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My wife was cheating with gangbangers.
vantheman666 10 Reviews 353 reads

I didn't want to divorce her at the time, because she needed spinal surgery and I'm a sucker.  I figured I'd just even things out by finding a friend with benefits.  After years of being married, I'd forgotten how much the dating scene sucked, but I started to remember pretty quickly.  My final, desperate attempt was the CL personals.  I was ready to call it quits when I found it was mostly webcam girls, but I did get a reply from an escort.  I didn't follow through, but then there was a nationwide string of LE stings, and a prominent Canadian politician was caught in one.  The article mentioned BP, so I looked at some reviews of it, and decided that the cops would now be tied up with the courts, the pimps would be in hiding for a moment, etc.  I made a few phone calls, and the one that finally agreed to meet me is now my ATF.  After about a year and a half of playing with BP, I accidentally stumbled onto TER, and the rest is history.

The many different reasons why we got started in this hobby.Something that happens in our life that perhaps pushed us into this hobby.

-- Modified on 2/5/2016 10:42:44 PM

So I will try and keep it short and simple.

I was a bi-sexual slut, lived in a swingers house, one of the roommates was an escort, she paid me to answer her phone and emails.

Got calls from the guys wanting to see the girl on the phone and not the one in the ads, how I found TER.

A Year goes by, I have a sugar daddy that liked to watch me fuck other men, so he set me up with his friends whom paid me. The rest is history.

GaGambler545 reads

Drunk and  horny meets opportunity is a good way to sum it up.

I was a fifteen year old kid hitchhiking from California to "make my fortune" in the oil field of Louisiana, with a side trip to Tijuana. Combine a bottle of Mescal with the raging hormones of a teenager, add a hot chica to the mix willing to "go upstairs"  for five bucks and there you have it, a whore monger was born.

TER came much, much later, it was another 25 years before this site even started and it was a hooker in Vegas who steered me in this direction.

In my marriage, her -3 affairs , me 2 yrs no sex,  yep found the hobby, haven't looked back, cost my marriage too, but then again didn't really have one.....

Became a lifestyle choice.  After my divorce a number of years ago, one of the items was to see a provider. So while celebrating a few life milestones in Vegas, made the call.  I will say it was a terrible experience.  I didn't know anything about this world.  

Fast forward a few years, and opted to give it a go again.  Took a chance and had a great time.  Learned a whole lot more in the process.  Enjoy the fact that there are no strings attached, I can pick and choose to see who interests me.  I've meet some really wonderful ladies along with the way.  Now that I'm back in this world on a more regular basis, I have a list of ladies that I'm interested in and one by one I'll check them off my "to do" list.

A foreign country interaction with a pretty SW hard wired my brain to the hobby. I couldn't get her out of my mind, and thinking of her, lead me to my first actual encounter several months later. I often wonder where I'd be if it had been the preacher's daughter who grabbed my cock, instead of that first SW. I might be on church chat now, instead of TER chat.

I doubt that many women grow up wanting to be escorts, but the truth is that I've been interested in using my sensuality to my advantage since I was old enough to discover its power. As a young girl, I was in awe of the kind of women who could command the attention of an entire room with just a flick of their hair or a coy smile. While most other girls my age obsessed over Disney princesses with fairytale romances, I was drawn to Jessica Rabbit, with her sultry look and seemingly magical ability to turn the opposite sex into putty in her gloved hands.  

As I grew older and embraced feminism, I realized that I didn't want to live in a world where everyone could profit off of my sexuality but me.  As a model, I was tired of being praised when I was the sexy subject of the male gaze, but condemned as a "slut" for looking and behaving the same way when the cameras were off. So I decided to take control of my sexuality and remove the middle man.  Becoming an escort allowed me to monetize the things that men so often felt entitled to:  my attention, my conversation, my time, my company.      

More than that, I genuinely love what I do-- the glamour, the passion, the excitement, the mystery, and the intimacy of it all. Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, right? ;)

...I found myself halfway across the country for a job away from family and friends.   Working a lot and not having the time to date or develop a relationship I gravitated first to a rub & tug but eventually to FS escorts.  So at the ripe old age of 52 I got my start.  By the way, the location was Dallas- not a bad place to start!  :-)

wondering if I'd ever find a gal who wanted to have sex with me.  Gals loved me for platonic relationships.

Then while reading the weekly entertainment mag I found the personal ads in the back and had a light bulb moment.

As they say, the rest is history

.....and I'm still a stripclub hound who suppiments my clubbing with hobbying :)

Squeezetheorem312 reads

And needed a way to pay bills while having plenty of time to study and party.

I started out dancing and liked it, but the hustling was not my thing. I worked out that escorting meant they come to you with an agreed-upon plan and price.  

Didn't always know I'd escort, but I was the type of little kid that saw a trailer for 'Pretty Woman' and said "What's wrong with that?" :-)

I didn't want to divorce her at the time, because she needed spinal surgery and I'm a sucker.  I figured I'd just even things out by finding a friend with benefits.  After years of being married, I'd forgotten how much the dating scene sucked, but I started to remember pretty quickly.  My final, desperate attempt was the CL personals.  I was ready to call it quits when I found it was mostly webcam girls, but I did get a reply from an escort.  I didn't follow through, but then there was a nationwide string of LE stings, and a prominent Canadian politician was caught in one.  The article mentioned BP, so I looked at some reviews of it, and decided that the cops would now be tied up with the courts, the pimps would be in hiding for a moment, etc.  I made a few phone calls, and the one that finally agreed to meet me is now my ATF.  After about a year and a half of playing with BP, I accidentally stumbled onto TER, and the rest is history.

