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Love to shave a Woman's bush anytime...

So what do you guys think?  Is bush making a comeback?  Have you noticed more ladies who have them this year than before, or is all the hype just hype?

As no-shave November approaches, do you wish more ladies would give growing some public hair a shot?  I'm not necessarily talking full bush, just whatever they like that makes them feel sexy in their own skin.  Would this be a fun trend?

If you enjoy public hair on a woman, do you prefer it shaped, trimmed, or wild?  Do you have a preference between ladies with soft, light-colored bush hair, red bush hair, or thick, dark bush hair?

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 3:56:16 PM

bonordonor981 reads

I'd rather vote for Jeb Clampett than the other Jeb...oh wait, that's Jed Clampett and he still gets my vote.

But seriously, growing up with the wild thing, I like baby butt smooth, but if it isn't baby butt smooth, then put some hair on it! As you ladies know, stubble can irritate the tongue, lips and all other parts.

Robert_BadenPowell924 reads

... thath is, it can geth a little thick on the old tongue.  

Excuse me for a moment....... ok, that's better!

Thus I prefer smooth, or if there's some hair, please keep it trimmed/shaped.  Every provider I've ever seen has either been smooth/bare or trimmed... no "full bushes".

As for color... whatever the lady's natural hair color is, is fine with me.

depending on who's doing the publicity for a certain product.  This time an apparel company using it to try and push traffic to their stores, yet don't offer a pube-focused product.  Purely shock value.

Can recall back in 2005 at the AVN show in Vegas meeting with a group from Australia promoting natural bush growth.  Offered a line of sheer lingerie meant to enable seeing the bush while keeping things a bit contained, and a shampoo meant just for pubes.

For those who say it's natural to have a full bush, then I shudder to think of the armpits and legs that accompany such a muff.  However, I do like pubes trimmed & shaped.  Otherwise keep it bare -- just do ANYTHING except stubble!

If guys start to accept or even covet the natural look for you, would you be OK with us guys doing likewise.  I'm not even talking about a jungle, but just back to the trimmed look as opposed to the clean shaven look that I took up at the urging of several gals a few years ago?

I don't mind the effort to shave, but want to know if it is even worth doing so.

I had one gal complain of stubble lately, and I had just closely shaved only a few hours beforehand.

Full, wild, soft, curly and any color . . . Awe those were the days!

Bush is sexy as long as it doesn't look like wolverine down there. I've seen sexy bush and I've seen not so sexy bush LOL!

but prefer bare below. Wild and natural, not so much.

It was porn stars who started shaving off their pubes.  And porn stars who started growing them back a year or so ago.  Personally, I hate a full bush.  A little hair above the clit is OK (landing strip, for example) but if you have a full bush I'll probably take a pass.

While I love a bald kitty, I'm okay witha landing strip and a trim triangle up top.  

Full bush though? Never!  

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
So what do you guys think?  Is bush making a comeback?  Have you noticed more ladies who have them this year than before, or is all the hype just hype?  
 As no-shave November approaches, do you wish more ladies would give growing some public hair a shot?  I'm not necessarily talking full bush, just whatever they like that makes them feel sexy in their own skin.  Would this be a fun trend?  
 If you enjoy public hair on a woman, do you prefer it shaped, trimmed, or wild?  Do you have a preference between ladies with soft, light-colored bush hair, red bush hair, or thick, dark bush hair?  

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 3:56:16 PM

Yes!  Completely smooth, maybe lightly oiled or nice lotion, so that both of us feel the nerve endings tingling there.  

I definitely prefer Brazilian Bare to any landing strip, and if a little makes her feel better about herself, my vote goes "less is better".  

Thank you

Panthera121072 reads

Women in general who don't shave their armpits or their legs are just too damn lazy to upkeep themselves. I find it repulsive and masculine. You couldn't pay me to fuck a woman or provider who has a third world mentality and a musty smelly crows nest down there.

