TER General Board

It's all sort of mixed together. We became a couple out of being excellent friends. But.....
OSP 26 Reviews 1683 reads
1 / 151

Expect the assholes who insist that "their" happiness is, and will always be, paramount to bust your chops.

If more people took "self" out of many of lifes' equations, many volatile situations would come to a quicker resovle.

Most marriages break up due to one element either making selfish demands or just giving up.

JustAGal See my TER Reviews 1770 reads
2 / 151

I respect those who have balls to say

"Honey, here is half my stuff now go make someone else miserable"

GaGambler 1845 reads
3 / 151

Just saying "it's cheaper to keep her" has no honor, I won't go so far as to judge, but to expand on London's post. I am very happy my parents chose to divorce rather than endure an unhappy existence "for my sake". and I personally am thrilled with how my life has turned out after getting a divorce, rather than becoming an unhappy liar and cheater having to live a lie every day, because I know that's what in store for me if I hadn't ended my marriage.

I don't mean to judge those who stray, but to say there is some kind of honor to it is bullshit. There is no honor to enduring an unhappy marriage and news flash, some of you who think you are skilled actors and the family has no clue, well some of you aren't as good an actor as you might think you are.

But what the fuck do I know? i am just a shallow, rutting pig, that wants to fuck every hot woman I come in contact with. Of course as a happily divorced man, I am free to act on those baser impulses. lol

GaGambler 1845 reads
4 / 151

Actually I said "Honey, here is ALL my shit, now go make someone else miserable" and believe me, it was worth every dime.

and then just in case she had any ideas about getting any of my future earnings (an idea that was later put into her head by some "man hating" friends) I  closed my business and went golfing for a year until the divorce was final, and no one who has ever seen me golf would have any thoughts that I was preparing for a future career on the senior tour, at my best i could barely break 80, but it was kind of fun not working for a year, well until was completely broke of course. lol

JustAGal See my TER Reviews 1603 reads
5 / 151

when I filed for divorce.

Life is too short to stay with people you don't want to be with.

Unless of course like you mentioned one spouse is physically/mentally disabled.  Then it is truly an honorable thing to stand by them.

Cosette 3063 reads
6 / 151

Hats off to those in unhappy relationships, who stay for kids, and because you're friends.  

Not a sarcastic post, just giving you credit because it takes a lot to stay in a situation where you're not happy.

GaGambler 1582 reads
8 / 151

I am not trying slam "cheaters" but to claim that cheating is honorable is just a giant crock of shit IMO when a lot of the time the guy is just a coward, scared of losing all his shit.

Of course in all fairness, it was't a cheating spouse that claimed it was honorable, it was an enabling hooker with a self serving ad, err I mean post.

I will confess when I reached that crossroads in my life and decided to escape a lifetime sentence of unhappyness, I had some of those same thoughts going through my mind, I came to that very conclusion, that by toughing it out, I would only be cheating myself our of any chance I might have had to be truly happy with my life.

JustAGal See my TER Reviews 2026 reads
9 / 151

If you are married to NORMAL female and she is not fucking you, take a good look at yourself.  See where YOU are failing as a man and as a husband.

If you are good in bed, decent looking and treat her with love and respect and she is still not fucking you - GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THAT INSANE BITCH.

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 2250 reads
10 / 151

I would think that most marriages end because they are based on a promise of forever and no one can predict forever

LoboGris 3 Reviews 1704 reads
11 / 151

.we're unhappy, some of us just aren't getting laid at home (by our best friends)...

we should thank you for allowing us to stay in a happy relationship by providing the missing ingredient at an hourly rate

GaGambler 1531 reads
12 / 151

I pick my courses as much for the hot beverage girls as any other reason now a days, and If I shoot over a hundred, it doesn't bother me a bit. I'd much rather be happy shooting 100 than pissed because I shot 82, and that's where I am in my life right now.

I don't stoop so far as to fish ball out of the water, but I stopped buying the $12 a sleeve balata balls, and I am perfectly content with $20 a dozen "rock flights" as I used to call them back when I thought I knew how to play the game.

JustAGal See my TER Reviews 1598 reads
13 / 151

And it does work for some people.  Usually not very complex ones.

For those with multitude of interests and desires (both carnal and non) finding that ONE person is nearly impossible.

Cosette 1871 reads
14 / 151

Sometimes providing that takes a lot.

OSP 26 Reviews 1660 reads
15 / 151

With children involved, THEY are what's important. No one can make another happy. One chooses to be happy or or miserable. With children in my life happiness ALWAYS abounds. IMO, those who choose otherwise shouldn't be parents. I take a HARDLINE on parenting. Luckily, so does my wife. Its not bye chance that I chose her

GaGambler 1555 reads
16 / 151

but it is a pretty damn good one. lol

My wife would still fuck me when I decided to divorce her, the problem was, I didn't want her to. and I wasn't fucking anybody else. I will admit, I wouldn't have been faithful much longer if I hadn't asked for a divorce,  and that why I really try not to judge other men for cheating. (I said TRY, I didn't say I always succeeded)

Cannonhome1 1682 reads
17 / 151

How many husbands stay faithful to their wives? In my circle of friends, not one has strayed. There have been two divorces and remarriages. Not for infidelity, just a bad marriage.  Amongst acquaintances, a few had affairs with civvies. I'd say about thirty percent. I don't know if this is indicative of the general population. I wonder what the real percentage is.  

In no way is this a judgement... simply an observation of my personal experience. I actually believe hobbying is a reasonable response to a sexless marriage as mentioned by the OP.
Posted By: Cosette
Hats off to those in unhappy relationships, who stay for kids, and because you're friends.  
 Not a sarcastic post, just giving you credit because it takes a lot to stay in a situation where you're not happy.
-- Modified on 11/13/2013 6:08:27 PM

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 2018 reads
18 / 151

I don't know, but many children of divorce confess they wish their parents would have split...not the ones with parents who were good at hiding problems, obviously. I would never stay in a situation I was not happy in...rarely, are you doing anyone a favor. If the only way I could keep a man was because of bills and children, I would help him pack, not make threats of sole custody, and not try to bleed him dry in the process. That's just me, though.  

I either want the whole fantasy, or none at all. Too many people think being married for x amount of years is some honor, but that is only if you actually keep the vows. How hard is it to stay married to a bitch when you're getting strange ass whenever you like? How hard is it to stay with a man you don't want to fk, because he hands you thousands to go on trips and shopping? Hmmm...

