TER General Board

Just LMFAO. -e-teeth_smile
MasterZen 33 Reviews 531 reads


some of you will remember lieutenant Ilia in Star Trek The Motion Picture...


What are your thoughts about a date with a 100% hairless provider? Is this in your bucket list

JackDunphy736 reads

Hairless below it? Cool.

Hairless above it? Proly a tranny. Run.

Most trans women want to look as "womanly" as possible, so, why would they cut their hair so short and instantly be read as more masculine? I am all woman, born this way and all that jazz.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Hairless below it? Cool.  
 Hairless above it? Proly a tranny. Run.

But if a provider can pull it off (no pun) the way Persis did I'd be down in a heartbeat. And no long hairs to search my clothes for, that's a plus.

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
some of you will remember lieutenant Ilia in Star Trek The Motion Picture...  
 What are your thoughts about a date with a 100% hairless provider? Is this in your bucket list?  

Interest in bald women.  
However I might make an exception for someone fighting cancer and losing hair due to chemo, or one of those women who shave their head in support and solidarity for cancer patients. For example, country singer Kellie Pickler shaved her head a few years back in soludarity for her friend who was fighting breast cancer. I still found Kellie hot while bald, and what an awesome thing to do.

I shaved my head to show solidarity for cancer patients, then decided I liked it too much to grow it back!

Posted By: perfectstorm
Interest in bald women.  
 However I might make an exception for someone fighting cancer and losing hair due to chemo, or one of those women who shave their head in support and solidarity for cancer patients. For example, country singer Kellie Pickler shaved her head a few years back in soludarity for her friend who was fighting breast cancer. I still found Kellie hot while bald, and what an awesome thing to do.

GaGambler751 reads

IMO, every woman that looks good that way, would probably look even better with longer hair/less tats.

It's just not my thing, but some women can pull it off and still look sexy. I will still maintain that IMO they look sexy in spite of it, and not because of it.

Though, everyone, even my mother, who knew me two years ago before I shaved my head, admits I look more amazing now than I did before. Just my two cents.

Posted By: GaGambler
IMO, every woman that looks good that way, would probably look even better with longer hair/less tats.

It's just not my thing, but some women can pull it off and still look sexy. I will still maintain that IMO they look sexy in spite of it, and not because of it.

GaGambler662 reads

I am happy you "feel marvelous" but not everyone is going to agree with you. It appears that quite the contrary, very few people seem to agree with you, myself included

That's fine for you all, but, if I got down about a few men not finding me attractive, I'd never get anywhere in life. I'm here for those who do! You guys can disagree, but, my inbox and my appointment calendar are all the confirmation I need, you know? I have no ill will toward anyone who doesn't think short hair is attractive, but, it doesn't hurt to show my cute face around here on the off chance I change a mind. It is free advertising, after all.

Posted By: GaGambler
I am happy you "feel marvelous" but not everyone is going to agree with you. It appears that quite the contrary, very few people seem to agree with you, myself included

GaGambler619 reads

but the first several times you said it, you sounded like you had a very healthy self esteem. Saying it over and over again seems to indicate the opposite, but do as you wish, just don't expect to change many minds, especially mine.

Thanks for the feedback! That said, even if my constant harping on how I look (and how pleased I am with it) did come from a place of low self esteem, that wouldn't change how I look. You know what I'm saying? Like, yeah, any of you can think "God, no, she isn't attractive" but me saying I'm attractive again isn't going to change your mind, just like me not saying it won't magically make people think I am. I'm an advocate for aggressive self love. You all should tell yourselves how fuckable you are, everyday!

Posted By: GaGambler
but the first several times you said it, you sounded like you had a very healthy self esteem. Saying it over and over again seems to indicate the opposite, but do as you wish, just don't expect to change many minds, especially mine.

...her website.  That doesn't sound like a properly constructed threAD to me.

And doesn't a "threAD" by definition have to be an OP?  Josephine didn't start this thread but since she's a bald provider she has more than a passing interest in the subject.  If there was a thread about the Del Rey or the Cocal, wouldn't you contribute to it?

GaGambler555 reads

and I really don't have a problem with that, not all threADs are bad, Well I suppose since she didn't actually make the OP, technically it's not a threAD, but why pick nits?

and there really is no reason for her to link her site in order to get herself noticed as her reviews are linked,  which is also completely within the rules. I just think that nine posts all saying "i am fabulous" is a bit much, maybe you disagree?

You don't have to fight over me!

