TER General Board

Alan_Nimm 381 reads

of her choice: therapeutic, sensual, b2b, feet... or any combo of those.  

Ok, I lied. i don't just do that for "regulars." I'll do that for any provider who wants it, even if for just a few minutes.  

And with my most-regular regular, I bring her favorite latte or tea to morning dates. And of course remember her birthday... and V-day.... and Christmas.

Clients and Providers alike,

What's something special you do for your regular? It goes without saying "see them again" but what's the one off thing (or habitual) you did/do to show your appreciation?

I like to keep all the people I've seen before on an email list and send out special rates, exclusive galleries, and sometimes even just letters of appreciation. I often have impromptu lunches (off the clock) with some of my more regular dates. But I'm probably weird idk... I treat a lot of people like lifetime friends lol.

In addition to having a bathroom with all the stuff my ATF likes to use, providing the wine she likes, the playroom warm, remembering her birthday, I take her and her son (OTClock) to dinner and various activities of interest. I also remember her boy's birthday.
 A former regular who retired from the hobby wrecked her car, was arrested for DUI and was without any means of getting into town to take care of myriad chores, I drove for her to meet those obligations. She lives a long ways from me and from downtown.

Coop, you make life real...........thank

Well, I keep her favorite drink available in my fridge. I know, I'm pretty lame ...

Posted By: lily.adele
Clients and Providers alike,  
 What's something special you do for your regular? It goes without saying "see them again" but what's the one off thing (or habitual) you did/do to show your appreciation?

anotherdamnalias588 reads

Her essential items in her own drawer in my bathroom...body wash, shampoo, conditoner, body spray, ponytail holders, toothbrush..etc..

And I always have wine for her in my fridge, even though I do not drink....

Wine, beer, etc is on me for my regular clientele with some cheese, fresh fruit, whatever tickles your fancy. :)

Have their favorite drinks/cigars. Wear different outfits, role play it's so difficult to pin point one thing it's alot and it also depends on the regular and how well you know him. Remember ....

1st visit - He's new  
2nd visit-He's a repeat  
3rd visit he's a regular  

So you start getting an idea after the 2nd encounter or so

Give me a maduro cigar and I'll come back ...

Alan_Nimm382 reads

of her choice: therapeutic, sensual, b2b, feet... or any combo of those.  

Ok, I lied. i don't just do that for "regulars." I'll do that for any provider who wants it, even if for just a few minutes.  

And with my most-regular regular, I bring her favorite latte or tea to morning dates. And of course remember her birthday... and V-day.... and Christmas.

...to make one of those dishes when I see my ATF, I bring her some.  It makes her so happy, she doesn't let my meat loaf.

-- Modified on 11/5/2015 11:58:34 PM

I give extra 30 min on time.Escpecially good regulars.I have had that for long time.Keep up good job on taking care of regulars escorts.Always regulars coiming back.Make sure hobbyists and escorts helpful  on screening process. A lot of cock blocking in this business.escorts don't like regulars going to see new escorts.Paid no strings attached business.hobbyists and escorts not married

-- Modified on 11/6/2015 10:18:17 AM

-- Modified on 11/6/2015 10:19:19 AM

like his favorite candies. I put those in a shot glass somewhere he would notice.  
one of my clients loves a cold Stella while we chit chat & catch up  

Another enjoys a brand new lingerie set each time we visit.  
I started to notice the extra appreciation he would always extend only when I wore brand new sets.  

a little southern hospitality if I ma

It depends on how long they've been seeing me, but I always try to remember their personal preferences so they don't have to ask. I have a private gallery of more intimate photos that I update every now and then for clients who have been seeing me for a long time. I will accommodate their schedules even if it means seeing them outside of my regular business hours. If they're "the more the merrier" type then I'll introduce them to new friends whenever I meet someone I think they'll enjoy. I'll do extra research into the things they're interested in. It depends on the client's specific interests & personality, but I just try to think of myself as a girlfriend or mistress trying to keep her man happy & interested.

I've only just started really and haven't seen too many clients but the few I have seen I've seen multiple times, so these ideas really give me a starting point as to what to do for my guys :)

I will go to dinner or lunch OTC with my regulars.

When I see her in New York I take her to her favorite place.  
Haven't had sex with her in a while but the meals are awesome OTC.

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