TER General Board

I would say the percentage is much, much smaller than that, but it does happen
GaGambler 927 reads

I think I have had maybe three or four providers fall completely in love with me, but this is out of somewhere around three thousand hookers that I have seen in my life. I guess that would put the percentage at more like 1/10 of one percent. Now the percentage of women that have fallen "in like" with me is a much larger number as I have had literally dozens of relationships, some short term, other LTR's with providers that have gone well beyond any monies being exchanged, which of course is the true test of a relationship where it comes to hookers/johns. lol

So I will agree that the chances of him really having a chance with this woman are probably almost nil, saying it doesn't happen is equally ridiculous, and his question was "has anyone ever built a genuine love interest with a provider" and that answer is a unequivocated YES.

I kinda have. I'm not stupid about it, I'm not suffering from delusions about what she does or anything, I just really, really fucking enjoy our time together.  

Do you start to appreciate things about a provider besides the obvious? I mean, that's what makes the best providers the best, right?

!_!1139 reads

I mean, lets face it, men are all cold hearted stiffs who never fall in love with a provider. All those manginas and white knights are paid actors. Men really aren't stupid enough to fall for a women even though they always say "Can't live with them, can't live without them." After all, there's nothing more to a provider than her escort act during that hour session. There's nothing else!! Trust me! ;

I'm not sure if you are being ironic or not, but I met one and we started to date and after 9 years decided to get hitched.

She retired a few years ago however, but that doesn't change the fact that we started as provider client.

She is fine with me continuing to hobby.

I know of at least one other hobbyist/provider marriage as well that has been going on strong for many years.

There have been a few other relationships and marriages of the same type, but those didn't last too long.  However, it does show that providers and clients often do have the will and way to hook up long term.  It really shouldn't be a surprise.  It should also be examined very closely before going ahead with anything.

I think your aviso has merit.

You think all guys here are alike?  Earth to !_!, they're not.  We're not even all alike on this board, let alone throughout this game.
Guys continually "fall for a hooker and can't get up."  Just because you're not one of them does not mean it never happens.  I have plenty of female friends in the life but we're just friends.  We spend time together in different social settings but when I fuck them, I pay for the privilege.  And I prefer it that way.
But, c'mon, dude. It's rare for someone to build "a genuine love interest" in this game but it does happen.  I know of several girls who seem to be happily married to former clients.  And plenty more are in LTRs of some kind.

-- Modified on 10/31/2014 9:47:14 AM

Not if you are friends with women and pay to sleep with them.

Those ladies aren't your friends if you are paying them to be intimate with you.

I thought I would point out this fallacy in logic of yours... Your preference is your preference.

CubaGoodingJRsMama911 reads

Nicky has stated MANY times that his P4P friends do the social things OTC. What are you jealous that he actually HAS friends here?

Johny clearly has some profound deficits in reading comprehension and thought processing.  He is functionally retarded.
Sadly, those french fried potaters he loves have a higher IQ

What's that?  Other than a marketing technique, which can work remarkably well.

Jealousy is a fallacious emotion.

I can't believe I'm going to say this but you are correct JCA.

Chauncey Gardner1011 reads

The world--even this weird corner of it--has lots of people who want nothing more than a little happiness.  If they find that in an emotional bond here (presuming it doesn't put off the other party) I say all the better.  I'd rather more happiness in the world than NEGativity.

GaGambler999 reads

It's pretty obvious he was being sarcastic in response to the 1,486,956th post on this subject.

I know he is usually a troll, but if anyone else had written this, (and I almost did, but he beat me to it) no one would have thought for a moment that he was serious.

!_!840 reads

Also, I'm glad someone here had the brains to recognize the sarcasm in my post. You're less dumber than these others who are more dumber and more dumber-er.

GaGambler1121 reads

I do find it a bit odd that they would start doing so now, on that post of all the many troll posts you have made.