-- Modified on 3/8/2015 8:47:30 PM

...and this last post of yours swung me over to GaG's POV.

My softball team keeps getting smaller...

-- Modified on 3/9/2015 7:43:11 AM

I'll even kiss you on the strikes if you'll kiss me on the balls.  


Posted By: mrfisher
I'll even kiss you on the strikes if you'll kiss me on the balls.  


Hey Josephine, That look is absolutely working for you! Sweet!

A client WITH hair is on my bucket list.

One provider I knew well ended up wearing a wig one day that looked like her normal hair.  She should have said something because she knew how I love to run my hands through her hair.  Well, I ended up pulling off her wig, and she had cut off her hair because she's a bittle mashugenah anyways.

Upshot, I found it kind of kinky and she ended up feeling fine about it too.

She's since done this a few times.

I'm a big Sinead O'Connor fan too, and always liked how she looks.

Doesn't know what he's missing!  

As the resident completely bald provider on the board, I will say there is a certain sexiness that comes with not having hair to hide behind. But, it looks like some of you will just have to take my word for it!

-- Modified on 3/8/2015 2:23:05 PM

JackDunphy608 reads

Baldness doesn't say "sexy" to me, it says "dude." I am no more attracted to a bald gal than I am a fat one. Some things are just turn offs. Fat, bald, very dark, very white/pale, etc are but a few. It is what it is, I don't try to figure it out.

I won't try and convince you want you find sexy but please, knock off this bullshit that we do not know what we are missing. That is nothing more than condescension that just happens to fit your look at the current moment.

GaGambler572 reads

but I am pretty damn sure I wouldn't like it. lol

JackDunphy771 reads

Wasn't it your gal pal trying to tell us how great it is to have two dicks in a room for MFM and we "didn't know what we were missing" with that too?

Why are these hookers so adamant in constantly making us feel we are somehow not whore mongering the right way? LOL. When I go to a restaurant, I don't give a fk what anybody else orders.  

But I'll order a steak at primarily a seafood place and some numb nut will invariably say "you don't know what you're missing by not ordering the lobster!"

Gals, you hook the way you want, I'll whore monger the way I want.

Is that ok with you???????????????

You're so angry! Maybe you should hire a hooker tonight to take some of the stress away. I'd offer, but apparently, I have a penis because my hair is short! Smooches! Hope you feel better!

Posted By: JackDunphy
Wasn't it your gal pal trying to tell us how great it is to have two dicks in a room for MFM and we "didn't know what we were missing" with that too?  
 Why are these hookers so adamant in constantly making us feel we are somehow not whore mongering the right way? LOL. When I go to a restaurant, I don't give a fk what anybody else orders.  
 But I'll order a steak at primarily a seafood place and some numb nut will invariably say "you don't know what you're missing by not ordering the lobster!"  
 Gals, you hook the way you want, I'll whore monger the way I want.  
 Is that ok with you????????????????  

You really are missing out by not getting the lobster. Maniac.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Wasn't it your gal pal trying to tell us how great it is to have two dicks in a room for MFM and we "didn't know what we were missing" with that too?  
 Why are these hookers so adamant in constantly making us feel we are somehow not whore mongering the right way? LOL. When I go to a restaurant, I don't give a fk what anybody else orders.  
 But I'll order a steak at primarily a seafood place and some numb nut will invariably say "you don't know what you're missing by not ordering the lobster!"  
 Gals, you hook the way you want, I'll whore monger the way I want.  
 Is that ok with you????????????????  

You stay away from my lobster AND my garlic butter.  

(interpret that however you wish)

To buy lobster in Chicago is a joke.

The main place to eat lobster is in Portland, Maine.  I've had lobster in Boston (Union Oyster House) as well.  Had lobster at a few other ports.   But none of them stood up to eating fresh lobster in Portland  ;)

But if Jack wants to order the damned steak there...so be it  LOL

Posted By: Tobi Telford
You really are missing out by not getting the lobster. Maniac.  
Posted By: JackDunphy
Wasn't it your gal pal trying to tell us how great it is to have two dicks in a room for MFM and we "didn't know what we were missing" with that too?  
  Why are these hookers so adamant in constantly making us feel we are somehow not whore mongering the right way? LOL. When I go to a restaurant, I don't give a fk what anybody else orders.    
  But I'll order a steak at primarily a seafood place and some numb nut will invariably say "you don't know what you're missing by not ordering the lobster!"  
  Gals, you hook the way you want, I'll whore monger the way I want.  
  Is that ok with you????????????????  

