TER General Board

escalade1964 65 Reviews 314 reads


I'm staying off the newbie board for a bit, haha, don't ask :)

I'm still trying to figure out a way for the Hobby to fit into my life, without making my luscious full head of hair turn gray from my own constant concern of catching a case.
Yes, I know Debbie, full body condom! I'll order some soon!

But seriously, are there a good deal of fellas here who DO NOT engage in; DATY, DATO, BBBJ, CIM, or DFK? Just 100% wrapped?

Is it enjoyable? As long as everything was covered, with no real exchange of fluids, I wouldn't have an STD care in the world. I just want to know if it also takes ALL the fun out of it!

There are many more, thousands more guys who p4p that possibly do.  

Anyone who engages in P4P assesses the risks according to them and whom ever else they play with uncovered...the SO in some cases. Nothing is disease proof, however there is such a thing as lessening your odds on catching something with a life time guarantee.

Is it enjoyable?...possibly..... those who do everything covered would be the ones to tell you if it was satisfying to THEM or not.

You can see any provider and request no fluid exchange and most likely they'll oblige you. I personally would not knowingly go into that kind of date because those are all the fun things and I'm here for my pleasure as well honestly. For example, when someone is a terrible kisser, they immediately get filed in my do not see folder...I'm not interested in having an experience that leaves me feeling icky.

The real question is will that be fun for you. If you're racked by fear, then maybe you shouldn't participate. Condoms break or slip off. Skin to skin contact is still there. So if you're looking for things to worry about, they'll always exist. But when you play safely and smart you shouldn't have an issue. There's nothing anyone can tell you until you come to terms with that.

But those to ask for it, I'm happy to cater too.
In Aus & NZ where p4p is legal ANY uncovered service is illegal.
So I'm familiar with it.

If a guy doesnt like condoms they woman can use a oral dam for bjs and there are female condoms for VI.

FatVern330 reads

That sure sounds a lot friendlier than vaginal penetration.

Posted By: Kitty_Rains
But those to ask for it, I'm happy to cater too.  
 In Aus & NZ where p4p is legal ANY uncovered service is illegal.  
 So I'm familiar with it.  
 If a guy doesnt like condoms they woman can use a oral dam for bjs and there are female condoms for VI.

our post flaunts your misconceptions, ie, sex with professional sex workers is more dangerous than with civies. I beg to differ. Professionals are professional for a reason - they are better than the amateurs. That means they guard their saftey and guarding their safety translates into guarding yours. Pick up a civie one night and have sex. Oh yeah you are safe. You date a civie and eventually have sex, sorry, same story unless you discussed all that up front in which case you never would never have gotten laid.

Posted By: cspatz
 Your post flaunts your misconceptions, ie, sex with professional sex workers is more dangerous than with civies. I beg to differ. Professionals are professional for a reason - they are better than the amateurs. That means they guard their saftey and guarding their safety translates into guarding yours. Pick up a civie one night and have sex. Oh yeah you are safe. You date a civie and eventually have sex, sorry, same story unless you discussed all that up front in which case you never would never have gotten laid.
Hmmm. I am very interested in hearing more of these...what did you call them?  
"Guarding their safety"
Do providers have a sort of ability to sniff out STD's that a civvie girl does not?
Is a provider somehow immune to anything that could come from BBBJ, CIM, BBFS, DATY, DATO, GRK? Many get tested frequently, some do not. How often, which ones do, you somehow know?
Your post flaunts some crazy wrong logic, dudebro.

A pro engaging in potentially unsafe activities has the same chance as all the rest of us.
In fact, providers and clients have a greater chance.
The more times you engage in ANY (even not sexually related) dangerous activity, the better the odds are one day you'll just...run out of luck.

Average American male has 7 sexual partners, females 4. Slight differences for certain ethnicities. Some will have larger numbers, maybe even a lot more.
You have 50 reviews. That's just the ones you reviewed, it's probably higher.
That's great. Guess who has an exponentially greater chance of getting something.
Joe Average with 7, or you with 50?
It's NOT rocket science.

Fuck me sideways, I didn't even post to start anything, wanted some answers, not random nonsense from Mr Guard My Safety.

..you are not ready for this world and your response only supports it.

Posted By: cspatz
 ...you are not ready for this world and your response only supports it.
Awww, don't be like that.  
Tell you what. Seriously. Explain how providers, who may see hundreds of clients over a career are *safer* than a civvie who may sleep with 10 -20 dudes.

