TER General Board

My definition of ATF does not equal having emotional feelings..teeth_smile
CubbieFan2 21 Reviews 370 reads


It means having fun times w/ a provider for an hour,not just the funsies part!! Once I walk out the door the euphoria stays w/ me for awhile, but I realize the fun was just for that hour & move on!! I saw a women over sixteen times, over the years, before she retired & never crossed that line!!  It was all about fun times for that particular hour!! Once she retired I found another, current ATF!!  This hobby is great!!  You have to lighten up a bit, London!! It is your chosen profession, so be happy!!

Posted By: London Rayne
I find the concept hilarious...the end. I am not getting married to these men, so if I am their atf great..if not, still great. ATF does not equate to anything other than a popularity contest, which I need not be a part of to be successful in this business. Maybe you have the luxury of working in your home town a lot...I do not, because I know way too many people to see just anyone who might have the money. I prefer NOT to embark on any type of emotional feelings with those I see, and in the past it has developed when seeing guys too much. That is just me, and how I choose to look at MY business. I would never tell another woman how to feel or how to run hers..none of my business.

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 5:38:44 AM

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 5:39:52 AM

ladies do you see that you will only see that one time?

More to the point. Do most of you hobby to find that one "ATF" until you get bored with her
or do you just see one and hop to the other??

I prefer gentlemen who come to see me over an extended period of time
but the below thread made me wonder..

I get the bucket list. Trust me, we all have them.. but... I would think that is not the typical
hobbyist as a general rule. Of course, You the hobbyist are going to see that 1 girl on the list in between but.. do you go back to the ATF????

I look for ladies to see multiple times.

the goal is to find someone I'm comfortable with to visit repeatedly.... but as the old saying goes, "you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your princess", fortunately, I love kissing frogs..

... problem is, I find her and she retires. My current ATF says she is retiring at the end of the summer and she is the best of them all.

...list of ladies seen. I have seen a few ladies only once but it was because they moved on before I could get back to them or at least up to now our schedules haven't worked out for another visit. I like to find ladies I can see often. So far I have not had a session with a provider that caused me to decide I would not see her again.

Do you attribute that to how well you research your provider before you see her?

with reviews, postings, PM's, candid photos, web site, and back channel. I have a good idea of what to expect.

I have no interst in notching my six guns...  or bed post...  as many times as possible.   I have had the best times with rotating a few Favorites.  I have only 3 that I currently consider Favs.  

In order for me to repeat or keep coming back for more, the lady has to really "Star Struck" me. In other words, when I see her, her beauty has to blow me away. Or she is so talented in her services, that I simply can't get enough.

Dont get me wrong, I've revisited with ladies simply on very good "chemistry" and connection we've had. You know how that goes, getting the better edge of the YMMV scale.

Plain n Simple, way too many sexy providers out there not to consider variety.

see 5-15 guys a month, and I don't much care to climb the ATF list. I deliver what I say I will deliver and though I love repeat clients, I too like meeting new guys...that is why I travel so much. Too many lines get blurred and even jealousy comes into play when providers start worrying about what a guy is doing who said she was his atf. You would be surprised how many refs never get priority because of this very reason. I don't care if a guy has 20 ATFs....that is life.

However many you see a month is your deal and I think it is great that you deliver whatever it is that you promise. but please do not paint us all with the same brush.

I have never ever been jealous and will always give a reference good,bad or otherwise..
I too love variety but would never travel for the sake of variety. I get all the variety I need right here with my 1 or 2 or 15..

There are many ladies in this little world and some are catty, jealous and insecure. Some are even bitter and jaded.. but not all. I have also been in this for a while. My feet are firmly placed on the ground and I do live in reality. I am sorry it is not YOUR reality...............

Posted By: London Rayne
see 5-15 guys a month, and I don't much care to climb the ATF list. I deliver what I say I will deliver and though I love repeat clients, I too like meeting new guys...that is why I travel so much. Too many lines get blurred and even jealousy comes into play when providers start worrying about what a guy is doing who said she was his atf. You would be surprised how many refs never get priority because of this very reason. I don't care if a guy has 20 ATFs....that is life.

