TER General Board

Not to mention you are a drunk, and if a drunk can figure this out.....
GaGambler 682 reads

BTW as you know, I am VERY well qualified to talk about drunks. lol

and you are completely correct, this is hardly rocket science, I do pretty much the same as you. With a lady I am meeting for the first time, once I am satisfied that she is not a B&S and after an introductory kiss, I do pretty much the same as you. If at an incall, I drop the money on the closest available nightstand as I get undressed, if at my place I put the money in a conspicuous place where she can see it easily. Unlike you, I do NOT use an envelope, this eliminates the need for her to overtly open the envelope to make sure it's not full on monopoly money. If she wants to count it, fine, but I doubt that one in a hundred hookers ever count the donation in front of me.

PussyLipGloss3225 reads

This is for the ladies...

I've only heard about it maybe 2-3 times from women I've met, but apparently there really are dudes who come up short. Not with little tiny baby dicks (though some have that problem), or height deficiencies, but with the mon$y. Booking multi-hour sessions and pleading poverty when the cash is counted. Asking for discounts or being a steady regular yet vague about session length and then leaving 90-min worth of cash after 2-hrs together.  

Personally I'd never take the risk of short cash: She might go off-the-hook on-the-spot or (worse) blacklist my ass. So if I can't spend, I don't book.  

But how prevalent is this among Johns, either on first time dates or even with a regular who suddenly looses his fucking wallet but not his hard-on? And do providers automatically or frequently BL guys when this happens? Do guys actually pay-up afterwards? And do you see them again

Once I booked a date for two hours. Deposited the money as instructed on her bathroom counter in her bathroom in the appropriate amount for a two hour date. Had a great time.  

We lost all sence of time. I left session and about a block out I noticed the time. I over stayed by an hour.  

We was just talking in the nude as I couldn't stay up but we were both having fun laughing and joking around.  

As soon as I noticed the time, I pulled over and called her and asked her how much I owed her for wasting an hour of her time without paying. She said nothing as she had fun and we wasn't doing anything.  

I still hate the fact I failed to leave in a timely manner. It was disrespectfull.

It was also disrespectfull to my wife as paid dates are not to be longer than two hour according to our agreement without prior consent. I confessed to her as well. She laughed that I even worried about it given we was just talking.  

But nevertheless I do worry about abusing the open arrangement with my wife and I do worry about not abusing the ladies time. I feel as a client paying X dollars for Y amount of time it is just as much my duty to honor said agreement as it is the ladies.

How prevent is it? Well just about every provider I talked to has had someone try to cheat her in some way. I accidentally did. But I can't give a percentage or anything but I doubt it is rare.

Do ladies automatically BL guys? Some I am sure do. I am also sure some do not. I wouldn't risk it. If I was a provider of sexual services I would blacklist them on ever provider only blacklist I knew of if he didn't make it right after I informed him he was short.

Do guys pay up afterwards? Well I offered and was more than ready to turn around and pay her hourly rate of $450. (Actually I slipped a bit extra the next time I saw her.) But I imagine most do not. But I am no expert  

Do ladies see them again? If they pay up and it was an honest mistake I imagine most would, but if the guy deliberately shorted them why would they? I hope not.

-- Modified on 7/16/2015 1:58:42 PM

I've never heard of that before but it's extremely wise.

I can only see a particular paid companion once every two months on the clock. I can only have one paid date a week but with as many ladies as I wish. A paid date can be no longer than two hours. Exceptions can and have happened with prior appoval. Shared dates with the wife don't count.

How long has that been in place?  Has it evolved or stayed the same?  I'm so curious, I've really never heard of anything like that.

Much of it my idea. We both see professionals and we'll I was worried I couldn't compete with the pros. I was the hesitant party. I wasn't worried about her clients as she doesn't choose them, but the pros she does. I now realize I have nothing to worry about but the rules work for us, why change them?

