TER General Board

Horatius 1430 reads

...play poker with a man named Doc, eat at a place called Mom's or sleep with someone crazier than yourself.

I'm in trouble..
So now I'm convinced I'm dating a sugar baby..
And there is trouble in Sugarland...
Which makes trouble for me...

See. This girl showed up at my place to hang out on Sunday, and she won't leave.
Tomorrow will be day five. I have a crazy person squatting at my place..
This girl is crazy for real.. Intitutionalized. I just learned.
Takes all sorts of meds, and is starting to scare me..
At first I just thought she needed a place to crash, and of course I was thinking with the wrong head.
Now. I could care less about the sex..
I just need to get this crazy bitch out of my place without incident..
I just moved in here. I don't want cops, or craziness coming over..

She is Bi Polar. So she is either dead asleep, or completly bonkers.
So getting her to leave is becoming increasingly difficult.
Plus whatever meds she is on can make her so fucked up to the point I don't/ can't let her drive..
When she is normal. (If you can call it that) she will either cry, or freak out at the hint of leaving.
That's when she told me about Sugar Daddy.

I have to be honest.. I'm thinking of stealing her phone while she sleeps, and calling her family.
I'm worried about this person. She needs help..
This is my first experience with BSC.. It's not fun.
Any advice besides the obvious I told you so would be appreciated.

I didn't meet her in any hobby way, so I did not protect my identity.
Makes me pretty vulnerable to a person who could possibly make my life a living hell..

bonordonor1533 reads

just save yourself. Tell her she needs to move out for a while because you have family coming to stay with you.. Once she's out, she'll have to figure out how to survive in the mean time and you will become a distant memory. If that doesn't work, have you heard of the Witness Protection Program? lol

Cosette2012 reads

Not to sound unsympathetic but, you are an adult, you can fix this.

I'll tell you what someone I know did, when she encountered a problem...her roommate was a recovering user who fell off the wagon, she told her one day that it's not working out and please be out by a certain date...instead of leaving said roommate trashed the room where she was staying, so my friend called 911, and you tell them that you're afraid this person will do harm on to themselves or to you but you need them out. They come and take her and in the state of NY which I believe is where you are, they check her in for 48 hours. There she can call her family. You change the locks, and stop all contact with her.

JackDunphy1535 reads

If this bitch has you on the clock, you're fked Hound.  

I have been knee deep with BCS lately so I know how you feel.

Try offering her a session with Aldo and see what happens.  

Maybe he picks up and delivers?

You say she "just showed up"?

You didn't know her before?  And you start having sex on top of that?

Why would anyone ever let such a person just crash at their place?  (Please don't say it was for the sex, or we'll have to have you institutionalized also.)

If you do know her already, what is the basis of that relationship?  Do you have friends in common you can call and talk to about this?

In any case, it seems like a job for the police or some social service agency.

The sooner the better.

identity.   She isn't a TER escort,  she's just sugar baby of some sugar daddy.  why would he feel that his identity is threatened? is she going to out him on some national blacklist that she probably doesn't even know about,  for kicking her out of the house?  

he already let her in the house at this point does he think his identity can be protected inviting someone to crash for several days?  lol she knows his address,  name,  etc.

She is diagnosed Bi Polar Manic Depressive.
Been to the nut house and everything.
I didn't know that when I invited her in..
The pills are what made her into Dr Jekyll, and Mr. Hyde

The shit hit the fan when we overslept, and she missed some trip down south.
She went bonkers.. Let her crazy out. Blamed me for the whole thing.

Yeah I had some BSC incident this year too. This dancer I know,  she blamed me for everything even though it was really her fault. Absolutely nothing I can do when the girl is just too immature and needs to grow up first. That's the definition of BSC,  blame someone else and go bonkers. Life is easier that way for an irresponsible and immature person if they blame it all on someone else.  

