TER General Board

I wish my 'roids were as small as his! (eom)regular_smile
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 446 reads


that she does not look as good in person, as she does in her pics!!!
WTF, do you really think that you could even come close to fucking a women in the civee world, that is as beautiful as the one you are complaining about??
Even if her reviews say she's a 10 and she's an 8, u need to count your lucky stars, that see even wants to see your non Tom Cruise looking ass!!
Take a look in the mirror, on a scale of 1-10, most of the ladies are fucking clients that are, at best, 2's.
If you could do better in the civee world, then you wouldn't be paying for it, now would you??
Ya know damn well, most of us look like the guy in the pic below!!


Posted By: lungman
that she does not look as good in person, as she does in her pics!!!
WTF, do you really think that you could even come close to fucking a women in the civee world, that is as beautiful as the one you are complaining about??
Even if her reviews say she's a 10 and she's an 8, u need to count your lucky stars, that see even wants to see your non Tom Cruise looking ass!!
Take a look in the mirror, on a scale of 1-10, most of the ladies are fucking clients that are, at best, 2's.
If you could do better in the civee world, then you wouldn't be paying for it, now would you??
Ya know damn well, most of us look like the guy in the pic below!!

Oh shit, you must of just looked in the mirror and realized, he's right!! ( try some pepto bismol )

Posted By: lungman
Oh shit, you must of just looked in the mirror and realized, he's right!! ( try some pepto bismol )

They are providers, and scores are used to accurately depict their physical looks. These scores are used so other clients will not be mislead. The civvie world is different, and I agree with you on that part. But, these are providers that are charging premium money for only one hour of their time. I really can't remember making $400 an hour in my life before.

As with any other business, there needs to be some kind of standards to legitimized their claims. If we the consumer are paying premium money for a service, then there needs to be some form of legitimacy. For example, if I was selling premium beer at $20 a bottle, and it turned out to taste nasty. Then the consumer has a right to know about these things so they won't waste their money. There will be many forms of criticism, such as articles or reviews to let other consumers know. Similar to how hobbyist rate a providers score.

If your in a business that has consumers, it will be criticized. We pay the money, they are running a service, without us, they wouldn't have a business, that is democracy.

Well said from beginning to end. We are providers (keyword) therefore everything we do matters. From the conversations we have, the pics we take, mannerisms, customer service & more. These things always come into play when a gentleman is taking a cruise through his menu of fine dinning for the day whether we like it or not. Its the nature of the business that should always be appreciated.

anorgasmia378 reads

Are you still pimping for some gal?

This is not the first time you bring up the same topic with some similar picture. We know we are ugly, okay. We know she wouldn't be fucking us if we didn't pay her, okay. But the point is still that we are paying her. She is not paying us. If I am paying her, then she damn well better look as good as her pics, and if I want an 8, she better be an 8, not a six. And if I want a 10, then she better be a ten, not an 8!

TheSkyFell384 reads

And financially invested in the comments that are made about yourself/a provider you're working for you become real emotionally invested in them too.

That's where all of this hyper empathy is coming from I think.

It is what it is.

Financially and Emotionally invested?
Working for a Provider?
Comments made about myself/provider?
Sorry, but wrong on all accounts.
My point is, she was suppoesd to be a 10 and was an 8, what the hell makes the difference?
It's still gonna be the best piece of ass you can hope for at this stage of the game! ( for the 50+ ) clients.

The point is, your still getting your money's worth, 6, 8, 10, whatever. For 99.9% of us, any and all of these ladies.( TER ladies ) are a BIG step up, from what we can get in the real world, and you know it. I'm not talking about street skanks or BP hoes, i'm talking about the ladies who frequent TER. So quit whining if she is a couple of pounds heavier or whatever, she's still gonna be the best piece of ass you can hope to ever have!!
What 20 to 40 y/o ( assuming your 50+ ) would even give you the time of day, in the real world??...NONE
A pimp?...let's just say, it has it's benefits!!  

HookerCops337 reads

Many guys hobby for the convenience, variety, and lack of commitment. Not every guy is old, fat, and ugly. I see pics of ladies on here everyday that make me cringe. You should consider changing your handle to "manginaman".

AnotherPerspective340 reads

From my perspective , for sure not yours .

Where did you come up with your  99.9 %  ?
 A street protest ?

 I've only found one provider that came close to
matching  up with my best real world women .
  That's not why I am here .

  The #  1  advantage  of TER providers ,  they never  badger ,
asking  when are we getting married  .
 A forced marriage ruins  the mood, no matter how good she looks .



Posted By: lungman
The point is, your still getting your money's worth, 6, 8, 10, whatever. For 99.9% of us, any and all of these ladies.( TER ladies ) are a BIG step up, from what we can get in the real world, and you know it. I'm not talking about street skanks or BP hoes, i'm talking about the ladies who frequent TER. So quit whining if she is a couple of pounds heavier or whatever, she's still gonna be the best piece of ass you can hope to ever have!!
What 20 to 40 y/o ( assuming your 50+ ) would even give you the time of day, in the real world??...NONE
A pimp?...let's just say, it has it's benefits!!  

