TER General Board

it's more fun and sensual. I can use my powers of seduction more lol
Katie_krush See my TER Reviews 663 reads

More time for both of us to get comfortable with each other, especially if it's our first time together.  I get shy sometimes so I can perform better if we warm up to each other a little first. I like to talk a little first.
Also, I joke around a lot and have a silly sense of humor and if someone has just met me, he sometimes doesn't understand that. So if there's more time, we get to know each other a little more and get more in tune to each other's energy, which makes the experience better.
also, it  allows more room for seduction and teasing. I like to flirt and entice and strip slowly and get creative lol.

Posted By: mconnection
So many ladies web sites mention how much they love or prefer extended engagements, besides the obvious financial gain and the time to get to really know each other, what are some of the other reasons that make you desire longer dates?  
 And do you do anything different to make them more attractive for clients?

So many ladies web sites mention how much they love or prefer extended engagements, besides the obvious financial gain and the time to get to really know each other, what are some of the other reasons that make you desire longer dates?
And do you do anything different to make them more attractive for clients?

Posted By: mconnection
So many ladies web sites mention how much they love or prefer extended engagements, besides the obvious financial gain and the time to get to really know each other, what are some of the other reasons that make you desire longer dates?  
 And do you do anything different to make them more attractive for clients?

So not true. I love longer session so we can get to know each other without the rush of you having to leave. I can let my hair done suck you slower ride you slow just everything becomes more special and real. The cuddle after feeling you run my back as I stoke your chest. Its just something about the whole experience that I love. I have guys who booked a three hour and stayed for four because we warmed up to each other and time sucked. The money is for some providers but find you one that money is just paper connects is what is real.

Posted By: mtdewking2015
Posted By: mconnection
So many ladies web sites mention how much they love or prefer extended engagements, besides the obvious financial gain and the time to get to really know each other, what are some of the other reasons that make you desire longer dates?  
  And do you do anything different to make them more attractive for clients?

Posted By: Southern Belle
So not true. I love longer session so we can get to know each other without the rush of you having to leave. I can let my hair done suck you slower ride you slow just everything becomes more special and real. The cuddle after feeling you run my back as I stoke your chest. Its just something about the whole experience that I love. I have guys who booked a three hour and stayed for four because we warmed up to each other and time sucked. The money is for some providers but find you one that money is just paper connects is what is real.  
Posted By: mtdewking2015
Posted By: mconnection
So many ladies web sites mention how much they love or prefer extended engagements, besides the obvious financial gain and the time to get to really know each other, what are some of the other reasons that make you desire longer dates?    
   And do you do anything different to make them more attractive for clients?

~Mae West

Longer engagements are usually only booked by men who are gentlemen and can savor experiences rather than just gobble them up. I'm an unabashed hedonist, so I find that gents who prefer longer engagements have more in common with me.  

I'm at my best with extended engagements- dinner, weekends away, etc. I don't have the time for multiple day engagements so much these days, but when I have them, they are experiences truly enjoyed by both of us on just every level possible.

Posted By: mconnection
So many ladies web sites mention how much they love or prefer extended engagements, besides the obvious financial gain and the time to get to really know each other, what are some of the other reasons that make you desire longer dates?  
 And do you do anything different to make them more attractive for clients?

Which is a great idea specially if it is a combination of public and private time whether is dinner, lunch, a movie, gala etc.  

Longer dates are just more practical in my opinion, I am not against the one hour engagements but sometimes is hard to really get to know the person's preferences within that short period of time. In longer engagements you can take your time, enjoy a great conversation, wine, play at your leisure without having to keep an eye on the time. Obviously, not many people have the luxury of being able to disappear for multiple hours but most of us are flexible to accommodate what the gentleman wants.

-- Modified on 1/8/2015 11:32:47 PM

I've spent days traveling with clients and we can reminisce about our adventures together later on down the road.  It is a bonding that creates a deeper connection.  Kinda like having an inside joke.  "Remember that time we. .."

I've spent 5 days with Jessica and I can arrest that we had an incredible time, got to know each other on so many levels and of course the sex was even more enjoyable.  The only downside was having to say goodbye.   Oh what a time.    Thank you beautiful!

