TER General Board

Dr Who revived 785 reads

I seem to see that YOU wrote in your header "Not much different from tricks".

Are you suggesting that you are simply making all of this up?

It's OK if you see dickheads....you've commented with increasing frequency the assholes that you don't want to see (anymore).

As for lying by omission....I don't tell my friends, family and clients when I take a really good dump.  Nor do I discuss if a gal has just sucked my cock.  Frankly both are personal and private matters....and most folks don't give a shit (pun intended) what I do.

But I know that there are many here that lie...heck, many people lie about nearly everything in life.  So what....how does that matter given the OP's topic?
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
openly admit to their co-workers and other family members they fuck hookers...so lying by omission. And then some, GaG comes to mind, don't give a shit who they tell...gotta love that guy!  
 You are mistaken...again. Nothing was mentioned about the type of men I see. I am going on what I have read right here.

!_!3200 reads

Couple of months ago I met an escort who dwelled on the subject of SO, asking if I have an SO or a girlfriend. She kept asking me questions like "do you love her?", "why are you doing this?", "what would she think",  "men are such dogs". WTF?!?  I was definitely NOT thinking "Why is it any of your business? Why are YOU doing this? Do you think doing it for money makes it more justified in the eyes of the law? Who are you to pass judgments? I'm paying you to suck my dick so shut up and suck it, you judgemental wh**e". I didn't have the heart to say it because it would not be polite to say to a courtesan who is overflowing in her professionalism related to her job. Maybe she didn't know all her clients are whore mongers.

Who call the women they pay, whores and talk down to them as if they are less than human.  

Neither need to mount that high horse. Both are lying to someone, both are breaking the law, both need to shut up.

Panthera12954 reads

Yes that hyena is a female.

Bend over boys and welcome to Greece. And open wide, suck it!

Panthera12801 reads

It's actually an enlarged clit. I suppose that a human female could have intercourse with it, but with hyenas the females actually give birth through it too. Does that peak your imagination?  

The downside would be that I would never go to the beach again.

Imagine if the human female needed to get an erection, as in a vaginal like tube that is outside the body in order to have successful intercourse, and as in the case of the hyena, give birth through the same canal.  

That might put an end to this gig...if a hooker couldn't get it up for the trick. The lack of desire would be obvious so there would be no faking.

There are many here who don't have SO's...wives or GF's and hence aren't lying to anyone.

The OP babbled that the hooker he was hearing this shit from (or in his opinion) a gal he claimed to be a "courtesan"....and didn't want to offend her?  Last I checked that any woman taking money for sex is simply a hooker (use any name here as it's all the same)....and if they want to be a judgmental asswipe to some dude...they should be paying for that privilege.  Since most hookers aren't paying johns so they can be (as in the gals) judgmental....she simply should have STFU.

But then again the OP should have walked out...making sure he didn't leave this ingrate a fucking dime...unless it is some type of BDSM gig which from the OP I don't believe that was the gig.

I'm not sure what type of dudes you've had experiences with...but it sure sounds like that many are dicks.  I'm sorry about that...but you have the ability to minimize being with or around those types of folks.   Why you or anyone would put themselves in that situation is astounding to me.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Who call the women they pay, whores and talk down to them as if they are less than human.  
 Neither need to mount that high horse. Both are lying to someone, both are breaking the law, both need to shut up.

openly admit to their co-workers and other family members they fuck hookers...so lying by omission. And then some, GaG comes to mind, don't give a shit who they tell...gotta love that guy!

You are mistaken...again. Nothing was mentioned about the type of men I see. I am going on what I have read right here.

I seem to see that YOU wrote in your header "Not much different from tricks".

Are you suggesting that you are simply making all of this up?

It's OK if you see dickheads....you've commented with increasing frequency the assholes that you don't want to see (anymore).

As for lying by omission....I don't tell my friends, family and clients when I take a really good dump.  Nor do I discuss if a gal has just sucked my cock.  Frankly both are personal and private matters....and most folks don't give a shit (pun intended) what I do.

But I know that there are many here that lie...heck, many people lie about nearly everything in life.  So what....how does that matter given the OP's topic?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
openly admit to their co-workers and other family members they fuck hookers...so lying by omission. And then some, GaG comes to mind, don't give a shit who they tell...gotta love that guy!  
 You are mistaken...again. Nothing was mentioned about the type of men I see. I am going on what I have read right here.

I was talking about hookers and tricks. Read what you want into it CPA, I have not the time or the energy to roll around with you when you get obtuse and off track.