If you can give me a real piece of info that supports your conclusion i will publicly apologize to you and admit I'm a raging asshole, and that i was born with a rare disease that left me with 3 swollen testicles, but no penis

.no need for me explain to to you or you to explain to me. We are in different worlds.

Professional workers ARE indeed safer than civvies. Frequency of sex does not necessarily have to be a contributor to STD's. The biggest factor is primarily personal care and awareness. As a Professional, these are things that need to be done and are assured- Hence one of the reasons my rates are what they are.


Those are just a few things that separate Professional's from Civvies. As a 22 year-old babe, I know A LOT of my college friends who are civvies that have MANY one-night stands who are clueless and naive when it comes to sex safety.  

If I were you, educate yourself on communicable diseases. It's very hard to contract diseases through kissing, so that can eliminate one of your fears. The only way to communicate diseases via skin to skin contact is if one of the parties has lesions, so perhaps take a quick, nonchalant scan of your partners body before activities begin. Just some ideas!  

Happy Holidays!


That was actual helpful info!

I'm not really worried about kissing, and i never said anything about being concerned over skin to skin.  

Obviously everything you said relies on the providers being "true professionals"
What happens if a provider does test positive for something?  
Takes herself off the market?

I am not about to show a john my test results with my name on it....unless that john has given me is real name and we can both verify and since giving out real names is like napalm, no way will I show that.

Also, if one has access to photoshop, one can falsify test results.

is "what do you choose to do"?

Find your OWN comfort zone, and play within it.  

No one else can tell you what is right for you.

You have clearly researched the issues.  

Man-up, make a decision, live with it.

that you see all those listed services you mentioned on provider menus, and in reviews, for a reason...they are widely appreciated in the hobby world.  

Totally agree with the earlier post that there is no more risk with a well reviewed pro than a civie...and probably less. However you enjoy civie sex - you could feel just as comfortable with the same in the hobby.

Posted By: ptfun61
that you see all those listed services you mentioned on provider menus, and in reviews, for a reason...they are widely appreciated in the hobby world.  
 Totally agree with the earlier post that there is no more risk with a well reviewed pro than a civie...and probably less. However you enjoy civie sex - you could feel just as comfortable with the same in the hobby.
Is this something that simply gets repeated as truth?
Can anyone actually explain how a provider with over 200 reviews is SAFER than sex with a civvie woman who's been with 12 guys?

Please. I really need to understand the thinking on this.

Posted By: WhiteCloak

Can anyone actually explain how a provider with over 200 reviews is SAFER than sex with a civvie woman who's been with 12 guys?
It all depends on what rates of STI you use.  From there, the math is pretty simple.

I don't have the full research handy to use STI rates as determined by studies, but to illustrate a point, suppose:

STI rate among escorts: 1 out of 10000
STI rate among civvies: 1 out of 100

which means that contracting an STI from an escort is 10 times less likely than a civvie.

Simply flip those numbers around to get the likelihood that you *won't* contract an STI:

escort: 9999 out of 10000
civvie: 99 out of 100

that's the likelihood for one sexual encounter.  So, simply multiply that number by itself as many times as the number of sexual encounters you expect to have.

E.g. suppose 5 similar encounters in each case:

0.9999 * 0.9999 * 0.9999 * 0.9999 * 0.9999 = 0.9995 chance you *won't* contract an STI from an escort.

0.99 * 0.99 * 0.99 * 0.99 * 0.99 = 0.95 change you *won't* contract and STI from a civvie.

In both of these hypothetical cases, you're likely to *not* contract an STI, but the civvie situation is riskier than the escort situation -- 95% vs. 99%

But again, this is just using made-up numbers to illustrate a point.  You have the full freedom and liberty to research this and find what you consider to be trustworthy studies on STI infection rates for sexual encounters with sex workers vs. non-sex-workers, then plug those numbers into the same formula and draw your own conclusions

Thank you for that explanation.

A few things wrong here;

I like how you immediately just used the escorts as being safer for "illustrative" purposes :)

Real issue is that there IS no true data. Because of the illicit nature of the biz, there hasn't been a comprehensive study of civvie vs sex worker STI rates.

Most of the available information, unfortunately, points to clients/providers as having a far greater chance of contracting something. However, that is world-wide data, not U.S specific.
Third world countries skew the numbers quite heavily.  

