TER General Board

I wonder if I tried living a 100% healthy lifestyle if could do it just one more time?
GaGambler 400 reads

Maybe if I quit drinking, got plenty of rest, stayed well hydrated, cut out red meat etc etc etc, Maybe I could finish with that fifth girl of the day just one more time???  

Nah, fuck it. I like my lifestyle, I have already made one concession to old age which is I quit drinking beer. Or at least I quit drinking a twelve pack a day and now limit myself to maybe 2-3 a month. I do still drink a bottle of wine almost every day, but as they say baby steps, right?

TravelingSalesman2961 reads

Gents: What's your ideal time to "save up" before seeing a provider? For me, it's 5-7 days.  

Ladies: What's your advice? And what has your experience been on this issue? Pros/cons of being with gents who save up too long? Who don't save up long enough?

(Clarification: Cum, not money.)

-- Modified on 4/26/2016 1:50:59 PM

I guess 7 days is the answer to both, as it turns out

Cum - 3 to 4 days minimum...
Money - about a month, depending...

ROGM570 reads

I usually see my current provider once a week. My backup providers about once every few weeks.

I'm totally fine with gentlemen saving up. It's their body, their money, if that's what they need to do, by all means.  

I know for my clients, they feel bad when they release too soon during our sessions. But if there's still time (within allotted time) and ability, I make sure they release a second time. I feel satisfied knowing that they are satisfied and getting their $$$'s worth. And if not, there's always myriad ways of experiencing pleasure.

My advice would be to be gentle with yourself and your body, which means comfort and ease for both people engaging.

Why would you need to "save" it?  

I have an "expel by" date of 8 hours after those fkkers are born and I shoot them out into the wild where they belong.

Shouldn't admin move this thread to the 90 and Over Board

GaGambler610 reads

I now need at least several hours before I am really interested in seeing another woman. Once upon a time, my libido was measured in minutes, but I am "old" now. lol

I do remember a woman I saw in LV many years ago was my fifth of the day, I was having a hard time cumming and she flat out asked me if I had seen any other women that day, I was tired and half drunk so I told her the truth that she was number five of the day. She immediately got out of bed and starting getting dressed, quite honestly I was too tired to raise a single objection. (note, I was in my forties at the time, this scenario is VERY unlikely to ever happen to me again)

horsebang484 reads

What a clown,five a day!!!!!and you really think we believe that Silly Rabbit?

GaGambler430 reads

Are you really admitting that you have NEVER gone five times in a day?

Even if you don't get a lot of pussy, haven't you at least jerked off five times in a day? If not, I suppose that's why it kind of sucks to be you, doesn't it? There are 24 hours in a day, five times in a day is barely once every five hours, if you can't imagine fucking once every five hours, I honestly do feel bad for you.

horsebang487 reads

You most be eating a lot of carrots clown Silly Rabbit,lol.Do they have big carrots in Texas?

GaGambler475 reads

Yes, it must really suck to be you. I suppose like most horses you like eating big carrots, don't you?  

Or do you prefer your carrots somewhere else?

horsebang445 reads

Of course I been able to do five times and they were consecutive when I was in my 30's,but you 5 times and drinking on your 40's,come on Silly Rabbit,just because you are the top poster in here does not means everything is truth.

GaGambler422 reads

and I did admit I didn't finish with the fifth girl

horsebang436 reads

Since when you were Asian, I though you said in here that you were Italian,another lie Silly Rabbit?,that's the reason why nobody believe your stories.

GaGambler393 reads

No wonder you are hiding behind an alias.  

Branch closed due to one of the parties being TSTTT

Don't let this guy upset you GaGambler ,I think he likes to upset people and enjoys it,take look at TER General Board and you will see.

LasVegan419 reads

someone get under your skin?  Don't allow words to have so much power.

GaGambler379 reads

I guess I deserve that one,

but he really is TSTTT.  

unlike Tubbo, I am not going to whine about it though, I am smart enough to take my own advice which would be "tell the idiot to GFY and pay no more attention to him" Good advice, wouldn't you agree?