I have to agree, dumber and dumberer. lol

All of whom are friends and lovers.   They each are unique and wonderful women, and I am happy to be associated with them.   Yes, I pay them what they ask, and in return...   :)

DamienScott1009 reads


Posted By: Crazy Diamond
All of whom are friends and lovers.   They each are unique and wonderful women, and I am happy to be associated with them.   Yes, I pay them what they ask, and in return...   :)

exit9945 reads

I see her every day.. she's retired now...

Bummer for you dude....cuz I'm going to fuck the shit out of her in about a month. Maybe she'll say your name while I'm doing her. "oh da hulk...da hulk"...

bigguy30953 reads

If the guy mentions she retired and seeing her everyday.
Then you come with that comment?
So once a lady retires, it's a little different from when she is in the hobby.


-- Modified on 10/31/2014 7:11:53 AM

I have no idea what you just said bigguy..

But...what I posted is true! I am going to bang his ATF in like a month! hard! Cuz she IS hot!!She is not retired. Not sure what you are talking about. And yes, I know who he is talking about.

I posted that in a way that hopefully rings in his head...because "falling in love" with someone in this business is really a bad idea...on any level. You can't forget for one second that when you walk out that door..it's over. What did someone say recently? You're an ATM and a white envelope. All day bro. Don't forget it.

bigguy30986 reads

Posted 10/31/2014 at 3:25:17 AM
I see her every day.. she's retired now...  

So nice try smart guy and you probably say I was not talking about his comment right?

Also you have no idea who I am or what I do in life.
All I will say is hard work, has really paid off.  
If I act like a fool on here, it's a act and I am having fun.
So maybe you are just to slow understand!
Just remember I called you a hypocrite before and you knew I was right last week.
So nothing has changed with you.

Dude..again,..I have nary a clue what you just said....especially regarding whatever post you hijacked from some other thread. The OP didn't say that...read it again buddy. Plus I know who he is talking about, so not sure where you are coming from.

As far as being a hypocrite....ummm...all I gave you buddy was me going after you is just as petty and loser-ish as the oddly worded posts you make....so it behooves me to  realize how douchey I am for doing so. Accepted and acknowldged. "Hypocrite" doesn't really apply .

I'm insincerely happy for you that you have achieved some margin of sucess in your life, and equally insincere that you are enjoying it. Ok?

We're done.

GaGambler945 reads

and I will admit that you are doing a bang up job at it. You have propelled yourself immediately into SPOTY contention,

but even a broken clock is right twice a day, and as much as I hate to say this, on this subject at least you are right and twister is simply a douche bag who can't accept the fact that hookers can and do fall in love, just not with HIM. lmao

Anything's possible GaGambler...providers CAN and DO fall in love. Yup.  

What, in your mind, is the percentage where that happens? Less than 10%? Less than 5%?  

The guy's post was..."I'm feeling all mushy for this provider, who is my ATF...anyone else have this happen too"? Duh. Thin line there, that's my 'foolish' point. Splash some cold water on your face is what I say, then consider she is performing the same act/routine/experience with another guy hours, days, weeks (all of the above) later. Still feel special? Not saying there isn't a legitimate bond that might take place during the session...but...letting that linger in your head is bad acid, in my opinion

GaGambler928 reads

I think I have had maybe three or four providers fall completely in love with me, but this is out of somewhere around three thousand hookers that I have seen in my life. I guess that would put the percentage at more like 1/10 of one percent. Now the percentage of women that have fallen "in like" with me is a much larger number as I have had literally dozens of relationships, some short term, other LTR's with providers that have gone well beyond any monies being exchanged, which of course is the true test of a relationship where it comes to hookers/johns. lol

So I will agree that the chances of him really having a chance with this woman are probably almost nil, saying it doesn't happen is equally ridiculous, and his question was "has anyone ever built a genuine love interest with a provider" and that answer is a unequivocated YES.

3,000?!? Different??!!

Holy shit!

Jaw on ground.

W-o-w. That's a lotta johnning brother.

Well, based on that statistic alone, whatever you say trumps whatever I say by 1,000%, no make it 3,000% .

I have a follow-up question, if you don't mind.

