TER General Board

It took me quite awhile to figure PS out as well.teeth_smile
JackDunphy 189 reads

I finally found someone that has more time on his hands than me and I'm fucking jealous! :D :D

Where's our new miss TER of the month. Sorry Jeniveve I still love u. I was just wondering since they usually name the new gal every 15th.

I placed my Vote last week. No they don't ask. But I write them every month supporting the person who I think is the best provider who I have seen.

I suggested Ally Vixen six months ago and she won after some time so they must take it somewhat seriously.  

The provider I am currently pushing for I hope she wins soon. She is a special provider.


Posted By: TS Sasha
Where's our new miss TER of the month. Sorry Jeniveve I still love u. I was just wondering since they usually name the new gal every 15th.

They don't choose Misz TER based on your suggestion.
They are selected based on:
Photo board likes
Board presense
Being a TER member in good standing
And other things TER decides on.

That last part pretty much negates everything else above it, lol.

The person I write to TER monthly does all of those things. I know she is in consideration.

She is worthy  

I will let you know when she wins.

Posted By: perfectstorm
They don't choose Misz TER based on your suggestion.  
 They are selected based on:  
 Photo board likes  
 Board presense  
 Being a TER member in good standing  
 And other things TER decides on.  
 That last part pretty much negates everything else above it, lol.

She has as much chance as any other provider who posts on the photo board and qualifies based on TER's other (sometimes random) criteria.
All I'm saying is that you writing your recommendations to TER has exactly zero effect on who is chosen. ;)

Being kinda nerdy about such things, I've tracked the announcement dates over the last year or so..... I think the latest was the 17th or 18th.  :-)

My Virgo-ness would love the announcement to be made on the same date every month, but that just doesn't seem to be a priority.  :shrug:

Anyone got the odds on who it is?   ;-)


Nooner: A sexual encounter at lunchtime, especially one that is illicit.

But the lack of guidelines and TER consistency... My guess is really as good as anyone else's.  

Sofia Vega would be my pick 😳

I vote every single morning.  
And I've noticed that if ladies done post early they get many fewer votes by the end of the day.
But there is no rhyme or reason for the miss TER selection every month.  
I wonder of TER takes bribes??? 😎

Posted By: bocabuster

 I wonder of TER takes bribes??? 😎
Of COURSE they do..... how in the hell do you think "I" ever got it?? :-)  
By hopping a transatlantic flight and performing a LOT of sexual favors, of course!  LMFAO!  ;-)

We'll find a good lunch truck to eat from, you'll give me my 30% discount and we won't go near the bed to keep yours sheets intact.  

I do some of my best work on the couch and in a chair. ;)

You can take all the sheets off the damn bed, wrap them around yourself toga-style and call yourself Caligula for all I care.

But before you do, be a polite fucker and say, "Hey mind if I strip the bed?"


Should I ask for permission to pee too?


Tres bizarre, no?

To actually ask someone to use something of theirs?  What a strange, strange world we live in.

She'll give you a giggle and some hot sex, I am sure.

Just don't touch the bedding! LOL

JakeFromStateFarm114 reads

If I was interested in paying for humor.
Nice deflection though! LOL!

Thought you just liked Brit tea 😆

The earliest a Miss TER was announced was the 5th, and the latest was the 16th. (I
Haven't seen a 17th yet), but the 14th is the most common date, followed by the 13th.  
If you want the actual records I will forward them to you. ;)

As far as the odds on who is Miss March, I don't want to guess. I have been dead on a few times on my guesses in the past, but TER has also made some very surprising announcements.  

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
Being kinda nerdy about such things, I've tracked the announcement dates over the last year or so..... I think the latest was the 17th or 18th.  :-)  
 My Virgo-ness would love the announcement to be made on the same date every month, but that just doesn't seem to be a priority.  :shrug:  
 Anyone got the odds on who it is?   ;-)  
 Nooner: A sexual encounter at lunchtime, especially one that is illicit.

JakeFromStateFarm196 reads

I leave you to speculate as to why.

I finally found someone that has more time on his hands than me and I'm fucking jealous! :D :D

I am voting on you are becoming a mime.  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
I leave you to speculate as to why.

I had to go check my notes.... turns out I cannot read my own writing.  :-)

It was the 8th and I'd written down "10/8/14" but my little slashy thingy to the left of it looked like a one.  
Especially without my reading glasses. ;-)

LasVegan175 reads

you would be a "shoo-in."

You can click on "like" on the photo board pics, but that is only part of the Miss TER criteria. They have selected several providers who weren't even close to having the most likes.  

Bottom line: it's totally up to TER, who they pick as Miss TER.

The girls that post early in the day get by far the most votes in that day.
The Europeans probably vote early in their time zone and don't come back to see what's added later on  
No wonder they live on the wrong no side of the pond

That's just it, nowhere are the criteria posted or is anyone invited to provide input on who should be selected. Methinks it all comes down to which provider wants to provide the most $ in exchange for the honor of being Miss TER. amirite?

It's whom you blow?

What else is new in the world

Posted By: TS Sasha
Where's our new miss TER of the month. Sorry Jeniveve I still love u. I was just wondering since they usually name the new gal every 15th.

but expecting if I do win, the results come up in June.

I can't wait to see who wins next. The interviews are fun to read.

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