TER General Board

It is in god damned Costa Rica. Not jealous at all. -e-
skarphedin 478 reads


NumNumMan1916 reads

This provider, VIP Vera, posted an ad, asking for $450 per hour. She provides no link to a TER page and asks, on her website, that hobbyists not review her. This sounds more like a  BP girl than a TER girl. What kind of advice do you have? I will not spend that kind of money without solid reviews. Does anybody actually jump at such an offer? Any thoughts?

Many other fish in the sea, as other here have said.  Trust your instincts.

GaGambler641 reads

AND I can completely understand why a woman would not want to be reviewed, as the internet is "forever" while her career as a hooker is not.

All that said, there is no reason that YOU have to take a chance on her, but it's her business, her future, her choice. I don't choose to bash women who are worried about their life after being a hooker, but that doesn't mean I am necessarily going to pay top dollar to see them either.

Skyfyre670 reads

Let see. She blurred her face so there's a possibility of butter-face. Body is fine though un-impressive tits to say the least (for a point of reference think Kate Upton, LOL).  

Then there's the matter of service and personality. No review means absolutely no intel whatsoever about service and personality.  

So, basically a $450 crap shoot!  Thanks but no thanks..

I agree with you on the butter face possibility, and The lack of info on the service and personality. These things and her rate (and the fact she is thousands of miles away, lol) would keep me away.
However, as far as tits go, those are impressive to me. I much prefer this lady's tits, than Kate Upton's.
To each his own, huh?

She's in Cincy. 450 is high in that market.

That is a great point. I do not begrudge someone trying to maintain privacy for the future. I am simply shocked these women can stay in business at those rates. I can see a BP girl getting customers with no reviews. But, at $450 per hour, it surprises me an unreviewed provider keeps a customer base. Just curious and surprised.

and will do it again if the right set of circumstances arise. Like GaG mentioned, there are ladies that don't want reviews for whatever reason they choose. I actually saw the ad on the Ohio ad page for this provider and am giving it some thought. The one thing I kind of do in a situation like this is give it time, maybe post an inquiry on the local board and ask for pm's if anyone has details. If she's posting ads for weeks or months and/or I receive positive feedback from a TRUSTED source then I would go for it.

Is it the price or no review policy that you don't like?  Personally, I don't get a sketchy feeling about her, and clearly she's saying up front what the deal is on reviews.  

I'd think about meeting her.  In fact, I'm now thinking about meeting her :

I'm guessing TER will take down her ad soon.

Now I agree with GaGambler. Many ladies out there don't want reviews and that is their right. They are also free to charge whatever they want. Clients are free to see them or not. I have no problem with any of that. I do have a problem with a provider asking for no reviews but advertising on a review site.  

Posted By: NumNumMan
This provider, VIP Vera, posted an ad, asking for $450 per hour. She provides no link to a TER page and asks, on her website, that hobbyists not review her. This sounds more like a  BP girl than a TER girl. What kind of advice do you have? I will not spend that kind of money without solid reviews. Does anybody actually jump at such an offer? Any thoughts?

And I could try to research her some other way than reviews, I would go for it.  

Like I said, my problem is not the no review policy. My problem is her advertising on a review site while having a no review policy.

I stopped looking after seeing her man hands.

I agree 100% with you and GaG. As a businessman, I am curious how a provider can stay in business with those prices and no reviews. it is more a theoretical question.

Based on some responses to this thread, it appears there are some people willing to pay those prices and take a chance.  

So, this raises my next question. Since I have started a review thread before on a new provider (actually an experienced with a new name), how is it that no one has ever created a review for her? I would think someone would send a review, despite her request.  

It just all seems a little fishy to me.

skarphedin456 reads

TER posters are a small minority of punters. It is not unlikely that a new escort would not have seen a TER member...  

But yes, if she were to continue posting on TER ad boards and taking TER clients then sooner or later she would get reviewed even if she didn't want it.  

So, yes, it was self-defeating in that sense.  

And, once she got reviewed she would have to de-list if she wanted it removed

Why are you posting ADs for her?

Posted By: NumNumMan
This provider, VIP Vera, posted an ad, asking for $450 per hour. She provides no link to a TER page and asks, on her website, that hobbyists not review her. This sounds more like a  BP girl than a TER girl. What kind of advice do you have? I will not spend that kind of money without solid reviews. Does anybody actually jump at such an offer? Any thoughts?

You could have asked on you local board. Gotten pms and found out back channel on her... as ramc75 suggested.

Some have a no review policy because they have something to hide or are not of a great experience as they claim to be... while others just simply don't like reviews and having any intimate things out there. It is up to her to decide what she wants.

The best you can do is post locally and ask for pms or responses...

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Why are you posting ADs for her?  
Posted By: NumNumMan
This provider, VIP Vera, posted an ad, asking for $450 per hour. She provides no link to a TER page and asks, on her website, that hobbyists not review her. This sounds more like a  BP girl than a TER girl. What kind of advice do you have? I will not spend that kind of money without solid reviews. Does anybody actually jump at such an offer? Any thoughts?

NumNumMan632 reads

The advice is appreciated. But, I would NEVER see a provider under these circumstances! I was simply tossing out the topic for people to chew. As a curious person and business owner, I find such topics interesting.    