-- Modified on 7/16/2015 10:23:46 PM

Skyfyre920 reads

just make sure on the next date you use the ALARM feature on your smart phone to set the appropriate reminder.

tman87601 reads

Posted By: scoed
Once I booked a date for two hours. Deposited the money as instructed on her bathroom counter in her bathroom in the appropriate amount for a two hour date. Had a great time.  
 We lost all sence of time. I left session and about a block out I noticed the time. I over stayed by an hour.  
 We was just talking in the nude as I couldn't stay up but we were both having fun laughing and joking around.  
 As soon as I noticed the time, I pulled over and called her and asked her how much I owed her for wasting an hour of her time without paying. She said nothing as she had fun and we wasn't doing anything.  
 I still hate the fact I failed to leave in a timely manner. It was disrespectfull.  
 It was also disrespectfull to my wife as paid dates are not to be longer than two hour according to our agreement without prior consent. I confessed to her as well. She laughed that I even worried about it given we was just talking.  
 But nevertheless I do worry about abusing the open arrangement with my wife and I do worry about not abusing the ladies time. I feel as a client paying X dollars for Y amount of time it is just as much my duty to honor said agreement as it is the ladies.  
 How prevent is it? Well just about every provider I talked to has had someone try to cheat her in some way. I accidentally did. But I can't give a percentage or anything but I doubt it is rare.  
 Do ladies automatically BL guys? Some I am sure do. I am also sure some do not. I wouldn't risk it. If I was a provider of sexual services I would blacklist them on ever provider only blacklist I knew of if he didn't make it right after I informed him he was short.  
 Do guys pay up afterwards? Well I offered and was more than ready to turn around and pay her hourly rate of $450. (Actually I slipped a bit extra the next time I saw her.) But I imagine most do not. But I am no expert  
 Do ladies see them again? If they pay up and it was an honest mistake I imagine most would, but if the guy deliberately shorted them why would they? I hope not.  

-- Modified on 7/16/2015 1:58:42 PM

Is the chit chat really necessary? I'm pretty new at this but what makes you want to have a chat session after your finished? I'm looking forward to meeting with someone for the first time real soon. Would it be rude to get in and get out? I really dont want these ladies knowing much of anything about me. I just want to bust and go. So to the seasoned, is it rude to not really want to small talk. I really dont want GFE, the reason while I'm single. Also scoed, why do you stick around? Is it a lonely thing? I'm not asking jokingly or anything I'd just really like to know. The whole point to get into this for me was to get some action and go. Do I have to get to know them too? Yikes!

...less time for anything but the activities.  

I like at least an hour so I can chit chat. I enjoy people wherever I find them. I'm not going to be actively engaged in sex acts the entire hour so what am I going to do but talk. There are ways to talk about things without details. You can talk about something you did without saying where you did it or who you were with.
I'm not in a hurry, don't want to be, so I relax and enjoy.

You would likely enjoy a PSE session less talk, more action.

No worries there is something for everyone here.

You are more than welcome to leave when you're done. I've never heard of a provider that bitches when her date leaves early, as long as he's paid the rate he requested.

Secondly, not many providers I've seen know too much about me personally, but not because I don't want them to know about me, it's just that they are much more interesting than I am and I'd rather talk about them and their likes. See, I like more than one round, so you've got to do something in the down time in between. I suppose you could tell her that you just want to look at her, I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Remember this though, not everybody likes what you like and thinks the way you think. It's a damn good thing too because it'd be an awfully boring existence if we all thought alike. If you don't like my candor, take your ball and go home.

You are free to leave at any time. There are ladies that prefer short visits and offer half hour apointments. I like the chit chat with the ladies and book enough time to do so. I like talking to interesting people. It isn't rare for me to be found breaking bread with a begged off the street. I like learning about people. That is me. But not everyone does, hobby your way. As long as your cash is good, you are clean and respectful there is a lady that is into the kind of sessions you perfer. My wife for example loves the cumulative and goes she sees.

