TER General Board

If you're going to point to "proven facts" . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 302 reads

then you need to include a link to your source/authority if you want to have any credibility.  When you're barely an adult, you don't get many points for life experience here.  

Just_this_one_time9703 reads

When the door opened and standing in front of you was a client/provider who bore an uncanny resemblance to a person you once had an IRL relationship with?  Maybe even had some of the same mannerisms?  Many of us have had a relationship with someone that ended for whatever reason, but we still have certain memories of them that are treasured.  Some may even have been the one we think got away.

So how would you handle the situation?  Would you or could you continue on with the appointment?  Could you separate/detach yourself sufficiently enough that at the end it didn't resonate with you afterwards?

Interested to knowing and reading others thoughts about this scenario and whether it's ever happened to you.  

unless it was MaryAnne .... I'd seriously welcum that  
as her face and body were perfect. Perfect!

It was awkward at first as my date looked a lot like a co-worker from the past (it was not him thank God lol) but what I did is concentrate on the differences and after a while I didn't notice it anymore.

what guys think about who stay up until 1:30a.  You're presenting this as a hypothetical, so can assume its never happened to you either?

Just_this_one_time338 reads

Then speculate about your reaction to the question if you haven't experienced it.

You know what they say when you assume something? Don't be that person.

up late and waking up grumpy with no sense of humor.   Just sayin.  

If you have experienced it yourself, then you should share your own story so we get a better idea of what you are talking about specifically.  Then NOBODY needs to speculate.

.. look nothing  like former (or present) civvie lovers. It would just be too uncomfortable.

Women have you dated, that were attractive as your paid dates?

I doubt if there would be many.

Just like the guys, they don't generally date women who look like providers.

GaGambler346 reads

I don't date fuglies. Why would I date an ugly woman when I can get a hottie into my bed with about as much effort as ordering a pizza?

If I am going to actually date a woman, which means spending a lot more than an hour at a time with her, she's going to have to look BETTER, not worse than the average hookers I see.

I honestly can't remember dating an ugly woman in my entire life. Yes, I have fucked a few fuglies, no one who drinks like me can claim otherwise, lol, but dating is a completely different matter.

Just because some of you guys have no standards, don't think you speak for all of us.

Some of the hogs you harass on the boards would leave me to believe otherwise.

The overwhelming majority of ladies I see advertised aren't that attractive IMO

-- Modified on 3/27/2017 11:45:53 AM

-- Modified on 3/27/2017 11:46:53 AM

and whip me into shape. Manwhore bootcamp for real!

I am so shy with women that I like. I give up so many chances or wants being a scardy cat.

And yes, I am touring TX in a few months. :D

Posted By: GaGambler
I don't date fuglies. Why would I date an ugly woman when I can get a hottie into my bed with about as much effort as ordering a pizza?  
 If I am going to actually date a woman, which means spending a lot more than an hour at a time with her, she's going to have to look BETTER, not worse than the average hookers I see.  
 I honestly can't remember dating an ugly woman in my entire life. Yes, I have fucked a few fuglies, no one who drinks like me can claim otherwise, lol, but dating is a completely different matter.  
 Just because some of you guys have no standards, don't think you speak for all of us.

-- Modified on 3/29/2017 5:15:10 PM

...i have dated some smoking hot women. It is very presumptuous for you to assume otherwise, especially not knowing anything about me or the women I find attractive.

I don't think Ellen Degeneres or her GF is attractive for example.

Posted By: lopaw
...i have dated some smoking hot women. It is very presumptuous for you to assume otherwise, especially not knowing anything about me or the women I find attractive.
I guess what we consider attractive can be debatable.

So you base your impression on what every lesbian looks like and who she chooses to date on Ellen DeGeneres? What a small bubble you must live in.  

And I strongly disagree about her WIFE Portia de Rossi. She's a damn good looking woman.  

Please post a link to your website so that we all can see what a catch you must be.  




-- Modified on 3/27/2017 9:31:57 AM

Can't remember what Portia looks, I know she wasn't ugly but I don't necessarily find her attractive.

You have to pay to see my pictures, and despite what the insurance salesman thinks I'm a man with a penis.

As was Ellen's former GF Anne Heche, although she was more he all American mid westerner look. Ellen has good taste in women for sure.

Steph xoxo

GaGambler360 reads

I am still trying to make up my mind about yours.

and since when does Ellen DeGeneres speak for all lesbians? I know lopaw's type and it's NOT Ellen DeGeneres.

Let me ask you, were you aiming for stupid? Insulting? or both?

Before we get too off topic, I don't see many whoremongers dating coeds.

GaGambler307 reads

Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass again?

and "obsessed" is such a strong word. I am not obsessed, but I would never date an ugly woman.  

I've been a whoremonger virtually all my life and I have dated LOTs of coeds.