I find the concept hilarious...the end. I am not getting married to these men, so if I am their atf great..if not, still great. ATF does not equate to anything other than a popularity contest, which I need not be a part of to be successful in this business. Maybe you have the luxury of working in your home town a lot...I do not, because I know way too many people to see just anyone who might have the money. I prefer NOT to embark on any type of emotional feelings with those I see, and in the past it has developed when seeing guys too much. That is just me, and how I choose to look at MY business. I would never tell another woman how to feel or how to run hers..none of my business.

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 5:38:44 AM

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 5:39:52 AM


It means having fun times w/ a provider for an hour,not just the funsies part!! Once I walk out the door the euphoria stays w/ me for awhile, but I realize the fun was just for that hour & move on!! I saw a women over sixteen times, over the years, before she retired & never crossed that line!!  It was all about fun times for that particular hour!! Once she retired I found another, current ATF!!  This hobby is great!!  You have to lighten up a bit, London!! It is your chosen profession, so be happy!!

Posted By: London Rayne
I find the concept hilarious...the end. I am not getting married to these men, so if I am their atf great..if not, still great. ATF does not equate to anything other than a popularity contest, which I need not be a part of to be successful in this business. Maybe you have the luxury of working in your home town a lot...I do not, because I know way too many people to see just anyone who might have the money. I prefer NOT to embark on any type of emotional feelings with those I see, and in the past it has developed when seeing guys too much. That is just me, and how I choose to look at MY business. I would never tell another woman how to feel or how to run hers..none of my business.

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 5:38:44 AM

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 5:39:52 AM

I won't sit here and say that I don't have some guys I prefer seeing over others, because certainly I do. I just think it's more than amusing how married men have ATF hookers..that's all. Funny how on one hand guys can claim this is all about sex, and in the very same breath talk about warm and fuzzies...nope, not getting it. I get that you can't help but consider some providers better than others and those are the ones that stick out in your mind...no problems realizing that.

I think some people take my posts too literally. It is my O P I N I O N and nothing more, so why should I need to lighten up when I am getting EXACTLY what I want to get and so are the guys who see me? We are just fine. :)


Yeah, I get it, you're cute & can have preferences about who you will/will not see!! We all put our pants on, one leg at a time, well, the women who wear pants!! I'm just saying enjoy life, don't become jaded & think you know all the answers, thus, hammer us over the head w/ the look at me, I'm sooo great attitude!!  Just Sayin'

You are basically sitting here and trying to tell me that my opinion is not mine to have, which is beyond stupid and even more insecure. Do what you do, feel what you feel, and don't worry about the next person. Yes, I am opinionated...so what? That is all it is, MY opinion! WTF...is it toddler day on TER?

I have on more than one occasion publicly stated that I DON"T think I am all that, so you are delusional and projecting your crap on me. I have said more than once, I am not a supermodel, not even a damn 8 on a bad day, that I was educated but not altogether intelligent, etc. so please get over it. Just because I refuse to kiss every insecure hobbyists' ass that needs kissing on a fk board, does not mean I think I am all that...it means I have zero tolerance for stupidity. Thanks.

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 10:33:05 AM

I think I tend to agree with you, London. While it is a compliment to be called an "ATF", I think I am just as complimented by repeat business. And I wouldn't be here if I didn't like a variety of new experiences to some degree.

In the past, I had a handful of guys I stuck with because I was comfortable and they were too. It was like having several long-term relationships. I would occasionally have someone new from a referral, or if I placed an ad in a local paper to replace someone who was retiring, and that was fun, but the way I worked was very small-circle. That's widening a bit now that I'm online, which is exciting. But I still love my old friends. I just can't see them as often. :(

London is really right on. She is an Escort and runs her biz accordingly.
She's right, the lines get blurred and jealousy comes into play.
This is not E Harmony and she understands that.
The ATF thing can cause some of the very same problems, that guys came to this biz, to get away from.
If a guy can see a lady, over and over again and not become attached, i say go for it. I for one cannot, it's just the way i am, so, i can't just stick with one lady.
That being said, the way London runs her biz, is really the only way it SHOULD be done, it's the fairest way for all involved. No heartaches or headaches!!

