TER General Board

TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 472 reads

But thats me!

Hi Everyone,  

Just wanted to see if it's cool for a client to ask to Skype before he books? Have you done this before? Would like to hear from client and provider side on this issue.

TopEntertainer459 reads

No that could be a total waste of time! For that there are cam girls!

I think you're onto something here... a cam girl portal that leads to booking? Does that exist already?

It amounts to OTC time and is a standard ploy of timewasters and fake hobbyists.  They get you to engage with them in HOPES of future business, which rarely ever comes through.  Ask them to pass screening first with their work information and see how fast they disappear.  There are, of course, exceptions, but generally speaking, a low percentage play in my opinion.  

It is also mutually risky from a compatibility standpoint.  There is always a possibility that your won't like them, or they won't like you.  Not every client is a good match for every provider, but if you wait to meet the incall/outcall, you at least get paid for the session even if there's never going to be a repeat as far as either, or both of you, are concerned.  

Oh man, I'm so glad I waited for comments and the sagely wisdom. Yea, this dude wants a face pic. I'm just not comfy with that- ever. My clients know I'm cute- not plastic surgery cute but just naturally adorable. :) As for Skype, I'm not totally opposed but yes, it's a waste of time and total looky-loos tend to ask for this type of stuff. Ugh, it's so lame when these types land on your radar. Thanks everyone for the input! See, I'm learning :D

he probably only wants a face pic to posted somewhere, or it can be someone that you know and wants to find out if is you... dunno, many things come to my mind with this.  

Time is money, and every email, message, communication is time he is taking out from you with out a booking. Best thing is to set up the date and you guys can go from there.  

Also, this sounds like the typical guy that NEVER meet you but wants to be " your regular"... BS!!~~  

A regular would become one once there's a connection stablished, you guys click on the date.  

Be safe and don't fall for those tricks.  


Posted By: ParkerSouth
Oh man, I'm so glad I waited for comments and the sagely wisdom. Yea, this dude wants a face pic. I'm just not comfy with that- ever. My clients know I'm cute- not plastic surgery cute but just naturally adorable. :) As for Skype, I'm not totally opposed but yes, it's a waste of time and total looky-loos tend to ask for this type of stuff. Ugh, it's so lame when these types land on your radar. Thanks everyone for the input! See, I'm learning :D

Prof-Client395 reads

Time is money?  I agree, but is the client not spending money?  Oh I forgot, clients don't matter only their money.  

Seems pretty hypocritical to want the client to produce additional screening info like Occupation, real name, and board handles yet emphatically say no to a Skype session and at the same time sarcastically state "this sounds like a guy that NEVER meet you but wants to be your regular."  

But that's just me

Posted By: TurbayVeronica
he probably only wants a face pic to posted somewhere, or it can be someone that you know and wants to find out if is you... dunno, many things come to my mind with this.  
 Time is money, and every email, message, communication is time he is taking out from you with out a booking. Best thing is to set up the date and you guys can go from there.  
 Also, this sounds like the typical guy that NEVER meet you but wants to be " your regular"... BS!!~~  
 A regular would become one once there's a connection stablished, you guys click on the date.  
 Be safe and don't fall for those tricks.  
Posted By: ParkerSouth
Oh man, I'm so glad I waited for comments and the sagely wisdom. Yea, this dude wants a face pic. I'm just not comfy with that- ever. My clients know I'm cute- not plastic surgery cute but just naturally adorable. :) As for Skype, I'm not totally opposed but yes, it's a waste of time and total looky-loos tend to ask for this type of stuff. Ugh, it's so lame when these types land on your radar. Thanks everyone for the input! See, I'm learning :D

usually the flake ones, or those that ABUSE of ladies time.  

Is he paying for the Skype call??? NO, so yes.. he wants a free service...

Posted By: Prof-Client
Time is money?  I agree, but is the client not spending money?  Oh I forgot, clients don't matter only their money.    
 Seems pretty hypocritical to want the client to produce additional screening info like Occupation, real name, and board handles yet emphatically say no to a Skype session and at the same time sarcastically state "this sounds like a guy that NEVER meet you but wants to be your regular."  
 But that's just me

Posted By: TurbayVeronica
he probably only wants a face pic to posted somewhere, or it can be someone that you know and wants to find out if is you... dunno, many things come to my mind with this.    
  Time is money, and every email, message, communication is time he is taking out from you with out a booking. Best thing is to set up the date and you guys can go from there.    
  Also, this sounds like the typical guy that NEVER meet you but wants to be " your regular"... BS!!~~    
  A regular would become one once there's a connection stablished, you guys click on the date.    
  Be safe and don't fall for those tricks.    

