TER General Board

It's easy to say that she should NOT have returned a penny, BUT
BrBrSpinner 1660 reads
1 / 29

What is the proper etiquette protocol for ending a session due to a clients aggressiveness?
I had a gentleman whom I told beforehand that I only engage in gentle, soft play. I am not a fan of biting, rough grabbing of the breasts, etc. Despite my wishes, he did so 3 times until I told him I could no longer finish the session.  
Was I right for this? I also returned majority of his donation.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 319 reads
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London Rayne See my TER Reviews 574 reads
3 / 29

I realize this can be hard if you are actually scared you might offend him, and the violence gets worse, but that's why so many women insist on personal information. This rarely happens when their name and work info. can be put on front street. I have never had this happen, but always have someone who can call you in the middle of a date in case things are getting out of hand. If it's a public hotel, odds are he is not going to make a scene, so asking him to leave should not be a problem. Once, twice, three times? Fk that. If he is on a screening site like P411, you also need to make Gina aware of his bs so they can note his profile and possibly delist him. I would also go one step further and alert him.

Arovet 62 Reviews 313 reads
4 / 29

you should not have had to return the donation. However, given the nature of the transgression it was probably prudent to do so. I hope you will use the PO board or other means to alert your peers.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 396 reads
5 / 29

Hopefully other ladies can maybe shed light on ways to end things when it becomes rough, but it is well within your rights to end the session.

What I'm perplexed about is why you would even need to tell him beforehand.  Did his references not mention this to you?  Did he bring it up in the communication prior to?

LasVegan 427 reads
6 / 29

you should NOT have returned ANY of his donation.  Of course you were in a precarious situation, alone with an ASSHOLE.  But he knew better.......even if he did not admit it in his words or actions.

Not sure how, but you should find a way to alert other providers.  Am sure you will stay away from him.  So sorry for what you had to go through.

hbyist+truth=;( 457 reads
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I can ONLY function under soft and gentle and when a client grabs me roughly and starts to TRY and throw me around, my gut instinct is to hurt him. I take a deep breathe and ask him not to do that and hope he has the sense to stop before I actually come unglued. It has never happened that a guy has continued. I guess my level of physicality protects me in some way. I feel so scared and bad for small women who have to deal with this type of john.

You are more than right, it is your duty to be true to who you are and what you can tolerate. He deserved nothing back for being a complete asshole

hbyist+truth=;( 558 reads
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A lot of hookers will not tell you details. They merely mention they have seen the guy and he was okay.  

Okay means exactly what...he didn't beat her black and blue, he showered, he did not rip her off, he was only a little bit rough but it was dealt with?

I want details...was he pushy, was he rough, did he treat her like a fuck doll, did he stop when she asked him to, did he respect her physical boundaries. was his dick so big it hurt...yeah these are the things I want to know and rarely if ever do I get these questions answered.

Yes, it matters to me all of these things as to whether I will see a guy ALL ALONE with no help.

Rarely will a trick tell a hooker "yeah baby i like rough". I wish they did but they feel that a hooker will not refuse, she is alone and she wont tell anybody BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT HAVE MY PERSONAL INFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GaGambler 538 reads
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I have to say that it's not that much different then when a guy gets ripped off and the lady has a 6'8" 300 lb "manager" Sure you want to stand your ground, but is the money really worth getting killed for?

I see the same thing here, did she "owe" him a refund" Hell fucking no, but might it have been the wisest thing to do under the circumstances? Most probably.

The rest of your advice is spot on.

lopaw 29 Reviews 271 reads
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nom_de_plume 300 reads
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After you told him to "STOP" after the first time (I assume you did that), and he didn't stop, you should have told him right then and there that the session is over and he's to leave immediately.  And you shouldn't have refunded any of his donation--you don't want to reward behavior like that.

Any guy who doesn't listen to "STOP" from a woman is dangerous, and you need to get away from him as quickly as possible.  

And as you probably realize now, he was no "gentleman."  I hope you report him to the provider community through the PO board or other back channels, so he doesn't have a chance to mistreat other providers.

JohnyComeAlready 502 reads
12 / 29

Sometimes people say "NO" or "STOP" with such little authority, you can't even hear/understand what they are saying.

If she mumbled stop under her breath, there is the possibility that the client never herd her.

End of conversation.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 309 reads
13 / 29

To be honest, I really don't know how much information is relayed when checking out references.  I have no problems with any of the ladies I've seen giving out detailed information about our time together to another.  