Posted By: DateJessicaK
I've spent days traveling with clients and we can reminisce about our adventures together later on down the road.  It is a bonding that creates a deeper connection.  Kinda like having an inside joke.  "Remember that time we. .."

Posted By: Matthew123
I've spent 5 days with Jessica and I can arrest that we had an incredible time, got to know each other on so many levels and of course the sex was even more enjoyable.  The only downside was having to say goodbye.   Oh what a time.    Thank you beautiful!  
Posted By: DateJessicaK
I've spent days traveling with clients and we can reminisce about our adventures together later on down the road.  It is a bonding that creates a deeper connection.  Kinda like having an inside joke.  "Remember that time we. .."

When I see a girl's statement saying she  prefers longer dates and then see rates like 3000, I think it is all just a financial come on and a hustle.  The girl is just trying to set me up.  Girls have to set their overnight rates at realistic levels.  If a girl is expecting to see three guys at 300 then an overnight rate of around 1000 is fair to both parties.  She can't jack it up as if every hour should be at the one hour rate or close to the one hour rate.  I have done overnights with girls I have known well and had a wonderful time.  Never paid more the 1000 (plus sometimes a tip and plus once baby sitter money - see what I mean - you've got to be realistic.)  I have done resort weekends for 1500.  Spa time, pool time, room service time, and finally room time.  And I recall some shopping in the resort shop too.  We were both very comfortable with that arrangement.  The intimacy was terrific.

RokkKrinn560 reads

Four hours, six hours, overnight, multi-day....those longer dates are some of the best experiences I've ever had.

I truly believe in the concept of "time and companionship".  It doesn't all have to be about what happens BCD.

But then again, I'm the Great American Mangina, so what do I know?

ok so 20 may seem like a lot, but spread out over 6 to 8 hours, can be amazing, and the best part of it, is getting paid for them.

J h.ad  2 nice 2 hr dates and a great 3hr date recently. I liked having the extra time to get to chat and know each other.  Had a nice dinner and conversation on the 3 hr date.  My dates will be no shorter than 2 hrs from now on

ILoveToFuck609 reads

Longer sessions mean more $$$.  Any other reasons given are all bullshit. A pussy works like a powerful vacuum cleaner; instead of sucking up dust, a pussy will attempt to suck out as much greens possible from your wallet.  The hotter and affectionate the woman, the more powerful is her vacuum cleaner. Any objections ?

this is their job right?

 I know for sure some get off on the money they make. like an addiction.

Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Longer sessions mean more $$$.  Any other reasons given are all bullshit. A pussy works like a powerful vacuum cleaner; instead of sucking up dust, a pussy will attempt to suck out as much greens possible from your wallet.  The hotter and affectionate the woman, the more powerful is her vacuum cleaner. Any objections ?

lunch and dinner dates offer a more leisurely approach to a date! However, I know that even with a discount, they are out of budget for many of my friends. I certainly don't mind a one-hour date, especially when I'm on tour, and set up to entertain.

Mconnection, you certainly know how I feel about spending extended time with you!  



I certainly do, it is always wonderful!!

Posted By: Tabu
lunch and dinner dates offer a more leisurely approach to a date! However, I know that even with a discount, they are out of budget for many of my friends. I certainly don't mind a one-hour date, especially when I'm on tour, and set up to entertain.  
 Mconnection, you certainly know how I feel about spending extended time with you!  

lunch and dinner dates, and I search out women who obviously prefer them. The reason is simple: I am connection-driven and enjoy both the companionship and getting to know one another as people rather than as mere sexual objects. Yes, I love the sex; I just find it is enhanced when I perceive a greater intimacy has been built (whether fact or fantasy, it works for me). I actually LIKE most of the women I see!  

I'd rather spend an afternoon and evening together than an overnight, as I enjoy being awake while I am with someone I like and am spending time with! Nor would I force a woman to suffer the horrific sounds of my snoring or the ghastly experience of my morning breath and bed-head.

Don't get me wrong... a short, intense and erotic session can be hot at times. I just don't like to feel rushed; my minimum time is 90 minutes or two hours.  

As for the donations: It's like the lottery. You have to pay to play and you have to play to win. Finances are important to both man and woman, and with mutual respect and honest communication you can find a place where both can gain and feel good about it. Coercion and disrespect, treating negotiation like a zero-sum game can only reduce the odds of me finding what I prefer - a stronger connection and greater intimacy.

