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In civillian life
RSpork 23 Reviews 549 reads

I had a dog decide to join in while we were "in the act". Getting rimmed by a medium-sized pooch (or any non-human, non-female) is something I hope never to repeat. I can laugh now, but it freaked me out. I kept my bottom covered around that creature for a long time ...

I'm settled in performing DATY this afternoon with my feet hanging off the side of the bed, she's into it and moaning, and all of a sudden I feel her dog licking my feet!  As the Brits would say, just carry on, so that's what I did.  Good thing I'm a dog lover!

Just consider yourself lucky it was your feet he was licking !

a lot of bacteria, but so do your feet.  Its probably a wash.  What you want to avoid is licking her pussy right after the dog does it.  You should gently suggest she wash it off first.  The dog may have licked his balls first.  However, if you licked your balls, too, then again, its probably a wash. Just my opinion. There may be a microbiologist here that has a differing opinion.

YOU lick a pussy after the dog has.  I still wouldn't do it.   But I did say that if both you and the dog have licked your balls first, then its probably a wash on the germs..

Uncle Leo would have had you on a beastiality rap.

Dogs always want in on the action, and that can lead to some comical and dicey moments.

I remember well coming down the stairs of one gal's house one morning after the two of us had quite an athletic night.  There at the bottom of the stairs was her dog, Caesar, which stood about as high as my shoulders.  I was in the altogether and thoughts of her dog becoming jealous of me and deciding to rectify the situation permanently began to fill my head.  Fortunately, Caesar decided that since I smelled like his mistress, decided to give my crotch a big lick, and then scampered off.  My inamoratta, who had her back turned while preparing breakfast for us then turned around with a big smile asking if I was hungry for some grub.  It was a bit hard to get the word "sure" out, owing to my heart being smack dab in my throat

Don't do many incalls, but I'm paying to see you, not your pets. Kindly keep them out of sight and out of earshot if possible.

Thank you,


Had the same thing happen but it was a cat


That is one of the many reasons I do not keep pets in my apartment. Love animals, but they do tend to get in the way of other things.

I also prefer not to do outcalls where dogs are left to chew on the undergarments.

E x

I agree, leave the undergarment chewing to us guys!!!!

Posted By: EliseAndrews
 That is one of the many reasons I do not keep pets in my apartment. Love animals, but they do tend to get in the way of other things.  
 I also prefer not to do outcalls where dogs are left to chew on the undergarments.  
 E xo  

I had a dog decide to join in while we were "in the act". Getting rimmed by a medium-sized pooch (or any non-human, non-female) is something I hope never to repeat. I can laugh now, but it freaked me out. I kept my bottom covered around that creature for a long time ...

My gf had put on a little weight and was sensitive about it, so she wanted the bedroom pitch-dark for sex. I moved into position for DATY, and felt my foot bump her cat. Annoyed, he retaliated by biting my big toe, though not hard enough to draw blood. Then he moved to a different part of the bed, and later left when we got into doggystyle.

Posted By: luke19342
I'm settled in performing DATY this afternoon with my feet hanging off the side of the bed, she's into it and moaning, and all of a sudden I feel her dog licking my feet!  As the Brits would say, just carry on, so that's what I did.  Good thing I'm a dog lover!

...many years ago had a small lap dog (Maltese I think).  Little guy liked me for some reason.  On more than one occasion he'd jump up on the bed while we were going at it and start humping my leg.  Always a surprise when that happened, but good for a laugh too.

If I pretend I'm beating a woman, my dog will attack me and snap at my crotch.  However, my dog also likes to hump teenage girls and women with Aunt Flo.  So my ATF and I had a crazy, lustful playdate, and afterwards she headed to the bathroom to clean up.  I said, "Check this out," picked up a back scratcher, and pretended to hit her with it.  Instead of attacking me, the dog ran up and stuck his nose in her pussy.  You should have seen the look on her face.  She didn't get mad, though.  I think she saw the look on MY face and realized the dog wasn't supposed to do that.