Just like BSC fungus on this board who constantly stalks me as if he has a secret man crush on me. He's too stupid to realize that he was the one who attacked first yet blames it on others when we're just commenting on his rudeness and dumbest.  Explains why he became the board pinata while the previous pinata is in retirement

Are those the words she used in describing her disorder? "Bipolar Manic-depressive?"

I don't know how the DMS 5 refers to the disorder. It's online, but I never looked or at least didn't pay much attention. But you can find it easily enough.

She seemed pretty awsome actually.
I liked her. Wanted to date her long term.
I don't know her friends..
I met her in a town not very close to where I live.
If I say any more detail. It might not be smart.
She had been to my place before..
She knew where it was...
So yes. She just showed up..
What guy wouldn't let a woman who he knew into his place?

I just had no idea she was going to go on a bender.
That's when she told me all of this madness.

She wasn't a stranger Fish

why you create your posts in lines like poetry.
Cuz, here's the thing:
They don't rhyme.
But I
still love you.

If Im on my laptop. I type longer...........................................:D

I'm not lying about this situation..
It's over for now anyway..

Does that mean she's acting better now or she's gone for now?

Just wondering?


Did she leave anything of hers?   Bo up anything she left.  Do not let her in the door to pick it up, you'll not get her out again.  She will be back & expect a scene.  You are the legal occupant...  there are no wants or warrants on you.  Don't hesitate to call the Police.  
Change the locks even if you don't think she has a key.  Check doors & windows & replace locks & latches as necessary so she can't get back in while you are away.    
Be sure you don't have any illegal substances that she can snitch on you over...  I agree, make sure she didn't leave anything stashed.    
You've said she has a car & is earning money somehow.  So she does not need your driving her somewhere or getting her a room.  

I don't care how good a F*ck she is...  if she's unstable, it'll never work.  So you need her gone as gently as possible.

I mean, I live in a city, but I haven't walked every street either.  Life's too short.

In any case, I think the best thing he can do is to contact a medical center, or if possible her psychiatrist, and get her back on her medication which I suspect she has not been taking.

And, doesn't she have a home or somewhere she lived prior to dropping in?

you didn't meet her in the hobby so it's irrelevant. or does she know that you hobby?  

Anyway,  assuming this story is true,  I feel bad for you and the girl too.  I generally steer clear of BSC girls cuz I'm a very nice guy and BSC ones seem to take advantage of that sometimes. If you feel she isn't worth it,  it's time to call it off.

she can just stalk him and "Hound" him.  At home and maybe even at work.  I'd let him come home to his Mom and me but I'm afraid she'd follow him.

Who knows what she would/ could do.
She has rich, and powerful friends.
She could tell them whatever she wants..

I really would like to keep this time bomb from going off

JackDunphy1623 reads

Ever here his routine on how to be a millionaire? "Ok, step one. Get a million dollars, then..."

Do you have ANY idea what its like to get a BSCSB strung out on some shit to do anything? It's no walk in the park, I can assure you.  

If he runs, he still has Ms. Insanity in his pad. How's that gonna work for his morale?

Maybe he needs to call the Fire Dept? They get pussies out of trees, right

Cosette1562 reads

I can tell you that I can't control what someone else does, BUT I can control what I do, and since I'm not BSC, I'm going to ask myself logical questions.

Do I care about this person?
If yes, do I care about them enough to be with them through their bad times?
If I don't, then how do I get them out of my life as soon as possible?
And if I can't do it alone, verbally, and obviously I can't do it alone physically then the next step is getting someone from the outside.

It's not a walk in the park, and my friend who had to kick her roommate out of the apt did not have a good 2 weeks (when she fell off the wagon), nor a good 3 days (while she gave her the deadline to leave) nor a good day when she finally called so she could be taken away. But it's been 4 weeks and she's out of her life. Means to an end man.

Why don't you ask her where she was heading to down south and buy her a damn airline ticket there and then change the locks/

So you thinks she knows real important people...um ok. Ask her for one of their contact number and ask them to come get her. If something's getting ready to blow up, real important people don't want it to happen because the shit might downhill onto them. So maybe you would be HAPPY to help her get her shit together.