I just can't see the gals who pile out the sorority house dating the Johns down at the local sports bar for free. I just don't see it.

Are you asking lifetime, or this month?

GaGambler434 reads

Just because you've never been able to pull any hotties doesn't mean that the rest of us haven't.

How much did you spend? exactly.

I never wandered off the topic, remember we weren't talking about dating providers. I doubt if you've met a girl in the civi world, only to sleep with her for payment after knowing her.

GaGambler302 reads

I am talking about civvie girls,  

Haven't you ever gotten any civvie action in your life? I've been sexually active since 1974 and only married for a few short years, we are talking about almost forty years of being both sexually active and single, I think my actual number of 20 somethings I have dated is probably closer to 200 as twenty somethings probably account for well over half the women I have dated in my life.

GaGambler358 reads

Ok, you can get back to me right now. lol

BTW have you noticed FatVern is MIA. I think I actually preferred FatVern to this tool. Lose one SPOTY candidate and gain another I suppose. Hadji seems to be filling the void left by fg while he's on vacation again, but can you imagine just how dumb YOUR side of the aisle is going to be when Larry, Curly, Moe, and Shep are all posting at the same time?

JakeFromStateFarm277 reads

And, yes, I've noticed the absence of FatVern. His brand of idiocy was unique and transcended partisan labels. He was actually funny, even if it was almost always unintentional.
PS: Shemp Howard was also known as "the ugliest man in Hollywood."  His real name was Samuel Horwitz.

and where do you meet the majority of these women?

FakawiTribe319 reads

you sure are throwing alot of shade at people concerning physical looks.
Kind of hypocritical, huh?

GaGambler336 reads

Trolls like him are so unifying. It's tough to get a consensus about anything on this board, but I think we can all agree this guy is an idiot douche bag.

Yeah, yeah, yeah I say idiot douche bag, so just to be argumentative you'll probably claim that he's more of a douche bag idiot. lol

Who gives a funk about hypocrisy?

Certainly not I, or I wouldn't have responded to your tactic of distraction.

If I wasn't lazy I'd find a gif

Gag and his aliases liking the same posts.  

It's lame

JakeFromStateFarm238 reads

And I will stipulate that he's an asshole but not a liar.  His old alias was GaGamblersSmarterBrother.  One of my many old ones was GaGamblersRetardedBrother.  And if you really want to get into "alias hairfacts," I also had one called MidgetPhil.
From my warped perspective, the board was much more fun back then.

GaGambler280 reads

I went many years before ever having even one alias, but once TER made me get an alias when I became a mod during the days of multiple aliases, I did create perhaps a hundred different aliases, most of them were used only once or twice to fit a certain thread or to riff off of someone else's alias, like the "Awwfuck" family of aliases.

When they went to only one alias, I didn't even bother creating one and at the present time and I haven't made a post under an alias in over five years.

JakeFromStateFarm238 reads

I loved to riff off other posters' handles and aliases.  But you're a piker.  By the time they murdered multiple aliases I had around 200 of them.  Remember HirogensMom?

GaGambler252 reads

I never really tried to run up my alias count, but since I could "see behind the curtain" back then, I know you were far from the member with the most aliases, I believe my co mod had about twice as many as you. But in all fairness he had been on the boards about twice as long as you too.  

I accumulated all my aliases during the period that I was a mod, I never made a single alias post before or after being a mod here.

GaGambler271 reads

You don't honestly think I am the only one here who knows you're a moron, do you?

As for an aliases, I don't even have one alias and it's easy to prove I don't post with one, but you are much too stupid to figure it out.

It's quite easy to figure how many posts anyone on the top ten posters list makes using an alias in any given 1, 3 or 6 month period. All you have to do is do a "message search" under a handle, for the time frame you are interested in. Lets say 30 days, see how many posts are credited for that handle and then check it against the top ten list. The difference between the two numbers will represent the number of posts made under an alias. If the numbers are exactly the same, the poster has ZERO alias posts.

Junk-Yard-Dog308 reads

A person may not post enough to be on the top 10 list and or a person, like jake, can exclude them self from the top 10 list. But most know who jake is/was anyway ......jake can run but he cannot hide.  
He knows what I'm talking about, in my posts,  and makes it so obvious the way he replies.  

JakeFromStateFarm282 reads

Because he knows EXACTLY who I really am.  And it ain't remotely who your delusional, lame ass believes it is.
GaG, I hereby nominate J_Y_D for the SPOTY.  Maybe the junior version since he only posts about me.

JakeFromStateFarm352 reads

I'm having WAY too much fun watching you thrash about and embarrass yourself.  Please, keep it up, Elmer.

