TER General Board

Oh there is more than one trainwreck about her...
CubaGooding_Sr 806 reads

She fleeced a few dudes and then one who posted about it got outted.

BTW I posted a link on a thread below but it was late to the thread and I guess no one paid attention to it.

QuinnAdams3126 reads

Hi guys!

I am trying to streamline my marketing and, being new(ish), it is hard for me to sort through all the marketing/ad tools available to us ladies. So -- of course, with the underlying understanding that TER is vastly superior to all tools :) -- do you gents use:

-Another platform altogether?

... when scanning for a provider? Do you tend to use a different website to search in your home city versus when you are traveling to other cities?

And does it matter to you if a lady has upgraded her P-411 ad so it has the rotating photos or is a Featured Ad?  

Do you notice ladies who have VIP Eros ads more than the regular base ad? This is an important question because the monthly cost for a VIP Eros ad is substantial and it may not be worth it if you don't tend to pay these ads any more attention than the others.

Any insight you can offer would be tremendously appreciated. Thanks, in advance, for taking a moment to share your thoughts...

Wow! I thought this message thread would only contain one question. If my count is accurate, there are actually eight questions marks.

First:  Slixa. I will only view such a listing if it is included as an additional advertisement outlet on a provider's profile on The Erotic Review.

Second:  Date-Check. A provider recently supplied me a trial membership. It is frustrating due to all of the old (i.e., retired provider) listings. However, providers appear to include much more detailed (i.e., further in the near future) tour listings compared to Preferred411.

Third:  Eros. I still enjoy viewing Eros listings. My introduction to the hobby took place via an Eros listing.

Fourth:  Another Platform. I have no valuable information to share in regards to this inquiry.

Fifth:  Scanning. I always use Preferred411 and place "Favorite" marks on desirable profiles.

Sixth:  Traveling Difference. I have no valuable information to share in regards to this inquiry.

Seventh:  Preferred411 Upgrade. It has no impact.

Eighth: Eros VIP. It has no impact.

Note:  Please consider a visit to Minneapolis at some point in the future. Thank You!

NewEnglandGangsta793 reads

If there's a mention of a whore abusing personal information, she's crossed off my to-do list forever.

I use TER, P 411, and DC. In that order. I never used Eros due to the number of fake ads, but I know several providers swear by it and pay the high cost. I do look to see if providers have their P 411 page updated, but the featured ads really don't mean much to me. I tend to look for TER board activity first when selecting a new girl. I do look at reviews more for issues such as being late or using old photos more than review scores. As far as Slixa is concerned, I get their emails, but have never used it. I'm more concerned about making screening as easy as I can for providers, which is why I have memberships to the three sites I listed.  

Posted By: QuinnAdams
Hi guys!  
 I am trying to streamline my marketing and, being new(ish), it is hard for me to sort through all the marketing/ad tools available to us ladies. So -- of course, with the underlying understanding that TER is vastly superior to all tools :) -- do you gents use:  
 -Another platform altogether?  
 ... when scanning for a provider? Do you tend to use a different website to search in your home city versus when you are traveling to other cities?  
 And does it matter to you if a lady has upgraded her P-411 ad so it has the rotating photos or is a Featured Ad?  
 Do you notice ladies who have VIP Eros ads more than the regular base ad? This is an important question because the monthly cost for a VIP Eros ad is substantial and it may not be worth it if you don't tend to pay these ads any more attention than the others.  
 Any insight you can offer would be tremendously appreciated. Thanks, in advance, for taking a moment to share your thoughts...

Panthera121024 reads

All of the marketing in the world will not cover up for a provider who outs hobbyists and is a blacklist abuser. Board posts by and about providers makes other marketing tools irrelevant.

péineas797 reads

On point.  A provider can market all she wants, but marketing can't cover up outing a hobbyist.  Once that happens, how safe can a hobbyist expect to be?

GaGambler1113 reads

Is there something about this provider that the rest of us should know about?

GaGambler1026 reads

Sheesh, you guys are going to give Atlanta, Chicago, and DC a run for their money where it comes to drama. I found it mildly entertaining myself, but I will credit Boston for having a lot less white knights willing to defend a "lady's honor" no matter how much the facts scream that she is guilty. Don't get me wrong, there are a couple of WK's in that thread but nowhere near as many as on most boards.

But yes, I fully understand what Panthera was talking about after reading that thread,and as I suspected we have yet another BSC hooker attempting to do damage control on the GD board. I can't imagine anyone wanting to see her after reading that thread, especially the comments from "Jeff"

Realtiycheck921 reads

Not only few WK but None of the providers came to her defence either. That alone should speak volume
Plus of you check the Black List she is listed there 3X . One is even from a Provider

Posted By: GaGambler
Sheesh, you guys are going to give Atlanta, Chicago, and DC a run for their money where it comes to drama. I found it mildly entertaining myself, but I will credit Boston for having a lot less white knights willing to defend a "lady's honor" no matter how much the facts scream that she is guilty. Don't get me wrong, there are a couple of WK's in that thread but nowhere near as many as on most boards.