There IS one interesting factoid. In areas where P4P has been decriminalized, STI's are in fact lower

Here it is :  200 partners with all things covered = little risk
                12 partners with nothing covered = a lotta risk

that is the premise I think that these post may refer to.  If both do everything covered then both would be at little risk but of course with more partners you do have more chances of something breaking or what not.

But many, many partners safely is safer than just a few unsafely.   You have sex without a cover you are having sex with everyone that person had sex with and everyone each of those people had sex with (this is of course if it is uncovered).   Simple math.  

And like someone else said....professionals think of the risk and think that we have to maintain our habits because we have to assume you guys aren't.  Anyways, civvie  gals may delude themselves into believing the guy is only with them and we don't have such delusions.  

But all in all, I make sure I am safe because in the end I am the only one I can be sure of. I mean, everyone is the only one they can be sure of.  I am sounding confused. What I mean is, you (me or you or anyone) can only know for certain what we (me, you, everyone) are doing.  So, to me, I go with the assumption that everyone lies and you cant trust anyone and always wear a condom.  And that is across the board work or not.    

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to think differently.....uh....probably I think I be dead.




Posted By: WhiteCloak
Posted By: ptfun61
that you see all those listed services you mentioned on provider menus, and in reviews, for a reason...they are widely appreciated in the hobby world.    
  Totally agree with the earlier post that there is no more risk with a well reviewed pro than a civie...and probably less. However you enjoy civie sex - you could feel just as comfortable with the same in the hobby.
 Is this something that simply gets repeated as truth?  
 Can anyone actually explain how a provider with over 200 reviews is SAFER than sex with a civvie woman who's been with 12 guys?  
 Please. I really need to understand the thinking on this.

FatVern374 reads

Why? There has probably been a lot of dicks in there lately, and most definitely lube I need to be quite smitten by the looks of the lady and her vagina in order to do so. I almost exclusively only receive OWO, and always hope for CIM. I almost always use a condom, and almost never fear contracting a STD.

Posted By: FatVern
Why? There has probably been a lot of dicks in there lately, and most definitely lube I need to be quite smitten by the looks of the lady and her vagina in order to do so. I almost exclusively only receive OWO, and always hope for CIM. I almost always use a condom, and almost never fear contracting a STD.
Not familiar with this acronym.

FatVern297 reads

oral with out

Posted By: WhiteCloak
Posted By: FatVern
Why? There has probably been a lot of dicks in there lately, and most definitely lube I need to be quite smitten by the looks of the lady and her vagina in order to do so. I almost exclusively only receive OWO, and always hope for CIM. I almost always use a condom, and almost never fear contracting a STD.
 Not familiar with this acronym.

Hnnnnng270 reads

Here is what my average session is like

You are extremely hung up on how many partners we've all had, and your own reviews mention going soft the second a condom comes into the picture. You can't have it both ways. I don't even think it's an issue of health consciousness for you, but rather a revulsion to "promiscuous" women. Virginal nymphomaniacs aren't exactly easy to find.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
You are extremely hung up on how many partners we've all had, and your own reviews mention going soft the second a condom comes into the picture. You can't have it both ways. I don't even think it's an issue of health consciousness for you, but rather a revulsion to "promiscuous" women. Virginal nymphomaniacs aren't exactly easy to find.
Hehe, I've never actually been with a virgin...

I think...that if you're correct, it isn't something I'm even aware of on a conscious level.
I have to at least *try* to work it out in my head.
Is my presence on this board so chaotic?
I do feel like everyone gets way too defensive waaaaaay too quick here

You've repeatedly mentioned both here and on the newbie board that you're repulsed by the "number of dicks" a given provider has had. Whether you intend for it to come off that way or not, it's an extremely judgmental and narrow-minded viewpoint that reeks of whorephobia. You're not going to find too many people here who are sympathetic to that. The underlying tone of everything you've been saying is basically "hookers are dirty and it's killing my boner."  

You're entitled to your opinion, but if you can't get over this preconceived notion that we're all a bunch of nasty who-ers then you're setting yourself up for disappointment time and time again.  

Posted By: WhiteCloak
Posted By: Tobi Telford
You are extremely hung up on how many partners we've all had, and your own reviews mention going soft the second a condom comes into the picture. You can't have it both ways. I don't even think it's an issue of health consciousness for you, but rather a revulsion to "promiscuous" women. Virginal nymphomaniacs aren't exactly easy to find.
 Hehe, I've never actually been with a virgin...  
 I think...that if you're correct, it isn't something I'm even aware of on a conscious level.  
 I have to at least *try* to work it out in my head.  
 Is my presence on this board so chaotic?  
 I do feel like everyone gets way too defensive waaaaaay too quick here.  

