TER General Board

If people don't make fun of you, you're not relevant! Looks like I missed a lot whilst moving!teeth_smile
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 582 reads

Geez, good to be back in action ha ha. No, I did not fall in love bitches... that's next week.

Bob.Sugar1395 reads

It's great to have a stalker or two...but I don't think you've made it here till you have your own nickname.

I'm sorry ladies...but "asshole" is just too generic...and could mean many different posters.

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
It's great to have a stalker or two...but I don't think you've made it here till you have your own nickname.  
 I'm sorry ladies...but "asshole" is just too generic...and could mean many different posters.

Geez, good to be back in action ha ha. No, I did not fall in love bitches... that's next week.

Bob.Sugar384 reads

And you may have more serial stalkers than even I have.

Posted By: London Rayne
Geez, good to be back in action ha ha. No, I did not fall in love bitches... that's next week.

Bob.Sugar458 reads

I try hard to collect my stalkers.  But you're very good too.

Posted By: London Rayne
I guess when it "Raynes" it pours bwahahaha.

GaGambler387 reads

and most likely I will have dozens more, just like LR unless she or I, or you ever learn to keep our big mouths shut. Yeah, likely story. lol

Bob.Sugar431 reads

And is there a prize?

Posted By: GaGambler
and most likely I will have dozens more, just like LR unless she or I, or you ever learn to keep our big mouths shut. Yeah, likely story. lol

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
I try hard to collect my stalkers.  But you're very good too.  
Posted By: London Rayne
I guess when it "Raynes" it pours bwahahaha.
So the LR persona is back? I gave her a nickname. It is "Pint Size." Do you think it will stick?

What LR are we getting back? She will always be a bitch but the 2015 LR bitch persona is kind of a "nice" bitch. The 2013 LR persona I remember was a beyond the pale can't stand her bitch.  

Could somebody "stalk" me? I need a stalker. It would be good for my image.

GaGambler444 reads

"You haven't truly made it on the internet until you have a stalker" and you haven't made it yet. Who would really want to stalk you? Maybe once you become a better troll you "might" attract a stalker or two, but you have a long ways to go.

I'm already bored with him. His "I know all and hookers are trash" schtick got old in a hurry.

L.Guapo474 reads

So am I still LR?  If so I'm violating TER rules by posting on the same thread with my handle and alias.  Why not RAP this post and find out?  That's the ticket!  Embarrass yourself further.
Thanks for playing!

-- Modified on 8/13/2015 6:40:03 PM

Posted By: L.Guapo
So am I still LR?  If so I'm violating TER rules by posting on the same thread with my handle and alias.  Why not RAP this post and find out?  That's the ticket!  Embarrass yourself further.  
 Thanks for playing!  

-- Modified on 8/13/2015 6:40:03 PM

Sorry, but LR once admitted she had FOUR names in some other group.

L.Guapo520 reads

scared.  When you find out you'll look like a fool.  So go ahead, RAP this post.  You won't because you know you'll be exposed as a fool.

Bob.Sugar532 reads

that has dozens of reviews (as a reviewer and not a hooker) attached to it...from years ago  LOL

Name that group if you will...or PM me that group...and PM L.Guapo while you're at it.

You are closing in on the most naive member on the boards currently.  You have a ways to go to catch the All-Time Most Naive Member...but he's been banned and just lurks now.  We're all hoping it was only a 90 day ban and that he'll be back to reclaim his place in TER history.

I guess until then...you've got the lead.

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: L.Guapo
So am I still LR?  If so I'm violating TER rules by posting on the same thread with my handle and alias.  Why not RAP this post and find out?  That's the ticket!  Embarrass yourself further.  
  Thanks for playing!  
 -- Modified on 8/13/2015 6:40:03 PM
 Sorry, but LR once admitted she had FOUR names in some other group.
-- Modified on 8/13/2015 7:23:18 PM

Don't hold your breath getting PMs from me. I'm not looking to have you as a pen pal. How do you inbox an alias?

GaGambler465 reads

but OTM is still playing checkers.

It's as big a difference as there is between "Wheel of Fortune" fans and fans of "Jeopardy" which one do you think he watches??? lol

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