Because how many times has a hooker not seen a john and had him say "her loss"? It is not her loss if he was never in contention

No one's forcing you to do anything, I'm just trying to lighten the mood here while almost everyone in this thread is essentially calling me (a bald provider) unattractive. I know I'm sexy. It's not condescension, it's me uplifting myself.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Baldness doesn't say "sexy" to me, it says "dude." I am no more attracted to a bald gal than I am a fat one. Some things are just turn offs. Fat, bald, very dark, very white/pale, etc are but a few. It is what it is, I don't try to figure it out.  
 I won't try and convince you want you find sexy but please, knock off this bullshit that we do not know what we are missing. That is nothing more than condescension that just happens to fit your look at the current moment.

JackDunphy536 reads

What diff does it make to you if nobody, or everybody for that matter, likes baldness?

You say you think it's beautiful but your low self esteem with this issue says something quite different.  

Don't look for affirmation here. I sure don't.

Be yourself and fk what others think.

If you "know" it's sexy, no need in trying to convince others. That's a losing proposition everyday of the week Jo.

Let's see, a thread about bald providers pops up.
I'm a bald provider.
I have been contacted before by men who saw me on this board, who had a bald fetish and didn't know there were any bald providers out there.
Someone asked if there are any bald providers.
I decided to post and draw attention to myself.
Sounds like free advertising to me!
And even better if I boast about how awesome I am while I do it.  

I prefer Josie, by the way.

Posted By: JackDunphy
What diff does it make to you if nobody, or everybody for that matter, likes baldness?  
 You say you think it's beautiful but your low self esteem with this issue says something quite different.  
 Don't look for affirmation here. I sure don't.  
 Be yourself and fk what others think.  
 If you "know" it's sexy, no need in trying to convince others. That's a losing proposition everyday of the week Jo.

Hey, I could've been a lot more obvious. I could've included a link to my site!

Posted By: JackDunphy
Thanks for the not so well disguised ad!

ValuedCustomer717 reads

Your pictures show really short hair not bald.   Unless of course that's a tattoo.  Don't get me wrong - you have really hot pics and I like the look..  But not seeing bald....

Which begs the question -  is there a bald provider on TER?

My head may not be shiny and hairless, but neither is Sinead O'Connor's. My hair is still less than 1/8" long.  

Posted By: ValuedCustomer
Your pictures show really short hair not bald.   Unless of course that's a tattoo.  Don't get me wrong - you have really hot pics and I like the look..  But not seeing bald....  
 Which begs the question -  is there a bald provider on TER?

The tactile feel on the tips of my fingers as I caress the cranium is a sensation that I find highly erotic too.

I wish I had the opportunity to be in Chicago again.

If a john put on the board all hookers should do anal, they don't know what they're missing I would be pissed. Why? Because I do know what I am missing, a sore ass. I am not remotely turned on by anything related to a butt, so these guys who are stating their preference based on possibly years of knowing what they like, know that bald is not for them as I know that anal is not for me.  

I understand that you feel great but step back and realize the audience you are trying to convince otherwise. Guys that choose women on appearance and sex acts for the most part. It is what it is. If it doesn't float their boat, what can you do.

For the record if you saw women, I would be happy to run my hands over your beautiful head..just sayin....

Everyday you men come on here and pick a trait and tear apart providers who either fit it or don't, but the second a provider says something about hobbyists, she's the worst human alive and needs to realize that y'all are clients, stop being a bitch, etc., etc.  

Today, a thread pops up about a trait that I possess, and, as I would suspect, most of you can't just say "no, it's not my thing." No, it has to be "she's probably a tranny," or "it's only okay if she has cancer," or "makes you less beautiful."  

Does that sting? Yes, it does. But, like I've said, I know I get booked. That said, I am the only bald provider on this board. And much like if I was the only Black provider, or, I don't know, the only one with long nails, I'd come out and talk about why I think my aesthetic choice is not only attractive, but beautiful. You don't have to believe me. In fact, the original post said "it looks like you'll have to take my word for it." I'm not holding a gun to anyone's head and telling them to book me. As far as I'm concerned, there's no sides, here, no points, this isn't even real. If you like me, you like me, if you don't, you don't, and if you're on the fence, maybe I can swing you the other way.  