I'm pretty new to the hobby but have quickly learned that 2 hrs is about the minimum time I need to build at least some kind of rapport with my date - and that rapport enhances the sex.

Exactly!!! I use to like overnights, however who wants to sleep when being awake and on edge with a beautiful lady is so much better!

I like to chit-chat and get to know the ladies.   As much as I appreciate my guy friends, I really miss having women friends.    Also agree with the others, you are one of my favorite guy posters, and no, I am not hitting on you.

was with a gal from right here in TER who no longer posts.  She had reasonable rates and was a hot little number so I went for a 2 hour date.  We had wine, we talked, it was true GFE because by the end of those 2 hours it felt like I had just had sex with a girlfriend, not a hooker.  I got to know her a little and she got to know me a little.  Which is not to say that we didn't have some pretty hot sex, because we did, multiple times.

If she hadn't had the reasonable rate that she did though, I would not have been able to afford it.  I've stated it before, I ain't rich.  I'm not poor either, but hiding that much cash from the wife out of the household budget is practically impossible, so for now, I'm stuck with one hour dates once a month unless I want to wait 2 months for a multi hour and I'm just not willing to wait that long unless it's someone very special.  I do this whole "hobby" thing (what an awful term) to get laid more often, not less often.  If I wanted to only get laid once every month and a half to two months I'd be content with the wife (that's our frequency already).  Hobbying gets me up to twice a month.  Once with the wife and once with a provider, so while multiple hours are nice, multiple encounters are better, at least for me.

Now, if I was able to win a couple thousand from a scratch off ticket the wife didn't know about, then, well, hello multi hour dates!

I have it worse than you do Fridays, my wife handles the household budget and she also happens to be the one who handles my business finances as well.   That I get to play is a miracle life would be so much simpler if I could just go to the ATM, oh well.....

Yeah honey.  It costs THAT much to eat lunch in Manhattan every day.  There's 50-75 for that week.  Ok, I'll pick up the Chinese/Pizza/Tacos tonight. Paid in cash.  Yep it was 10 bucks more than the receipt she didn't see.  Sure I buy the newspaper every day.  Sure I had 3-4 beers on the way home on the commuter train (not the 1 I really had).  Sure honey, we needed all that yard work done and I needed to buy x, y,z items for the yard (yeah, paid cash, you know I hate credit cards) the cost?  (40-50 less than I tell her).  Ya just gotta be creative and know what your wife is ignorant of or just doesn't care about.  It ain't easy and you can't go to the well too often or she'll get suspicious.  Low and slow.  Like I said.  It usually take me a month to 5 weeks to scrape up 350-450. By that time I'm ready to bust sexually so I find a provider, have my fun and start the saving all over again.  Its exhausting.

As for you dude, with your wife handling all the finances?  You are screwed.  My wife is involved in the finances only as far as she knows generally what we pay and to whom just in case of emergency and she needs to handle it she won't be lost.  She checks the balance when she goes to the ATM and once in a while will peruse a credit card or bank statement.  But she's not seeing 300 or 400 unexplained withdrawals so her radar never goes off

I think this is one of those you can't lose either way kind of threads lol. There are times when one hour is super hot with someone you've connected with whether new or a weekly acquaintance. Then there are those awesome shorter dates that naturally extend to 4 or 5 hours unexpectedly or sometimes even into an overnight, just cause you're having a great time together. I don't think you can go wrong with either scenario as each gentlemen is different in what they hope to get out of their encounter with their woman of choice. For me personally, it is very rare I only entertain for an hour even though I do offer it. If I'm asked for an hour, many times it usually ends up extending if time allows for both of us. As the saying usually does hold true, time does fly when you're having fun. But I suspect that must be for both parties involved. And when that happens, a mutual, respectful kind of arrangement that works for both of you exists because there is likeness involved on top of the business aspect. And if that's the case, that's just a terrific bonus for both with hopes you are both getting what you want out of your time together. I suspect that's the whole point to p4p versus dating in the real world. But I will say, a connection can happen minus any restricted time allotment. One hour or 4 hours, a connection is either there or it isn't. And sometimes it even happens before you even meet for the first time. It's kind of like hit or miss like anything else in this world no matter how much time you put into it. But when it does, one or more hours, I'd have to think will put a smile on both faces equally.  

xx kisses

Posted By: mconnection
So many ladies web sites mention how much they love or prefer extended engagements, besides the obvious financial gain and the time to get to really know each other, what are some of the other reasons that make you desire longer dates?  
 And do you do anything different to make them more attractive for clients?