But I am very good friends with a provider and the stories I have heardof being shorted or begging for a discount is sickening

I have zero sympathy for a girl that bitches about getting shorted when she choose not to collect upfront. If that is her policy not to look at the money until after the john leaves, so be it. Just own your policy and don't BMW about it.  

Now...should the guys do it? Of course not.

But that doesn't take the primary person, the "business" side of the deal, off the hook(er).

And fwiw, I NEVER beg for a discount. I make an offer and move on if I don't here back. I assume no response is a no, but fortunately for me, I rarely get a "no" or a no response.

when the hooker goes off to count the money.  

BTW I do agree with you...lol Count the fucking money before the session starts. If you don't then listen to Jacko...don't cry about being shorted.

There is a contingent of crybabies who need the money portion hidden or they feel like they are paying for sex...hang on they ARE PAYING FOR SEX. This is a pay up front deal (so the hooker can count the money) and if some sappy john can't deal with that, go to Joanne Fabrics and start quilting.

And now read Voodoos post...REGULARS have cheated her the most. Now that's comforting. Yep I still get the regs to put the money down BEFORE we start. They clearly get it because they have no issue. They UNDERSTAND the game and play accordingly.

...saying they think it ruins the mood.  

It's ok by me. We can set the mood after. I enjoy GFE and I'm going to talk and enjoy your company. But we both know why we're together and how it came about. Count the money, I'm fine with it

when at at incall, I drop the envelope and hit the shower, it gives her time to ensure my envelope is correct and gives her piece of mind that I'm fresh.

When she comes to me, I leave the envelope in the restroom, so when she goes in to freshen up she has plenty of time to ensure the envelope is correct.  

I've found this very simple, short time leads into a comfortable session for both of us, comfortable providers equal her at her best and after all that's what I'm there for, her best. I wouldn't mind if a provider counted the money in front of me, I know it's correct, every time. It's simply a better transaction if she doesn't.

So, someone please tell me, what is so fucking difficult about this arrangement?????? ARGHH!!!! Come on already, I'm a scientist, but not a rocket scientist. I'm not really all that brilliant, and I've got it figured out.

GaGambler683 reads

BTW as you know, I am VERY well qualified to talk about drunks. lol

and you are completely correct, this is hardly rocket science, I do pretty much the same as you. With a lady I am meeting for the first time, once I am satisfied that she is not a B&S and after an introductory kiss, I do pretty much the same as you. If at an incall, I drop the money on the closest available nightstand as I get undressed, if at my place I put the money in a conspicuous place where she can see it easily. Unlike you, I do NOT use an envelope, this eliminates the need for her to overtly open the envelope to make sure it's not full on monopoly money. If she wants to count it, fine, but I doubt that one in a hundred hookers ever count the donation in front of me.

Bob.Sugar799 reads

Tells me plenty about her.  Some just are more paranoid than others.

I tend to pay a gal after we're done with play.  Can't really recall if any of them were thinking I might not pay them...but that's just me.  I prefer that if a gal is really paranoid that they try and suppress that paranoia when I'm there.  

As for the transaction...I prefer to hand her the cash and let her count it as we're heading out the door for lunch.  Oh...and no envelopes please  LOL

Posted By: GaGambler
BTW as you know, I am VERY well qualified to talk about drunks. lol  
 and you are completely correct, this is hardly rocket science, I do pretty much the same as you. With a lady I am meeting for the first time, once I am satisfied that she is not a B&S and after an introductory kiss, I do pretty much the same as you. If at an incall, I drop the money on the closest available nightstand as I get undressed, if at my place I put the money in a conspicuous place where she can see it easily. Unlike you, I do NOT use an envelope, this eliminates the need for her to overtly open the envelope to make sure it's not full on monopoly money. If she wants to count it, fine, but I doubt that one in a hundred hookers ever count the donation in front of me.

Sometimes things can get informal and...

Ok, so the other weekend I did an overnight with a new client.  It started as two hours because he wasn't sure, but we wound up having a nice time and it was really informal.  We cooked dinner at his place, went swimming- he had a nice pool, came in showered, a little play stuff but super vanilla and quick, then went to sleep.  The next morning, maybe 2 minutes of play, quick breakfast, and I left.