But yes, I fully understand what Panthera was talking about after reading that thread,and as I suspected we have yet another BSC hooker attempting to do damage control on the GD board. I can't imagine anyone wanting to see her after reading that thread, especially the comments from "Jeff"

GaGambler904 reads

and borrowing from clients no less, after only a very brief period of not working.

I guess maybe this post should inspire a new contest on TER to add to the SPOTY's and the BSU's, "The provider who has most abused the system". I'll have to think of a catchy acronym for it later, but she is my first nominee.

I can see why she has resorted to posting threADs on the GD board, it looks like she has worn out her welcome in Boston, do we see a "tour" in the works???

Realtiycheck941 reads

She had one cheduled for NY a month ago which she canceled
Right now she's running a New Customer special of $500/hr

GaGambler950 reads

I am sure all these new clients are going to be more than willing to cough up all of their personal information to such an honest and upstanding member of the community. I should probably hurry to be the first in line.rofl

growup1153 reads

You seem obsessed on keeping track of what she's doing and how her schedule is going.

You wouldn't know her NY got canceled unless you were closely monitoring.

péineas1158 reads

...are you her boyfriend or just a regular WK?

growup979 reads

Neither. Just get sick of the same people attacking her every time she posts.

Gets old.

Realtiycheck1032 reads

They are Warning other fellow Hobbyiests  that this so Called girl U care so much about is nothing more than  
A Liar
A Thief
and Scammer

GaGambler1031 reads

Just who is the one that looks like the stalker now?

and it's you hiding behind the alias, not me. So which one is it, Coward? Liar? or both?

growup573 reads

nd I created this alias to respond to the aliases attacking her.

Panthera121002 reads

You created an alias just to defend her against other aliases. That's so rich!  

Why don't you do her a real favor and buy her a GPS unit and keep her boyfriend occupied while she is hooking. I would suggest that you teach her some marketing, but you don't seem like the "brainy" type either.

growup556 reads

ut attacking me shows you lack arguments.

Most folks stop the digging when they are in a hole...but since you seem to want to continue this is something that will accelerate your objective.

As for arguments...there is NO lack of information available as to the accuracy of the prior posts.  Hell..you've already admitted that you created your alias to help save your Princess.  Maybe she'll appreciate it?

-- Modified on 9/8/2014 2:17:06 PM

growup962 reads

Will be useful on my new yard.

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Most folks stop the digging when they are in a hole...but since you seem to want to continue this is something that will accelerate your objective.  
 As for arguments...there is NO lack of information available as to the accuracy of the prior posts.  Hell..you've already admitted that you created your alias to help save your Princess.  Maybe she'll appreciate it?

-- Modified on 9/8/2014 2:17:06 PM

GaGambler749 reads

It seems like every single post made by this "guy" involves her. So the choices are BF, pimp or wannabe pimp, or possibly "alter ego", along with cowardly white knight who attacks aliases from behind the safety of his/her own alias.

Whichever one is that actual truth, this "guy" has zero credibility.

I'd sure like to compare IP addresses of her and "grow up" I wouldn't put a thing past a woman that would out a client

CubaGooding_Sr767 reads

So little time. I guess she wanted a national train wreck.

I'll admit that I don't know much about blacklists, but did I read the post about "check the blacklist" wrong? I didn't know providers could blacklist each other. I thought only "bad" clients ended up there. You know, the clients who beat girls or write bad reviews, but what do I know?  

And what is "the blacklist"? I know there are a couple out there, but is there one major one that is "the blacklist"?

Posted By: Realtiycheck
Not only few WK but None of the providers came to her   [sic] defence either. That alone should speak volume  
 Plus of you check the Black List she is listed there 3X . One is even from a Provider  

-- Modified on 9/8/2014 10:39:15 AM

-- Modified on 9/8/2014 10:41:06 AM

-- Modified on 9/8/2014 10:44:17 AM

CubaGooding_Sr807 reads

She fleeced a few dudes and then one who posted about it got outted.

BTW I posted a link on a thread below but it was late to the thread and I guess no one paid attention to it.

Panthera12795 reads

It just so happened that the glove did fit perfectly this time.  
Anyone who doesn't check board posts for possible drama and bad behavior is missing out. As a rule, I check on the boards and go back at least a couple of years. A lot of hobbyists fail to do so and end up getting taken for a ride.

GaGambler819 reads

This one never would have gotten on my radar even if she weren't BSC, not to mention dangerous.

The fact that you mentioned this in direct response to her threAD kind of suggested that there was something up in her case, and sure enough there was. lol

Out of the three sites you mentioned the only one I browse is Eros. Datecheck is cluttered, Slixa is not mobile friendly.

The ones that did contact me from Eros either texted me in the middle of the night asking if I was available right then or called when I was at work never leaving a voicemail. The ones that did actually email me never replied after I asked for references. It was almost like I was back on Backpage, except at least I actually acquired clients from BP. I don't know if Eros is like that everywhere, but in Atlanta it sucked for me.

You may want to ask on your local board too to see what your local gents are using in your area.