I am well aware that you ladies take risks and the more info you have, the better it is for you.  I get that.  Reading other threads and posts, sometimes a client will indicate certain traits that may raise enough of a concern for you to decline meeting.  She mentioned that she had told him prior, which is why I asked.

JohnyComeAlready 373 reads
14 / 29

Personal info isn't going to stop a sociopath.
I'm not sure  how personal info would have helped in this situation?

Never.Landed 362 reads
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Does it still count as not being able to hear when you cover your ears and go "lalalallalalala"?

If nothing else one would hope you're at an age where you are at least aware that ignoring a no/stop is a taboo subject around people who aren't, you know, filth. But then you keep saying stuff like this... so...

Bob.Sugar 500 reads
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JohnyComeAlready 337 reads
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It's a communication issue, if someone mumbles, or does not articulate their words clearly. There is a chance that they won't be heard.

If you want to have coversation minus the alias, I'm game.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 382 reads
18 / 29

THREE times, he was told to stop. I would have just kicked the fker in the nuts and reached for my.... end of discussion. :)

xxldog24 126 Reviews 323 reads
19 / 29

Absolutely you were right in doing that.
I have always liked SS&E my self. Translation -- SLOW, SOFT and Easy

JohnyComeAlready 432 reads
20 / 29

Yeah a 40l cal. Would send the right message.

My point was, some people aren't firm with their NO response... Make yourself heard.

bigguy30 342 reads
21 / 29

Posted By: BrBrSpinner
What is the proper etiquette protocol for ending a session due to a clients aggressiveness?  
 I had a gentleman whom I told beforehand that I only engage in gentle, soft play. I am not a fan of biting, rough grabbing of the breasts, etc. Despite my wishes, he did so 3 times until I told him I could no longer finish the session.  
 Was I right for this? I also returned majority of his donation.

inicky46 61 Reviews 368 reads
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VOO-doo 317 reads
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He was clearly in the wrong, and you were not only within your limits to end the session, but completely justified in doing so.  

You didn't owe him a penny back, but it's probably better that you did offer him some money in order to prevent the situation from escalating.  

How was he screened? Were there any small indications (in hindsight) that he might be a problem client? Perhaps there is something you can do in the future to avoid seeing clients like him

scoed 8 Reviews 473 reads
24 / 29

First you was right to throw him out. I would have done so after the second time. It is your body, anyone not following your rules deserve to be thrown out on there rear. In my opinion repeatedly pushing boundaries after being told "NO!" is showing complete disrepect and is a sign of potential real physical danger from him. You was right in throwing him out. Boundary pushing is a small step from far worse offenses like rape.

I too would have given his money back. He doesn't deserve it and it would be well in your right to keep it. The thing is he has already shown his disrespect and he is a potential threat to your well being. Giving him his money back gives him one less reason to not go away. Second it could reduce after the session drama. Your giving him his money back was the safe thing to do. Safety trumps money.

Now after he is gone and your safe I would put his ass on every last non-public blacklist on the Internet I could find. I would warn personally every working girl I am associated with. I would do so rationally discribing exactly what happened. You ladies must look out for each other. No one else is and this guy is potentially  dangerous.

In short you did it right if you warned others of him. No one has the right to disregard your boundaries.

hbyist+truth=;( 407 reads
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However should the situation have gotten violent she has a place to start with the police if she went that route.  

Or was that not loud enough for you to hear? Maybe this POS and you need the barrel of a gun shoved up your asses to get the point...pun intended. And just so your dim ass gets it, this reference was for that asinine comment you made about her not saying no loud enough.

JohnyComeAlready 426 reads
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The other day a gal told me not to touch her pussy, usually I just get the look that says that. Followed by I already said stop. I was taken back, like... when day she say that? Then I remeber her saying something garbled, and thought to myself of I heard you the first time, there wouldn't have been a second time.

hbyist+truth=;( 357 reads
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And I sincerely hope she gets selective hearing when you stay stop

JohnyComeAlready 358 reads
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She wasn't pissed off, I immediately apologized and explained what happened.

That didn't seem to turn her on either.

micktoz 41 Reviews 379 reads
29 / 29

His obnoxious arse would have been bounced down the concrete staircase.  
In this situation, i think you probably did the best you could for the situation to not become any uglier than it was.

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