Point is, I'm just having a little fun in light of a LOT of negativity that is all but indirectly directed at me. Anyone else makes corny jokes on this board and it's hilarious but for some reason, I've committed a cardinal sin. I didn't say "Well, you're all fucking assholes so go die," I didn't post photos of myself and every single post is not even me blowing smoke up my own ass, it's me responding to those who responded to me. I've simply pointed out why I think my bald head (and that of other women) is sexy. I'm not telling anyone to book me if they don't want to, or fuck me if they don't want to, I'm being lighthearted and happy, and you're all going crazy because, what? I look vain? Plenty of you on here are vain and talk about how great you are. So, why can't I?  

P.S. I do see women. :)

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
If a john put on the board all hookers should do anal, they don't know what they're missing I would be pissed. Why? Because I do know what I am missing, a sore ass. I am not remotely turned on by anything related to a butt, so these guys who are stating their preference based on possibly years of knowing what they like, know that bald is not for them as I know that anal is not for me.    
 I understand that you feel great but step back and realize the audience you are trying to convince otherwise. Guys that choose women on appearance and sex acts for the most part. It is what it is. If it doesn't float their boat, what can you do.  
 For the record if you saw women, I would be happy to run my hands over your beautiful head..just sayin....
-- Modified on 3/9/2015 7:41:56 AM

-- Modified on 3/9/2015 8:04:24 AM

This board is NOT fair and never will be. It is for johns to rate and discuss and review hookers. So we really are only significant if we say the right things and portray ourselves in a way that the guys agree with.  

There are a few of us ladies on here, Tobi, Voodo a few others and myself who play here but realize who we are playing with. Yes the guys can and do, do exactly what you say. And yes, if a hooker does, a shit storm erupts and the typical comments about not getting business etc abound.

It is their sandbox and believe me if the ladies had a sandbox like this one we would be doing the exact same thing...I know I would be one of the worst..lol

And for the record I am in a niche myself. I look like a figure competitor, all sexy muscle and some guys hate that. Think that my amount of muscle is dude-like. Their opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and not all of them are pretty. I am okay with that. I get plenty who love it.  

And you are delicious, so don't sweat it, walk away, grab a tea or coffee and think nothing more about it.

I don't think you're a dude, I read the boards, I know you're a provider, too.

I realize it's their playground, but please, tell me, on a thread about bald hookers, as the only bald hooker I know, who else am I supposed to talk about? GaG, Dunphy, Papasan, they're the most vocal on this board, but there's so many men who fly under the radar, who can and have see(n) me based on my board persona. I am here for those who might, can and do like me, and those who don't can continue to do so. It's no one's loss, simply a difference in opinion. This board is simply another avenue for advertising. A man who doesn't like me here maybe won't like me in person, just like a man who doesn't like my photos probably won't like me in person, either. And since none of the guys who have a problem with me aren't booking me anyway, why shouldn't I continue to have fun?  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
This board is NOT fair and never will be. It is for johns to rate and discuss and review hookers. So we really are only significant if we say the right things and portray ourselves in a way that the guys agree with.  
 There are a few of us ladies on here, Tobi, Voodo a few others and myself who play here but realize who we are playing with. Yes the guys can and do, do exactly what you say. And yes, if a hooker does, a shit storm erupts and the typical comments about not getting business etc abound.  
 It is their sandbox and believe me if the ladies had a sandbox like this one we would be doing the exact same thing...I know I would be one of the worst..lol  
 And for the record I am in a niche myself. I look like a figure competitor, all sexy muscle and some guys hate that. Think that my amount of muscle is dude-like. Their opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and not all of them are pretty. I am okay with that. I get plenty who love it.  
 And you are delicious, so don't sweat it, walk away, grab a tea or coffee and think nothing more about it.

However what you can't control is how the guys will react to your post. AS much as you would like more fairness I suppose it is not going to happen. Lavish the love on the guys who think you're hot and forgot those that think you're not.

With all due respect, lovely, the issue was resolved until you rehashed it. I was simply doing some lighthearted, if a bit shameless self-promotion, and responding wittily to my detractors. You've decided to make this some weird us vs. them thing, and I'm just here to be cute.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
However what you can't control is how the guys will react to your post. AS much as you would like more fairness I suppose it is not going to happen. Lavish the love on the guys who think you're hot and forgot those that think you're not.

"So we really are only significant if we say the right things and portray ourselves in a way that the guys agree with."

I love strong women that speak their mind and tell the assessment including me how it is. I often skip male posts but rarely skip the ones from the ladies, especially the outspoken opinionated ladies like you. In my mind the ladies make the board. But what do I know, I am a mangina after all.

