TER General Board

I think many men enjoy paying.
FatVern 342 reads

I wan't the pussy, and I want to keep my money.

Just attended a wedding of a nephew and all I can think about was how many of the young ladies (his and her female friends) there could potentially be companions. I had to hold back and my  other head was thinking otherwise.  

What is on your f..mind (hobbiests and providers) when you attended a social events and thought I wish she/he was ... you know a potential client (for providers) or companions for us hobbiests?

...sometimes when I'm at or in the vicinity of hotels and I see an attractive woman by herself it does cross my mind.  

One time... at band camp... (haha - kidding) it was actually at one of the nicest hotels in San Jose where I was about to do a photoshoot. I had to go back across the street to the parking garage to get more gear from the car and in the elevator was a very attractive young lady probably in her early to mid 20's who was very friendly and upbeat. We made some small talk in the elevator and to our cars and she mentioned that she was going to the City for the weekend.

I wasn't about to ask her if it was for business or for pleasure, but to this day I still wonder. :P

My Niece is getting Married next month and my goal is to behave myself. I must  
1.  Stay Sober
2.  Keep my mouth shut
3.  Stay close to my relatives who are my age.

If you met my nieces friends you would understand why.

If it's an old man in the box, I usually check out the widow. Nothing too exciting there usually. I keep hoping some of the younger chicks, granddaughters and such, might start weeping out of grief and need someone older and wiser to comfort them. So far I haven't sacked any prizes in that pew, but there are plenty of funerals yet to come.

If the casket holds the body of a lady, passing thoughts of a necrophilia nature sometimes amuse me. But other than copping a feel as I gaze into the coffin, nothing.

I like 'em best when they're breathing. That's almost a deal breaker. But as long as they're breathing, they're my type.

Posted By: WickedBrut
If it's an old man in the box, I usually check out the widow. Nothing too exciting there usually. I keep hoping some of the younger chicks, granddaughters and such, might start weeping out of grief and need someone older and wiser to comfort them. So far I haven't sacked any prizes in that pew, but there are plenty of funerals yet to come.  
 If the casket holds the body of a lady, passing thoughts of a necrophilia nature sometimes amuse me. But other than copping a feel as I gaze into the coffin, nothing.  
 I like 'em best when they're breathing. That's almost a deal breaker. But as long as they're breathing, they're my type.

Tippecanoe470 reads

At least it would be free and the term, "She just laid there like a dead fish" would be appropriate.

A few months back, Northofboston posted a thread with a song by The New York Rock Ensemble-Roll Over called Gravedigger that I found quite disturbing, but never-the-less intriguing (at least) when the acceptable social vs. the unacceptable alienated and that ever present inane desire for each individual to have sex and to love and be loved. In the lyrics, I can not help but sympathize with the perpetrator crossing the line into such an unseemly act to satisfy those desires that just may go beyond lust and perversion? In the written lyrics, the intrusion doesn’t come across as necessarily an all out self-serving  tainted violation or evil, but in some off-beat way, a haunting fulfillment or spin on romance that is difficult to comprehend if not for the last bastion of hope—as in this poor soul’s life—a substitute to make what is so unattainable, attainable to serve the need, to feed the feeling.  

Question comes to mind, can romance be perverted like sex and lust?

(And, with the above question presented, I reflect back on what makes this song so haunting when it comes to romance vs. sex and lust.)

Anyway, I like them breathing, too, but your post triggered the above earlier reflection on the subject. Attached is the thread

Love for the dead might be an extension of a live for times past. Whenever somebody wallows in wistful sentimentality over the good old days, or when they follow political leaders who promise to return us to a time before The Civil Rights Movement, before the abolishment of the Draft, before the taming of the Wild West, to a day of gunslingers and Jim Crow if not outright slavery, of everyone going to the only church in town every Sunday and not welcoming anyone who wouldn't want to do that, when people crave to return to these dead days and curse the present moment, they have perverted romance in a very necrophilst way.

That's how I see it. Obviously a lot of lovers of the dead will cry out that this is no perversion at all. In fact, they'll contend that love of what is and of what is yet to be is a perversion. So...maybe even the craving for a love that is not perverted is a romantic longing for days long dead and gone.

..using history as an example to the distortion. Okay, but if the other way around where today’s  perversion is tomorrow’s norm, like the once illegal act of sodomy for example, is now accepted and even applauded by some who practice it and refer to as greek.

But if I was misunderstood, then it is my fault because what I was getting at is what is so natural and universal becomes distorted as in perversion when desperate people do desperate things either out the lack of sound judgment because of perceived inadequacies or lack of opportunity, as in this shunned gravedigger’s plight. Maybe some do it out of boredom and want to try something different and then like it. But who am I to judge how someone feels, yet when expressed artfully and tenderly, it makes for intriguing reading.

Definition of perversion: 1. the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended 2. is a sexual behavior or desire that is considered abnormal or unacceptable.

