TER General Board

Nothing different
AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 285 reads

I'm the same person IRL as I am on here.  Don't feel the need to be different or to impress anyone.

...an extension of who you really are or do you go out of your way to be someone totally different.

Personally I think whether you go out of your way or not it's still a part of who you are and the way you see things. It's still you that's behind the keyboard typing it.  

Ever met someone off the board in person and thought "wow you're so different in person" good or bad. What goes through your mind when you experience that?

Just found the thought of board personas and real life personas and how they may differ or be the same to be interesting..

Ms. Leila Lovely

can't stray to far from their real persona. Just look at all the type casting that takes place in film, on stage, and television.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
can't stray to far from their real persona. Just look at all the type casting that takes place in film, on stage, and television.

I'm way too lazy to create and maintain a separate persona. I won't create an alias either, I'd probably out it in record time.

GaGambler469 reads

When I was moderator I was informed that they didn't want me to post my usual crap with my name in red. So I created an obvious alias GaGamblerssmarterbrother,  Do you think I was fooling anybody? lol

No, like you I am way too lazy to create a separate persona, If you dislike GaGambler, you will dislike the "real" me as well. and if you like GaGambler, well there's no accounting for taste I suppose. lol

On the same page...

It was once recommended to me to create Aliases & so on..

But I honestly don't think I have the mental space to fit, carry different personas with me! lol

Plus, I like being my normal Bubbly Self ...

Ms. Leila Lovely

I am the same in RL, even outside the Hobby. I am nicer though and keep things more to myself. Though I do got to say I am very shy around women in RL. So basically I am the same as my persona but sometimes I am not? Just depends on my comfort level or annoyance factor. I go through moods where I am happy as can be, other times I am crabby. Sometimes I am the nicest person you know, other times I am an asshat/blunt. There are times where I am a complete loner and other times I am social. Depends on the person I am dealing with and how they react to me.  

I know a few posters are exactly the same in RL as their persona, gals and guys.

IMHO I do feel some sugar coat themselves because it is a smarter thing to do for business versus being a blunt person. At least some ladies speak their true minds, if even under an alias. That is not just limited to the ladies, even some guys do it too. I just decided that, for me, I'd rather be me and not try to pretend to be someone I am not.

Of course some guys use aliases to be stupid or mean. A few even do it to be funny. (No, I am not speaking about all alias users, just a few)

I get thrown off if I know the person from the boards and they are a 180 of what I have always known them to be. Sometimes it is a good thing, other times it is not. I say sometimes "not" because obviously I enjoyed their board presence.

So, how about you Leila? How much are you like your board persona?

Posted By: MsLeilaLovely
...an extension of who you really are or do you go out of your way to be someone totally different.  
 Personally I think whether you go out of your way or not it's still a part of who you are and the way you see things. It's still you that's behind the keyboard typing it.  
 Ever met someone off the board in person and thought "wow you're so different in person" good or bad. What goes through your mind when you experience that?  
 Just found the thought of board personas and real life personas and how they may differ or be the same to be interesting..  
 Ms. Leila Lovely

the nail on its head!

I can honestly say, the multiple persona thing, I have tried but was not very successful! lol

I guess I just found it too much to try & keep up with! Therefore, my persona in Real Life & the Hobby Life are the same! Luckily, it turns out my regular personality happens to be what many "Hobbyist" seek & very similar to my Board Persona.

Before becoming a provider I was a very shy person, lets just be honest, but I happen to believe the Hobby/Provider world can really help your personality/character blossom as it did mine!  

Ms. Leila Lovely

I'd rather interact with someone who is straight forward and direct.

anyone who sees your cunty side asked for it. I'm happy to say I'm not acquainted with cunty Tobi. :-)

You're not nearly as cunty as you make yourself out to be. Oh, but what an ass. Did you whistle and find her?

I still think that when actress performs the role, she still plays herself. At least it seems that is what good actress does. Good director may see how this actress fits the scene. And finally, there are people who buy tickets. ( though they for some reason buy tickets anyway). The admission fee is here higher, so this movie is not for everyone. Xo

I'm the same person IRL as I am on here.  Don't feel the need to be different or to impress anyone.

nom_de_plume305 reads

That way, I'm ready when there's a reality TV show based on TER.  :D

that show would be fucked up and awesome!

Posted By: nom_de_plume
That way, I'm ready when there's a reality TV show based on TER.  :D

For the guy whose already done everything there is to do, and owns everything there is to own?

"Well I've already did everything, and bought everything... may as well become a woman now."

Posted By: dani987x
reassignment surgery.  :-)

a kind of related question. Are all or most providers extroverts, or are some providers in RL introverts? Has providing changed the introverts? Are there providers who have a hard time going into a bar by themselves, are social wall flowers, etc?

I have met at least one provider who is a wonderful person but has extremely low self esteem. The hobby image that she created in her marketing website is of a confident free spirit who has many interests and has the world by the balls. However, in RL she copes by being masochistic/subservient in her relationships and she spends a lot of time in depressed paralysis. I know this because after our session she pretty much collapsed and confided her life story and emotional travails and we spent a long time talking about it. I tried to be supportive without becoming a crutch.

that I am an introvert. I am also reserved until I get to know someone. I am not a big socialize person unless it is someone I know well.

