TER General Board

Lessdoitagain I know we said were gonna wait but... E.
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 447 reads


I think that there are a few secret crushes going on here.  I can only imagine if we were all attending a convention together.  i know a lot of people on here seem not to get along but can you imagine how much banging would be going on in that hotel.  Would anyone like to be the first to disclose their secret crush?Lol

But there is one who is forever etched in my memory. Don't know what is about her, but I knew almost immediately she was so very special.

Bob,  Stop It!  She is just teasing.

GaGambler355 reads

I think that maybe she likes you and is secretly "crushing" on you.  

Maybe you can arrange something OTC with her? That's not really that far fetched, I have had providers who wanted to get together with me just because, surprise of all surprises, they liked the way I post. Maybe that's what's happening here, or don't you feel worthy? lol

Sure.  Whatever!  You are the one that was always defending her when someone was speaking ill of her.  Maybe there is an interest on your behalf.  Then again, maybe that was Bob.Lol  Anyhow, SOME of you guys are big time PHOBES and you are just trying to get a reaction out me. Good luck with that!  I am sure Sasha has read many of my posts.  She can see my orientation and interests from my posts.  No explaining to do.  

Posted By: GaGambler
I think that maybe she likes you and is secretly "crushing" on you.  
 Maybe you can arrange something OTC with her? That's not really that far fetched, I have had providers who wanted to get together with me just because, surprise of all surprises, they liked the way I post. Maybe that's what's happening here, or don't you feel worthy? lol

GaGambler301 reads

and I am an asshole, not a PHOBE, Don't you forget it. lol

Bob.Sugar299 reads

But then I'm also an asshole.


Posted By: GaGambler
and I am an asshole, not a PHOBE, Don't you forget it. lol

Fine! i don't know where you dudes live, but I live in DC.  This shit happens to me all the time.  I guess it's no different than living in San Francisco or any other large city with a large transgendered or gay population.  Guys check you out.  They know what's up.  They are no different than any other woman.  They know when they see a hot guy.Lol I think Sasha was teasing me.  I have no issues with Sasha.

GaGambler306 reads

No wonder Sasha is so hot for you, she can tell right through the computer just how hot you are, and she just has to have you. roflmfao

Damn, you make a great "straight man" (pun intended) of course she was teasing you, and it's now obvious that she picked the right target.

Your such a chick magnet that they are putting your ass on IGNORE and they can't even see you!  It's obvious that you are a attention whore and I am tired of giving you attention.  I am going to join the ladies and ignore you.

Posted By: GaGambler
No wonder Sasha is so hot for you, she can tell right through the computer just how hot you are, and she just has to have you. roflmfao  
 Damn, you make a great "straight man" (pun intended) of course she was teasing you, and it's now obvious that she picked the right target.
-- Modified on 8/18/2015 4:35:18 PM

GaGambler319 reads

I had no idea, but we aren't here to judge. We all know how awkward it is to have a crush on such an active poster, and then there is that other little matter, (or not so little I suppose. lol)  

So Sasha, do you like him in return? Or is this one of those unrequited love stories?

And bubbly personality.

-- Modified on 8/16/2015 11:59:33 PM

WildJimmy!336 reads

Always thought that--regarding civvies--having a crush meant that you'd like to get together with someone you've been unable to score with. Here there are gobs of ladies I'd like to get naked with, but none of them are out of reach unless they base their work across the country or in some weird city.

If you mean a provider that causes me to lose sleep if I think about maybe connecting, no, not really. Either book her or don't.

Now, if you mean someone you've banged a few times but would like to spend a little more time with outside of sessions, that might happen. That could have the feelings of a crush for some, but personally it's more just liking her and feeling she'd be fun to hang with for me.

OTOH, I admit that there is a provider in a far off city I'd like to see based mostly on posts I've read. Still don't think of it as a crush though.

ValuedCustomer327 reads

You  can't have a crush (unobtainable overwhelming desire) if you can act on it.....  

There are a number of lovely ladies on this board that I would enjoy engaging for an hour or two.    So yes - lots of banging and lots of benjamins...  but crushes - you gotta be kidding me...

Posted By: ValuedCustomer
 There are a number of lovely ladies on this board that I would enjoy engaging for an hour or two.    So yes - lots of banging and lots of benjamins...  but crushes - you gotta be kidding me....  


 I could not have said it better myself. Crushes? Is this High School or a P4P board?

-- Modified on 8/17/2015 7:36:55 AM

Now, if there are any gals who have a crush on me,  they obviously need a shrink or a  good eye doctor.


It could be with a Provider that you can't afford to see or she could live too far for you to go visit.

Same as walking down the mall and seeing all the fancy shoes, coats, and suits that I'd love to buy but can't.

I just count my blessings and make do.

So my secret crushes are some of the wonderfully insightful, witty, and intelligent women whose posts I've had the pleasure of reading on here. To name a few:

Hbyst+Truth=;(, London Rayne, Alyson Parker, Miss Erin Black... That's hardly all of them, but I'm too lazy to scroll down through the posts and find the other names lol.  

Would it be weird to pay them all to have a sleepover? I'll bring snacks and booze

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