-- Modified on 10/14/2014 6:06:17 PM

OK...guess you don't want to admit that you've seen far too many dudes who you have a disdain for.  That's OK.....and exactly why I replied to this thread.

Perhaps you saw some of yourself in the OP?

See...even you don't care about hearing if I take a successful shit  LOL

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
We were talking about hookers and tricks. Read what you want into it CPA, I have not the time or the energy to roll around with you when you get obtuse and off track.

The mods (including GaG) announced a topic amnesty day, so I put up a post titled, "I just took a huge dump" and went on to describe it.
Oh, and as much as I hate to be placed in the same category as Wu, er GaG, nearly everyone in my life knows what I do.  That includes my kids, friends, their wives, etc.  I also have no SO or GF to lie to.

to a point you and I both made=actually we made more than one of the same points...

WHY did he stay around that that kind of abuse? He was PAYING to feel good so WHY put up with it-if it really happened to the extent he says it did?

Secondly...You mad bro?

Steph ( one of those non stuck up, old broad courteeesans)

-- Modified on 10/14/2014 8:38:18 PM

Not all of us johns are lying about our hobbying  just like not all sex workers hide what they do. Neither my wife or myself hide what we do.

“Baby, I am here to fuck and get sucked and not here for a psychiatry session”. If you are up for it, let’s do it, if not, I am going to pick up the envelope and scoot on out of here!

I would have paid to see the look on her face.


Posted By: !_!
Couple of months ago I met an escort who dwelled on the subject of SO, asking if I have an SO or a girlfriend. She kept asking me questions like "do you love her?", "why are you doing this?", "what would she think",  "men are such dogs". WTF?!?  I was definitely NOT thinking "Why is it any of your business? Why are YOU doing this? Do you think doing it for money makes it more justified in the eyes of the law? Who are you to pass judgments? I'm paying you to suck my dick so shut up and suck it, you judgemental wh**e". I didn't have the heart to say it because it would not be polite to say to a courtesan who is overflowing in her professionalism related to her job. Maybe she didn't know all her clients are whore mongers.

GaGambler1040 reads

I don't see how any hooker, no matter how hot, could come back from that kind of judgmental interrogation.

I wouldn't even give her the option of trying to retrace her steps, I would be out of there so fast, she'd wonder if I had ever even been there in the first place.

and for the record, I am not cheating on anybody, nor do I lie to a single living soul about my whore mongering, so NO ONE is able to pull any kind of guilt trip on me.

I agree, had I been the john I would up and left. I would tell a trick to hit the bricks if he came at me with that tone too. I don't care what brought anyone to this little slice of heaven/hell, as long as they pay and behave, I'm all good.

Posted By: !_!
Couple of months ago I met an escort who dwelled on the subject of SO, asking if I have an SO or a girlfriend. She kept asking me questions like "do you love her?", "why are you doing this?", "what would she think",  "men are such dogs". WTF?!?  I was definitely NOT thinking "Why is it any of your business? Why are YOU doing this? Do you think doing it for money makes it more justified in the eyes of the law? Who are you to pass judgments? I'm paying you to suck my dick so shut up and suck it, you judgemental wh**e". I didn't have the heart to say it because it would not be polite to say to a courtesan who is overflowing in her professionalism related to her job. Maybe she didn't know all her clients are whore mongers.
Sorry to hear about this... it is definitely a weird situation for a provider to treat you that way. I understand most gents I see have wives or girlfriends.. I don't judge them, because they all have their reasons. Some simply can't have sex with their wives because of health reasons, their wife's have a general lack in interest to have sex anymore and maybe monogamy is just a ridiculous expectation that most people have a difficult time following.  
For me personally, if I was married and all of a sudden couldn't have sex for whatever reason, I would rather my partner to have sex with a working girl rather than have a fling with a woman in the general population. Who needs the drama of trying to court a regular girl and deal with the aftermath of pretending they mean more than they really are? Seeing should be fun and judgement free.  
I have had a similar situation happen with strippers. They really are not open to non-monogamous relationships

because I find that hard to believe...ALL of that. If so why did you stay? I would have taken my $$ and left *IF* some lady was really that bad if I was paying.

I could see a lady in the biz getting too nosy but I'm having a hard time believing she was there asking why you do this, do you love your wife and saying men are such dogs, blah blah blah.

But that's just me. If she REWALLY said all that I hope you wrote a review and back channel her BSC self.


Strange behavior prevails, in the world of "strange" I suppose.