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
You could have asked on you local board. Gotten pms and found out back channel on her... as ramc75 suggested.  
 Some have a no review policy because they have something to hide or are not of a great experience as they claim to be... while others just simply don't like reviews and having any intimate things out there. It is up to her to decide what she wants.  
 The best you can do is post locally and ask for pms or responses...  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Why are you posting ADs for her?  
Posted By: NumNumMan
This provider, VIP Vera, posted an ad, asking for $450 per hour. She provides no link to a TER page and asks, on her website, that hobbyists not review her. This sounds more like a  BP girl than a TER girl. What kind of advice do you have? I will not spend that kind of money without solid reviews. Does anybody actually jump at such an offer? Any thoughts?

but then you didn't have to mention her name, true?

Not saying it was intentional. you threw it out and asked us all to look at her link. Could have made it generic and asked other opinions on it.  

Such as: Would you see a gal for 800$/hr who had no reviews and had a no review policy?

I am one who believes reviews for anyone and everyone levels the playing field. I have to prove myself to get my reviews and stay in line... She "could" do whatever and wouldn't suffer for any B&S, Robs, crap experiences etc. And in no way am I ever saying that is the case. It could happen though. Everything I do or don't can be judged on reviews.  

However I have the benefit of guys feeling more comfortable in seeing me as they can read reviews. Sort of like some gals get more business on showing face and I get less because I won't.

Like I said "sort of feels that way". Wasn't saying it was the case. You did give her massive exposure because of your post. Not saying anyone booked her but they sure did go check it out, including me lol.

BTW, I get examples are better than explaining.  

Posted By: NumNumMan
 The advice is appreciated. But, I would NEVER see a provider under these circumstances! I was simply tossing out the topic for people to chew. As a curious person and business owner, I find such topics interesting.    
Posted By: AlexandraMilw
You could have asked on you local board. Gotten pms and found out back channel on her... as ramc75 suggested.  
  Some have a no review policy because they have something to hide or are not of a great experience as they claim to be... while others just simply don't like reviews and having any intimate things out there. It is up to her to decide what she wants.  
  The best you can do is post locally and ask for pms or responses...  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Why are you posting ADs for her?    
Posted By: NumNumMan
This provider, VIP Vera, posted an ad, asking for $450 per hour. She provides no link to a TER page and asks, on her website, that hobbyists not review her. This sounds more like a  BP girl than a TER girl. What kind of advice do you have? I will not spend that kind of money without solid reviews. Does anybody actually jump at such an offer? Any thoughts?

I would pass.  Like previously asked, why post an ad on a review site and not want reviews?  That's something I still have a hard time understanding.   At that price, with no verification on her, not worth it, IMHO.....


It may only mean that this provider is new in the TER arena. My best clients are very high end and super discrete. They simply don't review. I have only two reviews. Because of it, it's hard to book appointments. Since you want to know what you are getting and I'm new here, I offer to meet for a drink or a cup of coffee before moving forward. I have a very high rate of return clients in a town where one never need see a provider more than once. I know my worth. I came here from the east coast and settled in Vegas. I never used TER before moving here.  My $450. fee is half what I'm accustomed to asking... just to get known in your community. Maybe it's the same for her. Big Kiss, Lillian

Although the provider reserves the right to decline those who review, for those men who spend their dough they have the right and good sense to research her sessions before doing so.  The reviews are to us what car and driver magazine would be to a potential purchaser of an automobile.  When demanding certain rates one should get as much information on that provider before making a purchase. That is the difference with us. We are educated cunnilingus connoisseurs.

-- Modified on 5/21/2015 6:06:17 PM

When I started this I asked to not be reviewed, many took the chance and were pleasantly surprised. When my first review came in I was not asked and my heart dropped. I ask for discretion, it makes my life easier in a world were the massage girls already have a high rate of boundary pushers by those looking for a cheaper score. That's not me and don't try it! I have advertised plenty different places but in the bodywork world I have found that BP works for me, you can diss BP girls all you want but it's still a damn good advertising source that a good percentage turn to. You'd be surprised the caliber that seeks out bodywork sessions through BP. I cannot speak of the escort section as it frustrates the crap out of me with the bombardment of blatantly fake ads of tens for 200. If you buy that then you might be a dumb ass! Sadly turns out there's many and then they think my price is too high. Insert the eye roll that's bound to give me a headache!  

TER has been a blessing, I've met a lot of incredible people and it brings legitimacy to a place were there's entirely too many frauds in a very transient city. Go with your gut is all I can say.

GaGambler454 reads

I was drunk the other day (yes, big surprise I know) and I gave a chica $500 for the night and she was either so impressed by my BCD skills or so happy about the money that she's called me about 20 times over the last four days looking to do a repeat.

I'd lay odds on whether she likes me or likes my money, but who in their right mind would possibly bet that it's me she likes?

I don't knock her for it and if she can get it, good for her, but it is definitely out of the market range. If she was in Vegas, or LA, or New York, that wouldn't be considered high at all. Might be considered low even. Rates vary a lot in different areas of the country.

NumNumMan474 reads

BP has different meaning in different cities. No disrespect intended. When traveling I have used BP girls with reviews. In my hometown, BP and TER rarely go together.

NumNumMan474 reads

OK. I am impressed. How did you know it would get taken down?

Well, TER doesn't like that either. It's against their rules. :)

Posted By: NumNumMan
OK. I am impressed. How did you know it would get taken down?

$$$$.5 is not a high price in some places.  But, without reviews, you are going into it deaf, dumb, and blind. Caveat Emptor...

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