TER General Board

it's different for every provider
just_a_dumb_q 340 reads

As a provider, so of course some like OP won't believe it, but my bio is extremely accurate other than my name.  I also include more background than most because I know that part of my appeal is my background (yes, including the educational aspects that many of you think so worthless for a sex worker). Yes, I love sex, and my clients generally give me superlative feedback, but I think they love me more as a provider because they are attracted to my personality as well.  I know my niche and who will be happy with me so my bio is designed to appeal to those men.  It is also designed to be less appealing to those who wouldn't be into me.  It's a total turn on for me when I know my clients are crazy about me, and it makes giving them an amazing experience easy as I get to be myself.

How Much Of Provider Posts and Biographies Do You Believe?

It's all true?

It's 50% true?

It's all lies because whores lie?

GaGambler463 reads

I hate to be defending OTM, but if you are going to list the option of "all true" "50% true" why not "0% true"???

Or are you all butt hurt because he used the word "whore" on a whore board? Give me a fucking break.

He can use whatever vernacular / description he wants or chooses to.  I could care less

GaGambler482 reads

If you didn't care, you would not have posted.

hooker hooker hooker, whore whore whore. slut slut slut

See, the world didn't just end because I used a few words that the PC crowd finds offensive.

The sky just darkened significantly. What have you done? What . . . have . . . you . . . done?

Posted By: GaGambler
If you didn't care, you would not have posted.  
 hooker hooker hooker, whore whore whore. slut slut slut  
 See, the world didn't just end because I used a few words that the PC crowd finds offensive.
Personally it just makes you sound crass :P

Back on topic, I don't see much need for backstory. I keep it minimal and like to write more about what I enjoy, what I want to give, what I think I'm good at. I definitely have some steamy true stories in my blog. I feel like it's much more work to invent too much fantasy and make up details that I'd probably never remember in discussion in sessions.

Of course we have to keep some things vague (where exactly we live, and so on) just for safety purposes and to avoid being outed when we're not ready, but besides that I feel like being truthful and straightforward makes my life, personally, much easier!  

So, my preference: As much grounded in reality as possible, with a bit of an erotic storytelling flair that highlights the titillating parts just enough.

Here, here! I love this answer, probably because it's almost exactly what I would say. I'm not much for illusion, so it keeps things very simple when speaking the truth. Admittedly, I could probably sex things up a bit in my writing ;).  

Posted By: liararoux
Posted By: GaGambler
If you didn't care, you would not have posted.  
  hooker hooker hooker, whore whore whore. slut slut slut  
  See, the world didn't just end because I used a few words that the PC crowd finds offensive.
 Personally it just makes you sound crass :P  
 Back on topic, I don't see much need for backstory. I keep it minimal and like to write more about what I enjoy, what I want to give, what I think I'm good at. I definitely have some steamy true stories in my blog. I feel like it's much more work to invent too much fantasy and make up details that I'd probably never remember in discussion in sessions.  
 Of course we have to keep some things vague (where exactly we live, and so on) just for safety purposes and to avoid being outed when we're not ready, but besides that I feel like being truthful and straightforward makes my life, personally, much easier!  
 So, my preference: As much grounded in reality as possible, with a bit of an erotic storytelling flair that highlights the titillating parts just enough.

Of course the world isn't coming to an end, nor will the sun not rise from the east and set in the west.  There probably aren't too many words or phrases I've not heard over the years, I've probably heard stuff that would make a sailor blush.  

The OP finally had a interesting question going, instead he went back to the usually stupid shit.  Hard to imagine sometimes how grown ass men never seem to fully mature beyond their HS mentality

Posted By: AHappyCamper

 The OP finally had a interesting question going, instead he went back to the usually stupid shit.  Hard to imagine sometimes how grown ass men never seem to fully mature beyond their HS mentality.    
I agree that maturity is not my strong suit but you are saying that if I had put "believe nothing because providers lie" that it would have been more interesting than "whores lie?"

Just so we're crystal clear about this, your total purpose seems to be nothing more than to incite and antagonize.  I have zero interest in it.  

Had you just opted to just omit it, like you did when you started the line of questions. But nope, you just had to make sure that last question incited folks.  

That's the last I'm going to say on this.

Hey be nice to him ... most of the "whores" he's seen are only 7's in looks. I feel bad for him.
Maybe he hopes being a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) will improve his game.

Posted By: GaGambler
If you didn't care, you would not have posted.  
 hooker hooker hooker, whore whore whore. slut slut slut  
 See, the world didn't just end because I used a few words that the PC crowd finds offensive.

GaGambler459 reads

Personally I don't know how much of it is bullshit and how much of it is true. My knee jerk response is that the bigger deal she makes out of her biography, the more likely it is to be pure bullshit.  