Well, no, I wouldn't ..... but it sounded good for a minute.  But hey, if I convert to Hinduism, can I come back in my next life as an Indian princess and wear all that cool jewelry/embroidery? ;-)

anorgasmia426 reads

If you only have hamburger at home and you go to a fancy restaurant and order filet mignon, and they bring you top sirloin, I guess you better damn well be satisfied since you only have hamburger at home!  If you are driving a 82 corolla and you go to the Lexus dealer for a 2012 Lexus GS and come home with a 2012 Camry instead, you better damn well be satisfied because you only have an old corolla at home!

Your point is stupid and nonsensical. I still stand behind my earlier comment that we are paying and we deserve to get what is advertised, or what we are paying for.

You pull statistics out of your ass and state them as fact. Fact is there are actually a lot of handsome and young hobbyists. I am not one, but they are out there. Personally I am old fat and ugly, and I pay to have sex with women who are young thin and pretty, and yes they wouldn't give me the time of day if I wasn't paying them, but the fact is I am paying them, and I expect to get what I am paying for!

Sounds to me like the gal you are pimping got a review she didn't like and you are crying sour grapes over it.

Lastly, even if you sincerely believe what you are saying and just wanted to put it out on the boards, with no ulterior motive, there is no reason for bringing it up every two weeks! Do we get to look forward to another stupid post like this with another similar picture next week?

Why don't you go back to your tattoos and gas mask pictures!

That reminds me, tat's + gas mask = amsterdam69696.....she is sooo damn hot. And, she sees old geezers like you and I.
Don't get your panties all in a wad, i'm old, fat and ugly also. Hey, look at it this way, my posts give u something to react to, tiz the reason i do it in the first place. ( wether i mean what i say or not )
Don't take it personal, if u really knew me, believe me, u would like me.

The customer/person of interest, expects the ad to be a true representation of the product or services. In this case the pussy.

So no, I respectfully disagree with your logic.

You are making a few too many assumptions in your post.  

I'm not really a "numbers" guy when it comes to a gal's reviews.  What I don't want to see however is a woman who looks nothing like her pictures.  If she has gained 20 or 30 pounds her photos should reflect that.  If she is ten years older her photos should reflect that.  I know better than to trust the scoring system of TER but I don't expect a provider to carry out an intentional deception.  Will I come on to TER and wine about it? No, but I will write an honest review.

Now, assuming that we would all be sleeping with ugly trolls if we were not paying for sex is a bit of a leap.  The stereotype that only desperate men pay for sex is a load of crap and, honestly, anyone who's been around this site as long as you have should know better.  Most men hobby for variety, for discretion or just for good old plain fun!  I've been single for over three years now and plan to stay that way.  I've had civvie women who, while very beautiful, were ultimately looking for a husband and father to their kids.  No thanks, not interested.  

Lastly, part of the point is that we ARE paying for it!  As a paying customer we all have the right to expect an honest ad, recent pictures and a lady who is at least capable of ACTING like she enjoys her work.  If those things happen I will never complain about getting my money's worth from a provider even if she wasn't my particular cup of tea.

serpius291 reads

Hey Lungman,

At least I take comfort that my penis is much larger than that guy in the picture!


Posted By: lungman
that she does not look as good in person, as she does in her pics!!!
WTF, do you really think that you could even come close to fucking a women in the civee world, that is as beautiful as the one you are complaining about??
Even if her reviews say she's a 10 and she's an 8, u need to count your lucky stars, that see even wants to see your non Tom Cruise looking ass!!
Take a look in the mirror, on a scale of 1-10, most of the ladies are fucking clients that are, at best, 2's.
If you could do better in the civee world, then you wouldn't be paying for it, now would you??
Ya know damn well, most of us look like the guy in the pic below!!

As one of your TER brethren stated, we are running a business and you are our customers so the, "better than you could get for free," test does not apply. Say, for example, you paid top dollar for a contractor to remodel your kitchen and he did a marginal job. Would you say, "Well. it's still better than I could have done myself."  Of course not.
I'm sure that no one needs reminding that this is not an inexpensive hobby. As such, you have the right to expect certain things from an encounter with a provider. These include current and accurate pictures, promptness, impeccable hygiene, a clean and safe environment and their undivided attention for the full duration of the appointment.

However, the first....

Contractors give bids based on projects - after they have seen what they are working with.  Not all kitchen remodels (or whatever the job may be) are the same.  

It is not a fair analogy as a lady's rate is the same for the dingleberried, hasn't-bathed-in-a-year types, the personality-of-a-cinderblock types, the John Q Public types and the Forbes 50/GQ magazine types.  And yet it's HER reviews that will suffer if she can't rim the dingled ass or swing from the chandelier with a cinderblock hanging about her (or rather, lying listless on the bed needing a mirror held to his nose to check for life) - without ever an opportunity to tell her side of the story. John Q Public may be blown away by her but the Forbes 50/GQ type might be less than impressed since she didn't realize that  the napkin is to be placed on her chair rather than on the table when she gets up to powder her nose.