That is absolutely one of the most ignorant, insensitive and incorrect responses I have ever seen.  For some ladies this is a lifestyle choice or a preference and has nothing to do with being "to damn lazy".  I can certainly appreciate your preference for non "hairy" women there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and you are in the majority but to say they are lazy is just plain wrong.

Thegringoinnm838 reads


Posted By: littlecheddar53
That is absolutely one of the most ignorant, insensitive and incorrect responses I have ever seen.  For some ladies this is a lifestyle choice or a preference and has nothing to do with being "to damn lazy".  I can certainly appreciate your preference for non "hairy" women there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and you are in the majority but to say they are lazy is just plain wrong.

Although this language specifically the "crows nest" part...

" You couldn't pay me to fuck a woman or provider who has a third world mentality and a musty smelly crows nest down there"  

Made me think of...   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K84kOWCAUec

Panthera12960 reads

Hairy women are disgusting, but if you like them, have at it gramps. I like my women to be feminine and without hair and yes most of the time it is laziness. How about "fucking lazy"? Does that work better for you?

OK slick, whatever you say, sounds like you have a good handle on the situation.

This doesn't make me lazy or smelly!  I prefer the look and feel of the hair I have.  And trust me, the laser hurts so much more than waxing, but I left the hair up top because that is how I like it.  

I do shave my arm pits, but that also is my preference and not because I'm less lazy than someone who's preference is to not.

Panthera12856 reads

I am talking about women who are too lazy to shave their armpits and their legs and have bushes that look like a crows nest. Those nests harbor smells, even latex from condoms and worse.
Having some closely trimmed hairs is not a problem for me at all. It's the disgusting armpit hairs and hairy legs and the smelly bush that I abhor.
Although you didn't mention legs, I do assume that you shave yours or you simply don't have any to shave.

Nature gave us all hair. Society deemed it unsavory for women to keep their leg and armpit hair and to trim the bush.  

I think hairy men smell way more than men who take care of all that nasty dirty fuzz. If women with hair smell then men with hair positively reek. Or both just need to shower well.  

I will stick to the guys who trim and shave their hair. These guys are athletes (for the most part) and that is also the body type I prefer so it is a win win for me all round.

Tricks ...well I get paid to deal with that hair. If it's too much I am not putting my face anywhere near it. You are so right it stinks!

Panthera12948 reads

My jewels are shaved clean and I am athletic also  :)    

It's true that excessive hair will harbor scents, male or female. Females have seepage and when they fuck a dozen guys a week there is going to be a scent with an untamed bush.  

I saw a provider many years ago that had armpit hair. I didn't know going into the session, but the memory just won't go away no matter how much I try.

I am in the minority but I am one of those guys that just loves an all natural woman with a full bush like Zoey who oddly enough is the OP!  I know that many of the gents out there do not find it to be attractive but it is a super turn on for me.   I guess maybe it is because that is what I was used to seeing in the "dirty" magazines and in the porno movies during my early, "curious" years.  I have only been doing this for a few years but I have noticed that pubic does seem to be making somewhat of a comeback.

as long as he promises not to do same mistakes of GW Bush....

a bush on top my shaved lips is hot to me,
full bush meh must not be nice for the gents to go down on...

Posted By: WillowLynn
a bush on top my shaved lips is hot to me,  
 full bush meh must not be nice for the gents to go down on...
...it kinda parts and is actually long and thick enough now to keep relatively parted and thus out of the way.  I was concerned about that too, but it doesn't seem to be much of a problem, especially the longer it gets.  ;)

I think of it as nature's dental floss.


Personally I love groomed pubic hair on my partners. While I don't like nor dislike a full bush I definitely prefer that the labia be shaved and the pubic area be groomed. I've had grown out pubic hair (in different styles) since 2010. I've only had one guy negatively comment on it.

A woman should look like a woman, not a hairless girl. A natural bush is my preference by far.

Love to shave a Woman's bush anytime...

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