But PLEASE don't send her to NC...


-- Modified on 4/16/2014 9:36:38 PM

I think what he means is that she's embedded in his life now. There's some understanding between them. She's a friend, and as suck, she feels she can ask things of him.

Back_In_Black1843 reads

send me her info and if shes a 10/10 its my headache .  
your welcome .  

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I'm in trouble..  
 So now I'm convinced I'm dating a sugar baby..  
 And there is trouble in Sugarland...  
 Which makes trouble for me...  
 See. This girl showed up at my place to hang out on Sunday, and she won't leave.  
 Tomorrow will be day five. I have a crazy person squatting at my place..  
 This girl is crazy for real.. Intitutionalized. I just learned.  
 Takes all sorts of meds, and is starting to scare me..  
 At first I just thought she needed a place to crash, and of course I was thinking with the wrong head.  
 Now. I could care less about the sex..  
 I just need to get this crazy bitch out of my place without incident..  
 I just moved in here. I don't want cops, or craziness coming over..  
 She is Bi Polar. So she is either dead asleep, or completly bonkers.  
 So getting her to leave is becoming increasingly difficult.  
 Plus whatever meds she is on can make her so fucked up to the point I don't/ can't let her drive..  
 When she is normal. (If you can call it that) she will either cry, or freak out at the hint of leaving.  
 That's when she told me about Sugar Daddy.  
 I have to be honest.. I'm thinking of stealing her phone while she sleeps, and calling her family.  
 I'm worried about this person. She needs help..  
 This is my first experience with BSC.. It's not fun.  
 Any advice besides the obvious I told you so would be appreciated.  
 I didn't meet her in any hobby way, so I did not protect my identity.  
 Makes me pretty vulnerable to a person who could possibly make my life a living hell..  

Back_In_Black1858 reads

I have insurance and it may be fun to watch . no no do it to me . does she throw things ? is she feisty ? I mean a year or two with her and youll be ready to marry . look at this as boot camp for the future if you survive the next woman youll be telling us about will be mrs dawg . and I said send her to me not that I would be her sugar daddy .  id take your place and deal with her drama for you . just know im there for you dawg , just know .. keep us posted  

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I wouldn't do it to you dude..  

Cosette is right-- this ought to be handled by official outsiders.

Posted By: Back_In_Black
I have insurance and it may be fun to watch . no no do it to me . does she throw things ? is she feisty ? I mean a year or two with her and youll be ready to marry . look at this as boot camp for the future if you survive the next woman youll be telling us about will be mrs dawg . and I said send her to me not that I would be her sugar daddy .  id take your place and deal with her drama for you . just know im there for you dawg , just know .. keep us posted    
Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I wouldn't do it to you dude..  

...do NOT get any type of police / social services / medical company involved. You will be Suspect Numero Uno.

Best bet: don't call her mother, but yes do get her phone and see who a majority of her previous calls go to. If you can find someone on there who's more of a friend (or even sister?), start there. You can be honest about the situation: you're friends who have dated a bit and she showed up all screwy at your house and you need their help getting her out of there.

Or drive her someplace and leave her (that might be terrible, but she basically did that to you, only in an opposite way), just make sure there aren't cameras that catch you and again, fingers pointing back to you.

Good luck, hound.

If you get the police involved, they will start asking questions (especially if she is crazy and starts accusing him of things). Trust me. My brother is in LE and they are trained to cover their own asses as much as possible, which means being suspicious and asking lots of questions.

And toss a bone outside the door and tell her to fetch.

Change locks.

See...that was easy!