As for me, none of it really matters as I only read the biographies for laughs and I don't let them influence my decision to book even one iota. It is simply a non issue for me. I don't give a fuck about her advanced degree in Russian literature any more that I would care if my accountant had an advanced degree in engineering, it's simply not part of the job description.

fully agree. What does higher education have to do with being a good hooker? Sure, we don't want them to sound ghetto but do they think buzzwords such as "world travelled," "highly educated," "exclusive," "VIP escort," etc get us to book with them

Main1984405 reads

I just gloss over the bio's on the websites. Even if the women have the degrees claimed, who cares?

What I find entertaining are the stories told BCD. Billionaire boyfriends who flew them to Rio for the weekend on private jets. Growing up on a ranch wrangling horses and riding herd.  

It doesn't matter if the stories are true or not. It's part of the entertainment. I really like the women who are very, very good at telling stories.

I've had some of the best times listening to unbelievably entertaining stories.  The good ones have the story down pat too.  Seems they tell the same story to others...so only those who don't deviate are telling the truth  LOL

It just gets a little far fetched when I look around at a 700 sf apartment with used furniture in Section 8 housing.  Why would Donald not pay them a bit more to buy a newer couch/bed/other furnishings?  ;)

The Donald dose not pay for extras. He uses them and then lets them get back too work scrubbing the skid marks out of the toilets in his hotel!

Posted By: Main1984
I just gloss over the bio's on the websites. Even if the women have the degrees claimed, who cares?  
 What I find entertaining are the stories told BCD. Billionaire boyfriends who flew them to Rio for the weekend on private jets. Growing up on a ranch wrangling horses and riding herd.  
 It doesn't matter if the stories are true or not. It's part of the entertainment. I really like the women who are very, very good at telling stories.
Funny thing. Over the years I've known a lot of the business leaders in my area. Some of the BCD stories (if they were true) "outs" the people they purport to have done things with. :)

Posted By: Main1984
 What I find entertaining are the stories told BCD. Billionaire boyfriends who flew them to Rio for the weekend on private jets. Growing up on a ranch wrangling horses and riding herd.  
The stories are the most fun, and perhaps you're right to not always take them seriously. What does it matter how true they are? You can tell easily if they represent the provider. If she's telling stories about being on a ranch, it would show in her demeanor in other ways. If she talks about jet setting, she probably has some good knowledge of the world.  

I'm sure plenty of clients are telling us "big fish they caught" stories as well ;)

My favorite stories to tell revolve around exploits with my girlfriends - other providers certainly know how to have a good time. It makes networking in this business much more fun than my career in tech! I'll link one for you below!

Main1984469 reads

 The stories are the most fun, and perhaps you're right to not always take them seriously. What does it matter how true they are?
There was a guy in high school I thought was really cool. On the first day of classes in junior year, we were at our lockers. I asked him what he'd done over the summer. He said that he and his dad went to Europe, and he told me all the things he saw. I was impressed.  

Then he said he was making it all up. He never went. I asked him why he told me that when it wasn't true and he said, "it had the same effect on you, didn't it?"  I thought about it for a minute and he was right. That's how I view the stories some providers tell.

The ones I get a kick out of are the white-as-rice girls with big butts who dye their hair black, get spray tans, and say in their ads that they're Brazilian just to cover their butts (pun intended). I saw one once and asked if she could still speak Spanish. She said she'd forgotten it all. I didn't correct her

wiyd21378 reads

I've had one who says that a near billionaire wanted to marry her but unfortunately he smells so she isn't!

PussyLipGloss409 reads

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
How Much Of Provider Posts and Biographies Do You Believe?  
 It's all true?  
 It's 50% true?  
 It's all lies because whores lie?

How do you know what "most women haters" do?  

I guess you believe that the bio's are all true...every last word  LOL

Hobbying is ultimately about a fulfilling a fun fantasy of being with a beautiful woman (who's presumably out of most hobbyists' civvie leagues).  A backstory or a life story is supposed to contribute to just that.  After all, the whole TER site is about writing fictional stories, right? ;)  I'd say that a provider's bio is always at least partially true, and anything fabricated is always based on true elements.  For example, stories about "annual vacations in Fiji" are based on a once-in-a-lifetime trip there.  Or they just might be real, given the hobby income.  After all, it's pretty difficult to maintain a lie that's 100% false.  Then again, most providers are experts in human psychology, but still.

TL;DR version: I don't "believe" or "not believe" a provider's stories, let alone call her out on them.  I just accept them as part of my fantasy with her, and enjoy them along with her company.

pi times (the number of true orgasms she has with you, squared) = the percentage you should believe

Posted By: HectorBlack
So, would you compare them to used car salesmen? :)

just_a_dumb_q341 reads

As a provider, so of course some like OP won't believe it, but my bio is extremely accurate other than my name.  I also include more background than most because I know that part of my appeal is my background (yes, including the educational aspects that many of you think so worthless for a sex worker). Yes, I love sex, and my clients generally give me superlative feedback, but I think they love me more as a provider because they are attracted to my personality as well.  I know my niche and who will be happy with me so my bio is designed to appeal to those men.  It is also designed to be less appealing to those who wouldn't be into me.  It's a total turn on for me when I know my clients are crazy about me, and it makes giving them an amazing experience easy as I get to be myself.

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