I understand your point (alot of guys can't handle it), but ATF doesn't mean you have to see just 1 lady. I occasionally see other providers besides mine. I just keep coming back to her. I also have no problem with having an emotional bond with mine either. I love her to death, but I'm not "in love" with her where I want to run out and get married or anything. It doesn't bother me she sleeps with other men, I've even offered to do a MFM with her. There's no right way to do anything in this hobby, each relationship is unique.

certainly have their choice of ANY provider in any price range, so hmmmm...wonder why they see me? Secure MEN, don't need me to reassure them if I am into them after they leave...they have families where their heart and head lie, and I would never feel proud to hinder that.

Well, my wife is my atf but she's not always available or in the neighborhood....in that case I have to go to the minors to find new talent - a delicious task indeed.

So is it fair to say you're mostly interested in the physical aspects of this hobby? How likely is it for a lady to blow you away with her mind?

But I'm not paying $$$-$$$$ an hour for her mind.

But don't they say that the biggest sex organ is the brain?

If all you ever do is buy an hour, her mind won't make a bit of difference. Start spending days and weekends with some dumbass, and you would feel differently. For those guys, it DOES matter.

I still want a guy with a personality which exceeds that of a freaking brussel sprout, or I am going to slit my wrist lol. I will take a down to earth guy with personality any day over one who can do nothing but talk about how much he lost in the stock market that week, and can't even relax during a bj.

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 6:09:23 AM

I love people with incredible minds. If they have an excellent intellect, I will find something to talk about. Yes, many times, they don't have a wild and fun personality, but maybe that's what brings them to me.  I get wet with rocket scientists, cream my panties for philosophers, and get shivers for historians and academics. Love them all!

lilli189 reads

i also enjoy a beautiful mind, and i have yet to find someone dull due to their intellect. to the contrary, those are the men with whom i find myself spending hours at a time conversing on the phone, or becoming spontaneously aroused thinking of a witty comment or thoughtful topic they posed. serious academics especially give me a thrill. i enjoyed the pure educational experience of college so it brings me back to the good old days.

one longtime friend and client invited me to sit in on one of his lectures once. i was so impressed by not just his knowledge but the manner in which he gently forced minds to open, that by the end of the period i thought i was going to burst if i didn't get his cock in my mouth post-haste! lol

so rather than by choice, more by circumstance I might only see them one.

Same when I travel to another city.

Generally, when I find a nice gal, I'll want to repeat.

and though I have repeat clients, I also meet new ones each time and love it. I get bored rather quickly.


Two of them are retired & the third one is still going strong!! Since I'm on a limited budget, so I stick w/ the ATF's!! I know variety is the spice of life, but It's fun being w/an ATF!!  You can count on her being a "sure thing"!!

I have one......I was not searching for one but this happens I think when you meet that one that you really click with. I never tire of my ATF......I see her 3 or 4 times a week for multi hour sessions and I am just as excited every time I go to see her as the first time we got together......when you meet that provider that is your ATF......lol......now I see one or two new girls a week too and sometimes my ATF helps pick them out ..... lol........ So I still have a well rounded sex
I've and my ATF cheers me on....... :)

vegasgent266 reads

We are all different on both the hobbyist side and the provider side.  I always find it funny to read the boards and see how many people think they know the way “IT” is in “the Hobby”.   For my part, and my part only, about 50% of my visits are repeat and about 50% are new.  I enjoy the connection and the ease of multiple visits and knowing what to expect.  I also enjoy the newness and meeting someone for the first time.

My current list has 40 names on it. Of the 40, 15 are multiple time repeats. 6 are ladies I have seen once but plan to repeat with. I will say that I have had ATF that I did get bored with and moved on. I also keep seeing new ones so I can do reviews to keep my VIP status. eom

4 times is not a set limit but it is the most I have seen anyone in the recent past.  I would have seen her more but she is "off the grid" right now.

