TER General Board

Jeez. Give me warning next time.
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 758 reads

I think you may have blown the back of my head out.

what has been said to you during dates that was a turn on or just made you feel good (beyond moans etc)?

here are my best ones

1st prize "oh (my name)"
2nd prize "don't stop"
3rd prize "that's it right there"
honorable mention "that was fun

And, yes, I get gals returning my donation after a session.  They are just grateful to have been in my "distinctive" presence. LOL!:)

"Come back tonight and hold me while I go to sleep."
"That was amazing. Where did you learn how to please a woman?"
"No, seriously, take the handcuffs off. I forgot the safe word.

"Oh, God! I'm glad it's you tonight!"

The only runner up I remember is, "Your dick tastes so fuckin' sweet!"

Posted By: mazzus
what has been said to you during dates that was a turn on or just made you feel good (beyond moans etc)?  
 here are my best ones  
 1st prize "oh (my name)"  
 2nd prize "don't stop"  
 3rd prize "that's it right there"  
 honorable mention "that was fun"  

Posted By: WickedBrut
"Oh, God! I'm glad it's you tonight!"  
 The only runner up I remember is, "Your dick tastes so fuckin' sweet!"  
Posted By: mazzus
what has been said to you during dates that was a turn on or just made you feel good (beyond moans etc)?  
  here are my best ones  
  1st prize "oh (my name)"  
  2nd prize "don't stop"  
  3rd prize "that's it right there"  
  honorable mention "that was fun"  

"Oh I thought you were white, and in 40s with Curly hair..."

GaGambler692 reads

A provider who I had never met was commenting about how I was nothing like what she had pictured. When I asked her what she was expecting, she pointed at some "old fat white guy" and said "something like him" She went on to say that her surprise was a pleasant one. lol

She meant ATF.
2)  "I'm jerking you off in my ass."
I was fucking her ass when she reached into her pussy with two fingers and started massaging my cock through the vaginal wall between her ass and pussy.  A neat trick to be sure.

one time when I had put together a nice threesome,  when I thought we were done for the evening....      "now you have to take us out to dinner for taking such good care of you.  And then we're coming back here for more...."

just a few days ago:  She:  "you're not married, are you?  (grasps my left hand and examines third finger...)    me:  Nope.  She: "Good".....     silence for a time whilst cuddling....   She: "what are you going to do today after this?    me:  I'm going to pick up some groceries and go home.  She: (up on her elbow, stroking my hair and staring into my eyes for a minute...)  want to take me with you?   me:  "oh, hell yes...."

just yesterday:  "your dick is perfect for me.  don't hold back.  I want it all"  then - "give it to me deep" (whilst mishing with her calves around my neck....   about 30 seconds before one of the more explosive Os I've ever witnessed....

"You have a handsome dick."

"You have nice big balls."

"Fuck me like you mean it."

"Your wife is a lucky woman."

"You eat pussy like a girl."

And of course, "Me love you long time."  (I'm a Vietnam vet lol.

After our last date she told me: "Thank you, I actually enjoyed that! I normally don't."

providers who have been and are my ATF.  The first is no longer in the biz.  She would say, "I just love to suck your cock".

Within the past year or so, my current ATF said "I just love the way you fucked my mouth" after cumming in her mouth.

Haha! Seriously though here are a few:

"Oh yeah, just like that! Don't stop!"
After a DATY session, "Shit! Can I take your tongue home with me?"
"I'm your ass whore tonight."

Posted By: mazzus
what has been said to you during dates that was a turn on or just made you feel good (beyond moans etc)?  
 here are my best ones  
 1st prize "oh (my name)"  
 2nd prize "don't stop"  
 3rd prize "that's it right there"  
 honorable mention "that was fun"  

"Ooooh don't stop, that's right OOOOOOOHHH followed by a high pitched squeal that rattled the windows" Then she went sort of limp and said, "Give me a minute to recover. I don't come easily My mother says it because I played with myself too much as a chilld"

It was my third session with her and she never said anything like that before.  So, I chose to believe her.

A few have said, "You're really good at that," following an oral session.  Yeah, yeah they say it to all the guys, but the ones who have said it to me have not said how good I was at f****ing.  [shrug]  Although I suppose the line in the subject window was an endorsement of that skill, too, since only one O happened when I was speaking French to her.  True or not it was nice to hear.

-- Modified on 8/28/2014 11:03:02 AM

1st:  Dont take this the wrong way, you're a small guy, but DAMN!
2nd:  Wow you sure do like to eat pussy, then some purring sound (after her orgasm).  
3rd:  :Rolls over away from me: ........Holy Shit!

Score it up for the small guy!

Your cum tastes sooooooo good!

I hear it every session. Without fail.  

Posted By: mazzus
what has been said to you during dates that was a turn on or just made you feel good (beyond moans etc)?  
 here are my best ones  
 1st prize "oh (my name)"  
 2nd prize "don't stop"  
 3rd prize "that's it right there"  
 honorable mention "that was fun"  

As long as they don't say it tastes like asparagus, I'd say you're ahead of the game.

I think you may have blown the back of my head out.

That's one thing I don't hear..  Lmao

•fuck me like you want to
• pull my hair  
• come in my mouth
• yes, I'll wear the handcuffs or yes, I'll let you tie me up

Robert_BadenPowell902 reads

... was from my most recent date.  She said a few things that made my day/week/month, but one stood out:

"I think that was the best O I've ever had in this bed!"

This was in her long-time incall.  And I've known this provider quite awhile and she is the kind of person who says what's on her mind, no pretense.  Of course, for all I know she could have purchased that bed the day before.  But I prefer to think it's an old bed.  Really old.  :)

It was one of those questions a guy asks when he notices something.

Very cute guy too.

"You have a lot of sexy mannerisms. Do you do that on purpose?" Very direct question. My response: "Wait... What was I doing?" Lolol. It made me feel like I was doing my job well but naturally.

I just play with fingers - facial expressions - and touch while talking - something along those lines, but during pillow talk.

He also complimented my muscles in my middle back with the spine line thing.  

He threw in compliments throughout the conversation so matter of factly that it sounded very genuine,

I love when a guy feels comfortable enough to notice the little things. Huge compliment.

I've been thinking about getting liposuction and re shaping things, but the compliments guys give me on the curves makes me feel super womanly and sexy that I may not want to alter it.

She looked at me and said very meaningfully, "you're a free spirit? If she were to know me in my true existence, she would never have said that about me

1. You have such a pretty penis
2. You are the perfect client
3. I love the way your cock fills my pussy

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