Since I think DaHulk was more curious about guys falling for the provider (not the provider falling for the guy) given your experience, which is , by all standards, vast...did you ever fall in love with one? What about the 3 or 4 who fell in love with you? Was that mutual

GaGambler904 reads

I have fallen completely totally in love in my life, you know the type of love that so strong that it causes actual physical pain. I have to admit I have never fallen THAT hard for a woman in the hobby. Loving someone, and being "in love" are two different things, and while I have loved at least a few women that I have met through P4P, I have always kept my wits about me and have so far at least never "fallen for a hooker and could not get up".

I think that falling madly, hopelessly in love with a hooker is setting yourself up for a lot of heartache, and I suppose from the female perspective the same thing can be said about falling in love with a whoremonger, especially if you are talking about falling in love with an active hooker/whoremonger.

and when the OP talked about a "genuine love interest" I assumed that "genuine" meant reciprocal, otherwise it's just another lame guy falling in love with a hooker who is only doing her job a bit too well.

As many here will attest, the only way to know if there is something "real" about your relationship with a hooker is to take money out of the equation. If she is still taking your money, newsflash, she doesn't love you. lol

Thanks for the candid response.

You should write a book. I imagine you have few stories to tell.

CasTiger1140 reads

try spending a a full day or weekend with your lady. Some connections may last 1hr...and some are more personal and serious.

same way in Civie life...once you spend alot of time together...see if things change. Usually they do...why else is there a divorce rate of 50%.

I'd say if more women were financially independent...that rate would be higher.

Anyhow - if you have a connection with a lady and she reciprocates...enjoy it and treasure it.

Mr. UK


Posted By: DaIncredibleHulk
I kinda have. I'm not stupid about it, I'm not suffering from delusions about what she does or anything, I just really, really fucking enjoy our time together.  
 Do you start to appreciate things about a provider besides the obvious? I mean, that's what makes the best providers the best, right?

Seems completely subjective to me and open to a myriad of interpretations. Nicky is right, everyone is different and looks at this through their own personal filter. Ignore the anonymous adolescents and sociopaths, and seek advice from those who have actually established personal relationships with providers, whether as strictly friends or meaningful SOs? It's  not hard to identify them on this board. They'll be able to give you some sage advice on the benefits, and pitfalls, of bringing feelings of "love" into this hobby. Just my two cents.

bigguy30786 reads

You know it's a little different, when you want to do longer parties with a provider.

Also when you always have to include her, when picking different providers to see while traveling or in your home town.

If it gets to the point, where she is your main focus in the hobby.
Then you have to decide, should you keep seeing her or not.
We all know what this hobby game is about and why we do it.
So sometimes things happen and we have to be honest with each other.

-- Modified on 10/31/2014 7:27:56 AM

but there is one that does it for me like no other. Even so I cheat on her all the time, and she on me. :-)

To quote Albus Dumbledore: "It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live."

What do you want to know?

In love with three and I get to fuck for free.

HandleWithCare755 reads

There's a provider I love a LOT. But I'm not IN love with her, in a romantic sense. It's like the love we can have for a good friend, someone we really like and respect and just enjoy being around. I don't want to be her boyfriend or SO. I'm just glad to have her as a friend, and love her as I do my other close friends.

I make lasting connections that are real, after the first session some are reluctant to come back because they don't think it can get any better ("I didn't think you could top last time"). The barriers if there were any are removed and it's always genuine.  As I say, if you aren't falling in love then I'm not doing my session correctly. Lots of feel good feelings incorporated and I get to bring out the best in you. My sessions do grow in intimacy and most really do feel the connection long after. Sadly some I have to spank and not see for awhile or indefinitely because I'm not out to date you. OTC is fine, you straight up saying you want me to yourself isn't happening. I enjoy what I do, there is no illusion.  My goal is to give you the most ultimate experience. I've built incredible bonds with the majority of my clientele,  call it whatever you want. I care for people, they are bound to fall for me and vice versa. It's human nature to like what's on their best behavior. I don't like it when the honeymoon is over and I think most will agree. Keep your heads, we mingle business and pleasure and try and keep a rein on it all. To some providers you aren't just a donation left, we genuinely look forward to your company.

