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Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 3680 reads

So far my attempts to have an affair have ended with snickers, laugher, or pepper spray.

-- Modified on 6/10/2005 11:02:04 AM

numbnuts114055 reads

Has anyone experienced this??????

I recently had a session with a suburban housewife (provider) at her suburban home. It really felt creepy with pictures of her husband and stepkids/children all over the place. We sat and talked in the living room for about 30mins before she led me up to her own bedroom.  Session was great, she told me her husband knew what she was doing and she had sent him out on a long errand.

I'm married (happily) hubby knows what I do- BUT... I prefer to keep my personal and play lives separate. I would never open my home to a client and thats why I have a separate apartment with no family photos etc. to play in. I think to work out of your home in which you live with your significant other/family is the creepy part. LOL

AnotherNYCProvider3654 reads

Wow! Thats great. But how do you do it? Since becoming an escort I feel like I cant even date! What do you say on the first or second date? oh by the way, I work as an escort.  I can see it now, they would either flip out and dump me and run for it or just screw me without wanting a relationship (free sex so to speak). Please, tell me your secrets on how this can happen. I miss having a BF! I want love too!!!  And I couldnt keep it secret either. And I would never give up my love for escorting for a man. ugh!

ellobo692212 reads

"I miss having a BF! I want love too!!!"

You touched my heart. Good luck. It's gotta be hard.

I don't miss having a boyfriend

all you men here give the perfect BFE

We love you for it !

This sure sounds too good to be true. Are you sure the husband was not in the next room with a hidden camera making videos for the internet?

RehabRob3254 reads

Try choosing what you want in your life rather than thinking in terms of what you can handle or perhaps what you deserve. Tell the guy (or gal) up front and get it over with because if he or she is not big enough to get past your 'labels'then it's likely they only want to FREE stuff and you can give that away to anyone. You are going to find your "friends" will be there out of inspiration (they genuinely care for your), perspiration (because they are “sweating” you about what you can give them, do for them), or desperation (because misery loves company, those nice nasty people in your life).  Ask yourself, why is this person in my life? Is it because everyone who comes in to a life mirrors back to us some part of ourselves we cannot or will not see? Sometimes there is little to evaluate when considering right or wrong; sometimes it's just is... sometimes the lesson is in the experience; sometimes the experience is placed there for us to discover the deepest parts of ourselves; sometimes it's not for us to understand or at least not right now...

-- Modified on 6/8/2005 9:54:17 PM

-- Modified on 6/8/2005 9:54:52 PM

Aphra4280 reads

Really interesting observations and advice in your post, RR, but I especially liked this bit:

"Ask yourself, why is this person in my life? Is it because everyone who comes in to a life mirrors back to us some part of ourselves we cannot or will not see?"

What a great insight!

And you're right about us not understanding, not right now ... often that comes later.

But good luck to the provider to whom your post was addressed.  It sounds like she lives in a bit of a vacuum, and I wish her well.


I loved escorting too but I gave it up for a man that I love. :)

RehabRob4540 reads

Did he know about your activities before you 'gave' it up? The reason I ask is that I have an acquaintance who was a hobbyist who found his new love and thought everything was great until she confessed that she was also a provider. For a time, things were okay, but as time can injurious to all things, they drifted apart. Was that a normal consequence that all relationships go through? I am not sure and till this day, he will not be candid with me about the reasons they split. Relationships of any type take work, sincerity, and above all trust. When we have hidden agendas or do not openly discuss certain parts of our lives, it can make the whole relationship feel like a lie. I tried desparately to get them into counseling, but the 'mistrust' prevailed. Here are a couple of quotes that may have a deeper meaning for you and others who have traversed this great plain. I do wish you well.

A relationship is placing one's heart and soul in the hands of another while taking charge of another in one's soul and heart--Kahlil Gibran

From Acts of Faith-- Iyanla Vanzant

When we enter a relationship, we don't often think or see beyond the physical being. We are attracted to the body, face or personality. We may like what the person does or how they do it and want to be a part of that. We may even experience a pull from within that we can't actually explain. But how often do we stop to consider the true depth of the person we are attracted to? There is a being before us that has a past, present and future. There is flesh and bones, hurts and scars, feelings, thoughts, and ideals. When we enter the world of another being we must be willing to be part of it all. When someone entrusts their heart to you they are giving you a piece of their soul. You cannot treat a soul casually. You must protect, nurture and handle it with care. Our interactions with one another must go beyond the face, body, and hair. One other thing we must consider when we enter someone's heart: there is a heart and soul inside of which they will play a part.

