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Dr. joe 32 Reviews 208 reads

-- Modified on 8/5/2016 5:04:25 PM

Before heading out to an appointment, I would always count my cash, put it in the envelope, fold it in half and put the envelope in my back pocket. Well just before an appointment with a new girl with only one review (and that was a year old) I was doing the above procedure, but the slacks I was wearing that day had a narrow pocket, so I had to fold the envelope in thirds. Long story short, she was a real gem and I feel I owe it all to that 1/3 folding! I now consciously fold the envelope in thirds to keep my good luck alive.

Anyone else have a lucky routine or superstitious habit to keep you safe and happy during P4P?

Oh, I forgot the doll. First I chase the black cat around my back yard until it spooks a chicken. I take a feather from the chicken and boil it in a voodoo ritual. I take the feather and stab it into a doll. This insures a good time.  

Just kidding. I do none of that. Here is what I do. I do my homework before I book. I make sure I am very clean. I double check the pay before I leave. I leave early enough I can get there 15 minutes early and hang at a near by gas station buying me a water to drink and some gum. That is it. No magic folding envelopes or voodoo rituals.

-- Modified on 8/4/2016 5:43:12 PM

GaGambler295 reads

Maybe there is hope for you yet? lol

as for me, I think it's bad luck to be superstitious

I just like to make you scratch your head and question reality from time to time.

-- Modified on 8/4/2016 5:58:54 PM

GaGambler317 reads

Fuck you, you know how much I drink. I already have a tough enough time with reality. lol

Actually, where it comes to reality, I vote against it.

You know I would never make a funny. It just isn't proper. I don't think you had enough to drink yet, if you think the original Droopy Dog wound make a funny. You have lost all sense of reality and are far too sober. Lucky for you I vote against reality too.

Witnesses give out for cover when I go to an appointment.  It serves the dual purpose of making me look harmless and also people tend to avoid me so as not to get into any kind of religious conversation.  I am Jewish so I think it's kind of funny.

Oh, and if you read this before sunset, Shabbat shalom. :)

I --knock wood-- have never been superstitious.

and i will be til the day i die, god willing!

-- Modified on 8/5/2016 5:04:25 PM

OK, you've now got your routine down. So, tell us, has it worked?

And look for squad cars, vans  and anything that looks suspicious. Paid off once, there was a swat team gearing up behind the hotel. Got the fuck out of there

I won't play on any day that does not end in a Y.
I don't play in any month with less than 28 days or more than 31.
I only play on even numbered and odd numbered days.
I only hobby when I'm home or when away from home.
The list is quite long.

They were expensive suede loafers, and one day I was with a gal giving her a massage on her massage table, and she let me come on her face.  My splooge ricocheted off of her face and landed right on my shoes.

I cleaned them up, but it left a stain which, even after several years, is still noticeable.  I usually wear them when I got out hobbying

Smallfish218 reads

Just in case she's "run out" of condoms, I bring one.  I also bring a non-latex, just in case she is "allergic" to latex.  :-)

Doing your due diligence and screening the heck out of anyone you meet. Usually, that ensures I have a wonderful encounter. It goes both ways.

I will not see a provider that I have spotted pics of her wearing those cute little police outfits they wear for their pictures or if she has a badge or handcuffs on her outfit in the pics.

Don't care if they are obviously fake. Unless I spot the pics AFTER I have already seen her this practically guarantees I will not see a gal. lol.  Silly I know...

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