So, though I think it's honorable to stay for some men, others really should just pack up and leave. The same old shit of "it's for the kids" is growing a bit tired. RARELY is that the case today. Far too many people (men and women) are chicken shit to be alone, and afraid of the extra financial burden. Well, golly gee.

-- Modified on 11/13/2013 9:14:12 PM

Cannonhome1 1523 reads
19 / 151

I've seen plenty of good marriages. Sure, they have their rough patches. That's life. But they come out better for it. There is the right somebody out there for people. I agree that a truely bad marriage helps no one - especially the kids. And happiness may just be meeting one person away. Life is too short. Fill it with love and laughter!!!

-- Modified on 11/13/2013 6:24:51 PM

JustAGal See my TER Reviews 1572 reads
20 / 151

them every time i heard this story :))

What do you expect a client to say?  "I love my wife we have great sex but I cheat on her with escorts because I am a dog"?

No you are going to hear "my wife does not understand me anymore she wont be with me ... so for the sake of children i HAVE to pay strangers to fuck me"

Cannonhome1 1555 reads
21 / 151

the husband who likes, even loves his wife but the sex stopped? That's a grey area. I suppose the question comes down to... is he cheating himself out of happiness? I imagine it is scary to roll the dice and try to find love again. Really don't know the answer to this one. Probably different for everyone.

GaGambler 1449 reads
22 / 151

Not saying that her opinion isn't genuine, but intentionally or not, it is rather self serving.

I am rather pleased to see how many other providers are being rather candid with their opinions, and yes I am sure  every woman here gets to hear this same story on a rather regular basis.

My story is much different, I am just a horndog who can't ever seem to get enough pussy.My story is more like, "I can't get seven different hot civvy women each week to fuck me, for free so I HAVE to pay strangers to fuck me"  I can live with that. lol

BrentTaylor 79 Reviews 1873 reads
23 / 151

with children is a partnership, a joint venture, a project. Breaking that structure, that cocoon of nurture nourishing and supporting the children, is a hellish task. Approached with regret, fear and loathing. So it is comparatively easy to "live separate lives", secret lives, while maintaining the framework and joint effort of parenthood, while playing the part for family, friends and even the kids.  

For some, the need for a loving life partner, affection, tenderness, touching, lovemaking, yes: sport (joy) fucking....All that can become a consuming, distracting, disabling need. Hence, divorce. What is key? Keeping the cocoon sound, safe, warm, all the while as the storms of separation and resettlement and adjustment and financial strain threaten to split and tear and destroy precious cargo.  

Someone once wished me a "happy divorce". I wanted to vomit, reading that, as a husband, as a father. Yet, I also knew the essential blessing in that sentiment, however brutally worded. I did.  

No awards, or applause is appropriate in these cases. People have to make their own decisions. What's key is this: Keeping the cocoon intact. Keeping the kids loved, and protected, and (yes) disciplined. Directed. And: Informed.

Dr Who revived 1616 reads
24 / 151

There are times that I could put an 80 up on the front 9...some of the courses I've played had lots and lots of water.

The good news is that I may have shot a 120....but I would also come home with another 20+ balls that I would fish out of the pond.

So I finally stopped keeping score by strokes...decided that if I came home with more balls I played well.

And if there was a hottie in the refreshment cart...life was really good!
Posted By: GaGambler
Actually I said "Honey, here is ALL my shit, now go make someone else miserable" and believe me, it was worth every dime.

and then just in case she had any ideas about getting any of my future earnings (an idea that was later put into her head by some "man hating" friends) I  closed my business and went golfing for a year until the divorce was final, and no one who has ever seen me golf would have any thoughts that I was preparing for a future career on the senior tour, at my best i could barely break 80, but it was kind of fun not working for a year, well until was completely broke of course. lol

Cannonhome1 1711 reads
25 / 151
JustAGal See my TER Reviews 1667 reads
26 / 151

truth she gets "you are turning the men away with your attitude".

So in 99.99 percent you will get "self serving" responses. 0.01 applies to London and retired hookers :)

GaGambler 301 reads
27 / 151

but statistically at least, arranged marriages have a success rate at least as good as good old fashioned "we fell in love" type marriages.

I could never imagine entering into an arranged marriage, nor can most Americans, but the stats do speak for themselves, arranged marriages are no more likely to fail than traditional ones.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1756 reads
28 / 151

I think if reason prevailed in relationships (I know- hardly ever happens) many wives would give their hubbies permission to outsource sex from a professional. It's one small thing in a much larger partnership. But what's good for one should be good for the other. I think marriages built solely on sexual fidelity are doomed.  

I'd never base a full time relationship purely on sex. I get bored too fast! My relationship would be built on a deep friendship and my partner's main skills would have to be to be able to make me laugh every day and to be an interesting enough conversationalist to talk with for long periods of time without feeling bored. Looks aren't even terribly important, but health is

Cannonhome1 1500 reads
29 / 151
SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1464 reads
30 / 151

Is it that people marry too young, without knowing who they will be when they mature more? And then they grow apart? Or is it that people didn't realize who they were marrying? Maybe they married too fast? Or is it that the sex and passion die?

Great post, by the way.

GaGambler 1749 reads
31 / 151

In this thread the number of non "self serving" responses is much lower than usual.

and yes I know that hookers are not really encouraged to be candid here. I guess it's the nature of it being a review board. Of course guys lie and suck up to the ladies here all the time as well, but those are just the manginas like the dungbeetle who barely qualify as male to begin with. lol

BrentTaylor 79 Reviews 386 reads
32 / 151

Whether under one roof or two, separated by blocks or a country. Same: Being active, loving parents.  

That's all I meant.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1475 reads
33 / 151

that "arranged" marriages can last much longer than marriages based on love and sexual fidelity. In arranged marriages I don't think there is necessarily the assumption that the person arranged for you is going to be every single possible thing to you. So sexual wandering might not be as damaging as it would be to marriages based on those things. Arranged marriages are often "business" partnerships on some level; an agreement between families to produce offspring and continue a family line and fortune/business/whatever.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1487 reads
34 / 151
BrentTaylor 79 Reviews 1531 reads
35 / 151

first response was to flat out ask for a divorce as my wife held a 1 year old in her arms, crying. Yeah. Then counseling, meanwhile starting in the hobby. Seven years and about 8 sex acts between us, later, with four years solid with no sex between us at all? Wow. Meanwhile, the cocoon is intact. Unruptured. Working as designed. So, how to separate and keep precious cargo protected? That is the work of saints, geniuses, lawyers - No: Loving parents.  