That is either an awesome add on to your marketing style/campaign or it's genuine. I think if every provider approached their sessions with this attitude, fake or not, as long as it felt and appeared genuine, would have repeat business galore. GFE is not a popular ISO because guys don't want that. You're smart enough to embrace it. In fact, so smart I am going to look at your website and see what city you live in, what you look like...etc etc. I am all for the illusion. Even if it has sprinkles of reality. But...I think it's a slippery slope to bad places for the guy who let's the memory linger too long and attaches things that weren't really there in that illusion.

But I like you attitude..for sure

I absolutely adore almost every provider I've been with for making me feel special for 2-3 hours, for giving me the freedom of not having to settle for a woman that I could attract IRL, for allowing me to live out some sexual fantasies and for generally being nice people.  

But I never confuse that adoration for love. These ladies are wonderful actresses, providing me the fantasy that they really enjoy having sex and being intimate with me. But at the end of my scheduled appointment it's "thank you, I enjoyed it, see you next time, bug bye". And that is absolutely, positively fucking perfect.

Please don't fall in love with them, for every client that falls for them I suspect they might think that they need to throttle back on their intimacy and enthusiasm with the next guy because it seems guys are thinking that they actually like them beyond the parameters of the arrangement. This could actually translate to her not giving me that full fantasy, even though I have a clear veiw of the indelible line that is the arrangement.

Please don't fuck it up for me. And honestly, take a step back and look at the arrangement for what it is. Falling in love with your provider is overwhelmingly a dead end street.

I care about the feelings, and well being of every provider I've been with, I consider some of them friends. And that's where it ends, at the hotel room door.

Remember, you are paying them to be extraordinarily nice to you, this means they are doing their job, and rather well.

He is a great guy and ok with my massage work. He has done a lot for me so that I can get into the legit world soon. We have vacationed together and when I am with him everything seems so easy.

Yes I did have a relationship with a provider that lasted over two years. I would even say I fell in love with her and she, at least expressed the same to me. We spent a lot of time together, enjoyed a few weekend trips when I could get away and many long lunches. I even considered leaving my wife for her but in the end it didn't workout. She had a lot of issues and couldn't deal with a relationship. I think there are a lot of things in her background that didn't allow her to get to close to people, hince her interest in being a provider. It ended poorly and I still think about and am concerned that she gets along OK. It still hurts when I hear "our song" - yes we had our song. She was fun and helped me get out of my shell but it was not meant to be. Probably for the best really but sometimes I wonder how it could've been. I still miss her...

OldCodger813 reads

I'm in the process of writing a new review of my ATF to replace my original review from March of 2011.  There will be more details in that review, but we have a very strong "friendship".  When I felt the relationship strengthening, I told her I would never leave my wife and she is OK with that.  We have spent several extended sessions (4-5 days) together and have not tired of each other.  As expected, I continue to pay for her services and perhaps it is all an act on her part - I guess I will never know for sure.  But, the sex is greater when there is a strong personal connection.  In the meantime, I'm havin' a GREAT time.  I would see her more if I could afford it

I wouldn't call it "love", but for one provider, if we weren't separated by 18 years in age and I didn't have children, I think we both might consider giving it a go. I adore her, and given that she stays well past what I pay for, told me her real name and texts me on a regular basis, I believe (although there is always doubt) that she has some feelings for me. And I of course reciprocate. We've had some sessions where I pay for the sex and then we go out for dinner/drinks without extra $$.  Plus we always have very emotionally and physically intense times together. I have a feeling that she and I will remain friends even if we never have sex again.  

To the asshole who said that when you pay for it, love can't enter the equation, I view my paying as financial support for someone I care about. It's money well spent.  Even if she wanted to do it for free, I would still offer her money, since I know she needs it and I want her to be healthy and happy

People are human and sometimes they connect.  It doesn't matter HOW you met, just that you met.

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