Aphra2258 reads

Well, that was not my intention at all, and I don't know how you can deduce that I was being judgmental from what I said.  Still, some things get lost in email.


tokai2904 reads

"I work as an escort. ... they would either flip out and dump me and run for it or just screw me without wanting a relationship (free sex so to speak)"

Or they might accept you for who you are. BTW: Don’t give him the free stuff right away. Make him earn it first. Except of course, if you are using him as a boy toy, then you don’t care about a relationship anyway.

"I would never give up my love for escorting for a man."

Then your challenge is to find a BF who is willing to accept that side of your life.

Go ahead and date. You don't have to tell him right away, but you can feel him out on his attitude to an "open relationship". If he balks, then he is not the right one for you.

In other posts, guys said they hobby for the variety. In some respects, you escort for the variety. If you never look, you will never find the right guy for you.

Now go take on the day, and whoever you can find.

TheShadow knows3034 reads

Three years ago I met a local provider living in a pristinely kept suburban home with a perfectly manicured lawn & garden. Her hubby had a Gov't job while she entertained at home. She/they also had a grown daughter who worked as an intern at a nearby hospital. It was a surreal experience to say the least when she spoke to her husband on the phone asking him to give it a bit more time before he returned from work while we laid in bed together.
  On the other hand I know a very hot below the radar provider who does outcall only with her husband having no idea of her activities.
  I pass no judgment on either scenario but merely offer them as food for thought.


As my Alias implies, thats what I was. Lets not fool ourselves! This thing simply doesent work!!! Love is bullcrap in this business! There is no such thing! Its a farse!! a big lie for the two sides!! I feel sorry for the provider who now is my ex!! She is still wandering around looking for love!!  All she finds is love that is one lie after another!! She hasent found a real friend in this business, much less a real lover!! Because all they want to do is get into her pants for free(I'm ashamed to say that I was one of them!), and they call it love and/or Friendship!! And these poor providers(some, like my ex)Take the bait! On the contrary, thank god for me, I have found my love(a civi, for the past 4 years), and its real, the way it should be!!

And you yourself gave the main insight: that you wanted to get into her pants for free to begin with.  So after going in with that attitude, when in fails, you say it must fail for everyone.  Maybe it always must fail with you then?  

But I don't think relationships will last forever anyway.  Yes, a few will last for 50 years or more, but that's not a sign of their perfection.  It's not something you necessarily want to emulate.  

-- Modified on 6/9/2005 2:24:09 PM

tokai2992 reads

Are you cheating on her by hobbying? Why is that any different from her cheating on you by Escorting?

Why not just be open about it so that it is not cheating?

BTW: How many Ladies are out there looking for love through escorting?

In the civie world: Women give sex to get love; men give love to get sex. Just like a woman can fake an O, a man can fake the love, so it is the women who get hurt. If a woman is looking for love, don't give away the sex. If he sticks with you for 6 months with no sex, then maybe it is real love.

This remind's me of the Willet's who lived in Fort Lauderdale in the early 90's.


Her husband used to hide in the closet to film and watch her doing her client's.

Bizzaro Superdude3019 reads

After reading all the comments....  my dates make me seem like escort services... and my encounters with escorts are like the best dates ever....

Escorts treat me with kindness, they have fun with me, not just in bed.... my civvie "dates" only want me to take them here, buy them that....   it is a bit sad....  Hey, even Lois Lane is a bit like that....   to top it all off, Batboy gets the hot chicks... catwoman...!! now there is a chick.

It is just so confusing here on this world....   Why is the one I come from called the Bizzare one...

The Only One3732 reads

These MILF experiences are most enjoyable.  They have the flavour of an affair.  Quite fun actually.  The atmosphere does not feel creepy at all.  Illicit perhaps but not creepy.  It adds the addrenal rush of potential discovery.  After all since she is doing someone else's husband, you might as well enjoy doing someone else's wife.

So far my attempts to have an affair have ended with snickers, laugher, or pepper spray.

-- Modified on 6/10/2005 11:02:04 AM

The Only One3623 reads

I try to wear a shirt that demonstrates my restaurant preferences.  Marinara sauce stains are particularly attractive.  I might add that bathing is completely over-rated as a means of attracting females.  A good strong manly smell never fails to impress.

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