But I neglected to say the obvious: Thanks to all who provided me comfort, met my needs so passionately, sweetly, professionally. Thanks!

GaGambler 377 reads
36 / 151

Many couples think they are doing there kids some kind of giant favor and that no one knows who much they despise each other, when the truth is the couple involved are the only ones being fooled.

So the couple suffers through years, decades of unhappiness thinking they are doing the noble thing, only to find out twenty years later that it was all in vain, and that their children actually resent them for it.

Please don't think I am trying to tell you how to run your life, but every one has seen marriages like this in person, we all know somebody like this. Wouldn't it be a shame if the only person you were fooling by keeping this cocoon intact was yourself? Just saying......

inicky46 61 Reviews 1611 reads
37 / 151

First of all, there's an inherent contradiction in your scenario.  If you're in a truly unhappy relationship you are not friends.  As for "staying for the kids," if you're in a lousy relationship and are unhappy, you are doing them no favor.  They can pick up on the toxic atmosphere and know something's wrong.
Better to get out, do it decently, try to remain friends with your SO and still be a good dad to the kids.  It's possible.  I did it.  My kids are now happy, well-adjusted adults with decent values.  They did not suffer from the divorce.  The certainly would have be being raised by two unhappy parents.  One size does not fit all

Cosette 1635 reads
39 / 151

I just have heard this situation time and time again. Yes, I did hear it tonight.

GaGambler 1627 reads
40 / 151

and making the point that you are pandering to your audience and potential customers is hardly an insult, it's simply stating the facts.

Don't think that you are alone in this, there have been blatant ads posted here on GD over the last few days that have all been pulled, and yes I insulted the hell out of those women for insulting our intelligence. My comments to you were hardly an insult, when I start insulting you I am pretty sure you will notice the difference.lmao

BrentTaylor 79 Reviews 386 reads
42 / 151

and gotten the hell out of her life. But parenthood changes everything. But you're too thick to get that.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1511 reads
43 / 151

Once you got to the point of asking for a divorce while she held the 1-year-old, did you dislike her as a person? Could the cocoon have remained if you were able to seek physical comfort elsewhere?

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 372 reads
44 / 151

Maybe you're thinking of arranged marriages between people who have an extremely unequal power differential, like a young girl (child) and an older man. I am talking about between equals.

GaGambler 1508 reads
45 / 151

but to claim you aren't doing this as a job??? Get real, If you wanted to be a slut for free, you wouldn't bother with even a BP ad, or is this how you like to meet the men in your life?

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1595 reads
46 / 151
BrentTaylor 79 Reviews 1394 reads
47 / 151

looking back, two things killed our romantic love. (I still love her but without desire, which is apple pie without the apples.) First: Communication failures. Utter failures. Second, but equally tragic: Sexual incompatibility. Toxic brew.  

So, the little things we always ignore but dislike a bit in our partner, become a HUGE FUCKING DEAL. Like: She hates the way I eat popcorn. (Says I munch like an animal, almost gargle with it.) Like: I hate how she takes so damn long to serve food at any meal. (Doesn't matter if I help out or not. She moves like her toes were slugs.) So yeah, when the basic glue disintegrates, the alloy fractures and rusts.  

But I do love her as I've said. And I keep all this shit (which is a mountain of shit btw) out of sight, out of mind. Out of home, out of gossip.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1437 reads
48 / 151

So if you had good communication, you might have been able to address things before they got really bad?

Cannonhome1 1665 reads
50 / 151

you don't like her? That sounds familiar. My brother's marriage is like that. You can feel it in the air when you're in their house. Everyone can. My brother and his wife are oblivious to it. The kids think it's normal. Don't get me wrong. They are decent to each other and take good care of the kids. But you can still feel it when you're there.

Cosette 1289 reads
51 / 151

But yes, I'm 30 years old. I don't believe marriage is necessary. I can't have kids. So in the last year I've come to be scared (three times to be exact) to the fact that it precludes me from having these relationships that most seem to have. I'll never "encourage" anyone to marry me. We will never have kids to keep us together. Will I forever float aimlessly?

Of course this isn't on my mind all the time, but from time to time, yes, it freaking pecks at it.

danicany See my TER Reviews 1437 reads
52 / 151
Cosette 1504 reads
53 / 151

I don't fucking do this as a job. Stop questioning my motives. The fact that you question them makes me think you aren't actually that liberated.

BrentTaylor 79 Reviews 1590 reads
54 / 151

just as thick as NY cheesecake. My wife sister and her husband, bickering over trivial things, nonstop, while commenting to others about each other. At least with my wife, we don't get that nasty. More like we don't talk and don't touch, but smile and say hello, etc.

Cannonhome1 1643 reads
55 / 151

My brother and his wife don't bicker. They are just like you described yourself. And it's still in the air.

BrentTaylor 79 Reviews 1553 reads
56 / 151

blow up out household and lives with the immediate (irresponsibly delayed) divorce "strippersrus" screams is so bleeding humane.

Cosette 1689 reads
57 / 151

Around an excuse. You're not as cool as you think.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1578 reads
58 / 151

Yes, of course I"m responding to your post.  Sounds like you didn't read your own post.

GhostWriteroftheDamned 2088 reads
59 / 151

I lived for well over 6 years in a marriage where the wife was simply waiting for me to blink first.
She was betting I'd either eventually lose my temper thus giving the upper hand in a divorce, or I'd simply walk leaving her the house. Rather than do either I soulfully told her one day that
"Although our marriage was a loveless, meaningless trial I accepted that it was how destiny must have planned, and I was quietly resigned to live the remainder of my life this way if need be".
THREE months later I came home late one Sunday afternoon after spending the day with a close friend and found she and her over indulged daughter; forever GONE! And thanks to the sly(but totally legal) way I purchased the home she had no recourse but to take her name off the mortgage, and I reside here still.  

  If TER and the 'Hobby' as we now know it existed when I was a young adult I would NEVER have married in the first place.