I use DC, P411, TER.  Any interesting ladies on DC or P411 get their review checked on TER.  Eros if I'm looking for some kink but again, if there is no TER backup it isn't happening.    
There is a local NY/NJ/New England board but I can't mention it here.  It is not nearly as good, or professional, at TER.
 Featured ads make no difference  
 Again, featured ads make no difference.  
It's hard to tell what makes a good ad.  There are times when a good selfie is much better than all those glamour shots.  It says more about the lady and comes from her.  Some guys want a head shot, while it doesn't matter to others.    

I use TER ads new reviews and P411 - though not necessarily in that order.  Rather than an upgraded P411 I seek ladies who have checked in recently and are clear about the dates.    
I also review the web site to get an idea of the style of the lady - I like your style.  
I will occasionally view EROS but it has too many phoney ads.
I gave up on Date Check as too many dated entries.

Whether local or traveling, I first go to TER ads for the city I want to play in. P411 is nice because it facilitates the screening process. VIP or other designations don't mean anything.  

Don't like DC; too many old listings. Might look at Eros if I can't find what I'm looking for elsewhere but lots of phony pix there. Might look at some of the other sites you listed for more pix but best info is on TER. The reviews help me understand what the ladies enjoy.

89Springer776 reads

When I see a provider's ad or photo on TER, I go to her reviews to get her website link and check out her photos and information there. Then I come back to TER to check her reviews.

If she has no personal website, then I'll check her other ads on Eros, P411, etc. However, I wonder why she doesn't have a personal site, and I guess that would be a minor point against her.

I don't use P411 for anything other than to see the thumbnail-size photos if she doesn't have her own site. I enrolled in P411 last year and paid my $129 just to see one particular provider who wound up being a NCNS. I didn't re-up this year.

If I'm looking at providers from out of town (which is almost always what I do), I'll use TER's screening tools, put in a few requirements (BBBJ, CIM, C+ cup, 21 to 40 age, etc).  

I guess you could say that 95% of my screening is through TER.

CubaGooding_Sr761 reads

She's crazy like a fox! I wonder if she cheated on her finals?

Realtiycheck1081 reads

An Ivy league girl who's only 18
and had her Pimp/Biyfriend writing her e-mails

Posted By: CubaGooding_Sr
She's crazy like a fox! I wonder if she cheated on her finals?

CasTiger1233 reads

I like TER,

Also would love for more ladies to place ads on p411 - at that site already has us verified and hopefully will lead to faster verification and more trust.

I cannot think of any other sites.
date check seems to have many ladies on their who are no longer active (i.e. their web links are bad).

I wasn't going to get into this because it ain't none of my business.  But anyone who followed the "spat" involving you has to be suspect of your motives and now everything you said before is suspect.

I (and other hobbyists/Providers) partake in this fantasy world at great risk to our personal/professional lives.  To be compromised in any way could literally destroy someones' life.

One of the first Providers I ever saw ripped me off ($250).  I had to take my lumps and be smarter next time.  Never thought of trying to get back at that bitch - even though I wanted to badly.

You clearly are now trying to do some type of damage control (again 4 pages of reviews and you claim to be "newish).  

I have seen many Providers (and some have shared very personal info with me).  I would not even think to compromise their situation in ANY WAY.  And I hope they would feel the same way towards me.


Dear Ms. Adams:
I am just wondering would you have a certain strategy when attempting to expolate certain information or are you trying to ascertain where and how best to spend your advertising dollars?  All of these are good questions.  The primary thing that you have to ascertain is where are you going to get the most return for you buck in locating and booking your most desirable clients.  Also what would be your ideal client? What do you think he would read watch and peruse and where do you think he would investigate if he were looking or seeking some high quality companionship?  Once you do this survey through the variety of focus groups that you would have in a surreptitious manner of course,  then you will have a better idea of where to concentrate your efforts in cyberspace.  Also tend to ask that question for more regional sites.  That is more critical as well.  Also I am just wondering would you have a mailing list? This is also critical because now you have a list of men that potentially want to see you.  This is also salient because now you need to find the men who do write so that your skills and talents can be publicized and now you can drum up new business from that as well.   Also take advantage of the meet n greets in your area.   You can also cultivate some nice potential clients in the area as well that way.  However I don't need to tell you in your smaller metropolitan areas do screen well because a few of the men you might see could be former professors of your and others who might be from the university system that you have attended.   Godspeed, be smart and safe.

Posted By: QuinnAdams
Hi guys!  
 I am trying to streamline my marketing and, being new(ish), it is hard for me to sort through all the marketing/ad tools available to us ladies. So -- of course, with the underlying understanding that TER is vastly superior to all tools :) -- do you gents use:  
 -Another platform altogether?  
 ... when scanning for a provider? Do you tend to use a different website to search in your home city versus when you are traveling to other cities?  
 And does it matter to you if a lady has upgraded her P-411 ad so it has the rotating photos or is a Featured Ad?  
 Do you notice ladies who have VIP Eros ads more than the regular base ad? This is an important question because the monthly cost for a VIP Eros ad is substantial and it may not be worth it if you don't tend to pay these ads any more attention than the others.  
 Any insight you can offer would be tremendously appreciated. Thanks, in advance, for taking a moment to share your thoughts...

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