TER General Board

Maybe it was also the weird lines on her legs at the :10 mark that creeped me out.
JackDunphy 1310 reads

Looked like some bizarre rash or alien shit going on. lol

But I just don't see "hot" with this girl.  

Not saying she is ugly. I just see a plain jane with a gymnasts body. Meh.  

Gimme the Kate Upton type 8 days a week.

There are a few on the boards. Sexy spider monkey action.

GaGambler1416 reads

With a database the size of TER's I am sure you can find a provider with similar looks.

JackDunphy1577 reads

No problem. I just like the more feminine girls.

And what is that liquid she keeps trying to jump over and avoid?

It's not "squirt" is it?

Just kidding:.
But you really are a wimpy nit picking bitch sometimes:)

JackDunphy1261 reads

"Butch" might be too strong.  

I'll settle on "Tom Boy". BB'sHimselfRuss said "strong."  

Here's the point:  

JD aint looking for any "Tom's", any "boys" and any "strong" chicks in his bed. :D

at the local feminist meetings. The bed is the last place a man needs an opinionated woman.

I've been fucking a hippy chick. :(
It'll dona number on ya/

I still like chick peas:(

Super athletic. But the dudes that do like "this", I am like crack to them. You stick to your guns, what you like is fine.

But her butch? Oh well butchness is in the eyes of the beholder. I get it, athletic women are not your type, fair enough.

JackDunphy1311 reads

Looked like some bizarre rash or alien shit going on. lol

But I just don't see "hot" with this girl.  

Not saying she is ugly. I just see a plain jane with a gymnasts body. Meh.  

Gimme the Kate Upton type 8 days a week.

Didn't see a rash on her legs. :)

But anyway, I prefer a GND type with small boobs and a naturally cute face without tons of makeup. Never was into the big boobed glamor girls. If Kate Upton showed up at my door and asked me to fuck her, I wouldn't throw her out, but that's not the type of gal I seek out. I'd probably do her for a couple days, then send her to you for the other 6 days! :)

Posted By: JackDunphy
Looked like some bizarre rash or alien shit going on. lol  
 But I just don't see "hot" with this girl.  
 Not saying she is ugly. I just see a plain jane with a gymnasts body. Meh.  
 Gimme the Kate Upton type 8 days a week.
-- Modified on 6/30/2014 11:41:32 AM

JackDunphy1262 reads

I only see EXTRAORDINARY SUPER DUPER low volume girls who aren't "sore" from the guy before. lol.

And you really need to upgrade that 3.5" thing of yours. Sorry to hear man! :

All those damn infomercials are scams! Don't waste your money!


Did you look at her? Holy smokes, not only is she beautiful but she's strong, mind and body and I find that incredibly sexy

Come on hound, she is someone you find hot and to call others potentially gay or wimps because they don't enjoy what you do is IMHO very small minded.  

We are on a fuck board and what you like and what john Q Public like could be poles apart. There is no right or wrong.

It's like suggesting that any hooker that does not DT should not be a hooker. Or those who enjoy Greek need psychiatric help.

That's his prerogative. Not all men like  muscle or strength in a woman. And then some go for that, so neither is right or wrong, they just have personal taste.

JackDunphy1103 reads

Look at you, running all over the GD taking my back for my more feminine tastes in a woman.

You better be hot and not that calorically challenged cupcake huffer I have in my mind.  

I'm gonna need to see you nekkid soon.

Any chance of that? I need to rub one out and you might do.

-- Modified on 6/30/2014 8:16:05 PM

I just spit coffee all over my desk, but it was worth it!  

No JD I am not that caloric challenged blimp you have in your minds eye, in fact I am one of those strong athletic types that wilt your willy. But never mind, we can have a sordid affair right here on the boards.

Admin wont take this post down.

I would totally fuck the devil. Hit him with a brick and ass rape him, then I say I'm sorry and promise to stop drinking and he takes me back but then I get drunk and beat up his parents and accidentally burn down their house so he has to get a restraining order and I won't be ignored so I text pictures of my dick to his sister and his boss and he gets fired and I go back to jail but inside I know the devil likes it when I rape him and I make him say, Your mother sucks cocks in hell."

Hey I'll take your post seriously, why not.

I love compact, in-shape, pretty brunettes like this.  I've seen a few over the years, they're out of the business now.  And they weren't gymnasts, although one was quite the pole dancer and had some seriously toned muscles.  She was amazing.  (Alyssa in the valley of a few years ago.)

Ah, yes.  Let me know if you find someone.

You guys rant and rave about reviews scores, yet the women y'all claim as hot. Are attractive at best.

These things don't turn you guys on?
I get a buzz out of strong women.

Fucking rich wimpy dudes.
Not very fun peers..

Hound I'm not in the market for a pilot.

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
These things don't turn you guys on?  
 I get a buzz out of strong women.  
 Fucking rich wimpy dudes.  
 Not very fun peers...  

Bang a famous chick! Check.
Join th mile high club. Ignition

We are talking about hotness as a commodity here, right

She looks like she could kick your ass if she did not like anything you did.

skarphedin1272 reads

-- Modified on 7/1/2014 4:52:53 PM

I work with a lady who looks very similar to her.  I sent you a link to her profile and pic

Pretty sure not one of us could walk the next day if she had her way with us

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