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I saw someone I knew at a M&G ...
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 200 reads

and when I turned around, he was gone ... for the evening. Pooof

I guess he wasn't very comfortable but it was a little late, don't you think?

BeautifulLover2065 reads

This question is for both (ladies & gents) how would you handle this.

Ladies have you ever screened a client and once he arrived for the date you noticed you actually know him from work, the gym etc ?

Gents have you ever screened with a lady that blurred out her face but it was just something about her that made you feel like you know her. Perhaps her hair or body type...maybe even other little hints.

The situation has never happened to me personally but I have heard stories. I was in the middle of planning a tour in my home state but nervous especially since there's no telling how it will turn out.


-- Modified on 6/29/2016 3:25:47 AM


If I were a stamp collector and met my attractive female neighbor at the stamp collecting show, I would smile at her  and even exchange stamp collecting tips.  
If I booked a  date with a lady and showed up and it was one of the gorgeous medical specialist that I know and maybe even work with (say a certain female general surgeon to whom  I often send patients) I would smile and, unless she was uncomfortable, enjoy my time with her.  I might work a little harder to be charming  since I would know I will be seeing her again and again in our professional relationship.  She's there I'm there and I am not ashamed of what I do and knowing her she would not do anything she felt was shameful.  
(I do protect myself from revealing any of this to famly, friends and colleagues who would divorce me, look down on me, refuse to follow my leadership.  No shame just a practical realization of the need to protect myself and my very minority position on sex for pleasure.)

-- Modified on 6/29/2016 4:12:00 AM

Posted By: BeautifulLover
This question is for both (ladies & gents) how would you handle this.  
 Ladies have you ever screened a client and once he arrived for the date you noticed you actually know him from work, the gym etc ?  
 Gents have you ever screened with a lady that blurred out her face but it was just something about her that made you feel like you know her. Perhaps her hair or body type...maybe even other little hints.  
 The situation has never happened to me personally but I have heard stories. I was in the middle of planning a tour in my home state but nervous especially since there's no telling how it will turn out.  

-- Modified on 6/29/2016 3:25:47 AM

Posted By: BeautifulLover

 Ladies have you ever screened a client and once he arrived for the date you noticed you actually know him from work, the gym etc ?
When I've worked for agencies and did not get the guy's full info prior to meeting this happened repeatedly.  But yes, it happened several times and it was a bit awkward for me.  

But even knowing his full name won't necessarily prevent bumping into someone who goes to the same gym, local bar, church or whatever.  I did once meet someone who I recognized from a local hangout so at the end of the date, I mentioned it so that he wouldn't freak out upon seeing me in a social setting (that has happened!) and it didn't go great.    

The very next time I was there, I found out he'd been asking around about me!  Now, he didn't out me as an escort, he just made it sound like he'd spotted me there and was interested.  This made me very uncomfortable, so much so that I stopped going there.  I chalked it up to a learning experience.  :-)

If/when something like this happens again (I recognize a client from my real-world), I will just keep it to myself and if we bump  into one another, then hopefully we can both be cool & discreet about it.  ;-)

there's this woman you know IRL and my money is on you want to fuck her so bad you can taste it. She appears behind the door obviously with the same body that you've been lusting over since the first time you saw her. We'll say that's normal for most guys here

And now she stands before you and you're uncomfortable ... if anything, it might be she who is the more uncomfortable of the two of you because she may not have felt the same as you.

I'd probably try to say as little as possible except to express my delight by telling her how attracted to her I've always been and that what happens in the next hour or so is just between us as long as she's comfortable with the idea.  

I won't write a "review" on what would happen next but let's say it would be hottt and wetttt and orgasmic....

I once booked a session with a provider who looked like my neighbor. (OK, my neighbor with a blurry face.) I fantasized about the slight chance that my neighbor might be driving 30 miles for rendezvous like this and it was very exciting. She wasn't, and the provider was hotter than Mrs. Milf with the large husband, so all's well that ends well.

Cat's out of the bag now and they are as involved as I am, so why not chill and enjoy? Unless they are a familiar face from the probation office :-0 heheh

Don't know really what I'd do. It could be heavy, or a good laugh.

-- Modified on 6/29/2016 10:09:50 AM

Somedudesjunk395 reads

This was an after the fact realization. I changed my workout patterns and went to a different location, still close to my home, to exercise. Didn't want to feel like I was intruding on her private life.  Still see her, although I am overdue for a visit.


Posted By: BeautifulLover
This question is for both (ladies & gents) how would you handle this.  
 Ladies have you ever screened a client and once he arrived for the date you noticed you actually know him from work, the gym etc ?  
 Gents have you ever screened with a lady that blurred out her face but it was just something about her that made you feel like you know her. Perhaps her hair or body type...maybe even other little hints.  
 The situation has never happened to me personally but I have heard stories. I was in the middle of planning a tour in my home state but nervous especially since there's no telling how it will turn out.  

-- Modified on 6/29/2016 3:25:47 AM

If I ended up in the same room with somebody I knew IRL...  I'd take the opportunity to tell them how to act if we meet on the street...  Some might want no aknowledgement & others just a nod as you woud to an amiable stranger.  This is the recommended way to handle these chance encounters but not everyone gets it.

souls_harbor236 reads

I'd be happy to meet someone I knew.  It'd create a bond of kindred spirit.

Years ago, I was at an M&G in NYC, and one of the other hobbyists in attendance was someone I knew from work.  In fact, a lady we both knew introduced us, which was kind of awkward, to say the least.  We both agreed at work the next day to keep our secrets secret.  We also ran into each other at two subsequent events, and I became friends with his ATF.  Strange but true.

and when I turned around, he was gone ... for the evening. Pooof

I guess he wasn't very comfortable but it was a little late, don't you think?

...actually met up with local provider-familiar tat on shoulder-turns out she was recently divorced from a client of mine...a shock at first-on both ends...but it turned into a really hot visit,that became an overnight stay-I am now a regular client of hers and discovered that my client is/was an asshole and im moving his account to someone else in my company...

If I accidentally booked with someone whom I knew in my civie life, that would make it hotter for me. If she's someone I find attractive, sure. I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our civie or hobby relationships.

There's a porn actress/escort whom I don't know in RL, but one of her neighbors is a regular at a restaurant my friend works at, that I occasionally go to. I believe she's stopped by a couple of times. I kind of want to see her but she's a little bit out of my budget, but i might be able to make an exception for her.

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