In the way you think so sorry if I left you and your brethren out. I was aiming my comments at the majority who have not disappointed in the mount of comments we see.  

I do agree with most, it is what it is in regard to what one finds a turn on or a turn off.  

LOL, how do you think I got the MHB moniker which I wear proudly I must admit?

I do love guys like you so keep being you and I will keep being me!

That's because you are a fucking Mangina!   Just kidding, I was going to reply something along those lines.   Even when it is something I don't agree with or something that I don't want to necessarily read, I really enjoy the posts from ladies who tell it like it is.    I realize that it is a fine line to play that game, particularly when it is not being done anonymously and it can have financial repercussions.    Frankly, I am amazed that more women don't push back using aliases.

So am I. It is a perfect opportunity. However seeing as many don;t maybe they don't see the need. It is only a small handful of hookers that do...;)

"This board is NOT fair and never will be. It is for johns to rate and discuss and review hookers."

If you had stopped there, I'd probably have agreed with you. The next statement is just false.  

" So we really are only significant if we say the right things and portray ourselves in a way that the guys agree with.  "

You really think that??!??! Ugh. It's not true. Most guys, like most people generally, are just killin' time. Ok? We appreciate the smart posts, the interesting posts, the funny ones and anything that generally enlightens...including those from escorts. We are mostly smart enough to know we don't know it all, nor do we understand your perspective, nor do we want to only hear what you think we want to hear. I think people just get off on debating and disagreeing. In life, generally, on this anonymous forum specifically. Can you imagine a political equivalent of this website? Ouch.

I don't agree at all that guys want you to agree with everything they say. They just want you to be prepared to make the appropriate argument if what you say is disagreeable. And then "lose" every response along the way!! Just like it works with you when you disagree with us!

Is very true for a certain type of trick. Maybe not you or scoed but there are a few it is spot on for. My mistake as I should have qualified that portion of the statement. At least I didn't say ALL.....;)

hotplants689 reads


“This is a moderated forum dedicated to discussing the hobby, erotica, and sex related subjects…….”

*I* read that to encompass more than just rating, and reviewing hookers (and: see RO board).

Which leaves 'discussion'.  

H+T: " So we really are only significant if we say the right things and portray ourselves in a way that the guys agree with. "  This is not true in the absolute---there are exceptions to everything----but, more than generally speaking? This is exactly the way this board works.

But not all "hobbyist" are men. Hell...., not all people who are clients of sex workers identify with "hobbyist'"----raising hand...bleck...(seriously...there are so many self-proclaimed 'hobbiest' that come across as obnoxiously self-entitled dicks on this board that I want nothing to do with that label).

 And the general tenor of this board absolutely does discourage participation from sex workers. Even participating using an alias can be so fucking annoying that it's not worth the aggravation. The downside being: lots of intelligent, sexy voices out there just don't bother.....

you have to stoop to conquer (Or is that schtup to conquer?)

In any case, just keep your eye on the prize and you'll be fine.

you aren't full on bald in them. Your hair style does suit you and I'm sure it gives you some freedom from all of the stuff I go thru to get my hair to look like I want it to look.


My hair is just as short as Ms. Sinead O'Connor, who was posted as an example, as well as Amber Rose, Demi Moore in G.I. Jane and Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta, all of whom were/are called "bald." Compared to every other woman here, I'm bald, so, what's the point of nitpicking?  

Posted By: MatureGFE
you aren't full on bald in them. Your hair style does suit you and I'm sure it gives you some freedom from all of the stuff I go thru to get my hair to look like I want it to look.


-- Modified on 3/9/2015 11:07:32 AM

I guess just like in men baldness can be ok. But maybe not totally bald but with really short hair. it depends on the shape of the head. People with round heads look ok. I'm glad to be hairy. the back of my head is flat.

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
some of you will remember lieutenant Ilia in Star Trek The Motion Picture...  
 What are your thoughts about a date with a 100% hairless provider? Is this in your bucket list?  

...related to this the world's oldest profession.
But damn if I wasn't just proved wrong!

girls with ALMOST bald hair to be sexy, extremely. But, I guess it may be a partial enviousness for the confidence to d so. And, I say almost because I have yet to see a lady who keeps her head shiny bald. When I read the OP, I thought to myself do they mean bald or shaved?  

I have always wanted to shave my head, and buy 30 wigs and have a different hair style every day, but I have never had the gusto to actually do it.

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