Panthera12692 reads

I have been asked some very personal relationship questions while in session with a hookers. Naturally, I have the answers but baffling them is a lot more fun.

She was being a negative Nancy. I swear I don't get why a lady would say those things to a guy paying her to make him feel good about seeing her.

Now I've wanted to puke from some of the shit I've heard about the WHY. They brought it up not me. You know the why would someone want steak every night of the week and shit like that and while it upsets my gag reflex to hear such things I just roll my eyes and move on. I may be thinking to myself a few things if a guy gets too cocky... something like I hope his wife is getting boned by the tennis instructor, but I consider this a type of sales career, lol.

And the best at it know that making someone feel GOOD about the buy/aka choice (or long term lease) is what's it's all about. No one wants to spend money to feel judged by the lady he's paying, unless he's into that sort of thing.

I'm human and have my off nights but DAMN... And I don't repeat with anyone that I dislike, it's just not worth it.


Some of the questions I've been asked over the years are absolutely dumbfounding. And they often come from the gals you least expect them from.  

Posted By: MatureGFE
because I find that hard to believe...ALL of that. If so why did you stay? I would have taken my $$ and left *IF* some lady was really that bad if I was paying.

I could see a lady in the biz getting too nosy but I'm having a hard time believing she was there asking why you do this, do you love your wife and saying men are such dogs, blah blah blah.

But that's just me. If she REWALLY said all that I hope you wrote a review and back channel her BSC self.


!_!669 reads

Why would I post this if it weren't true?

watch it unfold into did on yours. So I'll ask you, why didn't you tell her what she was doing was unprofessional as hell and you didn't book her to have her act like that?

Damn, it's your money and you didn't deserve that crap. Why allow her to think it was ok to say those things>

Thanks for responding to me and I'm sorry you were treated that way.

Steph xoxo

JackDunphy814 reads

All you have to do is check out the board here with their snooty "courtesan" label bullshit. Now of course many do that for marketing purposes but their is certainly an heir of superiority in their tone when used by some.  

It usually starts off with "a true courtesan like myself would NEVER use your info for nefarious purposes" blah blah blah.

Worse than that is the hookers that look down on other hookers more directly. We have a dope currently on the NB ripping SW's because they are inferior to her. Lol.

And any guy here who has been in this biz for awhile will tell you there fair share of stories of gals trashing other gals bcd. Slut, skank, ho are just a few words I have heard among many others.

Honestly the guys bc by pm speak better about the girls than the girls do of themselves in many cases. Girls are just so much more catty than guys and I think many girls here would agree with that assessment.

Anyone who really said those things to a guy paying for her "company" has no earthly idea about being a courtesan, a GFE or a happy hooker, lol. That sounds like a mad at the world BSC woman who is in the wrong profession to me.

But you are correct women in general can be caddy. Ever seen two strippers go at it in the dressing room? Whoo hoo that's a cat fight!!!



Some of the shit that people say makes no fucking sense....and I can hear this gal babbling this nonsense.

However unlike the OP....I would have immediately redirected the action to my liking...or left with my money and not looked back.

You know all too well that there's no shortage of BSC gals here.  And many of the posters here try and tell them that they are in the wrong gig....but like a good little BSC gal they don't get it...and continue their insane ramblings.

As well no shortage of guys who are fools for paying to take that shit.

Think the OP gave her a 10/10?

Posted By: MatureGFE
Anyone who really said those things to a guy paying for her "company" has no earthly idea about being a courtesan, a GFE or a happy hooker, lol. That sounds like a mad at the world BSC woman who is in the wrong profession to me.

But you are correct women in general can be caddy. Ever seen two strippers go at it in the dressing room? Whoo hoo that's a cat fight!!!



JackDunphy953 reads

There are some real nut jobs in this biz. Are the percentage of hookers that are nut crazier than the female population in general? Not sure. But I have seen my share of gals that were "normal" for several sessions then at a session a few months/years later, they were clearly different.

You and I know drugs is a big part of this. The amount of money these girls can make can afford them all the things that can fk them up. Not to different to a star athlete who was "normal" before stardom and money then fked up after it.

I think the normal gals view things from their little world perspective and say "gee, I would never do that" so they find it hard to see someone else doing it.