LasVegan435 reads

agreeing with you a lot lately!  Yup, I know, it is absolutely disgraceful!

GaGambler261 reads

but it's happened to better men (and women) than you. There is no real shame in agreeing with me. Well not as much as agreeing with the likes of BBFS at least. lol

pardon the expression, down.  There are many of us past 50 here that have come to the sad realization that we are not always going to be able to finish with the 5th girl in a day like we did when we were younger.  I find plenty of sleep helps improve the chances at my age, especially if you get the sleep in between the girls

GaGambler401 reads

Maybe if I quit drinking, got plenty of rest, stayed well hydrated, cut out red meat etc etc etc, Maybe I could finish with that fifth girl of the day just one more time???  

Nah, fuck it. I like my lifestyle, I have already made one concession to old age which is I quit drinking beer. Or at least I quit drinking a twelve pack a day and now limit myself to maybe 2-3 a month. I do still drink a bottle of wine almost every day, but as they say baby steps, right?

I stopped with the beer because I don't want to fart during my sessions.  I switched to wine, too.  Red wine is actually a good antioxidant, and I'm noticing parts of me aren't rusting as fast as before, so it must be working.

GaGambler272 reads

Considering I drink more like a bottle of wine a day, I should live forever.

BTW I was over on the K Girl board a while ago and got to see not just how stupid, but what a truly miserable fuck our little pony fucker really is. He makes OTM look like a BSU, why a guy who loathes hookers as much as he does is even here is beyond me.

well-taken.  I went to a medical museum once and noticed alcohol was capable of preserving certain body parts for a long time.  So I think if a glass is good, a bottle might be even better.  Common sense in a sort of twisted way.

LasVegan294 reads

he is just trying to be one of the guys!!!

LasVegan411 reads

as much as you want and create as many scenarios as your imagination can dream up.  It is still pure, utter BULLSHIT!  And you know it.  Finally someone else is actually calling you on it.

LasVegan395 reads

full of bullshit!  Do even YOU believe half of the things you post on here?  Yes, you can be quite insightful and even humorous at times.  Then, there are even those rare times you almost sound empathetic and compassionate.  But then..........there are your "let's throw this against the wall and see what sticks" times when even Stephen King would have a difficult time believing your posts.

My own experience is that in my horny TEENS I sometimes jerked til I shot blanks, which I kind of think was up to four or five times within an hour or two. Been a while. Now my biggest problem is that ever since a lady rode me cow girl super hard and super fast during a 420 reach for goal 2, it hurts to push my limits.

WICardinalfan295 reads

I am older now.  Like others, I could do multiple pops in a day when I was younger. When I know I am going to be seeing a lady, I obtain from self pleasure for 7 days (Picked this idea up from the over 60 section).  

Waiting helps with the length and intensity of my orgasm.  I have always been able to shoot a large load (unsolicited complements from the ladies) but waiting a week, wow!

Only recommended for us older folk.

I'm not getting the concept. If you had sex everyday, would you avoid cumming for 5-7 days? Who does it benefit and how? I get that the idea is to save up a "bigger load", but why?

I'd much rather cum daily, I think

ROGM386 reads

Since I see my provider BBFSCIP I have to make sure I'm fully loaded. If I didn't she would think I wasn't having a good time. She always asks me if I had a good time with her

TravelingSalesman424 reads

Not just for a bigger load, but also to increase likelihood of MSOG, particularly the elusive Round 3.

don't you mean the elusive round 5?

GaGambler385 reads

I usually try to have sex at least every other day if not every day, but I have found that after three days I have a much bigger load. Every once in a while before heading off to Costa Rica for my monthly or bi monthly fuck fest, I would abstain from sex for 2-3 days to sort of "save up" for what was to come, "what to come" of course being about 12-15 different chicas over three to four days.

