TER General Board

I TOLD you people that her and BBBBB were related
GaGambler 752 reads

This proves it.  

Now, does anyone have one of those "universal" translators handy, you know like the ones you'd see on those Sci Fi flicks. lol

It looks like I have to talk to you like babies. Whether I have to look to my Dictionary by Nabokov or I just simply saying things. It seems that I can't make any of you to not be a pervert and make you a normal people.  You write that you by paying  you simply walk out as a gentleman. That is not true, dear my, simply not true, you are lying to the board , you are lying to yourself. Look how many I got complains that many too mature people think that I ( or anyone else) am his girlfiend and you can give me any shit that you can. I don't know, there are people that they are fond of when they move from one love affair to the next. How long does it take you? Like a day, month, a couple of years? Xo

GaGambler753 reads

This proves it.  

Now, does anyone have one of those "universal" translators handy, you know like the ones you'd see on those Sci Fi flicks. lol

"I'm sorry Captain GaG, but there is no known translation for this gibberish"

JakeFromStateFarm448 reads

As to the rest, you're right.  We are sending her this Interrossiter stat.  Also one for BBBB.  From mooze and skvirrel.  They have not been used since 1955 in "This Island Earth."

You too fat, too ( some pople say) Asian, seat in your house and bragg too much. Your opinions are opiniated. Who you met in this hobby, how some knows, ex-moderator, what else?  What do you do particular on these boards? Just hanging out?

GaGambler430 reads

Damn girl, I guess you got me with that one. ROFLMFAO

GaGambler516 reads

You and Gumby are scoring points left and right today.

On any other day you would be the clear winner for the day, but you have some stiff competition today.

GaGambler543 reads

Whatever you are on, I want no part of because it's damn sure not vokda

GaGambler360 reads

and not even copious amounts of vodka can account for your word salads, I often post with a full bottle of vodka in me and I make a LOT more sense than you. And I am not even Russian.

Now if you want something that will really fuck you up, us Chinks have this shit called MaoTai that could destroy enough brain cells to account for your fucked up posts, but please don't try any. You really can't afford to lose any more brain cells, trust me.

It just makes you so stupid when you want to talk when other party don't. LOL

GaGambler295 reads

The one who keeps talking to the person who doesn't want to talk,(laughing at her the whole time) or the person who claims she doesn't want to talk, but can't stop running her mouth no matter how dumb it makes her look?

You claim to be a smart girl, you have a fifty-fifty chance of being right. Which do you pick? and please don't answer "blue" lmao

Too much you wont to explain me. But I don't need you explanations but  I can assure you are prolific poster on this board and you'll find all people who are interested in you speach. If you still don't get it, answer my post when you have some idea to say. Xo

I move on to the next love affair after two hours, but sometimes only one hour.  It depends on how long I booked.  Are you saying you would prefer guys to hang around after their money runs out?  Its not really clear.  If so, you should be very popular.

I liked it when you said that you walk away like an individual, gentleman. You have to be very wealthy man for sure. And we here like wealthey people. Xo

I am fucking loaded! I would cover you in every shade of blue I could find.

Ok the Bentley thing with Bob Sugar didn't work out, but I have a few other investments kicking it in the tail.

Do to take poster side - as simply do not know who she is - offered once hand to talk - she denied rudely and preferred to gossip here about things she do not have clue about ..
So I am responding just to separate myself clear from such type of Russians .

O dear lord yes  
 I  AM  from Eastern Europe and have slavic soul as well
 yet my soul  is wired different way.  

Language? As to English - my advice - start  to learn Spanish  or vote for Trump  

prove that you are not lazy and learn more languages.  





-- Modified on 7/12/2016 4:34:31 PM

GaGambler430 reads

Thanks for the Russian Dressing BBBBB, I will confess, I still have no idea what you were trying to say, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you don't make a lot more sense in Russian.

I never ever -in whole my life- ate ANY kind of dressing - just pure salad.  

 Taste is fresh and natural  
What I need to divide on Russian non Russian american german  etc .. what a nationalistic tendencies here? are you asian fascist?    .

I always recommended you ( and  I would repeat it again ) - start to read and start  book report - share with us
we ( I - if I would have time ) would give you recommendations what to read what not to read.. ma be will ask you read some critics after you read a work itself - that would achieve few purposes - most important that would save your brain from developing of dementia ..
 seems you never able to get simple things .. why is that?
I am not trying to me mean or something - I  trust want to understand - what makes you to be so close minded and have limited comprehensive skills .
is is personal choice ? mask you wear here, on TER, or you really reading only posts  and as you admitted one and yourself - loosing brain from reading all that?

Any way- not meant to be mean.
An why crowd feels a need to make a kill ?
She shared . help her  if it is possible - I once offered her hand - yet I was "bitten" by that woman. And many men asked me about her.  
I do jot know - I said - read reviews. Myself I am not VIP here so not reading other women staff - i do not compare myself to anybody - I am the ONLY one  in whole world .

-- Modified on 7/12/2016 5:12:59 PM

That has to be one of the worst "word salads" I've ever read.  And I thought Fancy was bad.

