TER General Board

I'm already married...
mojojo 1 Reviews 514 reads

to all the ladies of TER. This is the only marriage where the sex never stops.

Married or ever thought about marrying a provider ?

Would you ? did you ?

At least one other frequent contributor to these boards also married a provider who is still active.

I can recall one other person who was married briefly to a provider.

I would guess it is not common, but not as rare as we might think either

Honestly, there have been a couple of ladies, who I wouldn't have any qualms about being in a serious relationship with, even marrying depending on the situation/circumstance.

GaGambler730 reads

but if I did, it's just as likely to be a hooker as a non hooker.

Actually I have to say I have "thought about it" before, not in the sense that I wanted to marry a provider, but in the sense that I've had more than a few who wanted to marry me, of course most of them only wanted a green card, but there have been a few who I know really wanted a life together, and it certainly wasn't what they did for a living that kept me from marrying them, it's the fact that "I" am a whore mongering pig with no plans on changing. No woman deserves to be tied down to the likes of me. lol

man.......we love ya GG......you the MAN.

Posted By: GaGambler
but if I did, it's just as likely to be a hooker as a non hooker.  
 Actually I have to say I have "thought about it" before, not in the sense that I wanted to marry a provider, but in the sense that I've had more than a few who wanted to marry me, of course most of them only wanted a green card, but there have been a few who I know really wanted a life together, and it certainly wasn't what they did for a living that kept me from marrying them, it's the fact that "I" am a whore mongering pig with no plans on changing. No woman deserves to be tied down to the likes of me. lol

and I will likely do it, but I'll do it for a very special reason. My spouse would get a portion of my retirement when I die. This money was based on my contributions over my time in that job. If I'm not married  when I die that money goes is lost. With a prenupt that we will have leaves all my estate to a family member who knows about my plans. Another benefit  to my spouse while I'm still kicking would be that she wouldbe covered by my medical insurance.

Stickythong679 reads

He was mid 80s and married his early 30s cleaning lady. Make sure all the i's are dotted and the T's are crossed. She got some hassle from the pension fund about a sham marriage but he left lots of documentation about their ongoing love affair and married her to make her an honest woman.

You should make sure you understand all the remarriage rules regarding your retirement plan. Some have rules about the length of a late life marriage before benefits would be paid. In others the age of the spouse will reduce the monthly amount paid.

With the added focus these days on elder abuse I would make sure I had several friends who could testify to your loving relationship. To show she wasn't a conniving gold digger who talked a "confused old man" into a sham marriage for money.


Posted By: cooper80
and I will likely do it, but I'll do it for a very special reason. My spouse would get a portion of my retirement when I die. This money was based on my contributions over my time in that job. If I'm not married  when I die that money goes is lost. With a prenupt that we will have leaves all my estate to a family member who knows about my plans. Another benefit  to my spouse while I'm still kicking would be that she wouldbe covered by my medical insurance.

Thanks Sticky, Good advice, I think I have covered  the restrictions and I will double check.

GaGambler600 reads

and something I most likely will keep in mind as I get older.

Naturally I don't want to do anything that might encourage someone to send me on my way prematurely, but since I don't have kids, I'd like to leave any spare change that I haven't drank, gambled, or fucked off before I die to someone special.

GAG, Thanks for your comment. However, when you die, I'll bet it will be at end of a  really hot orgasm. Then, in the hereafter, you will be surrounded and adored by the hottest chicks in hell.LOL

L.Guapo617 reads

Once we marry and you put me in your Will I will whisk you away to Jaco.  Just be very careful when we cross the bridge over the Rio Tarcoles.

Bob.Sugar561 reads

I miss her  :(

Posted By: L.Guapo
Once we marry and you put me in your Will I will whisk you away to Jaco.  Just be very careful when we cross the bridge over the Rio Tarcoles.

I no longer have a wife (thank goodness), I have no children, no siblings and my mother has passed, my father is the only remaining immediate family member and he has all the wealth he needs. So, I've willed what wealth I'll have when I pass to St Jude's Children's Hospital, as this was my Mothers favorite charity. Just because you're not married it doesn't mean that the State, or anyone else you don't want to get your wealth will get your wealth. Getting married just to pass it along to someone is a really awful reason to get married, and to be honest you couldn't present me with a reason to get married that isn't awful. If you want someone to get your Estate, will it to them, it really is that simple.

I've said this before, I'll say it again, "if" I were to enter into a LTR again, I'd be proud and happy to do so with a former or current provider, these women are my most favorite people. That is a huge "if" but if I were to enter into a LTR, I could simply change my will to her instead of charity.

Either way, the funny thought is that I'm worth more dead than I am alive.

GaGambler547 reads

He is not talking about leaving his estate to someone which he (or I) can do simply by willing it to that person or entity, what he is talking about is his pension. If unmarried at the time of death his pension payments would simply stop, if he gets married he can make sure his "wife" continues to get those payments for the rest of her life, while he can will the rest of his estate to anyone else of his choosing.