Posted By: ParkerSouth
Oh man, I'm so glad I waited for comments and the sagely wisdom. Yea, this dude wants a face pic. I'm just not comfy with that- ever. My clients know I'm cute- not plastic surgery cute but just naturally adorable. :) As for Skype, I'm not totally opposed but yes, it's a waste of time and total looky-loos tend to ask for this type of stuff. Ugh, it's so lame when these types land on your radar. Thanks everyone for the input! See, I'm learning :D

-- Modified on 3/8/2017 7:36:50 PM

Prof-Client465 reads

Not necessarily.  I don't waste ladies time, if I've read the reviews and reached out then that means I want to see the lady.  Are there time wasters/pic collectors out there? Yes.  Are there ladies who lie or misrepresent their photos?  Yes.  Scratching my head as to what you view as a free service when nothing is sexually explicit via Skype or FaceTime.  And if you want to be compensated for your time via Skype, then add an addition fee for it.  Not all clients want a "free service", as I stated before some like me just want to not get swindled.  

in the minority.  Most guys that want photos or video chat in advance are timewasters or up to no good.  That's why I said its a low percentage play for the provider.  

GaGambler275 reads

Although I wouldn't consider a brief Skype chat an "extra service" I would never ask for it in the first place. I have to concede the type of guy that would ask for such a thing would be more likely to be a timewaster looking for a cheap thrill than not.

and people say that no one ever changes anyone else's mind around here. Even a genius like me can't be right 100% of the time. lol

GaGambler363 reads

I've never done it, but since so many ladies blur their faces (which I can't blame them for doing) it does eliminate any chances of "sorry, I can't do this" when the door opens.

guys who put looks above service.  For most of the guys I know over 50, service is king.  I will be the first to admit that if the faces of providers were unblurred, I might have passed on a few girls I have seen that gave spectacular service that I repeated with several times afterward.  The website photos for most providers, while concealing the eyes for privacy purposes, still show enough for most legitimate hobbyists to make a decision to see or not to see.  I don't do BBW's, but you can tell that from their websites.  I think the negatives for providers that can come from the time-suck spent skyping or video-chatting far outweigh the potential benefits for the provider.  

I think most providers that have dealt with timewasters will be with me on this one, although I can certainly appreciate the benefit to hobbyists of being able to do this.  For those younger indies that demand a photo when you book, it might be a useful alternative, but for veteran professionals, the looks of the customers are not usually a dealbreaker.  

I have never done it and have been asked to do it. There are some providers out there that do it and I am not one of them. I don't do it for my privacy. Once the client meets they are happy with me no matter what. I think clients will ask if they are not sure they may meet and very unsure about the situation it's just weather or not the provider will do or won't do.

As GaG said, it would eliminate a lot of walk-aways when you get to the door.  Possibly it could take away from business because half the mystery is "will she look as hot in person as I am imagining?"  Those with nothing to worry about i.e. recently updated photos, nothing to hide, etc. I don't think would have a problem with it.  I have ran across some that offer FaceTime on rare occasions. To each his own though, but I guess reassuring a client that he's getting what he's paying for ($400 to $500 per hour) isn't a big deal.

But then I've never asked for even a photo.  For me, researching reviews, provider's web site, etc is sufficient for me to decide if I want to meet a provider.    

The other principle on this for me is, if a provider asked ME to Skype before she agreed to see me, I'd decline, and I won't ask a provider for personal info (including a live video image) that I'm not willing to give her for myself.

This has been tremendously helpful. I appreciate the guidance from the community. You are all super RAD!

-- Modified on 3/10/2017 2:07:11 PM

souls_harbor359 reads

If you don't show your face in your ads, then no.

CougarLingus446 reads

Do you have any way of knowing whether the video is being recorded? If you do this, don't say anything you wouldn't say to an on-duty vice cop, and don't show anything you wouldn't show in an ad. (Face, tattoos, etc.)

As I imagine a video chat like that, it's sort of like, what would be the point?

If you're okay showing your face on skype then yes, maybe the guy would get to see if he thinks you're pretty enough to book with you, but are you getting a lot of "oh, never mind" when the door opens? If not, again, what's the point? The benefits for him are pretty obvious. What's in it for you?

If you're struggling to keep your calendar full, maybe bet on the slim odds that this guy will ever book, or charge him for the chat session. If you're meeting or almost meeting your goals, I don't see why you would bother. Big risk, little reward. But that's just me, I'm not a provider, WTF do I know?

So long as you get security concerns out of the way first. But ultimately, I think it's kinda lame. Who doesn't get a rush when they're waiting for that door to first open?

A guest should already be certain of his desire to meet me before reaching out. After all, that is what my website, ads, photos, posts on here, and social media presence are for. If he's unsure of an exact time that may work, that's totally fine. But if it's a matter of requiring private phone or video correspondence to determine whether or not he'd book with me, then no. That's just me though, and you have to determine what works for you.  There are some general SOP's. But only you can know how to run your business.

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