There were a couple of cum guzzlers that I loved to see while I was down there and part of my reason for "saving up" was to give them a porn star load for them to drink when I would break my little "three day fast"

That is the only reason I have ever wanted to "save up" I am with you and would much rather fuck every day, or even more. even at my advanced age. lol

Recently I had not cum for about one week and when I saw somebody, the first shot took about 3 minutes.   We were having a really great time and releasing that fast sucked.   What is even worse is that up until last year, I could easily cum three times in 90 minutes or 2 hours.  Now I am realizing that things are changing and I don't know if it has to do with medicines I stopped taking and then began taking again or just this thing others call "aging."      Anyway, I may need to start working on a "Cum Management Plan"   Cum to think about it, I will start working on it right away!

This program is only available online of course, as I don't want your jizz, or ANY dudes jizz, within 3 miles of my office.

However, I remain interested in a lot of the courses your august institution has to offer.  I enjoyed the "How to Haggle with Hookers" program and it has worked fantastically well for me.   I have saved more money than advertised as I have been unable to get a hooker to see me since graduation.

My acolyte will be in touch with your people to star in an ad for JDU.

We had Bill Cosby lined up but that fell through.

Can she last all night? Maybe it's not you? lol

It is the mornings that concern me more with this particular chick.

for at least two hours while drinking coffee and figuring out what to do with her hair. Then showing you karaoke videos, listen to her songs and then just whip it out and she'll get the point.

Best way to distract a woman is to pull out your penis to hint "It's time baby. It's time."


I think this topic is pertinent mostly to us older guys.  It's more difficult to cum during a session if you've wacked off earlier in the day.  Probably should hold off self-pleasure 24-48 hours before your scheduled session.

If you are interested in cum volume, I think edging is probably the best way to build up a big load.  Cum volume is mostly mucus, not sperm.  So if you edge (go almost to orgasm, then back off, several times) then your body will have produced more mucus in preparation

Don't jerk off, just before your rendezvous! ;)

Epicurus61368 reads

Wouldn't it be great if some industrious grad student could combine the answers in this thread and other "how often..." threads and developed an age vs. orgasm graph. Orgasms per day, minimum recharge interval, spooge volume, etc... for various age intervals. Then another set of data for with or without boner pills.

In answer to the OP, and to contribute research data, I'm over 50, wake up with morning wood pretty much every day, but if I plan to see a provider, I'll hold back 36 hours for my optimum pleasure. My Fav's can get me to pop twice in an hour most times. If twice in 2 hours doesn't happen, either we're not trying or I'm not returning. Haven't had a Hat Trick in a few years, but maybe I should set that as a goal

The results from such a study would be fascinating —but the, um, outcome from TER posts alone would be worse than useless

GaGambler364 reads

and the results were rather uninspiring if you expect to be anywhere close to average, or I suppose you can say they make most of us here feel WAY above average as I think the results showed the average fifty year old needed something like 24 hours worth of recovery time between ejaculations, or something almost equally as depressing.  

I know the TER reviews are full of guys claiming not only that they gave the lady a dozen orgasms in fifteen minutes, but these same overweight 60 year olds are managing to go three rounds in a single hour. I just got called out for going five times in twenty four hours, but I guess going three times in an hour at sixty is completely believable.

The long and the short of it is that a "reliable" study of the topic would be rather difficult to come by.

a reference to peyronie's disease.

When I wake up with morning wood, I grab my phone and see who's "available" on CV.

interesting, funny, tedious, hilarious, vile, tedious- there is nothing continuous in the universe- from the energy levels of subatomic particles to this thread's ability to hold interest.

It all depends on health, diet and keeping yourself hydrated.  
If I'm planning on seeing  a provider  who I've wanted to see for a while I might save 5-10 days (if I can stand it lol ).  After I have that big date I might wait 2-4 days before I venture out again.

I've also heard that jerking off to just before completion about an hour before can increase the amount if cum.


I have a sperm bank savings account. Whenever I go see a hooker I just withdraw an appropriate amount and deposit it in her or on her. It's FDIC insured too!

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