Definition of romance  1. a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. 2. a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life.

Definition of infatuation: an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something

Look at Edgar Allen Poe's "Annabelle Lee." He longs for a woman and a love (and a youth?) that is irretrievably gone. How might he attempt to recapture those feelings? Beyond poetry, he could seek out a provider who resembles his departed love. In his time, that would have been considered a perversion, at least by some.

Is it a perverse romanticism to pine for what can no longer be?

Consider Mother Hubbard's dog. The cupboard was bare, but he knew there had to be a bone somewhere, because the dog knows he could never crave something that did not exist. It's the same with us.

As in your example, as you say.

Perhaps we think we know better today, but as long as safety isn’t compromised, and two are in agreement, then it should be okay for people to behave and get along with each other. It is left up to them to decide.

Yet on an individual basis, and thinking of other literature, I have not read the “Story of O,” but at least I got a gist from the summary and reviews about this story on female submission from several sources. O is a “beautiful Parisian fashion photographer” who submits herself to the same secret society that her lover belongs to. She releases herself to “oral, vaginal and anal intercourse as well as the more brutal whips and chains, “large plugs used to widen her anus, her labium pierced and her buttocks branded.” In the story, another woman gets involved and sees O’s condition and becomes repulsed to the chains and scars. Yet, O herself is proud of her condition as a willing slave if not out of the sake of commitment and love to her lover.

Can it then be considered, to O it is not perversion, but to the other woman it looks like it most likely is from perversion?  

Not exactly clear on what you mean that “a dog could never crave something that did not exist,” except if you mean (as an example) the broken-hearted, the hung up towards a loss lover, as in the beautifully poetic "Annabelle Lee;" if he had never met her in the first place, then those feelings of desired turned to grief would never have existed? Or do you mean, if never born, then there would never be a desire towards any other? Yet among the living, are you alluding that perversion is a part of life whether we’re aware of it or not

Other "social functions" are all about connecting with people. IRL, those connections are all to some degree sexual. But if we don't get laid we don't notice that. Or some of don't or sometimes we don't, but that's how it is. Think of life as foreplay. Or think of sex as a little death, as it ends the chase and longing.

Of the people who directly or indirectly report to me, there are 9 whom I find physically very appealing.  Lovely faces, great personalty, very good figures.  Wow!
Aside from the fact that I would never mess with people at work, I really wonder if one of these could be a great provider.  Providers fascinate me.  They are physically attractive, but I have had a number of favs whom I would not have looked at twice in a crowd.  There is something so much more involved.  
Good looking is great, but there are certain social skills,, a certain perceptiveness, and intelligence as well that make up a provider.  
I am looking forward to meeting a provider recommended by a friend as being wonderful and with sensational reviews.  She will meet me for the first time, spend about 3 hours with me,  and if she is near as good as I think she is, get into my head, open herself just enough, and deliver a sensational human and physical interaction that touches me and will stay with me for a long time.  (I still think about a lady I met in Seattle, who is now in Florida, and whom I saw that once and I still think about.)  
That is not looks, that is so much more than good looks or even graceful movements or a sweet smell.  
I always hesitate writing things like this, because they are easy to dismiss and ridicule as "white Knight ism."  I believe the set of skills and intelligence that make up a great provider is rare and involves intelligence, social intelligence, and almost exquisite perceptiveness as well as an ability to appreciate other human beings and see past their weaknesses and any physical blemishes to their essence as people.

"get into my head, open herself just enough, and deliver a sensational human and physical interaction that touches me and will stay with me for a long time."~Dr. Joe

Definitely not a "Top Layer" kind of guy.
This is a very DEEP experience that dips into Transcendental.
It will happen with Total and Complete Focus on every cell of your body.

All those things you say are nice. It is possible they could be said about many women. Civvie and Hooker. The difference is you get to know the hookers because you are paying them and as such they are far more likely to spend time with you as long as you treat them right. The civvie women might not give you the time of day so you never get to know them. That doesn't mean they don't have the same qualities. See

many long term friends with benefits.I get to know women and adore many of them.  I know a number of women who are fine surgeons. I asked one of them to do some really tricky surgery on me. That takes dedication knowledge and skill.  One of the women with whom I am still madly in love is the most talented administrator I hove ever encountered.   I could go on and on about the women I have been lucky enough to know, some even in the Biblical sense, but if you think of the women you know, know really well, and you think of the providers who have touched you; you might see a profound difference.  I have and that is all I was saying. There is something special about a great physician; a great violinist; a great write: I was outlining what I think is special about a great provider. .

I think what he is suggesting is that certain providers have a skill set above and beyond other providers that meet his needs and wants, even when he gets to know one from the other. (Is that fair to say, Dr. Joe?)

