TER General Board

"I'll keep your number"
ElTorro 15 Reviews 79 reads

How many times have I heard that one? lol! And where are they now? Now don't get me wrong, they totally kept my number alright, but for what reason? And in what list on their phone was my number saved? You could be the most harmless guy in the world, but in this kind of business that's shrouded in uncertainty, a girl has to be very careful how she rejects a man even if she knows you reasonably well, but especially if she doesn't know you at all, because she just don't know how you'll react to it, and protecting her personal safety is her first priority.

So with that said my best bet is that she was probably just trying to let you down easy, and had very little to no intention of ever seeing you again. As for why that is, the only person who knows is the provider herself, and she probably wouldn't tell you, not even with her dying breath. Although one is free to speculate that a very common reason for this could be that she was able to sense that you were becoming too overly attached and that you were starting to catch real feelings for her, and that kind of drama is the last thing she needs when she's trying to conduct business. The only thing I blame her for is that her "chemistry" act was all too convincing if she knew she didn't want you Hanging around, I don't know why they do that, but sometimes it's their fault for getting us hooked to them with their phony chemistry act.

But if you were satisfied with the actual encounter regardless of the aftermath, then I don't really think it warrants you writing a bad review about her out of spite and malice. Instead, just wish her well and keep it moving. Perhaps it's all for the best that you never see her again, maybe the universe is trying to send you a message. So you should probably just preserve that one encounter in a very special place in your memory where you will always remember it as being your "once in a lifetime" moment. Or maybe I'm wrong and you'll see her again someday, perhaps when you least expect it, but be that as it may you should now be treating this as an opportunity to go out into the world and meet some new providers one of whom might just turn out to be your ATF, you never know. Some of the best providers I've ever met came after my last contact with a previous provider.

LorenzoZoil6865 reads

I made an ass of myself thinking a provider was interested in seeing me again when after the date. I asked if she would see me again and she replied yes. I'll keep your number. It was a great date and I thought we had chemistry. She made an excuse saying she's out of town but another hobbyist confirmed she was still in town. What to do? Give her a bad review ?

So, her business is her business. Maybe she was booked up? Maybe her plans changed? Maybe she was not sure what to tell you when you asked her if you could see her again? Maybe this other hobbyist is lying to you? No matter what it is, do not over think it or take it personal.  

See someone else and check back in with her in a couple weeks.  

I mean, she did not cancel on you. She did not do a no call no show. So why give a bad review for an appointment that never took place? Why lie? You are over thinking and over stepping. Chill the fuck out man.

Let me see if I understand.You saw a provider had a great time thought you hit off well.
You asked her if she would see you again and she said she would save your number.
So did you try to book another appt and she said she was out of town?Why would you ask another guy if she is in fact in town?
And why would you mention giving her a bad review?That is not too cool.Had a great time with her write a review about that not about a future appt that has not even been booked yet.
Maybe she is busy and can't set another appt with you right now...but I would go to the source which is the provider not some other guy.Ask what her availability is and go from there....smh.

or can't make up time for him again?  
isnt an obligation to see another client. WOW! I can't believe the things I read in this forum sometimes!

You indicated you enjoyed your time with her, so any review you write should be about that moment in time.  Even if she declined another request, that shouldn't change your impression.  

This is a PnP world so there are no guarantees about anything.  There could be plenty of reasons why she told you she was unavailable, maybe her schedule didn't allow another meeting at the day and time you asked for.  She kept her appointed time and provided you with a great time, that is all she owes you.  

You don't see the ladies getting all twisted when the guy says he'd like to set up another meeting and never does.  

ROGM307 reads

If she's that great keep on seeing her. Just because she gave you an excuse that she couldn't see you when you wanted doesn't mean you should give her a bad review. We'd all like to think that we're the only one a provider is seeing. But she has other guys she sees too. Relax and get over it.

I am not sure why you felt the need to ask another guy if she was in town. Why are you checking up on her?