Why not offer discounts for dates you know you will love?

I have been to Desire in Cabo with a client, and Las Ventanas with another.  We enjoy laying out by the pools & beaches.  I was just asked yesterday if I would, like to attend the Playboy Jazz fest this year in LA.  I prefer to not watch the clock & enjoy my time.  

Dinner dates are fantastic if you enjoy conversation, and chemistry.

with a provider I had not previously seen.   She required a four hour minimum to make the three hour drive.  Since I really wanted to see her, I agreed.   And we were both surprised at how easily and enjoyably those four hours passed.  Since then, we've seen each other many times and none of them have been for less than two hours.    

With our extended dates, we can certainly take our time and get to know each other more closely.  It also builds up more of a "connection" and a higher level of trust between us.   And because of that, I would rather save up and/or wait to see her instead of having only a one hour encounter.

The entire tone of a longer meeting is just so much more satisfying in a way that is hard to describe; and that in and of itself makes extended encounters more attractive and worthwhile, at least for me.

I find longer (2+ hr) appts to be more relaxed with less emphasis on the clock.
I also enjoy the conversation part of the time, particularly with an intelligent woman who has something interesting to share.    For me an hour just feels too rushed.
On a more practical level some providers offer extra services with longer meetings, and offer discounted rates for the add'l hours.  I look for both, because (a) I enjoy extra services; and (b) the discounts indicates that the provider is really looking for longer dates and not just saying it.

I love to entertain from start to finish. Better reviews, too. I get a chance to shine and give the entire package. I don't like hump dump and jump type stuff. Sometimes it's great to do three guys in a day for an hour. I'm not going to lie, sometimes it's fun to feel like a slut. It's exhilarating. It's exciting to start and stop at full speed. But not all the time.

A nice longer date - entertaining, joking, laughing, poking fun, learning, and making the rest of the world not matter for a time is something I've naturally done since I was a teenager. I like sending a guy away thinking, "Woah - what was that?!"

I had one extended date where that did not happen - and I keep hearing from clients about some guy PMing them about the one girl he didn't have a good time with on an extended date. (Hasn't happened for a while, but I just heard about it again last week, so I guess It's still out there lol.) I admitted it was me, and they couldn't believe it. Lol. I then told my side of the story, since I was given an open opportunity, lol. I have since learned to require room and board at all times, with a place to put my belongings at all times so I can be ready at all times. (It's pretty tiring walking around a city with all of your stuff because you can't stay in their room while they're gone.) Also taking full payment up front for weekends is important to alleviate any stress during and after. That was my bad.

I've had awesome times on all day dates. Overnights are great, but I really would rather do dawn till dusk if it's only one day. Those have been great.


-- Modified on 1/9/2015 9:53:30 AM

I bet you get a PM after stating that lol.

If you treat me like a human being, I will most definitely rock your world in private and public. Lol. ;)

Posted By: Fridays117
You, I would save up for a longer session for.  

for me nothing is better than spending a few days on an extended trip with my ATF. We have so much time to just hang out and be together, it's fabulous. The sex is great and we can try different things.  And we can have lots of couples fun on non-sexual things -- shopping, going to museums, having meals, etc. In general, having her on my arm is an inexpressible joy.

Getting to know one another and having a natural and enjoyable experience is the primary reason that I love extended engagements.  Seriously - when was the last time you went out on a one-hour civvie date?  I'm going to guess, if it was just an hour, it didn't go very well lol!  An hour is just not that much time to meet someone, get a sense of them and their desires, to intimately explore them, maybe even to experiment with something new...  Lounging, laughing, mutual massages, savoring delicious foods and scents and sights and sounds... Extended dates enable you to actually get to know the person that you are with and provide the opportunity to create shared memories.  I can't eat gelato without thinking of European markets, often imagine King Kong climbing buildings when I'm in New York, and I giggle remembering getting the van stuck in the sand each time I drive the Oregon coast...

