out of jail free pass for life in my book)  

So there, I said what I think. Have at me, I'm off to continue with my day.

Stay sexy, not nasty! 😍


Don't say "hobby" in front of Jake.  Pass it on.

GaGambler477 reads

Not only did it not hurt her business, but she embraced it and could have trademarked it she was so good at it. lol

but yes, a guy only has to be worried about getting on a few DNS lists, a woman can find herself talking herself right into the poor house here. That's why some of the more honest women's opinions are done from behind an alias.

But what does this have to do with Droopy Zak? are you insinuating he has a vagina?

NoYellowEnvelope448 reads

... from her perspective.  She used an alias so that she was free to express her unfiltered opinions without affecting her business.  I miss her and her perspective.  :(

I'm kinda trippin over the "cream of the litter" analogy, but hey maybe the ladies mentioned are considered sex kittens!

I've been busy with my IRL stuff lately but thanks or thinking about me. And It's Samantha Killington that you are thinking about. How did I know that your thread was going turn into crap, sigh? Your OP is pretty much a fire starter...

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 5/31/2016 5:35:11 AM

JakeFromStateFarm401 reads

Your hand basket is here.

The debate continues, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes ugly.  Get used to it...the drama, the bull$hit, the utterly inane, the occasional train wreak...that's life here.  If you wish to withdraw, your call...

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