Junk-Yard-Dog327 reads

I do not need more “enlightenment”
You have told me all I need to know, in fact you have told me more than I need to know.
The way you reply to my cryptic hints tell s it all. Only the “real” you would know and as I said your replies confirm and reconfirm it.  
Jake you never did answer my question, who is it that you think I incorrectly think you are ?
You cannot answer because I know the truth. If I do not know as you so desperately try to make me think then answer the question .if you do not answer that will again reconfirm it.
The real fun is watching you run
run jake run

JakeFromStateFarm309 reads

And have already been told by people smarter than you that you're wrong.  Keep following me around.  I actually enjoy watching you play the fool.

Junk-Yard-Dog408 reads

You still did not answer my question. Who is it that you think I incorrectly think you are ?  
If, as you say, I’m wrong it should be easy however no answer from you.  

You are sweating, you are sweating profusely and your humiliating yourself with your weak attempts at making me think I’m wrong.  

JakeFromStateFarm229 reads

Let's put it this way, your heavily coded posts to me a few weeks ago made it obvious.  That's why me and my friends, who know the parties in question, have been laughing their asses off at you.
Also, as you probably know, the person you accuse me of being has been banned for life here and mentioning his old handle is forbidden.  I'm assuming you know this and are just hoping to get me in trouble with Admin.
You really aren't very bright, are you?  And if you think I'm sweating, well, not exactly...

Junk-Yard-Dog327 reads

It looks like you are hyperventilating too.  
you cannot make up a believable story.
Run jake run and stop tripping over you own excuses, they give you away.

JakeFromStateFarm360 reads

Everyone is laughing at you.  And what are you gonna do about it, chump?

Junk-Yard-Dog369 reads

I’ll take it easy on you and stop batting you around  for a while so you can lick you wounds and get your composure back.

JakeFromStateFarm193 reads

Also, keep on drinking your own Kool-Aid.  I do enjoy your delusions of adequacy.
Everyone else is enjoying the laughs.

GaGambler270 reads

but isn't it nice to have your very own stalker?

and you are right about his speculations, he couldn't be further from the truth. His guess about you is like guessing that Alabama is a small country in SE Asia.

Junk-Yard-Dog321 reads

Every one of your post about  SPOTY posts earn you a SPOTY.
Apparently you do not realize no one really gives a shit about your stupid SPOTY other than a few morons who no one on the boards care about.
Despite what you think about yourself, and yes you do think highly of yourself, you are not relevant anywhere on TER. With all the time you spend on TER I very seriously think you are anywhere close to what you say you are or do, and I am by far not the only one to think that in fact I am in the majority on that and your lack of relevance too.

Careful GaG. There's an old rule about arguing with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. I know you've been doing a good job avoiding undertow here but one little slip is all it takes ;-)

women on the outside who look like providers, many ARE providers or else retired providers.  Sometimes you  start out as a client, and you just click and things morph into a RL relationship.  I don't plan it that way, but it has happened many times to me.  I still have enough game to pick up civvie women at the gym, but prefer relationships with providers because I have found they are much lower maintenance.  Most providers are not needy, insecure women, and so they don't really need to text me once an hour to inquire if I had lunch yet, went to the bathroom, or what?  I can have a meaningful telephone conversation a few times a week, spend a couple of afternoons and evenings with them, and that keeps the relationship connected.  Civvie women are a time-suck for me, but if they're hot enough,  and a lot of fun without any drama, I will still go along with it once in awhile.  However, civvie relationships for me tend to be shorter term than when I have a provider as an outside girlfriend.  

So when you date a hooker you don't consider her a real GF.

I'm sure they are glad to know that you view them differently than other women.

Honestly a working girl would be more maintenance, than a gal not in the business, unless we are talking women who are 40+.

Sounds like pure BS to me CDL.

GaGambler278 reads

And I suppose you base this opinion about hookers being "more maintenance" than other woman on your vast experience of dating hookers?

Hookers can be much lower maintenance than other women in as most of them make plenty of their own money, they rarely have hangups about sex, they tend not to get needy or clingy, what's not to like?

What has been proven fact, on what women need from a relationship.

Is there a certain thing you would like to debate?

then you need to include a link to your source/authority if you want to have any credibility.  When you're barely an adult, you don't get many points for life experience here.  

You misunderstood cdl. He was "bashing his assumptions" so the need to cite any actual, reputable authority to support the "facts" offered would just be getting in the way of the bashing.

a real girlfriend, and I don't treat them any differently than I would a civvie girlfriend.  The point I made is that THEY treat ME differently, and that's what I like.  When it comes to outside relationships, providers are not clingy or needy, at least in my experience, the way civvie women are.  If you try it, you will find working girls to be LESS maintenance. I think GaG would agree with me on this as I suspect he might be the only one here that has had as many hooker outside girlfriends as I have.  Anyone else who has had more than 20 hooker RL girlfriends, no slight intended by my statement, so feel free to speak up and join in.  

