TER General Board

LOL...."Tastefully tattooed". eomregular_smile
Done_That 218 reads


I normally opt for the wholesome GND look but sometimes I am in the mood for a wild-child. Today I was totally fooled into a session with what seemed to be a GND and was advertized as such. I her website she makes it clear that her tattoos have been photoshopped off for security reasons but does not mention how much ink has been altered. I still decided o give her a try and screening was a snap. The moment came when I entered the room and she was standing behind the door. My first thought was she is cute and this was going to be fun. Then the robe came off and it was an instant woodkiller. This girl had excessive and downright hideous ink all over her body. From her neck to her feet there was grafitti all over this chick. I saw gargoyles, rainbows, peoples faces, sanskrit writing, and unrecognizable ink blotches everywhere.
As I entered I normally drop the envelope and hit the shower but I was seriously turned off. I said that this was not gonna work and that ink is not necessarily a turn off but excessive ink and piercings are. Heck, I wanna see some flesh not ink. She became apologetic and said that if I did not like what I saw that I was free to leave. As I started to the door she put herself between me and the door. She then started to hug and kiss me while reaching into my front pant pocket for the envelope. I just played along and figured this girl really needed the money so I did not resist. I wound up staying for the hour and had a 5/6 session. She did work hard and had some good bedroom skills but I was so turned off every time I looked at her butt and saw the name "TEDDY" on it or kissed her pierced lips that looked like the Bigmouth Bass that escaped with a circle-hook still lodged in its mouth. All major turnoffs and totally misleading from what her website and ads display.

My Question to the hobby community. Had I left the moment her robe came off (she was not wearing anything underneath except for ink and metal). Would I have been obligated to pay her for the hour?

ThighHighStockings523 reads

You look at her pics and her web and it shows no tats and no piercings. You tell her that her ad misled you . If reviews do not mention ( I hope you read) you should leave and tell her you are sorry but
did not know she had tattoos and metal and you leave. You owe nothing .

Yes, I did read her only two reviews and tattoos were mentioned but only mentioned. No detail about quantity and zero mention of piercings. In the website she has no ink that is visible at all.  I honestly felt bad for her and stuck around but later regretted it. She even begged me not to write a review.

the rest of us are counting on you to bring out the truth.  I have been in a similar situation but not for tattoos and piercings but age and class.  I came out feeling like you.   Did not like the session as a whole.  When I calmed down and thought about it If she would have been who I was expecting it would be a 8-9 performance.  I felt like you wanting to give a bad review bought decided to give the performance grade she earned but knocked down the appearance and put in the review what I felt about the rest of the session. Fare is fare.

serpius388 reads

Hey Transplant,

I would have left right away, regardless of what the lady was trying to do.

Your experience wasn't all that comfortable for you. All it did was make this lady greedy enough to stop you from leaving. She enjoyed your greenbacks and nothing else.

I only had to walk out once on a provider before the session began. In her ad, she claimed to be about 150 pounds, ok, nothing too major there.

When I got to the location... she came out... and this is not a joke... I barely had gotten out of my car and there she was... all 250 pounds of her in her oversized robe.

I'm like... is this the one? I asked for her name, she identified herself as the lady in the ad. I told her that the ad stated she was supposed to be 150 pounds. She just laughed and attempted to grab my arm to lead me inside. I pulled away and walked quickly to my car and left.

I am glad that I did because I found out later that this same lady got busted for drugs at her location. I'm glad that I wasn't there when the cops came.


Posted By: 808transplant
I normally opt for the wholesome GND look but sometimes I am in the mood for a wild-child. Today I was totally fooled into a session with what seemed to be a GND and was advertized as such. I her website she makes it clear that her tattoos have been photoshopped off for security reasons but does not mention how much ink has been altered. I still decided o give her a try and screening was a snap. The moment came when I entered the room and she was standing behind the door. My first thought was she is cute and this was going to be fun. Then the robe came off and it was an instant woodkiller. This girl had excessive and downright hideous ink all over her body. From her neck to her feet there was grafitti all over this chick. I saw gargoyles, rainbows, peoples faces, sanskrit writing, and unrecognizable ink blotches everywhere.
As I entered I normally drop the envelope and hit the shower but I was seriously turned off. I said that this was not gonna work and that ink is not necessarily a turn off but excessive ink and piercings are. Heck, I wanna see some flesh not ink. She became apologetic and said that if I did not like what I saw that I was free to leave. As I started to the door she put herself between me and the door. She then started to hug and kiss me while reaching into my front pant pocket for the envelope. I just played along and figured this girl really needed the money so I did not resist. I wound up staying for the hour and had a 5/6 session. She did work hard and had some good bedroom skills but I was so turned off every time I looked at her butt and saw the name "TEDDY" on it or kissed her pierced lips that looked like the Bigmouth Bass that escaped with a circle-hook still lodged in its mouth. All major turnoffs and totally misleading from what her website and ads display.

My Question to the hobby community. Had I left the moment her robe came off (she was not wearing anything underneath except for ink and metal). Would I have been obligated to pay her for the hour?

MyRantAlias273 reads

You say the reviews on her didn't mention the tatoos and piercings but you didn't write a review to give others a more accurate picture of her.
Yes you had the right to leave but don't complain about being misled if you won't write a review.  Reviews help all of us and should be written whether good or bad, you don't have to crucify her in it just be accurate.

This is absolutely correct. Some people like ink but surveys show the majority of us do not. I understand a lady not showing her ink in pics to protect her identity but only to a point. If it hides the fact she is heavily inked, it is not "what you see is what you get." I would not hesitate to walk in that situation but if you stayed and were less than satisfied because of hidden tattoos, PLEASE review this lady and your experience for all our sakes.