SUPER EASY AND NICE GUY to be around.  When I got home, the envelope was $500 short but in my opinion it was right.  If he kept me up all night and we were swinging from the chandeliers, then he would've been short

Bob.Sugar847 reads

And you don't consider that getting cheated  LOL

We should talk  ;)

Posted By: Lila Aubrey
Sometimes things can get informal and...  
 Ok, so the other weekend I did an overnight with a new client.  It started as two hours because he wasn't sure, but we wound up having a nice time and it was really informal.  We cooked dinner at his place, went swimming- he had a nice pool, came in showered, a little play stuff but super vanilla and quick, then went to sleep.  The next morning, maybe 2 minutes of play, quick breakfast, and I left.  
 SUPER EASY AND NICE GUY to be around.  When I got home, the envelope was $500 short but in my opinion it was right.  If he kept me up all night and we were swinging from the chandeliers, then he would've been short.    

If you feel the amount he gave you was fair, then that is one thing.... but the two of you should have AGREED to that amount; he should not have just gone ahead and given you less based upon activity.  

Giving you any less than your quoted rate for that period of time is bad behavior on his part, IMO.  


Bob.Sugar819 reads

I have resources to make sure that you never get shorted again.

And for a limited time only there is Tupperware and toasters.  

Can I sign you up?

Shorting them by any amount regardless of what you were doing is deeply insulting. You didn't buy her vagina. You rented time. If you returned a rental truck past the return time/date, you'd expect to have to compensate for that time and possibly pay a penalty fine. Or, if you didn't pay for what you DID use, you would be blacklisted with their company and no longer able to rent from them until the bill had been paid. she should not have to chase you down to force you to hold up your end of the bargain that you deliberately misled her about. In the rare occasion that there was legitimate problem, you have 24-48 hours to repair the issue before I begin implementing repercussions.

Sometimes, when you go over, the provider waves it off, saying you don't need to compensate, she had a good time, whatever. Then it's okay, but I would still express appreciation by sending her a a giftcard, writing her a generous review, purchasing something off her Amazon wishlist, etc.

Sitting with a reg OTC and he tells me about another girl he saw last minute the week before. Included info about her flaws and issues and overall lack of capatibily, but no you are better, he says , BUT she charges $50 less... OK cool. Her business not mine. He wanted me to change my rate for him. His test was our last meeting. He felt OK with50/less donation. And I will be OK with not seeing him again. He valued his wallet more and that is all I needed to know. Everything else is irrelevant. No sense in having my time wasted and be short on top of it.

Skyfyre753 reads

Hey if you can afford the luxury of running your business based on pride then congratulation you must be doing fantastic!

If someone does not respect her enough to give her the full donation rather than shorting her $50, why should she see him again

He tried to negotiate her down, she said no and was willing to dispense with him. She felt her service were worth what she asked. He did not...parting of the ways.  

Was she supposed to be grateful and accept his offer? Sometimes the money is not worth it and I am sure she can pick up a client who has no issue paying her fee.

-- Modified on 7/16/2015 6:32:27 PM

Skyfyre694 reads

Being on this board and all I can't help but admit I'm indeed a trick... though I wasn't aware of the difference between a true trick and a false trick! or for that matter what a true trick is supposed to say...

Far from me to tell her what to do. It's her biz she makes the call as she sees fit. With the latest details apparently he's definitely not worth the $50 trouble. Of course everyone is different in their personality, their priority, their immediate need for cash etc..

Thanks so much and you are right, pride and self esteem are what I do have... Unlike what most think, I never got into the hobby for poor finances or need of money, but the extra cash for sucking dick comes in handy for my leisure and recreational life...  