  I now look at young men starting 'families' and shake my head at how our entire system of societal engineering has shackled these poor sods into a lifetime of slavery to our cultures construct.  


inicky46 61 Reviews 1737 reads
60 / 151
Cosette 1586 reads
61 / 151

I'm cheap enough not to need it.

Cosette 1373 reads
62 / 151

I've been profiled as a rising entrepreneur in a major publication. Along with best of New York in NY Magazine. You want to brag about your accomplishments but don't think women may have them? I was making 6 figures by the time I was 25, if I reach out to a headhunter right now I would have an offer in less than 72 hours.  

And I have done it for free. For 6 months I posted on CL for random hookups. But it actually wasn't fulfilling. This is fulfilling. I get to listen to men and their problems and make them feel better. And sexy.

I post on BP because not everyone I deem worthy of hooking up with has the means for $300 and above.  


Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 1551 reads
63 / 151

Sometimes it makes more sense to not live with someone if you are not showing them love.

I wouldn't want to be a kid growing up with parents who do not show any love to each other.  If you and your wife show love, then fine.. I am not speaking about you. I just think saying, "we have kids. We have to stay together for them." Is beyond the most selfish thing to say. If parents argue daily or anything else more extreme, why would a child want to be raised in that environment?

CENZO1 162 Reviews 1268 reads
64 / 151

Hi Softly Sarah, I'll make it short and to the point.  A lot of marriages become unhappy because men marry women thinking they won't change and THEY DO! Women marry men thinking they will change and THEY DON'T! Ciao!

GaGambler 1681 reads
65 / 151

but your reviews seem to indicate that your suitors are less than impressed. Maybe you were the only one who was feeling better and/or sexy? Or maybe you'd be better off going back to your old job and fucking guys for free?  

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 595 reads
67 / 151

Interesting choice of a word...

Some people of the Jewish faith will agree to an arranged marriage by an official matchmaker- it's not unheard of here in the US. All I'm saying is that those marriages are not likely to be based on love or sexual fidelity. They are more likely based on a sense of duty and shared values. From the few people I've known who met their spouses that way, a sincere and genuine love does develop over time in most cases. But if the partner strayed, it would not likely be as devastating as it would be if a partner strayed in a marriage based on the fairy tale concept of a one true love who is always going to be the ONE for every need you possibly could have.

Posted By: strippersrus
your profile. Are you telling me Ive been talking to a 40 year old woman not a 19 year old young lady on this topic this whole time? Now I think I am petrified. And did you say "child" and "older man", ok that gets a big HUH and WHAT???? What is fucking going on. Something doesnt add up  
Posted By: SoftlySarah
Maybe you're thinking of arranged marriages between people who have an extremely unequal power differential, like a young girl (child) and an older man. I am talking about between equals.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1301 reads
68 / 151

you could have communicated about that at the point you realized you had differing sexual needs, imagine this: say she agreed to let you meet those needs professionally with her blessing. Could you still be friends, partners and housemates, the children none the wiser?

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1461 reads
69 / 151

I think sex should be removed as a main consideration in a decision to marry. Marriages should be built with a clause to allow outsourcing to professionals- by either partner- and based on things that run deeper and stand the test of time better than passion.

Cosette 1648 reads
70 / 151

Whether it's 3 or 300. But in 6 months I've seen way more than 3 people. Does it hurt my feelings to be called fat or read it wasn't a good experience. YES. I'm human. Have I been thanked by more than 3 people significantly? YES.

There's no reason for me to not do this.

Look2Me 15 Reviews 1593 reads
71 / 151

to enter a committed relationship, and to stay in it, is HOPE. Hope for a better future, a better life, etc. People stay together when there is great hope; they part when there is not enough remaining.  

I think there must be many people who have lost that hope in one small part of their relationship, yet retain great hope in all of the other aspects of importance. The relationship remains, but it is not complete.  

I won't judge anyone's choice to stay in a relationship, or to leave one. What I would look for is the effort they put into communicating and trying to work together with their partner to solve the problem. Isn't that what "relationship" and "partner" mean?

BLUETunaLovesFunkyChicken 1545 reads
72 / 151

Being a hobbyist may compliment their life,  and they're wife's life as well.

Aphrodighty 23 Reviews 1799 reads
73 / 151

The extra financial burden matters. I like my life style. I want to be able to provide my kids with all the opportunities I can. Splitting my income, my retirement, and my house in half would not allow me to keep the life I value.

Aphrodighty 23 Reviews 1571 reads
74 / 151

I have, and have had the same problem. Even when still just dating before marriage, I always looked. I always wanted to fuck the hot chick at work, in the park, at the pool. None of my girl friends have ever stopped me from looking and wanting to act.

DT_lover 188 Reviews 1444 reads
75 / 151

Huge reply to only a few words posted.

I stay because my wife earns as much as me and lets me hobby.  The kids just shake their heads in disbelief.

-- Modified on 11/14/2013 7:13:10 AM

connecthedots 1531 reads
76 / 151

You have to do what's right. You have to go home to the family. You got to go home, okay? Look at me.
You got to go home. Smarten up.

I'll talk to Karen.

I'll straighten this out.
I know just what to say to her.

 I'll say you'll go back to her and it'll be like when you first got married.

 I'll romance her. It'll be beautiful. I know how to talk to her

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1623 reads
77 / 151

that breath of fresh air your slap in the face honesty brings.  lol

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1304 reads
78 / 151
sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 318 reads
79 / 151

and in many cases also carry out genital mutilation practices to ensure she never enjoys sex.
I don't believe in arranged anything its forcing it imo

and well female genital mutilation is a whole nother thread but shows the mind set of many of these cultures women are not equal in their minds.
Her sexual pleasure is not allowed

Deen 316 reads
80 / 151

probably last longer because there is an omnipotent omniscient invisible guy in the sky who will crush any spouse who strays, and a community culture that would likewise mete out punishment and disapproval.  I prefer the diversity of opinions and perspectives coming out in this current thread, which reflect attempts to understand and manage our own destinies with more emphasis on free will and personal responsibility.

skarphedin 1982 reads
82 / 151
skarphedin 1864 reads
83 / 151
Cosette 1523 reads
84 / 151

Troll: person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community.  

I wasn't inflammatory and it wasn't off topic.  

Just happened to have 2 encounters where this came up and I felt like posting.

skarphedin 1334 reads
85 / 151
macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 1380 reads
86 / 151

responsibility and decency should always go hand in hand..

