TER General Board

I say you won't live past 1300 hrs at bestregular_smile
ElleWoods 3422 reads

and if you do, it doesn't really matter because the rest of your day is shot-you will be completely incapacitated from your glutonous, 'eyes-bigger-than-stomach' syndrome!

LOL   :)

06:00 Alarm

06:15 Blow job

06:30 Massive, satisfying dump while reading the sports pages

07:00 Breakfast. ribeyed steak and eggs, coffee and toast - all cooked by naked buxom wench

07:30 Limo arrives

07:45 Several whiskeys en-route to airport (BJ)

09:15 Flight in personal Lear jet(MILE high meeting)

09:30 Limo to St. Andrew' s golf club (blow job en-route)

09:45 Play front nine (2 under) BJ after 9th hole

11:45 meat loaf lunch. Pie,of course mash and gravy, 3 lagers and a bottle of Dom Perignon

12:15 Blow job

12:30 Play back nine (4 under)

14:15 Limo back to airport (several whiskeys) BJ

14:30 Fly to Monte Carlo mile high meeting on board

15:30 Late afternoon fishing excursion with all female crew (all nude)

16:30 Land world record Marlin (1234lb) on light tackle.

17:00 Fly home. Massage and hand job by Elle McPheerson(her lips were tired)

18:45 Shit, shower and shave

19:00 Watch news: Michael Jackson assassinated(just a joke...some people luv you Jacko; marijuana,hobby,porn legalised

19:45 Dinner. Lobster appetisers, Dom Perignon (1953); big juicy fillet of Mignon steak followed by ice cream served on a big pair of tits with extra Grand marnier.

21:00 Napoleon brandy and Cohiba cigar in front of wall-sized TV showing Best game of the Day. Yankees win in extra innings over Boston, of course

22:45 Sex with three women (all with lesbian tendencies)

23:30 Massage and Jacuzzi with tasty pizza snacks and a cleansing Bass ale

00:15 Night cap blow job

00:30 In bed alone

00:35 A 12 second fart which changes note 4 times and forces the dog to leave the room.SNNNNNOOOOZE.

Disclaimer: I lost count of all the providers...names and descriptions have been left off to protect the innocent.....dumps and farts were added for some humor...lol...of course VR don't do such nasty things.


spell checks...
-- Modified on 5/15/2004 7:35:40 AM

-- Modified on 5/15/2004 7:37:38 AM

Sounds good except for that alarm. It would never be included in my perfect day.

Dirk Bogard2840 reads

Have you no shame, chap?

I counted 7 blow jobs, 1 hand job, and 3 shags in one day!

This is topped off by your excessive inbibing of liquor,stuffing and gorging your face with food,incessant merrymaking of all sorts of frolic and games, and a nasty exhibition of hideous gastric disturbances.

I say,by chance; chap,can I join you the next time around?


Dirk Bogard2935 reads

I would certainly hope so chap

wouldn't expect you to hang around and hand VR the toilet paper
although kind of knowing VR, I don't imagine you anywhere present before 6:20 am either.


Arizona Angel3907 reads

Well let's start of without the excessive bowel movement, light gin or vodka intead of whiskey, move on to shopping instead of golf, chicken shwarma sandwich with lots feta cheese and a nice sweet white wine, scuba expedition instead of fishing, find sucken spanish gallo filled with golden wares, Angelina Jolie instead, chambord instead , fresh fruit and cheeses with a spumante champange- preferably cheap... in bed not alone- heck I was with the guy who paid for the whole damn trip...LOL...Do you seriously think I  could afford all that on a whore's budget?              ROTFLMAO

The E Ticket2757 reads

I would have left everything unchanged except for one little item.

Yankees LOSE!



I don't take dumps till about 8 or 9ish so that may throw some things off but I don't care about missing...eh, what was it called again - Golf. I'll replace that with a massage by some big breasted women.

-- Modified on 5/15/2004 1:55:00 PM

Throw in front row tickets to Mike Tyson vs. Roy Jones, masturbating to a live show with Jenna Jameson and Kobe Tai, and a smorgasbord prepared by Emeril Lagasse, hand-fed to you by the Olsen twins in a California king water bed on 1000 thread sheets.

ElleWoods3423 reads

and if you do, it doesn't really matter because the rest of your day is shot-you will be completely incapacitated from your glutonous, 'eyes-bigger-than-stomach' syndrome!

LOL   :)

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