Drop trou, take dick in hand, bend it under and insert into own anus. Maybe his own germy ass is more his speed.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Drop trou, take dick in hand, bend it under and insert into own anus. Maybe his own germy ass is more his speed.
Crap! I'm ok sized, but i don't think i can stretch it into my own pooper.

Also, I'll have you know that my rectum is soooo clean!!
Like, one could serve food outta it and the FDA would nod and smile in approvement. Just sayin'.

Your attitude toward hookers has a lot to be desired. If you feel civvies are cleaner etc, then stay with them and leave us all to our own devices ...OR are you just one of those sad little boys who finds joy in coming on a board like this and denigrating the hookers?  

We have heard it all before and really the joke is on you.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Your attitude toward hookers has a lot to be desired. If you feel civvies are cleaner etc, then stay with them and leave us all to our own devices ...OR are you just one of those sad little boys who finds joy in coming on a board like this and denigrating the hookers?  
 We have heard it all before and really the joke is on you.
Ok, all jokes aside. I feel like I'm having a difficult time communicating my point, why I'm here, and what I'm trying to figure out.  

I can readily understand why you, and others here feel that I'm sort of a troll, or that I'm here to stand on a soapbox and sneer at my own righteousness.

It's just not the case.
Am i a sad little boy? Sometimes ;)
Am i here to denigrate and judge. No.

I can see that some of my posts...errr, weren't very diplomatic, or could have been better phrased. It's slightly possible i get frustrated easily and have very very very very slight anger issues :)

my_dixie_wrecked274 reads

Almost everything people do in life bears at least some risk, but maybe you could find something where the risk is more acceptable to you.  However, I think this is just some shtick you're trying to play.  It's my personal opinion that you get off on making passive aggressive comments about escorts on a forum where they can see it.  Your posts have a roundabout way of implying that escorts are dirty or unworthy in some way.  It appears that some others would agree based off from other posts.  When they call you out on it you reply by saying that wasn't your intention, and I have little doubt that's what you will do here.  Either way, you will have a much better time if you actually view the escort as a person.  Instead of a sexually promiscuous whore that is there to have sex with you and may or may be disease ridden.  And while you may have never said those words, the sentiments of your posts certainly dance around that implication.

Posted By: my_dixie_wrecked
Almost everything people do in life bears at least some risk, but maybe you could find something where the risk is more acceptable to you.  However, I think this is just some shtick you're trying to play.  It's my personal opinion that you get off on making passive aggressive comments about escorts on a forum where they can see it.  Your posts have a roundabout way of implying that escorts are dirty or unworthy in some way.  It appears that some others would agree based off from other posts.  When they call you out on it you reply by saying that wasn't your intention, and I have little doubt that's what you will do here.  Either way, you will have a much better time if you actually view the escort as a person.  Instead of a sexually promiscuous whore that is there to have sex with you and may or may be disease ridden.  And while you may have never said those words, the sentiments of your posts certainly dance around that implication.
I'm going to disagree with you. But really, what can I say. Everyone here seems to be in agreement with what you just posted.
Whether I actively meant to convey that...well, I didn't.
Do I get off on this...? Ha! Read my reviews...I don't get off, period.

I think at this point I've been told, literally 40 times, that this Hobby isn't for me.

One thing though that you are dead wrong about.
I DO view the escorts as people. That's a problem for me. If I COULD view them as promiscuous whores only there to have sex with me I'd probably be able to get off.

my_dixie_wrecked277 reads

In the OP you asked if a lot of guys do everything covered.  By reading the entire post it is quite evident that you are referring to sex within the hobby.  Why not include civie sex in that inquiry? I'm sorry, but to me that carries the implication that you think escort are dirty or unworthy in some way.  And it's not just in this thread.  You made several other posts related to using protection when with escorts.  If you're worried about contracting an std just always make sure you do use the protection methods that you make you feel comfortable.  Which is what you should be doing anyway.  You don't need anybody to tell you that.  I  don't see how gauging what other people are doing is gonna change your comfort level with certain sex acts.  Also, if there are several people getting the same underlying message from your posts, don't you think it's time to change your approach?

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