With the steep discounts that many ladies offer for extended time - is it really a financial gain?  Another reason to prefer the longer engagements?  For me the math works out not as more money, it's the same money with less clients.  I like having a smaller circle of close friends over having to maintain a revolving door.  One to three extended sessions a week for me is the equivalent of three to ten hour meetings - the first business model is not only more enjoyable for me on a per-encounter basis, it is less stressful for many reasons - including safety and security.  It comes back around in a circle - when I'm feeling safe and secure, my sessions are more enjoyable.

While I understand that not everyone can afford the longer sessions, the idea some hold that they are all about the money?  Baloney!

-- Modified on 1/9/2015 10:09:36 AM

for 550, One only gave me 500, ..but i known him for years so i gratiously acepted.  

I got three 2 hours booked around holidays, i never get any multiple hour dates booked,.. the last 2 were around christmas time havent had a single 2 hour session booked since.  

and been doin half hours for regulars for 150.  

surprsingly I am ok with it though, ..

I've never offered 1/2 hours, and do not have an hour option on my website.  I suppose that alone is one reason that I only do longer sessions lol!  

If you are happy with the shorter sessions, more power to you!  Some ladies do enjoy the sexy play time, and are not interested in creating the types of relationships that extended date ladies enjoy.  There is nothing wrong with that, and for many it might even keep the hotness factor stronger!

If you *are* interested in multi-hours, consider if you would actually enjoy them.  If so, what would draw them to your calendar?  Do you advertise towards gentlemen who enjoy those types of sessions?  What you put out there determines who you meet, and what type of experience they are expecting.  Do you have extras that would encourage lingering visits (massage offering, toy play, jacuzzi, fireplace?)  Have you honed your conversation skills so that you can keep the time engaging and lively?

No right or wrong, just what works well for you and your clients.

which is alot less than most which should attract clients.  
i got alot of 2 hour dates,  

I have never gotten an overnight in my life.  
had a few offer me shit money for one . But then it got complicated becasue for a three hour rate {a grand} basically, no i dont wanna cuddle for 8 hours plus do two gfe sessions, plus be expected to do an hour massage atop that.

I had one client that would offer a grand for an overnight but want to snuglle all night, fuck evening he slept over, fuck next day and be a bitch to me about long massage for an hour,  

I did it a few times because well no one presents a grand to me , so it seems attrative , But in reality it makes more sense if i am trying to survive over here, to do three hour long gfe,  

in a 2 day period, Then keep the rest my personal time to do me.  

i actually am in a fihgt with that person right now and feel they really pushed me to my limits and took advantage. considering my hour rate is 300 to offer me a three hour rate for 2 days of my time and life,  

not cool! {you know who you are} you asshole.  

I hate rich people that think they can treat other people like shit cuz they have money,

...as another lady said the 1hr/90mins dates are great and it's fun to feel like a slut and go full speed but not all fo the time. A change in pace is great with longer dates.....because they feel well more like actual dates. They feel far more natural  Demeanor more often than not in guy who book 3hrs+ plus is different than those coming for less time...they seem to enjoy the relaxing pace of that longer date, as do I.  I noticed an uptick after releasing what some have found to be a "softer" image ... apparently my old site/older pics had to them an "edgy" overly PSE vibe which isn't a bad thing but showing variety is good (including a pic or 2 that shows yes you can take me out in public lol). Also adding into ads on occasion that I encourage extended dates didn't hurt as well as in my base nixing 1hr incall date for new friends has increased the request for longer dates. Even though my rates are pretty good already they are even better for dinner dates, clock-free, o/n etc.

More time for both of us to get comfortable with each other, especially if it's our first time together.  I get shy sometimes so I can perform better if we warm up to each other a little first. I like to talk a little first.
Also, I joke around a lot and have a silly sense of humor and if someone has just met me, he sometimes doesn't understand that. So if there's more time, we get to know each other a little more and get more in tune to each other's energy, which makes the experience better.
also, it  allows more room for seduction and teasing. I like to flirt and entice and strip slowly and get creative lol.

Posted By: mconnection
So many ladies web sites mention how much they love or prefer extended engagements, besides the obvious financial gain and the time to get to really know each other, what are some of the other reasons that make you desire longer dates?  
 And do you do anything different to make them more attractive for clients?

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