I don't think you'll find any kind of consensus here. Guys "hobby" for so many different reasons. Relationship status, life experiences, age, economic factors all will affect this too. I've only seen 2 providers more than once. One was a Dom I saw several times when I was experimenting with BDSM, and the other is my ATF.

When I started out, I made a "bucket list" and planned to see each provider only once ... at least until I made it most of the way through that list. I was recently divorced and had slept with the same woman for a long time (I never cheated), so at that time variety was important to me. I also have no trouble meeting women on my own, and have a plethora of friends and family around all the time, so forming a bond or seeking companionship were also things I wasn't interested in from escorts. Basically, I just wanted to have sex with hot women occasionally, that were around 10 years younger then me, without having to put in any effort into it. lol.

I've seen a couple of ladies I wouldn't repeat with again. On the other hand, I've met some beautiful women with whom I had fantastic sex and I would definitely love to see again ... but for whatever reasons I've never done so. Then I met my ATF and all my best laid plans fell apart. Runway model gorgeous, incredible kisser, classy, poised, fucked my brains out, intelligent, funny ... truly exquisite. Since I met her 8 months ago, I've pretty much just stuck with seeing her. I saw one other lady right after we met and 3 others when she's had to cancel on me. I guess I don't see any point in taking a chance with someone new when I know she will blow my socks off everytime ... unless I don't have a choice. Why mess with perfection?

I suppose eventually something will happen and I will move on. Then I will go back to my "bucket list" and start working my way down it again ... might even look up a few old encounters again that I really enjoyed as well.

Though I have not hobbied all that much, I have seen some absolutely fabulous providers.  And I have had the good fortune to usually have had dynamite experiences.   Such an excellent variety that I would be reluctant to say any one would be an ATF.  

If I have a fantastic time, I will try to see her again, and when I can, again....  But there are so many terrific providers at the top tier.   Thus I am fully satisfied to see someone new, as I expect to have a great time with each encounter.

Posted By: mistressjessica
ladies do you see that you will only see that one time?

More to the point. Do most of you hobby to find that one "ATF" until you get bored with her
or do you just see one and hop to the other??

I prefer gentlemen who come to see me over an extended period of time
but the below thread made me wonder..

I get the bucket list. Trust me, we all have them.. but... I would think that is not the typical
hobbyist as a general rule. Of course, You the hobbyist are going to see that 1 girl on the list in between but.. do you go back to the ATF????

I am relativey new to hobbying sitll, started last July. Since that first time, I have seen 18 providers for a total of 25 dates. I only hobby when out of town, so that is one reason that I haven't repeated as much as I might like to. Of the 18, I have repeated with 6. Of the 12 I have not repeated with, I hope to repeat with at least 2 of them. One of these 2 I would consider an ATF that I will see everytime I get a chance. In fact we are trying to arrange a 24 hour date in the near future. Of the 6 that I have already had multiple dates with, I plan to see 4 of them again when the opportunity arises.

So that leaves 10 providers that I have only seen once and do not plan to repeat with. In most cases, it is not that I did not enjoy being with those women, but more that I found another woman in the same city that I would rather spend time with.

Do I have an ATF? Actually I have 2 or 3. But they are each in a different area of the country. So if I am in Southern California, there is a provider that I will always try to see. If I am in the midwest, there is a different one. And when I visit Vegas, then there is one more.

Variet is nice and I enjoy meeting new providers, but there is also a lot to say for sticking with one who shows you an all around great time.

I'm a bit of a newbie, so I'm still building references/okays and exploring what's out there. So I haven't repeated much yet, but I will. I think it'll always be a mix of new and repeats though.

I did the buffet line for many years where I would see 25-30 different providers in a year. But that has changed in the last couple of years when I found a couple of ladies that I really enjoy spending time with and they have become the .      ATF's that I see regularly.  Fortunately I have both a local friend that I get to see for short visits and one who tours where I get to enjoy longer dates ....In fact I will leaving soon to drive to meet her for a weekend getaway.   ;-)

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