Would snif EVERY woman crotch! Took him to work, yep, he goosed every sales girl and my secretary, every single time. Female neighbors that came over, yep, sniff the pussy! Walking down the street, yep, right for the crotch. Leave your panties on the floor or unattended, yep, he'd steal them.
After like 3 thanksgiving\christmas seasons and other family outings I noticed a pattern. So at Christmas dinner one year I asked my mother if she had gone through menopause. She said yes, but dad wasn't happy about the question. I said did you notice Barron (my dog) likes Susan more than mom? YES.....
I then had to explain my perverted dogs behavior which then made sense to everyone and we all
laughed about it.
He was trained for 3 years and did EVERYTHING I asked. If a female was present - 50/50 that he'd listen at best!
I always knew if a woman was on her period because THEN he didn't goose them, but start humping their leg.
He actually was somewhat of a problem it was so bad !
He wasnt neutered as I bred dobermans at the time.
He was a trip, and the best dog ever, but damn he liked pussy more than me I think!
Dogs are smarter than we think, and pussy is more powerful than we think is what that dog taught me.

Posted By: luke19342
I'm settled in performing DATY this afternoon with my feet hanging off the side of the bed, she's into it and moaning, and all of a sudden I feel her dog licking my feet!  As the Brits would say, just carry on, so that's what I did.  Good thing I'm a dog lover!

-- Modified on 1/13/2017 12:33:24 PM

Wonky_Portals572 reads

when he decided to join in and jumped partially on the bed.  Then he started DATO on me.  
The question is, what does a 220 lb mastiff do? The answer, anything he wants.  

He was damn good at it.  

I'm just trying to decide if I should tip the dog? Or if I book him for a single date, will the lady get jealous?

Posted By: luke19342
I'm settled in performing DATY this afternoon with my feet hanging off the side of the bed, she's into it and moaning, and all of a sudden I feel her dog licking my feet!  As the Brits would say, just carry on, so that's what I did.  Good thing I'm a dog lover!

"your" envelope in plain sight and shower before  
joining in the fun. blue champagne at minimum?

... given that they have the best seat in the house for all the fun their mama and I are having, don't you wonder what they're thinking lol

The hobby wouldn't be the hobby without animal stories. I thought it was so cute when an atf showed me her three kittens. However, they were quite distracting when they started attacking my feet during daty. I soldiered on.  

Another time a lady and her dog were so attached that he had his own pillow on the bed with us. He was well behaved, but the title of my review was, 'a double doggie cum'.  

And then there was the lady with the chihuahua. You know how excitable chihuahuas can be. So the lady is on her knees giving me the best dtbbbjcimws, literally of my life, and the little chihuahua is nipping at my balls. Normally I wouldn't return under those circumstances, but the lady was good. I mean to the hilt.

I called to tell the lady I was there, and she instructed me to go around an enter through the backyard. As I opened the gate there was the lady in sexy lingerie, holding back her giant doberman pincer. It's a sight I'll never forget. Not exactly sexy. I kept thinking about what happened to the guys who tried to stiff her.

On a more positive note. One of my all time favorite atfs (is that redundant?) always brought her little doggie when she toured. It was so well trained. When the session started she would snap her finger, and the doggie would go crawl in it's little basket, and not make a sound. I saw that lady so many times, either at her home, or when she toured, that I became friends with that little guy.  

And lastly, about halfway through the session, during daty, a lady's pure bread Persian, surprisingly leaped up on the bed with us. We both burst out laughing. She said the cat had never done that before. The lady was a true cat lover because that cat had a huge wardrobe in her closet. The title of that review was, 'Nothing better than two pussies in one evening'.

BlondeBabeLV412 reads

Are you going to suggest TER create a new category for provider reviews, something like "bestiality?"

jaytee669270 reads

I guess you could call that a threesome. LOL.

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