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I'm in trouble..  
 So now I'm convinced I'm dating a sugar baby..  
 And there is trouble in Sugarland...  
 Which makes trouble for me...  
 See. This girl showed up at my place to hang out on Sunday, and she won't leave.  
 Tomorrow will be day five. I have a crazy person squatting at my place..  
 This girl is crazy for real.. Intitutionalized. I just learned.  
 Takes all sorts of meds, and is starting to scare me..  
 At first I just thought she needed a place to crash, and of course I was thinking with the wrong head.  
 Now. I could care less about the sex..  
 I just need to get this crazy bitch out of my place without incident..  
 I just moved in here. I don't want cops, or craziness coming over..  
 She is Bi Polar. So she is either dead asleep, or completly bonkers.  
 So getting her to leave is becoming increasingly difficult.  
 Plus whatever meds she is on can make her so fucked up to the point I don't/ can't let her drive..  
 When she is normal. (If you can call it that) she will either cry, or freak out at the hint of leaving.  
 That's when she told me about Sugar Daddy.  
 I have to be honest.. I'm thinking of stealing her phone while she sleeps, and calling her family.  
 I'm worried about this person. She needs help..  
 This is my first experience with BSC.. It's not fun.  
 Any advice besides the obvious I told you so would be appreciated.  
 I didn't meet her in any hobby way, so I did not protect my identity.  
 Makes me pretty vulnerable to a person who could possibly make my life a living hell..  

I would never do something like that to someone who obviously needs help.
I want her out. But not like that.

By the way ... does she have a key?  I'll assume that she does NOT.  Then, ...

"Hay!  Let's go get something to eat at that new place near the hospital!"  
-Do you mean the one with the Golden Arches?-
"Yeah! I hear they make a great fish sandwich!"  
-OK, I guess.-

Now you're out of the house and you can deal with BSC without putting your own home at risk.  Maybe you'll have to sit with her for a long time, so make sure it's a 24 hr MickeyD.  Explain that she can't go back.  Get her to call someone to come and get her.  If there's a scene, at least there are witnesses and the 911 will have an easier time finding the place and there'll be plenty of parking for them.

Usually, I try to post funny or sarcastic stuff ("I don't speak mime.") but as dumb as the above sounds, I meant it in a serious way, with more sensible people suggesting how to tweak it a bit

I couldn't do that to someone..
I get your plan. It's smart.. But past experiences tell me to face shit like this.

It's a moot point anyway. She was gone when I got home from work.
Thats two hours ago.

If so get her our of your life!! Who needs drama like that.. No Pussy (or cock) is worth that!!! OMG ....  

Tell her you're family is coming for a visit just to get her the hell out of your house!!!  Then change all the LOCKS immediately!!!

Horatius1431 reads

...play poker with a man named Doc, eat at a place called Mom's or sleep with someone crazier than yourself.

Can you identify the drug she's abusing?  Lock up or remove all alcohol & your medications.  Are her meds LEGAL?  If not remove them from your home.  Was she really supposed to be somewhere?  Take her there; put her on a bus or plane.  Buy her the ticket as the best investment you'll ever make.  
Yes, use any info you can glean from her phone or her wallet  She should have ID.  You can find her doctors through her prescription labels.        
I do know a bit about bipolar as a college roommate was.  His father was an MD but as soon as he got out of state.  The kid F*cked with his meds, got off schedule & eventually crashed.  When he crashed.  He ended up hospitalized & was stabilized & shipped home to his parents.  He did not return to the out of state school.  Myself & suite mates packed his things & the school shipped them.    
She likely has no place to go but you can not save them all.  Sometimes we can't save ourselves. I get it that you don't want to hang her out to dry but you must explain "It's not working out."  Do your best to get her to someplace safe.  But failing that, you'd need to make discrete inquiries of the proper authorities.  
Yes, your hobbying will take a back seat for a while.  So be it.  You need to deal with this problem first.  

EDIT:  I didn't tie your posts together.  
If she is still going off (shacking up & coming back with cash)...  then SHE IS USING YOU for a home base between gigs.   There's a lot of hazard related to allowing yourself to be used this way.  While she is out...  change the locks & do not let her back in.  As above, take her anywhere she wants to go.  Just say "This is not working out for you."  Even if she F*ucked your brains out.  This is not going anywhere.  She's BSC.  Do what you need to.