Just look at Nicoletta. Whew! Maybe one of TS's disciples? Lol

Do we have to look at Nicoletta? Really? Now there's BSC.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
There are some real nut jobs in this biz. Are the percentage of hookers that are nut crazier than the female population in general? Not sure. But I have seen my share of gals that were "normal" for several sessions then at a session a few months/years later, they were clearly different.  
 You and I know drugs is a big part of this. The amount of money these girls can make can afford them all the things that can fk them up. Not to different to a star athlete who was "normal" before stardom and money then fked up after it.  
 I think the normal gals view things from their little world perspective and say "gee, I would never do that" so they find it hard to see someone else doing it.  
 Just look at Nicoletta. Whew! Maybe one of TS's disciples? Lol.  

And I have grown ass women issues, lol Like paying my MORTGAGE and such. Ya'll love those young bloods and yes they see the world a lil bit differently sometimes. Not ALL young bloods though, but some of them for sure

When I was 25 no one could tell me a DAMN thing. I wasn't BSC but I had some tude! But I never talked shit to a guy in the moment (no I wasn't working in this biz then). People (even Jack) are their most vulnerable  during "nekkid time". No one want to feel like shit when they are getting nekkid with someone.

And here where  guys (and one gal here) are PAYING, this is total BS. WHO is paying for this? For some reason I just can't wrap my head around the OP's post as being completely accurate.

See, this thread is growing longer and the lines of division are clear...again.

As of yet I'm not buying it was a bad as the OP made out. It just isn't adding up to me.


!_!893 reads

She's a weirdo. Her reviews confirm the same suspicion I had.

In fact just today I was stunned reading a post on the Carolinas Board. I was like WTH? But at least the guy is a newbie. Fell free to take a look on the Carolinas Board 'cause I'm just baffled by what he said.

I really wish he had posted it on the Newbie Board.

And I said if I was a guy I would have left with my money.

And I'm no angel I have my moments. But I'm still waiting to hear from the OP.


-- Modified on 10/14/2014 8:49:27 PM

how'd your dick stay hard after hearing that???

Inquisitive_gent1192 reads

Use some creativity next time you want to induce a serious discussion. This crap is so far-fetched and absurd I was embarrassed for you while reading it. Better yet, let go of your Johnson next time you post something so the blood can flow to your brain instead!

wrps07814 reads

And have guilt feelings every-time they see a client. Some even have religious tattoos on there asses or breasts. They talk like they are a preacher's daughter or the lost tribe of Israel lol.

that is what is called a perfunctory rant..short for bullshit..

Was kinda fun and entertaining though. Had to join in.  Never enough time for silliness. Someday....

The WK lives! Long live MacDiaper!

Posted By: macdaddy1944
that is what is called a perfunctory rant..short for bullshit..

Panthera12769 reads

I figured that you would answer him sooner or later, lol.

Thanks kind sir. I love MacLeaky. He's awesome.................

Posted By: Panthera12
I figured that you would answer him sooner or later, lol.

you can always crawl up my ass..i hear you like dark holes bitch..

Posted By: USGrantlover
The WK lives! Long live MacDiaper!  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
that is what is called a perfunctory rant..short for bullshit..

GaGambler894 reads

Is this your way of saying that you are throwing your hat into the ring for SPOTY???

There is some pretty serious competition out there, maybe you should just stick to the BSU's, that award seems to suit you better.

There's an upcoming M&G in ChiTown where I hear both will be at.

Maybe a 3 way with cece would make it even more fun.

Posted By: GaGambler
Is this your way of saying that you are throwing your hat into the ring for SPOTY???

There is some pretty serious competition out there, maybe you should just stick to the BSU's, that award seems to suit you better.

GaGambler1069 reads

If I didn't have business obligations, I might be tempted to hop a plane to Chicago just to watch the show.

Panthera121104 reads

any questions beyond "did you take your heart medication today or is that really arthritis"?

you can always lick these old balls..i hear you like sucking cock..

Posted By: Panthera12
any questions beyond "did you take your heart medication today or is that really arthritis"?  

Panthera12934 reads

The hookers all know you life story ahead of time.

there is a judgmental gal. Whether it gets aired out loud... that's another story. I've fielded many personal questions and asked a few myself, but never anything like what you mention.

Then again, don't we encounter it everyday here on the boards to some extent? A bit more overtly than IRL?

HandleWithCare619 reads

Any provider I've told about my reason for being in the hobby has been not only non-judgmental, but understanding and kind. They seemed to realize life is not black and white.

Frankly, I can't imagine any provider saying what you claim she said. Not a good way to retain clients, or get positive reviews.

Sounds like she was trying to get answers to sooth her own heart.

I doubt that she was intending to be judgmental. Yet, there are all sorts of folk here.

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