With his 'errand money' that needs to be cash and long lunch breaks and fear of making eye contact with the babysitter. Lol

My kind can spot each other easily in hotels, even in our disguises (sometimes -especially- in our disguises ;)). I've wished I could snag some of them for a surprise double session. Hotel staff knows what's up pretty quickly, too.  

My 20's mentality: How dare they make assumptions that an attractive female traveling alone may be a prostitute!

My 30's mentality: How dare they suggest I might be on a legitimate business trip!

Posted By: UOnlyLive2x

What is on your f..mind (hobbiests and providers) when you attended a social events and thought I wish she/he was ... you know a potential client (for providers) or companions for us hobbiests?
What's on my mind?  Do you mean, what triggers this or what actual fantasies pop into my head? :-)

If it's the former:  Well, this usually only happens when I've been providing 5/-6 days a week for a few months straight.  
When it gets to the point where I can't look at anyone without imagining myself having sex with him or her: I know it's time for a little breaky.  ;-)

The latter?  Oh my goodness..... I could be at Home Depot asking the nice,  older, semi-retired male employee about dehumidifiers and suddenly an image pops into my head of me sucking him off  in my basement, and wondering exactly how he likes it.  Deep and soft or shallow with hard suction? Does he have ED?  Need bands?  Sensitive head?  Hmmmm.....  
Or I'm at Starbucks watching a female barista making my latte, as she and another female employee  
are chatting: I wonder if she's ever had a Bi experience.  Does she like toys?  Would she want a man there too or just F/F?  Would she want to lick me?  And so on and so forth.  

Yeah the sexual scenarios can fly though my head, and it's usually along the vein of "what does this person need to get off and how can I best fulfill his/her desires"...............  which says to me that I need to take a little time away from the biz and go have some civvie sex!!!!    

But that's just me.  ;-)

on the opposite end of your distraction ... naaaah, you're too far away for that ....

Deb although you have just described you mind set about other peoples proclivities that you come across in your daily life, I am wondering if anyone has talked to you in your civilian life and after they left guessed that you would be an escort predicated on the conversation they had with you and how you answered certain questions?  Also I would think that they would be extremely deductively and observant on how you answered certain questions regarding certain subject matter that would navigate them to that conclusion? Just a thought.

FatVern451 reads

I just notice the one's I want to fuck, it's kind of the same thing. If I can't pick them up, and since we've already met IRL, it won't matter if they are a hookers or not.

Gypsybbw497 reads

When I go out I always feel like" this guy is a client ".... LOL or good lawwd I wish you were my client!!

FatVern516 reads

This thread sounds like people equate sex with money.

When you go to a event like that and those are the thoughts that cross your head. 😬

And was actually hoping as we quickly took a left turn into the darker recesses of the life and times of the ultra horny that many comments were just playful riffing.    Or then again... like the old saying goes:when you're a carpenter everything looks like a nail :)  

Posted By: sasha2cute
When you go to a event like that and those are the thoughts that cross your head. 😬

it's a good problem to have.  

Besides, that's not the only thing I think of.  
I also think is she married or does she have
a SO ... would he/she object?  

I wonder what types of food, wine and restaurants  
she might enjoy and would she give me a foot job  
or a BJ under the table or in the empty cost room.  

God Sasha, don't get me started. I haven't gotten laid in two days.

FatVern343 reads

I wan't the pussy, and I want to keep my money.

FatVern395 reads

I just think meeting in that situation, your typical john/hooker relationship wouldn't work.  

For starters you would already know who she is. Most ladies don't like that.

The probability that the YL already have a SD, would also diminish the chances of p4p.

Those other girls let me fuck 'em for money! Why won't youuuuuuuuuu?????

Posted By: UOnlyLive2x
Just attended a wedding of a nephew and all I can think about was how many of the young ladies (his and her female friends) there could potentially be companions. I had to hold back and my  other head was thinking otherwise.  
 What is on your f..mind (hobbiests and providers) when you attended a social events and thought I wish she/he was ... you know a potential client (for providers) or companions for us hobbiests?
But your curiosity has wondering. That's why escorts have meet and greets pick up business.

I'm a apparel mfg in LA and I sit in on "fitting" with the models and designers. As the models are modeling for us while we're critiquing the fit, the LA models will make me wonder, is she or isn't she (slowly finding out that most are). But when I'm doing a fitting in Vegas, it's like I know she is but now "how much"....lol

...is what crosses my mind once I get past the initial lustful thoughts and harmless fantasy (and that’s all it is), but somewhere, somehow it works out in the balance if patient and aware of what’s worth going after.

That's the problem!!!! I don't think!!! I just talk hypothetically to the person in hopes that he or she gets the hint.

Whenever I see ads around my uni, I do think "hmmmm" some of these girls may be paying their tuitions with money from escorting.  
Or when that hot chick in class who's supposedly single but her fb and ig is filled with nice gifts. I do think, "probably sugar daddy, but MAYBE escort"

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