-- Modified on 4/16/2014 5:54:47 PM

They were all in prescription bottles. But I didn't even get close to reading a label.
I won't say the names she told me though. They are .. The ones you think they are. Okay?
I can't say much more about that. The post would probably get pulled.
She had a pretty good line of shit about her doctors, and what not..  
I believed her. Maybe I shouldn't have......
Now that I think of it she may have been lying..
It's irrelevant now anyway..

She is gone now..
She just left while I was at work today.
I breathed a giant sigh of relief when I saw her car gone.
But as I type this.. I'm looking around..
She made my bed, cleaned my dishes, and sprayed her perfume all over the place.
She must have worked a while to clean up the mess we made.

I swear this is the truth... I always admit when I'm lying here.
Also I wouldn't bullshit such an honest and real response..
You obviously get what I'm talking about..

I feel like shit now.. What a mind fuck....
Now I'm worried, and wondered where she is. If she is okay..
I won't call her though.. I'm glad she is gone. Wow.. Mind Fuck!

After all..
A hero is just a sandwich.
I don't feel very good about it though.

When she returns.. You will be the first person I am going to look for advice from... You are a good person.
No bullshit.  Thanks. You got me thinking

She's leaving and coming back with CASH? She's either escorting or selling drugs. In fact while she gone, get a PI to come in and SEARCH your house to make damn sure she hasn't hidden something illegal in your house in case you don't let her back in (WHEN you don't let her back in) and she tries to threaten you with something she's left there that if found might get you in trouble.

You might think this is a bit of an overreaction, but if she's  that volatile better to cover your bases!


PS...now that you've admitted being drawn to BSC women, expect a few PMs... ;-)

ShortNotice1494 reads

You need to get her the fuck out of your house as bad as you may feel about booting her out.  Frankly I'd just tell her that you're not at a point in your relationship where you're ready to live with someone. She's going to cry and all that fine whatever. Your relationship with her is over get her out of your life now.  Put her up in a hotel for a night or two if you have to. Once she's out change your locks and when she calls you tell her that you don't want to see her anymore. If she refuses to leave your house call the police, tell them your situation, tell them you don't want a big scene and ask them to be discreet when they show up. The longer you allow her to stay the bigger this problem will become.

...now you'll have to decide from hour to hour how you're going to handle/cope with this. Final word to thee wise, don't expect whatever you plan to do to go like clockwork. You might have to approach it from a lot of different angles until it works itself out.

Good luck.

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I'm in trouble..  
 So now I'm convinced I'm dating a sugar baby..  
 And there is trouble in Sugarland...  
 Which makes trouble for me...  
 See. This girl showed up at my place to hang out on Sunday, and she won't leave.  
 Tomorrow will be day five. I have a crazy person squatting at my place..  
 This girl is crazy for real.. Intitutionalized. I just learned.  
 Takes all sorts of meds, and is starting to scare me..  
 At first I just thought she needed a place to crash, and of course I was thinking with the wrong head.  
 Now. I could care less about the sex..  
 I just need to get this crazy bitch out of my place without incident..  
 I just moved in here. I don't want cops, or craziness coming over..  
 She is Bi Polar. So she is either dead asleep, or completly bonkers.  
 So getting her to leave is becoming increasingly difficult.  
 Plus whatever meds she is on can make her so fucked up to the point I don't/ can't let her drive..  
 When she is normal. (If you can call it that) she will either cry, or freak out at the hint of leaving.  
 That's when she told me about Sugar Daddy.  
 I have to be honest.. I'm thinking of stealing her phone while she sleeps, and calling her family.  
 I'm worried about this person. She needs help..  
 This is my first experience with BSC.. It's not fun.  
 Any advice besides the obvious I told you so would be appreciated.  
 I didn't meet her in any hobby way, so I did not protect my identity.  
 Makes me pretty vulnerable to a person who could possibly make my life a living hell..  

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