Posted By: Cosette
Hats off to those in unhappy relationships, who stay for kids, and because you're friends.  
 Not a sarcastic post, just giving you credit because it takes a lot to stay in a situation where you're not happy.

Cosette 263 reads
87 / 151

About the complete shocked part. One hundred percent.  

The sounds like a lot part is because I know people have families to support. And I don't really need a lot from them. Actually there was an earlier post that resonated with me about sluts. Basically saying that providers were simply smarter in that they could give it for free but had learned not to. That's where I guess I am. Having realized that it is something that can help me anyway financially.  

I liked the analogy. Thanks for taking the time.  

I'm selling myself short because I AM short! :)
J/K I know what you mean, and it will change maybe, it's a journey so far. I just happen to be putting my journey out there.

Cosette 1600 reads
88 / 151
skarphedin 1853 reads
89 / 151


russbbj 89 Reviews 1909 reads
90 / 151

I agree 100%. I was "the child" in an unhappy marriage. My parents had me when my Mom was 16 and my Dad was 18. They tried to make it work, but they were kids when they got married and they should have never tried to stay together as long as they did. They were each very unhappy and stayed together for me and because that's what they were supposed to do. Well bullshit, even though I was young I picked up on the unhappiness and was unhappy myself. Then they got divorced and I was able to learn who each of my parents were, because they weren't putting up a facade anymore, they were being themselves. I never had kids, but I was once married and when I realized that I wasn't happy and after making a year and discussing that with my ex, we made an effort to work on our marriage to try to make it work. It didn't work out and we went our separate ways. We are still friends, we talk once or twice a month, we just couldn't live with one another. Staying together in a loveless unhappy marriage for any reason is just plain bullshit. Our lifetimes aren't long enough to spend time in an unhappy relationship. My ex has moved on and found someone that makes her happy, and I'm happiest being alone, except for the quality time I spend with providers, and then they leave. Bottom line is the vast majority of people can't mask the fact that they are unhappy, everyone they know sees it and that unhappiness in a parent is much worse to a child than the parents getting divorced and being happy and loving them instead of staying in the marriage and perhaps one day resenting their children for being the thing that kept them in a bad marriage. That's my opinion, I didn't charge you for it and that's what it's worth.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1250 reads
91 / 151

the difficulties under these circumstances, and wish all of those the best in keeping sane in relationships. Sometimes you think someone is one way, then ten years down the line, BAM! You've got no idea who they are. Kind of a terrifying, shocking experience.

I think I'll stay away for now, lol. Seen way too much.


(P.S. A little TLC wouldn't hurt, now would it?

GhostWriteroftheDamned 1435 reads
92 / 151
GaGambler 302 reads
93 / 151

and money isn't everything, but why would someone intentionally seek out guys who can't afford a measly 300 clams for an encounter?  Could it be that she KNOWS that guys of substance aren't going to give her a second glance?

Again, I don't want to cross over the line into being insulting, but her posts and attitude begs the question. As you implied, $100 grand in NYC is barely over the poverty line, what kind of loser are you going to attract who can't afford half a days pay for a date? To make matters worse, even by the low standards of TER and the even lower standard of BP, she doesn't seem to be making many people very happy, especially not the guys she is trying to attract.

Oh well,like I said "whatever floats her boat"

cspatz 67 Reviews 1312 reads
94 / 151

think Cossette is a sex addict and she has come up with an easy way to fuck as many guys as she can. Way easier than trolling bars. Plus she makes a little on the side as well. What's wrong with that. She clearly is different.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 1602 reads
95 / 151

Sex gives people a feeling of euphoria, it does not 'save' shit. You don't have sex for another person (your spouse), you have it for YOURSELF. Most marriages end because of selfishness in one form or the other. If we did nothing but think about the other person's needs and forsake our own, would that not solve a lot of issues? Believe it or not, there are people in this world who still get pleasure from putting others first...funny how happy one can become when they stop focusing on themselves.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 1437 reads
96 / 151

Sorry, but that is YOUR problem...not your wife's and certainly not your children's problem.

Cosette 1795 reads
97 / 151

But I do truly like to connect with guys, not just in the fucking sense, good conversations are stimulating and hot.

I had a debate on string theory the other day, made me want to jump his bones.
To each his/her own right?

realtongueman 99 Reviews 1743 reads
98 / 151

I LOVE THAT RESPONSE !!!! Looking at myself as I type......

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 401 reads
99 / 151

So, although she might have made that, talk to other NYers and see how far that goes...it is the most expensive place to live by far. Also, their taxes are a bit different too...have to call up that guy crazyshit to explain it, but he quoted something like 40 percent for certain Finance Gurus, so they are hit pretty damn hard there too.  

I just think she has no clue about this business, but ANYONE claiming to have both business and marketing skills should know that it's essential to put your best foot (photos, website, rates, reviews) forward in ANY venture you set out to do...saying it's not a job is no excuse for crappy service and misrpresentation, not that 'she' is doing that, but I've heard it all before. If I were a sex addict, I would want to attract the hottest and most decent guys around even if I was not asking big bucks...that's just common sense. Backpage is like shopping at the bus stop for gold...rarely is it there, especially in big markets.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 1385 reads
100 / 151
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 1601 reads
101 / 151

Exactly. I hate weaklings. Put up or shut up, but stop with the "poor me" bullshit. No one is buying it, though we will still take the money lol. Cosette is new, but she will soon realize that 90 percent of guys will be feeding her this same story, and only 10 percent are actually not full of shit.

skarphedin 1669 reads
102 / 151
skarphedin 314 reads
103 / 151
cspatz 67 Reviews 1659 reads
104 / 151

I believe you. That's why you advertise 4 hr sessions for 600 or whatever. Clearly more time is better for you. I like the meet and greet dates for a very reasonable rates. A unique business model because for you it isn't even really a business.

Cosette 660 reads
105 / 151

Backpage has all types of people, there's always guys on here talking about going on it. So they're here and on there cross-referencing. Seriously, I've met 2 pretty important famous people and a whole bunch of other high quality guys. Of course I also get the texts, "yo, how much for a quickie?" Easy to ignore though.

Hottest I don't care for, as a slut posting on CL or going on Tinder I can get that and it doesn't mean they'll be decent or even good sex (I'm sure you've heard the saying that good looking people are awful in bed because they never had to try, I've definitely encountered that), most decent I do care for though, and I've found many. Maybe I should start a thread polling how many guys actually go on Backpage? I'm afraid Admin might consider that conflict of interest.

