TER General Board

Now I'm "obsessed" with you? LMAO!
L.Guapo 316 reads

Sure I've posted under stupid things you've said a few times, but not all that often.  In fact, GaG has done a lot more of it than I have.  So is he "obsessed" too?
Or maybe you are who he thought you might be?

If there was a vaccine for all diseases and no possibility of unwanted pregnancy would providers go back to BBFS like the old days or would they insist on condoms for psychological reasons?

L.Guapo410 reads

Why ask pointless questions?

Posted By: L.Guapo
Why ask pointless questions?
How is a hypothetical question pointless or trolling? From what I've seen the TER GD section is dying out. If you guys are so good why don't you flood this section with "meaningful" conversational topics?

L.Guapo444 reads

Not all hypothetical questions are pointless, but yours is so obviously that, it's also not worth arguing the point if you don't get it.
And since I don't work for TER it's not my job to start "meaningful" threads.  If this board is "dying out" (and I'm not sure it is) it's because TER is over-managing it with heavy-handed moderation and pruning of branches and threads.

Posted By: L.Guapo
Not all hypothetical questions are pointless, but yours is so obviously that, it's also not worth arguing the point if you don't get it.  
 And since I don't work for TER it's not my job to start "meaningful" threads.  If this board is "dying out" (and I'm not sure it is) it's because TER is over-managing it with heavy-handed moderation and pruning of branches and threads.
Why are you using an alt that is so obvious?

L.Guapo379 reads

You need to stop wording about me and worry about yourself.  As far as obvious goes, this would be you....

Posted By: L.Guapo
You need to stop wording about me and worry about yourself.  As far as obvious goes, this would be you....
Why do you make it so obvious who you are with your stupid Alias? "Myself" is doing just fine. It is you that is obsessed with me.

L.Guapo317 reads

Sure I've posted under stupid things you've said a few times, but not all that often.  In fact, GaG has done a lot more of it than I have.  So is he "obsessed" too?
Or maybe you are who he thought you might be?

Posted By: L.Guapo
Sure I've posted under stupid things you've said a few times, but not all that often.  In fact, GaG has done a lot more of it than I have.  So is he "obsessed" too?  
 Or maybe you are who he thought you might be?
Naw. Gambler's more creative than you. To save Ter we need more posts by Gambler and dare I say more LR posts. I never thought I'd say that. One other thing. No more insipid posts from you.

GaGambler396 reads

I mean do you have any idea how hard it is to think of a thousand different ways to say "Go Fuck Yourself" in a way that doesn't get you moderated or banned? It's not as easy as it looks. lol

L.Guapo420 reads

being told you're masculine by Caitlyn Jenner.  LMAO!

Posted By: L.Guapo
being told you're masculine by Caitlyn Jenner.  LMAO!
LOL . That was fairly good. I'm glad you stepped it up. Keep em coming!

L.Guapo352 reads

They are consistently small gems of wisdom and humor.

I get the sense that there are a lot of guys who are skittish about sloppy seconds. And perhaps some ladies can educate us about ejaculate's effect on vaginal hygiene?

And frequent douching will cause a whole lot of issues.

Don't want kids so there is no point. It smells bad so why would I want that sitting inside my body? And no I will not douche it out, yet another way to fuck up the delicate flora balance. Condoms all the way or you can ejaculate on the floor.

you would stop sugar coating everything...speak your mind, woman! Lmao!

For a few reasons I've already seen posted here. Too much semen inside a lady, even after 2 times, really does mess with both her flora levels and pH. I am incredibly sensitive about taking care of that area, so there you go. Also, at the risk of being crass, the idea of multiple...specimens sitting in there and mixing...repugnant.

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