That guy could be lying to you for the fun of it.  
Maybe she gave you a bad excuse instead of telling you she is busy with RL/work/both or the time you requested didn't work for her.

You already stated that you had a great time. You did not see her a second time that was bad to give a bad review.

Why would you feel it's ok to give her a bad review as punishment for her not seeing you a second time, no matter what her reason is?

We don't get butt hurt when some guys decide to never call again, even after they say they will.

You can already read your responses to this to see that you are wrong on so many levels. Checking up on her and wanting to leave a revenge review.

You crossed the boundaries. Red flags are all over the place.

Posted By: LorenzoZoil
I made an ass of myself thinking a provider was interested in seeing me again when after the date. I asked if she would see me again and she replied yes. I'll keep your number. It was a great date and I thought we had chemistry. She made an excuse saying she's out of town but another hobbyist confirmed she was still in town. What to do? Give her a bad review ?

and now you want to give her a bad review? WTF dude? 🤦‍♂️

JakeFromStateFarm466 reads

A complete dipshit would have put up a petty and stupid post like this under his handle. But you are still a dipshit.

GaGambler297 reads

Posting this under an alias doesn't make him any less of a dipshit, just a less stupid dipshit.

Did it occur to you that maybe she had a flight out of town that night? Or maybe she had her kid's birthday party and doesn't want to say THAT. Or her mother is in town and staying at her house? We don't always want to tell you what's going on in our private lives just to say NO to an appointment. When was the last time you made that kind of white lie?

Which, according to his post it's not hard to find a better client. Yikes lol!

"feelings" hurt and now you want to retaliate with a bad review?  Are you 16, or what?  Even after the worse session in the world, the provider will say she would like to see you again just so she gets a clean exit with no drama.  You made an ass of yourself by thinking the good "chemistry" meant this was more than just a P4P encounter.  She probably sensed you fall in love in ten minutes and were going to be nothing but drama down the road.  Your first instinct to stick it to her in a bad review confirms you're an asshole.  If you're going to keep hobbying, grow up.  

She lied so she doesn't want to see you again.  Throw away her number and move on to the next girl, and this time, don't creep her out.

... when she told him she'd see him again?  Maybe at the time she said it, she thought she could see him again.

And then maybe after she'd had some time to think about it, she decided it would be better if she never saw him again.

And if that is what happened... she made a wise decision.  

Or maybe that was psycho.  There will always be lesser possibilities that can also be supported be the same evidence, but most often the most obvious is correct.

in case you decide to follow thru with a bad review. Dude you have issues! Reviews are meant to let others know how your time with her went, NOTHING MORE. Checking up on her is super creepy and shows you have very fragile ego.


-- Modified on 4/16/2017 8:25:25 AM

You tried to see her and she said she was out of town? Maybe she wasn't available, maybe she couldn't see you for whatever reason which is her right. Maybe the hobbyist was wrong in his info he gave you. But why on earth would you give her a bad review?

Most likely something more important came up that she didn't want to have to explain to you, so she chose a convenient lie.

In any case, wait a while and try again to see her.  Don't throw in her face that you found out she was in town.  That won't help anyone.

If she doesn't see you for some reason, just forget her and move on.

A boy develops a disease so rare that nobody is working on a cure, so his father decides to learn all about it and tackle the problem himself.

By the way there is no cure for being a dipshit.

DatyRookie423 reads

I had seen a lady many times over a two year span (like 20 times). Then all of the sudden she started cancelling on me and even did a couple of no call no shows.  It was strange and confusing as fuck. I wanted to write a review about it, but because a meeting did not actually take place they would not allow a review, but said I could feel free to talk about it on open forums or warm others via PM.  

Problem was she was seeing others during this time and as long as other guys were banging  her and having a good time it would not matter. So I realized it was something personal going on and I had to just drop it and find fun else where and stop reaching out to her and give her space.