Its pretty common for guys who have never experienced it to think its BS.  The girls and I often laugh about this over dinner or during OTC sex.  

I could die today and not regret never dating a hooker, or a stripper. That does not impress me. I have nothing against sex workers.

I forget what we were discussing but I don't think being credible or not was a factor.

fuck board talking about sex experiences and you just said you didn't have any.  Or when you said you were a virgin, did it just mean you've never had a dick up your ass?  

Credibility comes with credentials.  In this case your "credentials" are your experience seeing providers.  You don't have any.  You just said so.  

What if I was a provider and contacted all the women you have reviewed would they vouch for you?

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
fuck board talking about sex experiences and you just said you didn't have any.  Or when you said you were a virgin, did it just mean you've never had a dick up your ass?    
 Credibility comes with credentials.  In this case your "credentials" are your experience seeing providers.  You don't have any.  You just said so.  

They just wouldn't vouch for CDL, because CDL is Batman and I'm Bruce Wayne.  Completely anonymous to providers.

.. but it did make it a bit awkward to visit them at their clubs. Things started to get too complicated and when spending money at their clubs on other strippers became more drama than expected, I started to rethink which I really enjoyed more - the FWB experiences or the club experiences. The club ultimately won :)

that after the movie, you should go home first before having sex.  Otherwise, you can't go back to that theatre.  They won't let you in.  It might be different for someone not waving a dick around in the dark.

like my wife when she was that age (28)
I am sort of enjoying the fantasy of going back in time to those days - when the sex was hot ;)

Sex with your wife when she was 28 WAS hot!  We all thought so!!

(Sorry, but it was right there hanging over the middle of the plate!)  

GaGambler294 reads

There are a lot of women with whom I have had a relationship with who I would love to have "just one more" roll in the hay with. Finding their "doppelganger" would be great. This way you can have sex with them in your mind without having to get re-involved or open up any old wounds.

I've actually heard of a lot of guys making a conscious effort to find hookers that look as much like an ex as possible. I suppose that's a bit creepy, but I guess it's better than becoming a stalker. lol

Just_this_one_time192 reads

But I guess I'm not "wired" the same way. When the door opened it caught me totally off guard. I don't have this issue under normal circumstances, but my mind was not prepared.

I'm not going to lie and say that it wasn't difficult to separate myself from the moment. It was. I was torn with calling it off or proceeding.

Regretting the fact that it brought back one to many memories afterwards. Not much one can do at this point except to not repeat that experience.

GaGambler361 reads

and others are not. I happen to be one of the former, you happen to be one of the latter.

For me, there is no one I am still carrying a torch for where I couldn't separate the physical from the emotional. If some hooker looked like one of my exes that I had always wanted to fuck just "one more time" I'd very happily fuck her with some extra gusto even. As you said, we are just not wired the same way. I think most people would be happy not to be wired the same as me. lol

Just_this_one_time266 reads

I don't care a torch, I don't ever look back .  Then again, I never see them or have any further contact. This was not what I was anticipating and it never occurred to me that this situation could or would ever happen.    

It did, what's done is done and just have to not repeat the same mistake or repeat with the same person.  Not to say that the experience wasn't totally worth it at the moment, but the mind fucking I can do without.  

I'm really good at making the best of the current situation. I think this situation would make the date more passionate. I would stay.

waaaaaay back in the 90's I went to a strip club in Cola, SC called Twin Peaks.  I instantly spotted this young lady with short auburn hair and that irish creamy complexion.  She made my heart skip a beat and her lap dances were fantastic.  The whole time I kept thinking that she was so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.  Well, on the way home it hit me.  MY WIFE....she was my wife all over. (not ex at that time).

The client  came in, was awkward, and before anything could really happen, he got up and said I'm sorry but you remind me of  my ex. Then he left the donation and just walked out.

I really didn't know what to say to that haha

Just_this_one_time188 reads

Just calling it off and ending it.  No matter what decision I made, it was going to be awkward.  Looking back it would have been better to just not have let things transpire.  Took me a little time to unwrap myself from that situation and when you're traveling, the mind tends to wander.  

This actually happened to me but in reverse. A provider I'd been looking forward to seeing for months (amazing spinner body) when we eventually met was very nervous and a little twitchy, giggling all the time, very distracted. It got to the point mid way through sex that I actually pulled out, stopped completely and said that things weren't working and that I was going to leave. Still had 30 mins left on the clock but never crossed my mind to take back any cash.  

It was only when I was back at my apartment later that I got a text from her apologizing and she informed me that I was a dead ringer for her recent ex, even down to the English accent. She offered a free 2nd appointment which showed her class. I ended up not taking her up on it as I didn't feel the chemistry was going to be there on a repeat.

I had that happen once.  I left most of the donation and left.

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