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If I ever start feeling that sense of guilt, I just remind myself
wholewheelofchz 6 Reviews 470 reads

She could be totally taken care of for life, if she wants. All she has to do is marry me :)

John_Laroche2458 reads

I'm not asking how often you're horny or how often you can afford to hobby, or for the providers, how much you need to work vs want to work.

Assuming you have one or more "regulars' that you have a great rapport with beyond the P4P act that brings you together, how often do you like to see that provider or client?

Once I know a provider for several months I like about 3-5 weeks between visits. Any more frequently and (although the physical is always good) we can run out of "what's new in our lives" conversation. The session becomes 100% about just sex. Much more than 5 weeks and those things you share become distant memories. For me 3-5 weeks keeps thing fresh and makes me want to see my favorites, not just for the P4P, but to catch up and spend time with them.

Both serious and juvenile responses welcome!

2 to 4 times a month.  This leaves time to see one or two new girls each week.

GaGambler525 reads

As long as you have enough regulars that is. lol

I have been seeing mainly SB's lately, not because I no longer like hookers, but because I now live in a small city that has basically ZERO hookers, but I have been doing something close. I have a couple of regs I see on at least a weekly basis, I try to see at least one hooker a week when I go to "The City"  and then I try to see at least one new girl a week to add to my "rotation" as regs invariably end up being "former regs" and I don't want to end up with no one to see someday

Renew my appreciation of living in an area where there are more choices every month than I can possibly make time to see. My business travels mostly take me to major cities, but once in awhile I end up in a place where there are few choices, so I can sympathize with your frustration.  Have you tried Viet nail salons?  Oftentimes, there are girls up for a weekend romp for some extra cash.

GaGambler476 reads

The last girl I actually fell for owned a couple of nail salons, I have no desire to repeat that fiasco. lol

As for me, I am doing just fine in the Sugar Bowl, with a handful of hookers thrown in for good measure as well of course.

For me I guess the ideal is when I have two favorites and just alternate, seeing each about once a month. Or at least that's how it's been a lot of the time. Maybe I'm changing a little in that regard.

I think it depends on how hungry I get for strange.

OK, I've been providing since January of this year so I have collected data since then. While it's not totally empirical exact  research, I got some figures for you:  

New regulars visit about once or twice a week for the first month. Then taper off to once 2-3 weeks for a few months. Then once a month. No one ever really ghosts out once they become a regular.  

You know how pimps have their bottom bitch? Providers can have a "bottom John". I think I just made that term up. These are the rock steady guys that come every week. If they don't, they apologize and send flowers or some sort of gift. That's why he's the "bottom John".  

Then you got those wild card/outliers that come by two days in a row then disappear for a few months.  

It's totally up to you. If you connect and it's all magical, keep it going. We appreciate that sort of dedication

GaGambler695 reads

Well IMHO, you are probably pretty close to the mark to tell the truth.

I  often follow a very similar pattern with girls that become favs, but I do have to disagree about ghosting after becoming a regular. I have had dozens of favs over the years, women I have seen a dozen times or more, but eventually we all seem to go our separate ways at some point, once or twice a week turns into twice a month which turns into once a month and finally not at all. I have had a few girls that I was so enamored with that I saw them several times a week in the beginning, but most of those girls turned into GFs which meant seeing them virtually every day while it lasted

I like your new term "bottom john" there really are a LOT of Johns that fit that description, Johns who think they OWE their favorite a weekly visit and feel guilty about how she is going to pay her bills without "his" envelope each week.

She could be totally taken care of for life, if she wants. All she has to do is marry me :)

I don't think I have a sweet spot.  It's more or less whenever the mood strikes me.  Sometimes it may be once per month or as long as once in 2-3 months.  Then when I'm on vacation, I may be seeing providers every other day or if it's a hobbying vacation, I might see someone everyday.

at least once a week.. sometimes twice (last week)... no one this week but a double scheduled for Monday and my GF later in the week..  

I break my promises to myself over & over.. but I don't hate myself..

I need to see her once a week if my schedule allows. It would be more if I could. We never run out of things to talk about and spend the majority talking. Not the usual relationship most have.

Skyfyre532 reads

Hm I don't see nothing wrong with "just sex". Don't know about anybody else but I don't lack companionship nor people to talk to. I live in a house that is full of family and relatives. I work a job that deals with the public everyday.  

So a wild "all about sex" session is the best thing to unwind and relax me. Who needs the chit-chat?

Back to the original question, yes with my ATF regular that I have seen for almost two years now it's once every week or two maximum. Of course this is with someone that really, really satisfies me in every senses. Any less means I probably would like to see them less often

How active my wife is and what is going on with friends with benefits.

choices on who to see. I live in a virtual hobby wasteland so my encounters are usually over 100 mile drive one way.

the rest of the month I fill in with one time only providers while sampling what's available.  like to try different types. tall, short, busty, various colors and ethnic types

My fave regulars do weekly or biweekly visits, often two hour visits. For guys i'e seen before, its never "what new in your life talk" that's kind of boring, we might do that for a bit, but then we talk real world stuff, politics, wold events, more like old friends less like unfamiliar acquaintances. I prefer clients I can have an actual conversation with.

I have a few regulars in my home town that I try to see when I'm home at least every two to three weeks. I travel to a few cities fairly regularly and have regulars that I see at least once while I'm there, every 3 months or so.

I have probably 14 ladies that i like to see multiple times during the year. It does get difficult to pick who is next. I like them all in different ways.

Is plenty for me of the same girl. Much more and it seems like a commitment, which I loathe.

It all depends on when the windows of opportunity present themselves. Sometimes I'll have two free weekends in a row to see a favorite lady, and sometimes I won't be able to see them for six months. Sometimes longer if her vacations correspond to my free playtime. Interestingly enough, with those who have become favorites, we never run out of things to talk about. Not too long ago, a business trip took me right past the door of a favorite lady. I saw her coming, and going. Actually, it was going, and coming.

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