I don't pretend to know about this as a business, I research to an extent, see websites and ads and posts, yours included I admit, I like the discussion boards. You've taught me a lot, both about what I can emulate and what I don't agree with.

Cosette 1788 reads
106 / 151
skarphedin 1611 reads
107 / 151
Cosette 368 reads
109 / 151

My ex makes $250K now after getting a phd in math, what was he making before? $20K stipend, and he's freaking good quality. I hate to use anecdotal reasoning to debate, but oh well. What determines someone of substance? I'd love to hear your take - oh wait, no I wouldn't, I think it would depress me and make me lose my faith in humanity.

You are shallow dude

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 333 reads
110 / 151

Sorry, but I would rather have a dad I saw happy on the weekends vs. one who was fking hookers behind my mother's back, saying it was 'for me.' Most sane children would as well.  

Posted By: BrentTaylor
and gotten the hell out of her life. But parenthood changes everything. But you're too thick to get that.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1568 reads
111 / 151

guys see providers as explained in many of the threads in this post; i.e. a physical need that isn't available at home whether it be because the wife/so is not interested or maybe the guy is single.

Sarah's solution is the best, see a professional which is what hobbyists do. Affairs are too risky for many reasons.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 399 reads
112 / 151

That's fair, and I have admitted to meeting some great guys from BP in years past, BUT it is in fact the lowest of the low in this business, next to USA sex guide. I think the primarcy concern most of us have for you is not how much money you make or who you choose to fk, but for your safety, sanity, and for guys to treat you better. Your reviews show a lot of assholes, making their insults appear to all be your fault, when that is rarely the case. Guys who pay the least expect the most, so it's the marketing that is suffering the most. It is so easy to weed out idiots who grade hard in reviews...so easy lol.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1281 reads
113 / 151
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 634 reads
114 / 151

Exactly. No one is going to come here and tell me (someone who has been in this business for 10 years on all ends of the market) that gems are just flocking in droves to BP...espcially in NY. Also, anyone who would not want to make the most money possible for ANY venture (including one they claim to be addicted to) just seems a bit asinine. I would sing for free every day if I could, but I also would not turn down 2k a night if I knew I could get it...absurd.  

I just think a lot of contradictions are floating around, and hell...this is really none of our business nor the topic of the thread, but they are getting harder to ignore. A person who went to 'a great business school' knows more about marketing than this...sorry, just the facts. If you use the excuse, "Well, I don't care about that, this is not a job for me" then ok, but that makes you a liability in this business, and puts both men and women at risk because of such carelessness. I would never accept a reference from a woman on Backpage who admitted to lax screening such as meeting at a coffee shop, or one too crazy to know that working from her own home is stupid and dangerous. Whether Cosette applies to any of that, I don't know, but I would never network with anyone who operated that way. It puts my life in danger, and their clients at risk.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 1820 reads
115 / 151

There are still dangers in this business and a way to go about it, that are in place regardless of one's reasons for entering it. You can't just say, "Oh, I don't need to screen because I am not really a hooker, I am a sex addict." The cops beg to differ. The more risks you take as far as advertising venues and rates, the more danger you are putting yourself in. Guys are not here to give a shit about our issues or reasons...they pay to fk. If being with a sex addict was their agenda and better to them than getting 'their money's worth,' she would have all 9s and 10s, so it's obvious the guys are looking for a SERVICE provider, and not a human being with a reason. Some might care, but most don't give two shits.  

There are quite a few women here who are nymphos, but they still use general common sense in regards to marketing and screening so they don't end up in jail or dead, and have every guy in town knowing where they sleep at night.

Cosette 340 reads
116 / 151

I've gotten the same from nice guys worried about my safety because I am nice. One even, who has become a friend and we chat once a day, asks me if I'm meeting someone and follows up.

Violence against providers is no joke definitely, it's quite a shame actually, I'm volunteering for 12/17 the international day against violence towards sex workers.

HaveAGoodTime 354 reads
117 / 151

Comedian Aziz Ansari has a good bit about this. His parents are an arranged marriage (30 years?) and they couldn't be happier. His conclusion from his (limited) research is that arranged marriages have a harder time in the beginning, but are happier in the long run, whereas love marriages are euphoric in the beginning and miserable in the long term (generally speaking).

Not an endorsement, just food for thought, because I am in agreement that the line kids are sold that there's "the One" out there who can fulfill your every need and desire is such insidious bullshit.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 326 reads
118 / 151

and 10 pages of reviews, yet you post under an alias so no one knows shit about you. Who is more of a troll by the general definition?

BrentTaylor 79 Reviews 364 reads
119 / 151

for damn good reason. It is objectively deviant and corrupting behavior in the minds of most people on the planet. So don't sit like a pig and throw mud at swine. Let's just squirm together and enjoy our mutual nastiness without being holier than thou.

Posted By: London Rayne
Sorry, but I would rather have a dad I saw happy on the weekends vs. one who was fking hookers behind my mother's back, saying it was 'for me.' Most sane children would as well.  
Posted By: BrentTaylor
and gotten the hell out of her life. But parenthood changes everything. But you're too thick to get that.

-- Modified on 11/14/2013 12:30:28 PM

-- Modified on 11/14/2013 12:31:54 PM

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 569 reads
120 / 151

This is true, but you're avoiding the issue. Whether my dad was cheating with a whore or his assistant is of no conern to me...I would prefer he did not do it at all 'for my sake' and be happy so my mother was not sitting at home, naive thinking her man was not possibly bringing home an STD. Sorry, I am just not one for bs excuses and justifications. You cheat for YOU...no one else. Own it, like I own taking a part in that same cheating by getting paid for it.  

Saying you cheat on your wife for your children is pathetic and weak...but whatever helps you deal with it. No one is judging here of all places, but keep it real and stop making excuses to feel better about it. Your children are NOT in any way benefiting from you d*ck being milked, and if that is truly all you need to he a happy person, take up meditation.

-- Modified on 11/14/2013 1:01:46 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 628 reads
121 / 151

I was just about to make a joke and say "It's none of my business…" or "none…" but, I guess when we put it out there, it's our business...