About three months later she reached out to me and apologized (which she did not have to do), and explained why she did what she did. We now visit about three or four times a year.  

We have become friends, not close friends, but we keep in touch and we are more than cordial but not SO's. She does not need me as a client and I do not need her as s provider, but we have a respect for one another and enjoy one another's company.  

Long story short, if she wants to keep you as a client she will reach out to you. Don't be an ass, even if you feel she was an ass  to you. Don't play games, be a cool cucumber, and be a man or become a man that the ladies appreciate having  as a client.

-- Modified on 4/16/2017 5:45:53 PM

Go bury your head in the sand now!! Wow..every hobbist gets stood up or let down form time to time. No biggie..many beautiful ladies out in the escort sea. Move on son..

Posted By: LorenzoZoil

I made an ass of myself thinking a provider was interested in seeing me again when after the date. I asked if she would see me again and she replied yes. I'll keep your number. It was a great date and I thought we had chemistry. She made an excuse saying she's out of town but another hobbyist confirmed she was still in town. What to do? Give her a bad review ?
No free sessions.

That's fucked up and you sound like the jealous controlling type.  

 No wonder she's avoiding you!

Blacklisted. I'm sure this post didn't help either.

How many times have I heard that one? lol! And where are they now? Now don't get me wrong, they totally kept my number alright, but for what reason? And in what list on their phone was my number saved? You could be the most harmless guy in the world, but in this kind of business that's shrouded in uncertainty, a girl has to be very careful how she rejects a man even if she knows you reasonably well, but especially if she doesn't know you at all, because she just don't know how you'll react to it, and protecting her personal safety is her first priority.

So with that said my best bet is that she was probably just trying to let you down easy, and had very little to no intention of ever seeing you again. As for why that is, the only person who knows is the provider herself, and she probably wouldn't tell you, not even with her dying breath. Although one is free to speculate that a very common reason for this could be that she was able to sense that you were becoming too overly attached and that you were starting to catch real feelings for her, and that kind of drama is the last thing she needs when she's trying to conduct business. The only thing I blame her for is that her "chemistry" act was all too convincing if she knew she didn't want you Hanging around, I don't know why they do that, but sometimes it's their fault for getting us hooked to them with their phony chemistry act.

But if you were satisfied with the actual encounter regardless of the aftermath, then I don't really think it warrants you writing a bad review about her out of spite and malice. Instead, just wish her well and keep it moving. Perhaps it's all for the best that you never see her again, maybe the universe is trying to send you a message. So you should probably just preserve that one encounter in a very special place in your memory where you will always remember it as being your "once in a lifetime" moment. Or maybe I'm wrong and you'll see her again someday, perhaps when you least expect it, but be that as it may you should now be treating this as an opportunity to go out into the world and meet some new providers one of whom might just turn out to be your ATF, you never know. Some of the best providers I've ever met came after my last contact with a previous provider.

Why on earth would you give her a bad review? Because, you thought you may have had chemistry and it was only there for you and not for her? That makes you want to review her poorly. I would say maybe she is busy or maybe she is just not interested. But that doesn't mean you have to be mean and cruel and review her badly.

Why the fuck would you give her a bad review? Are you stupid?

Keep all emotions aside P4P is for both parties a quick in and out. If you have found a provider that you really dig and have some perceived chemistry with take that as a pat on the back. If you want to see her again go through the regular scheduling activity to see what is available. Saying do you want to see me again is a given you are paying cash and ultimately that is the end desire.  

I am always amazed watching gents at strip clubs how they are easily persuaded out of hundreds of dollars for a woman smiling and listening to them. They walk away feeling like they are in a relationship and cannot wait to see her again. On the other hand she cannot wait to see you again because you are on her hook.

Now this may be a different situation for you but most likely it is not. Be respectful and professional and do not drag her through the mud over some hurt feelings.

The only time you made an ass of yourself was when you asked such a stupid question. Why on Earth would you leave her a bad review? Unbelievable.

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