So, yes, I am that wall flower that is either reading or looking up things on my laptop. YES, even at a bar!!! Like I said, I can be a loner and sit back and analyze. There are people on this board that have spoken to me and/or met me that would think I am outgoing. I can be if I feel comfortable. You get me in a room with more than one person, I get quiet. That is why you will not see me at M&Gs. I actually was going to try a few months ago but I had other obligations. I was only willing to "try" because I knew quite a few that were going and felt like I could always "hide by them" if need be lol. Not big on groups/crowds. I have my moments where I could be perceived as an extrovert. That is just me making a huge effort or really getting into the conversation. I love the internet because I feel more comfortable coming out of my shell.

Obviously I have to come out of my shell for the Hobby. Sometimes it is hard, but by now, I have become more comfortable with it.

Like I said prior, I can be a loner and I can be social... just depends on my comfort level and who I am around and how they react to me. I am currently touring and I was very shocked that I felt like socializing with the locals and I had a great time! They were extremely nice to me despite wearing my Brewers jersey lol. If you only knew how dangerous that is in Chicago!! Not joking either.

I am probably not making much sense as I bounce back and forth from being outgoing and shy. Just how I am.

Posted By: dani987x
a kind of related question. Are all or most providers extroverts, or are some providers in RL introverts? Has providing changed the introverts? Are there providers who have a hard time going into a bar by themselves, are social wall flowers, etc?  
 I have met at least one provider who is a wonderful person but has extremely low self esteem. The hobby image that she created in her marketing website is of a confident free spirit who has many interests and has the world by the balls. However, in RL she copes by being masochistic/subservient in her relationships and she spends a lot of time in depressed paralysis. I know this because after our session she pretty much collapsed and confided her life story and emotional travails and we spent a long time talking about it. I tried to be supportive without becoming a crutch.

Posted By: MsLeilaLovely
...an extension of who you really are or do you go out of your way to be someone totally different.  
 Personally I think whether you go out of your way or not it's still a part of who you are and the way you see things. It's still you that's behind the keyboard typing it.  
 Ever met someone off the board in person and thought "wow you're so different in person" good or bad. What goes through your mind when you experience that?  
 Just found the thought of board personas and real life personas and how they may differ or be the same to be interesting..  
 Ms. Leila Lovely

Except a little more shy and introverted in real life.

My persona on the board is 100% true to who I am offline.  I'm opinionated, passionate, and honest (well, pretty honest lol) both on TER and in real life.

This place is full of potential clients... The last thing I want to do is create some false persona that has nothing to do with my true personality.  False advertising is terrible, whether it's outdated photos or a completely phony personality

a little taller and better looking.

Everyone is already taken

i want to be the real me with johns but can't...none of them can handle the truth so I have to get into my hooker mode.

I always loved the song...the guitar rifts by David Gilmour have always been a personal favorite since I was 15.  Right up there with the best of the Beatles and the Stones.  Childhood has not been lost...it peaks out when the time is right!   I suspect you ladies like that...

I try to have my board persona to represent who I am IRL.  Hopefully if I ever meet any of you IRL you will agree

I really don't think it is an issue of personas per se, I know I reveal different sides of who I am depending on the audience.  Interestingly enough, one of the things I enjoy most about this little sport is that I feel entirely comfortable being myself with many of the ladies, no need to hide the ball.    

I am not as docile IRL as I am on TER, not that I am a complete dick in person, it has to do with the types of posts that I reply to.   It is a easy to ignore stupidity or callousness here in TERland, I can ignore partly because I am not sure if people here are acting or not - the other reason is that I prefer this to be a place I visit for fun, not drama.  IRL, I am more likely to engage and go off on someone because I can gauge whether the person means it or not.

This is an interesting question! I would have to say that the way I come across on online boards, is pretty much who I am.
However, I will admit that me as a civilian, and me as Ana Valentina are two very different people.
In civvy life, I'm shy, submissive, very clean cut and described by most as a "goody two shoes". Lol! LITTLE DO THEY KNOW. My secret life as a courtesan is my mistress. It allows me the chance to bring out the naughty and adventurous side. I'm much more confident and aggressive as Ana Valentina than I am in civvy life and having only been doing this for 3 mos, it has helped me grow as a person and become more comfortable with myself. I'm beginning to be told by people who know me in real life " wow, you're becoming less shy", etc. I do not mix my two lives together, however I'm able to enjoy a balance and separation of the two that is improving my overall quality of life. :

...hell maybe more but people still say they find me much sweeter/nicer in person. You'll either REALLY like me or you won't .... not much of a middle.
I've even told I seem quite sane which is apparently rare around these boards.
So.....yay or whatever.

-- Modified on 6/22/2015 9:21:03 PM

The person you meet as Ruby is the same person in my private life.  The way I describe myself on my website and in my ads is the real me.

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