"I would sing for free every day if I could, but I also would not turn down 2k a night if I knew I could get it…absurd."
Totally get it. BUT, if you want to sing every night and charge that much with no negotiation, well, you may not get to sing every night. If one is addicted to something and has a 'no negotiation' high rate, they may not get to 'sing' every night.
I just think a lot of contradictions are floating around, and hell...this is really none of our business..
Kind of is our business as it's been put on a public forum, lol

"nor the topic of the thread…"
You mean to tell me GD peeps stay on topic in these threads? lol

"Meeting at a coffee shop…"
When I started, (I know, I've over talked about this already, but what the hell?) I met a guy at a bar… got to his house and he was an FBI agent. Whoopsie! Nothing happened, but it was my first appointment. Proof that's not the way to go, lol. No insults to anyone, just sharing an experience to help out a bit.

Disclaimer… that will NEVER happen again because now that I know about all of this, I network with queens in the business, lol, and utilize many screening/networking sites and systems. It doesn't cost that much to do. P411 cost pennies, TER, for ladies, is free VIP membership and PM's for reviewed and active ladies, email contacts are on TER as well for those who can't PM and can use a free account to email for a reference, and not seeing a client because he won't go through the screening process… PRICELESS.

Charging more and networking gives you the upper hand on whom you choose because you slam down more money and don't need anyone for sex and money. If you're not getting business, that's where hook up sites come in. LOL. And you can use verification systems for them too, haha.

-- Modified on 11/14/2013 1:07:04 PM

GaGambler 356 reads
122 / 151

Any woman with a pulse, no matter how heinous can usually manage an average appearance score of 7, There are some downright scary women in their fifties who manage to get 8's and 9's. Everyone here knows it, some people just won't admit it.

If you were to just read a couple of dozen profiles at random, you would find that your reviews are in the bottom 20 percentile range. Sorry, like I said earlier, I don't really want ot be insulting, but the facts are the facts.

and yes I am quite shallow in matters such as this. just picture me as a river that while being a mile wide, is only an inch deep. That's me, SHALLOW, and a pig, but a very happy pig.lol

AsianManNOVA 1487 reads
123 / 151

She still wants sex but I am just not physically attracted to her anymore. I was sexually repressed growing up; I  was a typical Asian geek who studied hard and had no time for girls.  Then I worked hard for a very long time to make a comfortable living without getting involved in any relationship. Now I think I am just re-living my younger years with beautiful girls this time. I don't want to use a sexless relationship (which is my fault) as an excuse for my hobbying; I just like to have fun with beautiful women. Plus, I just don't think it is natural to have sex with only one person for the rest of my life.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 138 reads
124 / 151

Your analogy does not really work in comparison to selling your body. If you were ONLY seeing guys who thought you were hot as hell, gave you great reviews, and you thought the same of them as well, then of course that analogy might work, being the money would not be as significant as the benefits of the job, but it does not sound or look like you are getting such benefits on a regular basis. If you even have to deal with ONE guy who is an asshole or did not wash his balls that day, the rate aint worth it is what he means.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 1273 reads
125 / 151

A troll does not apply to the above list....

A troll is a person who only comes here with posts that make little sense simply to stir the pot, and those people normally use an alias...like YOU do.

Cosette 152 reads
127 / 151

I see guys talking about girls and making fun of them for putting too much emphasis on numbers. I'm happy with my scores. In "civie" life, the term cracks me up, I would consider myself a 7 - I am attractive, so I anticipated that doing this I would be a 6, since looks are much more important. In performance I'm also comfortable. My highest possible score can only be a 9, I don't do anal, and not really Bi, so my score is good. Not to mention that I will NEVER encourage or discourage someone from writing. I had guys emailing me their condolences when those reviews went up, and yet didn't write their own review, nor did I ask.  

Give me some credit, everyone has had clean balls! And even those assholes that did the 2 reviews were cordial to my face, hence my shock afterwards.

I am definitely getting the benefits on a regular basis, that's why reviews seem stupid, like a game

GaGambler 140 reads
128 / 151

I will continue to remind you. You can't say "the grass is blue" have me correct you and remind you that the "grass is green" and then after a dozen posts of you claiming the grass is blue, despoite all the proof to the contrary, you declare "this horse is dead" while all the time maintaining the "grass is blue"

Unless of course we are at the home of the Boise State Broncos, in which case the grass really is blue. lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 1182 reads
129 / 151

I didn't try to measure it for length but this thread is the longest I've ever seen.  Wonder if there's a way to check?  Oh, and would someone please put a bullet in this turkey?

Cosette 138 reads
130 / 151

Look, I'm happy too, if I wasn't I wouldn't continue to do this. If bad things continued to happen, I wouldn't be doing it, I'm not insane.

It's really getting old to be reminded of reviews and what not when I post or respond to something. They're independent of one another.

BrentTaylor 79 Reviews 100 reads
131 / 151

premium pussy, luxury treatment!

Also, I've never said it's better to stay unhappily together than to divorce. What I've said is that parents (whether together or divorced) have a joint duty to care for and protect their children. Deciding WHEN to divorce is a personal decision that each partner must make. The idea of staying unhappily together for the kids is worth debating. Many people think that's bad. But the level and type and potential harm of marital discord varies widely so divorce (versus therapy versus taking more time to see what happens or for better financial conditions to arrive) is a personal decision.  
In my personal case (since I've put it out there) I agree that divorce is the best option. I've just not after upon it with finality yet. It's a personal goal for 2014.  
Fucking prostitutes will happen regardless of divorce. Regardless of parental status. It (like drinking alcohol or smoking) is a personal decision borne out of self gratification. Indulgence in carnal pleasure, pure and simple.  
My personal goal is to divorce, find Ms. Right and stay out of this world. That's my goal. But today I'm swimming in the shit of TER like everyone else reading this board.  

-- Modified on 11/14/2013 2:34:50 PM

cspatz 67 Reviews 1333 reads
132 / 151

ate Coquette was outed for using fake photos and it was a mighty long and impressive train wreck. She made the classic mistake of trying to defend herself to virtually every poster. People just kept piling on. It was great fun. Hey remember Fake Finder.

I agree about the bullet.