But don't get in your thoughts and mine. Please never appear here or to me. Thank you.

bonordonor491 reads

-- Modified on 7/12/2016 2:23:56 PM

I met very interesting people. Not many but it is enough for me. I mean 6 month dress is not on trend anymore? Blue? I don't you don't like blue?

I mean even Monica Lewinsky was smart enough to eventually put hers in the closet.

It interferes with my alcohol intake and I am also trying to get pregnant.

on skid row.  It helps others identify you once your face gets too dirty and your hair gets matted from not bathing.

You don't get bathing, or you assume I don't get bathing enogh? In any case, why wouldn't part apart and I'll only to tell you what I think?

making a general statement that there are some situations where it is socially acceptable to wear the same dress for six months.  For instance, if someone doesn't bathe, then they don't need to change their clothes either.

In what situation it is generally acceptable to wear a dress for half or one year? You are just blowing the air with me, for sure. Find some more entertainment threads.

She got too fat and it didn't fit anymore. :)

But there's no good place to start to get the focus right. So...good luck and stay safe.

NoYellowEnvelope462 reads

I'm not a pervert.  

Providers and others tell me I act like a gentleman.  

I don't give any woman I see for an intimate encounter "shit"--provider or not.  

I don't have love affairs with providers.  I don't have affairs, period. I have a fun (hopefully mutual fun) time with providers while I'm paying for their services.  There's a couple of providers I've made friendships with over the years, but they're platonic relationships with their civvy personas.  

It's possible to love someone and not be IN love with them, i.e. give your heart to them.  If you don't understand this concept, I am sad for you

You wrote:

It looks like I have to talk to you like babies. Whether I have to look to my Dictionary by Nabokov or I just simply saying things. It seems that I can't make any of you to not be a pervert and make you a normal people.  You write that you by paying  you simply walk out as a gentleman. That is not true, dear my, simply not true, you are lying to the board , you are lying to yourself. Look how many I got complains that many too mature people think that I ( or anyone else) am his girlfiend and you can give me any shit that you can. I don't know, there are people that they are fond of when they move from one love affair to the next. How long does it take you? Like a day, month, a couple of years? Xo  

My syntax and grammar interpretation with a few liberties taken below:

It looks like I have to talk to you like children. Even when I look in my dictionary by Nabokov, I feel that what I say does not make sense to you?  It seems that I can’t make any of you act decently, as you behave like perverts when seeing an escort. Because you are paying it, you think it entitles you to do whatever you want, even to treat me horribly. You can care less about my feelings. Then after you leave, you speak as if degrading me did not happen, as if I approve of what you did? You hide from your deception or lack of understanding?  Any gentleman would not treat someone he knows little about with such disrespect. So I’m at a loss here? When will you start treating me better; when will you start treating me like a lady? How long will it take for you to become respectful and truthful towards me; a day, a month, a few years?  
So, to me you come across as very upset and you’re venting on the boards.

I also see you are Russian and the language barrier definitely doesn’t help when you put a thread up like this one, except for others to make fun or light of it. Best of luck, hope things get better for you

I , again do not know this woman - once I did offer her help and hand - she did prefer to turn around and destroy me by gossiping about things she do not have clue about.

I do bot know her personally - yet - yes as poster above translated - her pain is seen and she is hurt.

Why crowd have a need  to " make a kill"

That reminds me hyaenas behavior pattern.

As to translation of her words  
"When will you start treating me better; when will you start treating me like a lady? How long will it take for you to become respectful and truthful towards me; a day, a month, a few years?  "

I was writing to her - that in order to that become to reality she needs to understand that hyaenas NEVER will become a lioness  
Coyote never be a wolf.

Seek for own kind.

I do.

and I could care less about Gambler and jacks from farm  
 Very unhappy people . Sophie.  
Concentrate  on your own life and building your self worse.
Choose friends carefully - better be alone then with wrong people.
There are gentlemen here.

They do see, they do read, yet they want awesome times behind close doors and true intimacy and true woman.

Become this woman.  
 You would not become the one if you would know only working women who started at age of 18 .

Please for give me, girls, but  I deeply believe that only gentlemen would make a lady from female.
And lady makes a gentleman from male.
No client hooker relationship would produce lady and gentlemen.
 so many women know only clients.
Clients - please be gentlemen for this women - as Sophie - she needs gentlemen to become a woman , not to disappear in to category of working hooker.
Poor girl ..
 and I was offering her hand.. she just took side of those hyaenas who is hurting her now.  
Know well who you and then right people would come you life  
yet  we Russians are too brainy for simple taste of just clients..    
Good news is that gentlemen also need a company :)  

It is why TER has two categories here  
- escorts
-service providers.

Do not provide services and you would not be hurt . So simple. Gentlemen would find and invite -  

What is means ? It means a whole world :) Adult world

JakeFromStateFarm379 reads

At least I think that's what you did.  I'm awaiting a better translation.
Blah, blah, blah.

if you feel that you was highlighted not in good manner - so may be you  deserved it \
As to OP - Sophie - I said openly - become a lady by choosing friends.  

I feel bad that everybody attacked her when she was simply sharing - but seems - she is very confused woman - who is her true friend  and who here is just to make a kill and troll.  