I missed that, my reading comprehension skills need some work.

I don't have a pension, just a 401K, but regardless I did miss that.

Bob.Sugar532 reads

Your social security payments.  And those would indeed go to the surviving spouse as well.

You also mentioned that you're worth more dead than alive...so I'm assuming you have a life (or I prefer to call them death policies...since most can't collect until you're actually dead) policy?

Why not set up a charitable trust while you're alive?  Plenty of flexibility on those to fund currently and see the benefits while you are still here.

Posted By: russbbj
I missed that, my reading comprehension skills need some work.  
 I don't have a pension, just a 401K, but regardless I did miss that.

But not if the "wealth" that he wants to leave her is a pension or retirement plan with a joint and survivor spousal annuity benefit. You can't will that to someone other than a spouse.

Posted By: russbbj
I no longer have a wife (thank goodness), I have no children, no siblings and my mother has passed, my father is the only remaining immediate family member and he has all the wealth he needs. So, I've willed what wealth I'll have when I pass to St Jude's Children's Hospital, as this was my Mothers favorite charity. Just because you're not married it doesn't mean that the State, or anyone else you don't want to get your wealth will get your wealth. Getting married just to pass it along to someone is a really awful reason to get married, and to be honest you couldn't present me with a reason to get married that isn't awful. If you want someone to get your Estate, will it to them, it really is that simple.  
 I've said this before, I'll say it again, "if" I were to enter into a LTR again, I'd be proud and happy to do so with a former or current provider, these women are my most favorite people. That is a huge "if" but if I were to enter into a LTR, I could simply change my will to her instead of charity.  
 Either way, the funny thought is that I'm worth more dead than I am alive.

I'm not sure you are directing this message to what I plan to do.The part of my retirement money that would go to my wife would be LOST if I'm not married. So I couldn't will it to any charitable cause.

Posted By: LS460AWD
Married or ever thought about marrying a provider ?  
 Would you ? did you ?
I started fucking at 14 and have chested on every girl I've ever been with since High School. Escorts know all our best cheating techniques. That makes it tough.  

 Since I could support the girl financially, there would be no reason for any more hooking. I'd have to put a stop to that.

 I'm a firm believer in the double standard. I would not allow hooking or cheating by her. Another problem is that escorts are very independent types. I'm a dominant male. I expect women to do what they're told. Her background as a hooker would not bother me. It's the other traits that escorts have that would be difficult to deal with.

GaGambler671 reads

Like me, you revert to the "it's not her, it's me" defense. and a very valid defense it is.

What other traits ? besides not doing what she is told....

Posted By: LS460AWD
What other traits ? besides not doing what she is told....
Most women are like horses. They have to be broken in. Escorts are more like cats. You have to herd them in somehow.

If your marriage goal is regular sex then forget about it.  

If your goal is connection then good luck with that pursuit.



Posted By: LS460AWD
Married or ever thought about marrying a provider ?  
 Would you ? did you ?

Why would you bring up something like that?  Putting ideas in our heads...

to all the ladies of TER. This is the only marriage where the sex never stops.

I am sure guys can fall in love with a provider easily, or at least have thoughts of being smitten.  

But considering the challenges of a marriage, I would doubt that anyone (provider or the guy) will actually tie the knot. Not that it's impossible, but chances of this working out are slim to none. As some of the smarter minds already pointed out that men would still be drooling over all the wonderful providers out there and the providers too may want more adventure like they have already tasted the blood of being dependent on single man for their emotional and physical needs.

Posted By: averagejoe38
I am sure guys can fall in love with a provider easily, or at least have thoughts of being smitten.  
 But considering the challenges of a marriage, I would doubt that anyone (provider or the guy) will actually tie the knot. Not that it's impossible, but chances of this working out are slim to none. As some of the smarter minds already pointed out that men would still be drooling over all the wonderful providers out there and the providers too may want more adventure like they have already tasted the blood of being dependent on single man for their emotional and physical needs.
Even if you gave them the SAME amount of money they make hooking most of them would still hook. The typical woman who tries sex work (stripping/porn/hooking etc.) does not last 6 months. Only about 10% last a year or more. I've come to the conclusion that the ones who do it for a long time are doing it for more than just money. The female ego has something to do with it. That why it's like the Hotel California. They can check out but they can never leave.

Where else can they make more in 2-4 hours than they could make all week at a regular job? Where else would men keep telling them how beautiful they are? If they survive the first year, they are hooked!

I like the point you make, "where else would men keep telling them how beautiful they are...". I am sure that is one main motivation for women if the money alone was not a good enough reason. Though, only a provider can explain more.

ValuedCustomer382 reads

and get over it as I walk out.....  

No doubt in my mind that some do - and more power to 'em.

But as for me... I have one wife - WTF would I EVER want another one...

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