BrentTaylor 79 Reviews 1572 reads
133 / 151

I've never said it's better to stay unhappily together than to divorce. What I've said is that parents (whether together or divorced) have a joint duty to care for and protect their children. Deciding WHEN to divorce is a personal decision that each partner must make. The idea of staying unhappily together for the kids is worth debating. Many people think that's bad. But the level and type and potential harm of marital discord varies widely so divorce (versus therapy versus taking more time to see what happens or for better financial conditions to arrive) is a personal decision.    
In my personal case (since I've put it out there) I agree that divorce is the best option. I've just not acted upon it with finality yet. It's a personal goal for 2014. All things must be in good order.....
I've NEVER said I cheat for anyone but myself. I spoil my cock with premium pussy, luxury treatment, at significant financial cost. Fucking prostitutes will happen regardless of divorce. Regardless of parental status. It (like drinking alcohol or smoking) is a personal decision borne out of self gratification. Indulgence in carnal pleasure, pure and simple.  
My personal goal is to divorce, find Ms. Right and stay out of this world. That's my goal. But today I'm swimming in the shit of TER like everyone else reading this board.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 95 reads
134 / 151

Some people know how to 'work the system', choosing their clients based on how they review. Some are just making money without a strategy. Whatever floats their boat; however, really, scoring system can be deceiving.  

Cosette just may be one who doesn't email TER back and forth to get lower scores taken off…

Just a thought, not trying to ruffle the waters, but I think I just did.

*Hides behind a bush*

Cosette 97 reads
135 / 151

Deny what facts?

I am smart, I like sex, I don't need a lot of money so my rates are low, I wholeheartedly meet quality people 99% of the time, TER reviews are not the be all and end all. I get plenty of people who want to meet me, some men are turned on by intelligence, not everyone is shallow, a few assholes do get through (2-3 in 6 months I can live with).

Take your way of hobbying as just that, one way. Keep doing those hot girls you do for big bucks. That works for you.

I keep knocking on that head of yours, doesn't seem to be getting through, but I will have to stop because sometimes you just can't reason with people, all in all, I'm pretty sure I win, although I'm not sure what it is, doesn't feel like a debate when you're not saying anything of substance.

But do kill the bringing up of the same thing over and over, if anything, I am perfectly fine if one day I'm a fucking fetish for guys who like to be with intelligent girls and I reach 150 lbs and an uggo. There's a market for everything.

Rudy50 15 Reviews 1271 reads
136 / 151

I stayed for the kids but not primarily for their benefit.  I've done enough reading to know they are resilient enough to thrive as well  post-divorce as they might in an unhappy home.  I stayed because I wanted to stay part of my kids' every day lives.  I didn't want to be a  weekend dad.  

Wife and I didn't fight in front of the kids.  We needled some, the last-word-syndrome, in a minor and clean version of the Needlers on Saturday Night Live.  But we were both good parents and pretty good companions on most things --- friends without benefits.  I just have to go elsewhere for sex.

My regret about that decision is that the kids did not see their parents engage in non-sexual physical affection, like hugs or holding hands.  We both hugged THEM,  but not each other.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1511 reads
137 / 151
AsianManNOVA 1346 reads
138 / 151
skarphedin 1115 reads
140 / 151

Posted By: London Rayne
A troll does not apply to the above list....  
 A troll is a person who only comes here with posts that make little sense simply to stir the pot, and those people normally use an alias...like YOU do.

skarphedin 81 reads
141 / 151
cspatz 67 Reviews 179 reads
142 / 151

..didn't work though. Those reviews were reinstated a couple of weeks later.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 63 reads
145 / 151

Posted By: HaveAGoodTime
I am in agreement that the line kids are sold that there's "the One" out there who can fulfill your every need and desire is such insidious bullshit.
Hallelujah!! Setting everyone up for failure.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 216 reads
146 / 151

You know, arranged marriages were very common in white groups too until not long ago. The concept of marrying for love is extremely recent.

"Love marriage is a relatively recent phenomenon. The idea that, instead of duty, affection should be at the base of a shared life, was first expressed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his popular novel Julie, or the New Heloise, in 1761. It was picked up by the emergent romanticists, for example Friedrich Schlegel, in his novel Lucinde (1799).

From that time onward, the ideal of a marriage 'based on love' became more and more popular. However, it was not until the emergence of the women's movement, that the traditional way of choosing one's spouse - based on criteria such as wealth or their respective social positions - were first widely overcome.

In the 20th century, the 1968 movement, the subsequent second women's movement in the 1970s, as well as the sexual revolution initiated a number of far-reaching changes in Western society: Equal rights for men and women, as well as the right of wives to work even if their husbands disagreed. More and more women began to pursue careers. For the first time, they were free from the need to find a "provider", and "love marriage" became the social norm."


SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 76 reads
147 / 151

assume the archaic version where parents force their children to marry complete strangers. This is not what I am referring to. However, as I posted above in response to Deen, marriages based on love are extremely recent in human history. It wasn't until the advent of the women's movement that the idea of marrying whomever you wanted started to become acceptable.

I happen to have a few South Asian friends for whom arranged marriage is pretty much the norm. Here is an article on the modern concept if you're interested in reading about it:

To me this concept is similar to online dating. The families vet the prospective spouse for compatibility, and online dating allows prospective partners to vet each other much the same way. This all before chemistry and emotions get in the way of rational thinking.  

It's like this: you find someone who has similar values to you, has the same views on smoking, pets, children, drinking, politics, and whatever else may be important, and they look acceptable enough in a photo so you finally agree to meet in person. If chemistry is there, bingo! But take meeting someone in a bar or at a club or whatever. You immediately have chemistry with them, but for all the bare-bones fundamental issues, they are completely opposite. But you don't find those out until later, maybe even years from now after you're married and have 5 kids... That's a doomed relationship, usually. The "arranged" one would have had a better chance. No?

But even the archaic arranged marriages, going back to my original point, would have lasted through infidelity. Love marriages rarely do. Point being that arranged marriages were not based on expectations of fidelity or love. They were based on other factors that at the time outweighed "love".

-- Modified on 11/15/2013 1:17:57 AM

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 55 reads
148 / 151

do I come across as naive? Interesting perspective. At least you're not petrified anymore. ;)

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1214 reads
149 / 151

have you ever thought of bringing up the topic of an open relationship to her?

BLUETunaLovesFunkyChicken 1712 reads
151 / 151

bare in mind . Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Let us judge not , but learn from example.

"Let those without sin throw the first stone"  

A man knows when he is ready . If he ever is.  

Understanding and kindness go along way

but then again I've seen a baseball bat work wonders.....ha ha ...just kidding...only in Good Fellows

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