Any way. I do not know her, and what I know that does not make me to respect her. Yet that does not make me and want to make a kill .
 as many here criticizing her English  
 You people got it ALL perfectly .
 Stop be angry clowns and take your masks.
Iam not here to gave hand of support to OP or to you - I here to share my feelings - Iwas very surprised how you all again turned around against Russian woman  
 and her English - you underhand all PERFECTLY . yet you feel a need to kill
 are you threatened by some reasons by Russians or what a true reason?
 Are you lysol americans dot you know your own country and how multinational it is ?
 Or Russian women out of your reach and you never able to ave her soul  and just body is not enough?
 I am soo surprised to read again outrageous comments on Russians.. we are Russians just as americans we are multinational  
 as Americans are and Asians and Latinos and Germans and Irish so and Russians.  
Gays are you really soon old ? so stuck in cold wars times ?
 Younger generation is more diverse and open to world. What is going on here?  
 She said something not really well written - yet you got all perfectly . Other wise you would not be so mad.
 Amy way  
 take care  
 Jake - do not take dirt  with you and you will say clean and never feel as someone made your dirty - it is you who made himself dirty
 Not I .  
yet again .. being dirty for christians means be sexy .

JakeFromStateFarm456 reads

Learn to write in English.  Learn to control your bloated ego.  Until then, no one will take you seriously here.

on upping her game. Her review scores are horrible and she criticized many guys in various age ranges a few days ago. She is a train wreck on a collision course for a crash.

From the Beatles: Back in the USSR.

When you write:

“They do see, they do read, yet they want awesome times behind close doors and true intimacy and true woman.”

Bingo! Many men want to be loved and wanted by the provider they hire and they want to return the favor in kind; they desire that chemistry and they want it to be genuine.  

But you got me thinking, when it comes to the provider, is she genuinely attracted to a client (maybe sometimes), or is she coming from a place of a better understanding of the human condition when it comes to love making?

I tend to think the more successful providers are aware of this carnal role and value the pleasure of making another reach a sense of happiness and desired fulfillment, as in the happy ending. This is the escort that delivers the pleasure to different clients more often than not for she is fully aware of this basic human sexual need and she will not sacrifice her performance for anything less.

As far as me, I’m very attracted to dark haired women with fair skin. I also think Russian women are gorgeous (more so than many American woman and I’m American) and some of them fall under my desire of dark hair/fair complexion. I would like one for my own, even a civvie one, and I’m willing to take the challenge of getting to know the culture. I’m open minded, I’m up for adventure and understanding.

-- Modified on 7/12/2016 11:43:09 PM

But somewhere in the middle you drove that point of yours somewhat not quite diligent. That is something that airs, maybe from stereotypes, but the middle of your interpretation was just that, an interpretation. You don't speak and know Russian. Do you translate from where? Best of luck to you too.

that when it comes to agreement, a meeting of minds between two strangers (between two cultures) will not take place without the willingness to do so.  

Yet you say the beginning was “fine,” thank you for that

My ending was not friendly, but there’s a tough crew here quick to flame and make a joke out of another expressing a pet peeve on the boards.

When it happens (sometimes I see it escalate) it's important to be aware of you audience when  unhappiness is expressed

I understand that when we both make love we will make things much clearer.   Your pictures look nice but your too far away for the much clearer meeting.

I don't get why some on this board disrespect the other side of the envelope or those that do this differently then them. Every one here is a pervert but that doesn't mean we should treat the ladies with anything less then respect unless they prove that they aren't worth respecting. I don't understand why so many are attacking you over your poor English when it is plain this isn't you fist language. I can't write well ether and English is my first and only language. How long tell they respect you? Some never will I am sorry to say, others will give you basic respect till it is plain you don't deserve it. I haven't seen adequate reason to think your not worth basic respect. I do think your poor English has made you a target unfairly. Who knows maybe I am clueless. I don't think you deserve the attacks on this thread. I am especially disappointed in TER staff. Where is their professionalism? Lacking to say the least.

souls_harbor507 reads

These same crew crap on just about every thread.  You'll note that the worst offenders spend just about every post bragging how they turn providers into girlfriends by the dozen -- and other tall tales.  These are clearly men who have a low self-image and need to boost themselves and belittle others in order to feel good about themselves.

A tell for this sort of personality is how quickly they will seize on someone who is new and not yet established.  With no one to defend the target, the crappers have a clear field of attack.  

They also proclaim themselves "heroes" for defending the forum -- self appointed Barney Fifes who'll "Nip it, nip it right in the bud."

Posted By: scoed
I don't get why some on this board disrespect the other side of the envelope or those that do this differently then them.

JakeFromStateFarm389 reads

Yes the usual suspects (me included) came out to play.  But so did numerous other posters, virtually all of whom seem to agree the OP is both incoherent and angry.  Even the usually silent TERAdmin chimed in to taunt the OP.  Maybe it's because, in addition to being incoherent and angry, the OP perpetuated her own thread by arguing with virtually everyone.
She has no one but herself to blame.
But I'm sure you can expect a sweet note, which will warm the cockles of your heart.

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