Anywho... Yes, he has the $50, never had a problem or been a problem until he found out there were hookers for cheaper. Enter negotiations. Now, for someone that doesn't need as much has him, I do extend discounts. But constant OTC every appointment, oh and not to mention outcalls to a city over 30 miles from me, often on same day requests that I make happen; yes some if us hookers have a work ethic, yeah NO! $50 short means adiós! You can call it pride or stupidity but I would much rather value and put myself into what is more beneficial for me. An asswipe who thinks anal is a given activity and I am just holding back eventhough the answer for him has always been no, and expects to just pay for his time in the pussy, well, I ain't got time for that! I will stick to my hobby hubby's who just pay my rate plus tip just to DATY!

-- Modified on 7/16/2015 11:19:14 PM

Good for you. Don't know how you put up with it for that long. Again SOME MONEY IS NOT WORTH the hassle and the feeling of wanting to strangle them in their sleep...lol

I like to keep my sanity in tact! I like people, so I can look past a lot and also realize their flaws and vulnerabilities... And find some acceptance. I got how he was wired when I first saw him. It was discovering the extra shit and him feeling justified in giving me less than I asked because of what he felt my time was worth. Ultimately I told him that was his decision to make, not mine, but I would not entertain him at the level I provide for less... It was comical to him that I said I provide quality companionship. Now he can figure out the difference. LOL!

If I ever pick saving $50 over excellence I hope someone takes my 45 and shoots me in the damn head. Are you serious $50 dollars? That fucking idiot needs to find himself another hobby, like kite flying or something.  

If you can't afford something, then do something else. I'd like to travel in a private jet, as opposed to commercial air travel, but I can't afford that and my company sure as hell isn't paying for that. So I fly commercial, and suffer through the idiot people that can't seem to understand the simple system of commercial air travel.

Billable hours in any other profession, the percentage is miniscule.

My punishment is to never see them again.

nobody305857 reads

Ok what is I was stupid enough to pay a provider head of time for a session? But she never show up for it we tried three different time and no show on her part. I just gave up trying to get her to show up.  Wrote it off as a bad experience on my part and never trust a girl again. How can I black list her so she don't do this to another guy? Pay I as I go you show I will have the right amount for you until then I will not pay ahead of time.

Yes I meet with her a few times before this happen so I trusted her and thought that she was being honest with me until she did that.

Bob.Sugar755 reads

But if you have embarrassing foot fungus that is still on the plate.

Plenty of sites will allow you to post about the hooker who scammed you.  Just do a search for blacklist sites.

You can also post that on your local board and name the hooker who scammed you.

I wouldn't give anybody money up front...ever.  I don't care how well you thought you knew her...or anyone.  I trust you won't do that again  LOL

nobody305803 reads

You got that right I wont do that again ever. But texted me saying that she needed money right away and promise me that she would put towards our next session. Well it never happen, that is what I get for trusting a girl.

GaGambler568 reads

There has to be an actual session to be able to write a review about it. TER's rules are simple although flawed, No session = No review.

He can however make a post on his local board, and if he has any balls, he should name names.

nobody305797 reads

The only problem with black listing a provider is that she can change her name and phone number once she finds out that she been told on. Then it does no good for future guys meeting with her. What can a guy do, live learn and move on and try not to make the same mistake twice.

GaGambler511 reads

be sure to out the lying cheating bitch by name, none of this cowardly "PM me for details" and THEN be sure to remind your local community whenever her name comes up in conversation.

This won't get you your money back, but its' the only way to have any real impact on her wallet. And who knows, if she is an active poster/advertiser on TER, you may have enough impact on her business that she might offer to make it right with you?

VOO-doo507 reads

Historically, regulars are the only ones who have ever given me problems with mon$y. Never new clients. Regulars either get way too familiar, or take us for granted, or don't respect that time=energy=money, or just know they can get away with it. Or, some combination of the above.