I may be overstepping here, but I think the OP might be saying that it's wise to keep in mind that these interactions take 2 people and as much as the gents try to choose wisely and the ladies try to provide the same level of service to all.... sometimes things just don't work out as one would hope and looking in the mirror (physically and at one's expectations of the encounter) is a good place to start.  

I don't think anyone's advocating for encouraging misrepresentations, but being aware of the part YOU (client) play in the exchange is important.

HookerCops297 reads

You have way over analyzed the OP. He didn't write anything like that nor has he tried to spin it that way in any of his responses.

The contractor analogy might not be perfect, but big deal. Analogies rarely are, that's not why they are used. They are meant to help convey the main theme or idea. You can always nitpick one to death if you wish.

Edrienne's response is exactly what i mean't! Clean the dingleberries of your ass first, if your gonna complain about the Provider's looks. I do realize their are some ladies out there, that are selling their pussies, that IMHO, are really gross.
The ladies i'm talking about, the ones i've seen guys complaining about, are beautiful women. ( no matter who's eyes your looking through ) The specific lady i'm talking about, had just a LITTLE extra padding around the middle that her pics didn't show. IMHO, she is still beautiful and a hell of alot hotter than, women we can screw in the civee world. It,s just my opinion, but for the most part, i think i'm right.

HookerCops328 reads

You say that's exactly what you meant, then you immediately restate the same position from all your previous posts that say something completely different. To me fat is fat, maybe you don't mind it but I do. Once again, speak for yourself ... many of us screw hot women in the "civee" world too.

Good for you! ( stud muffin )

HookerCops365 reads

Her post is about performance (service) and guys should be fair and evaluate themselves if the session (i.e. chemistry) doesn't go as planned.

Every one of your posts are about appearance and that alone. Your position is obvious. We (the guys) are all old, fat, and ugly and should be happy any woman would fuck us. It doesn't matter if she is really a 6 instead of an 8 because we couldn't do any better without paying for it.

Her position is correct. Your position is asinine. They don't have anything to do with one another.

No, her post is about having to fuck guys with dingleberries stuck to their ass and they have no way to complain about it, like we do in our reviews of them. ( boo hoo, she said she was a 10 and was only an 8 )
Hey, if you fuck women in the civee world that are just as hot, good for you!! Most of us, myself included, do not!!

HookerCops269 reads

No, her post is about how our (guys) appearance or position in life may effect their (ladies) performance and we (guys) should keep that in mind when reviewing the session. Even if she's just talking about dingleberries and having no way to complain, that still has nothing to do with any of your posts.

Your posts are just a bunch of mangina nonsense about how we should just be lucky that any woman would fuck us, and how dare we complain that the woman who answered the door is 10 years older and 20 lbs heavier then we thought she would be. We pay them, they don't pay us. I expect to get what I pay for. Obviously, you don't care what you fuck and from the responses here none of the guys agree with you. Throw your WK costume and cape in the closet, and pull it back out next week when we have to read this same crap when you post it AGAIN.

You don't HAVE to read anything!!
Besides, your the "HookerCop", what you say goes!!  ( your the law around here )  In your own mind anyhow!!

HookerCops288 reads

That is correct!!!

Besides, you are the "Manginaman", so get pimp out your fat, old, grandma who got a bad review and change your Depends while you are at it too!!!

Damn, that reminds me,  "add Depends to my shopping list"....thanks.

Dingleberried, hasn't bathed in a month type....LMAO!!
Finally, someone (Edrienne) understood where i'm coming from!

First I fuck a woman for free* often that men pay quit a bit to do. She is hotter than most of the escorts I have seen. So I should not be thankful because they will fuck me for money, as often they are not as hot as I fuck for free.*

Second, these ladies are people, yes, but they are also a business. All business are subject to reviews and whether a person can get what that business sells for free or not is not relevant. Businesses should deliver as promised. If I buy a sirloin steak I should expect a sirloin steak and not a ground chuck steak. If I buy roses for my wife, she should get roses and not daisies. If I hire a lady in a ad to suck my cock, the lady should look like the photo.

If any businesses using deceptive advertising that business should be exposed. The looks of the lady is part of the experience we are buying, no matter how impossible it is for me to get it for free. It is impossible for me to get free sirloin, but if that is what I am buying that is what I should get. If not I should warn others.

Third, even if a product is as ordered, that does not mean it should get a good score. If I order McDonald's McDoulbe I know I am not getting the best hamburger on the market. I should be honest about the quality of the food even if knowing going in it isn't the best. That goes whether I could cook a better one or not.

Why is there any debate?

Fourth I know I am a fat ugly man that is a poor fuck. What does that have to do with anything when I am paying?

*I realize sex is never free. There is always a cost. But I do not pay cash per hour.

HookerCops362 reads

I've had a boatload of one night stands that I can't recall costing me a thing.

There is always some risk in sex. Sex is never free, even if there is no direct cost.

HookerCops336 reads

You name ANYTHING and I can come up with something bad that might happen from it. I guess if you want to twist your own logic to prove your own point ... grats!!! you're right!!!

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