- Single nymphomaniac. I profoundly hate dating, even the pretense involved in random hookups irks me.
(I know one might protest that escorting is all about pretense, but in fact I find the understood boundaries and explicit expectations incredibly refreshing.)

- Drowning in student debt that my other career, with its modest income potential, would not allow me to pay off in my lifetime.

- General attitude conducive to happy hookerdom: no hangups or shame about sex work; not competitive or jealous; not superficial/find a very wide range of people attractive; very high libido; radically non-judgmental about others' sexual proclivities (and delighted to get "weird"!); genuinely enjoy meeting new people; sex with almost-strangers excites me.

It's been 7 months since I entered the profession and while it's certainly not without its flaws, it's without doubt the best job I've ever had.

In as much as two civies are supposedly being straight with each other when they are not; but in the hobby pretense is expected (and delivered).

Of course then oft times the hobby becomes like RL when we do learn too much about each other and then real and imagined get mixed up.

I guess it makes life interesting

Besides, how will you ever meet that Panthera dude?

Posted By: GGxo
Been there done that. Never going back.

But I'm confused. So you're saying he's no longer a gent in this world? Oh well lol. I like dating here. Its real enough for me and works. Feels like real dating anyway minus the bullshit. If that's the case am I doing something wrong...again lol?

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Besides, how will you ever meet that Panthera dude?  
Posted By: GGxo
Been there done that. Never going back.

simply shut down our sex life. A workaholic at her career, social affairs and immersed in everything kids and house-related. We had sex 6 times in 9 years. Before kids, it was several times a day!!

I was with a friend and we were talking about similar problems... he handed me a slip of paper with a number on it. After 2 or three months, I called.  

Scared to death for about 30 seconds, I walked away with a smile that lasted a week and an new attitude that others noticed (positively).  

Yes, I struggled with the concept of being a cheater; but I also struggled with the concept of being cheated.  

Since divorcing earlier this year, I have no such struggles. I date inside and outside the hobby, and I thoroughly enjoy each of the various relationships that develop.  

Will I marry again? Sure, perhaps.... but not to live a life of celibacy.

Kind of figured I wasn't alone in this situation.

Me and the wife separated briefly only to discover her sleeping with her boss. At the time I didnt really know what to do with life in general and didnt know how to safely navigate the hobby to get even in my mind to move on. 3 years later and shes never been the same(including cutting way back on sex) and financially not being able to break away(school bills, separate house in my name). Until recently I got a huge Xmas surprise in a 30% pay increase and dont share a bank account.  

If I can unload the house when the tenant moves out and can pay off a few bills im out for good. Kind of sounds bad but the other reason I have held off for so long was my 3 dogs and being able to afford a place they can go with me lol. So glad we dont have kids.

turn off her source, but I am not done..

while cruising the internet and I signed up for a free membership, just curious at that point.

Fast forward to 2011, I got divorced, signed up with TER and a screening service. I've never looked back.

The reason I started the hobby? So I'd never have to fuck a woman I'm not attracted to, or who doesn't do what I like sexually. Let's face it, men pay for sex one way or another, so why not cut through the bullshit and lay down the cash.

Very briefly:  Needed sex, couldn't get it at home, became angry and frustrated, didn't want a divorce, ventured into the hobby.

My marriage was falling apart and the sex became scarce and then never. Surfing around the internet, I found TER and made a mental note of interesting women in the local area. Now that I am separated and on my way to a divorce, it was time to make those fantasies come true.

So far, all my encounters with the ladies have been wonderful.

Posted By: PLEASURE7
The many different reasons why we got started in this hobby.Something that happens in our life that perhaps pushed us into this hobby.

-- Modified on 2/5/2016 10:42:44 PM

my wife wouldn't do a very specific role play, and it's the sexiest thing i can think of.  besides i'm just a pig and i wanted to try sex with someone besides my wife.  i'm a pig.

well i got what i deserved, my wife has left me, leaving me wide open to screw all the providers i can afford after spousal support lol i'm a jerk.

but i have to say, i'm not the best in the bedroom so it's nice to be with women who do most of the work in the session.  whenever i was with a civvie girl, my wife or girl friends or just 1 night stands before them, if i didn't pick a position, a position didn't get picked.  if i didn't lean in for a kiss, there was no kiss.  if i didn't set the pace, no pace was set.  the civvie girls i met (and i met an awful lot of them) waited for me to set out the entire agenda, and i'm not really good at that.

i like providers because they will participate in the occurrence.  maybe i just got a shit ton of passive uninteresting girls, maybe my neuroses made it impossible for non-professional women to participate calmly, maybe putting down the envelope frees my psyche into being the interesting man i can be with these providers.  who knows, who cares.  

i love the hobby, i love the women i've met here... during my recuperation from my operation i have more than one provider ask if they can help me with errands, and have had one stop by my place simply for a visit to cheer me up.  i might be broken inside, but pay 4 play works for me on so many levels.

now all i need is more cash lol.

Thank you to all of you for sharing your experiences with others,It is amazing to see the different reasons why we all begin this hobby,I was a very happy married man until my wife had a hysterectomy do to ovarian cancer,I never thought I was going to cheat on her one day,I never thought I was going to pay for sex one day,I learned that life can force you to do things that you would never thought about it.

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