Posted By: MyRantAlias
You say the reviews on her didn't mention the tatoos and piercings but you didn't write a review to give others a more accurate picture of her.
Yes you had the right to leave but don't complain about being misled if you won't write a review.  Reviews help all of us and should be written whether good or bad, you don't have to crucify her in it just be accurate.

I urge you to write a FAIR review.  Try very hard to separate the visual from the performance.  You can describe the effect the visual had on the experience.  I sometimes write a draft of a review in my secure hobby email...  some times edit my draft a couple of times...  before I submitt the review.   I bend over backwards to be fair...   but after a few days to chill, I feel I can give that review.

I also prefer the GND look and conspicious tats would have been a major turn off for me.   Honesty is always the best policy...  be it tattoos or weight or anything.  There are clients for every niche...   false or misleading advertizing only leads to unhappy customers.

Big-Bad-John271 reads

But left half of the donation.
You should have simply asked her how much body work was photo shopped off. I am sure she would have given you an honest answer. If she was lying, I would not have left her any money, but she didn't.

As far as writing the review, she had obviously knew the risk going in and since she "insisted" and you "caved in", you should write the review in an honest and respectable manner. She should have thought about the review before she took your money knowing the probable outcome.

HookerCops247 reads

.. and left none of the donation. I don't care why a guy leaves ... no sex = no money.

Big-Bad-John317 reads

For example. If she was 20 pounds heavier then her photos, or her photos were deceptive or 10 years old, I would agree. That was not the case here. He went in knowing that she had tatts photo shopped off.

The way he describes the situation, that was his only issue with her. Had he asked the right questions before booking her, he more then likely would not have booked in the first place. This is why I lay some fault with him and believe that some compensation would have been in order had he left.

HookerCops258 reads

... no sex = no money. I don't care if she looks exactly like her pictures and he left because he decided he would rather play golf instead.

Big-Bad-John224 reads

The golf analogy works for me every time. We can agree to disagree with scenario that was presented to us.

it's really not her fault he was not into her. Does he have to pay? Well no, but a small fee for her trouble would be nice. He is not obligated of course, and it is still his choice to leave, but if she had text on her site alluding to the fact she had ink and he ASSumed it was not all that much, that's his fault.

Big-Bad-John200 reads

We still don't know if the provider has any reviews here. I will assume that she does since she begged him not to write one. I am curious to know if her TER profile says tattoos "many" or if they were mentioned in her reviews.

I would have paid enough to cover expenses and left. He seen that she had tats photo shopped off on her site, he fail to inquire about them. So he is at fault, But the lady is not blameless because her photos even with the disclaimer were not accurate enough to give him an honest feel what he was getting. So she is at fault.

Most fair thing for both to take a loss as the failure is on both sides.

I can remember once I left. I had found a hot young thing and went against what I normally do with making sure she has some kind of reviews or background I can check. The ad had her looking hot and early 20s......When I got there it was clear those pics belonged to somebody else....LOL. She opened the door and I said sorry wrong room!....LOL She then grabbed a hold of me and said no you are in the right place and I stepped inside to keep from making a scene in the hallway. I asked where the girl was that's in the pics and she said aww honey everybody uses fake pics and I said...NO They Don"T!!! This woman was my age and not even very attractive......I'm not in this hobby to get unattractive woman my age....I can get all of them I want in civie life....LOL...... She was not happy but I opened the door and left. Like I say....I'm a middle aged guy that likes to spend his hard earned money on girls that he normally could not get in real life..... :)

Seems like you did make the situation smooth enough, though you did not feel comfortable for the time being.

Like others said, write the review. That is what TER is for!

wants to hide tats for discretion purposes, there should be a text phrase letting you know she has more than a few as in this case. I am also wondering if she is a TER provider and if this was in her profile? I would assume you read her past reviews and someone would have already mentioned this?

as a result of seeing some seriously inked gals lately.

Call it sick if you like, but I'm lovin' it.

As far as whether you had the right to walk or not, I think it is a toss-up.  She gave you some warning, so that should have been at least a yellow light to warn you to inquire if serious ink was an issue.

HookerCops220 reads

I wouldn't want every lady I see to be covered in them, but I find them sexy too. I'm a sucker for a pretty face and a slender body. Ethnicity, height, hair color, breast size, piercings, tattoos make no difference to me.

I have ZERO tolerance for any sort of misrepresentation as it makes life hard of honest Hookers!
I would be oh so pissed if I lost money on something I didn't sign up for or agree to.!

If ya wanna do the tattoo thing, she is the one. Gorgeous women, IMHO.
Ya may wanna bring a wheelchair to get back to the car!!...lol

I would say if youd left , no you arent obligated to pay for the hour appt , .I had once some one leave after a 15 min naked massage , when a fire alarm went off, with appt money. after actually getting some massage time in and whatever. i didnt argue, i dont n will not arguie with a client, ever, over money, its not worht it, i said sure no prob! and when they tried to reschedule for three months after I deleted every inquiry, . I think if you actually had contact bwith her, or made her perform work of any kind , massage , ect . yes i d say it be polite to leave some form donation for time, and work, . i still wouldnt argue or let a client leave here ever feeling like anything unfair went on, I d rather alway lose out and not have some one feeling ripped off.    like the time the guy kept saying he l give me donation after and then handed me the half hour rate for hour, i d mistyped the half rate for hour to him, when , in reality that was bs because there isnmt one girl here that get 150 for hour, ever, sspecially not one with 4 pages all nines. but yes we get decieved in this life sometimes, win some lose some, . it was very annoying, especially since he drove a fancy fancy car and had all this millionaores jewelry on, it was mean,

that's how they get rich.....being cheap!!

Angelexotic, another beauty with tats!! Nice art to look at when your doing a little, "Doggy"

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