You mentioned a scenario that is very familiar to me: "vague about session length and then leaving 90-min worth of cash after 2-hrs together." That's nothing. I've had it happen even worse. A guy literally kept me for 4+ hours, mostly playtime (including anal) and thought that LESS than my 90-minute rate should suffice. He's been texting me lately (I do not reply) which is why that incident immediately came to mind. But that type of things is all too common. A few years ago, I had one guy think a BJ/dinner/chat session of 4+ hours should be FREE, I guess since he didn't ask for full service and paid for some food and wine. I had a ton to do that week, and would have happily exchanged twice the $$ amount of the food/drink we consumed to have had that evening to myself....

This makes me feel like a model client, my envelope is always correct for the date I've requested, and I'm the clock watcher, if any one is.

I really don't get how folks can't figure this sport out, it really is fucking simple. And if someone can't afford it, try another hobby.

Okay so I'm still fairly new to this whole game. Feeling a bit worried reading all the comments. There is a particular provider that I see regularly (once every week if possible). After seeing her a half dozen times I inquired if she ever offered a preferred rate for regulars. I reminded her that I was fairly new and didn't know the customs and the answer may simply be no which I was okay with. She replied giving me a special rate and assured me I could feel free to ask her anything. Shortly after she put up an advertisement offering special rates for repeat guests. We both seem to truly enjoy our time together and I always show up with a small gift of sort which she seems very appreciative about. We even have planned a 5 night getaway for next month. The truth is if I offered her what I feel she is worth I'd have to stop seeing her or go broke. Am I worrying for no reason or should I discuss this concern next time?

PussyLipGloss761 reads

Good chemo + Good rates = Precious. Protect that shit. Pay up, don't fall in love (repeat: don't fall in love), and let the good times roll for months/years. Rare thing that is. Worth keeping.

-- Modified on 7/16/2015 7:43:09 PM

I can testify from many years of doing this that if you follow that advice, 90% of the time you will be rewarded with long term exceptional service

Has it happened? Of course...I think it has happened to EVERY provider at one time or another. The gent who claims he thought the rate was "xy", when it's really "xyz", or someone you've seen before at a special rate, coming to see you 6 months later, and trying to pay you that same rate (knowing it was a special at the time...but they'll try). The solution? ALWAYS get paid up front, no exceptions (except for certain long-time regulars). In the past before I knew better, if I was shorted, once you point it out, 90% of the time, the gent pays you what they were short right there on the spot. A couple did not have the amount they owed, and hence, they were not allowed to book with me again unless the next time they booked, the amount they owed, plus the amount for the next session, was paid at the beginning of the next appt....and everyone except for 2-3 people followed through.  

I know many providers DO blacklist gents for shorting them. I mean, honestly...if you went into a restaurant, and were short on your bill, you couldn't just walk out and tell them you'd pay them another day or you were unaware of the prices....you would be speaking to the police. Providers cannot go this route (at least for being shorted), so yes, they will blacklist a guy who intentionally shorted them

GaGambler647 reads

and I have seen it happen MANY times first hand in countries where prostitution is legal. Cheating a hooker in those countries is just like walking out on your bar bill or restaurant tab, the woman has every right to call the police and file a complaint

Yea..in other countries....not here in the U.S. unfortunately (except at the brothels in NV). There were actually 2 cases here in Madison, WI about 1.5 years back where once the guy called the police, saying he had been ripped off & once the lady doing it....end result was they were both charged with soliciting a prostitute & not sure what the lady was charged with.

Posted By: GaGambler
and I have seen it happen MANY times first hand in countries where prostitution is legal. Cheating a hooker in those countries is just like walking out on your bar bill or restaurant tab, the woman has every right to call the police and file a complaint.  

A hundred fell under the bed while I was counting out the money and I didn't notice. I was mortified when she called and said the envelope was light because I knew I had just counted the money out before the session AND I didn't want her to think I did it on purpose. (I can be an ass, but I'm not that kind of ass.)

In the end, she suggested a smart solution that was a quick fix and I got her her 100. In the future I'll fan out the green on the nightstand. Oh and that missing hundred ... I had a new bed delivered a couple of months later and sure enough ... the bill was right there under the old bed - Fuck my life sometimes!

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