TER General Board

I realize how important reviews are for the ladies, so ...regular_smile
eastside70 42 Reviews 532 reads

I don't have a problem providing them even if there might be potential little hassles that creep up. So far, I haven't had a review rejected. It's a little time consuming, but it's worth it if it helps her out with future bookings by having current reviews. Plus, I love writing them which allows me to describe what an amazing experience I had with her.  

I've been on the other end of stick where I wanted to see a lady, but she didn't have any current reviews. It took me a lot more time researching her with other methods, than if she would have had some current reviews. Current reviews are beneficial to both ladies and clients.

Now if TER can do a little streamlining of the overall review submittal process, it would help out a lot.

As I write this I am in a space of amazement... It seems that you can pour everything into your sessions only to have the Gentleman write a thorough, positive review and TER deny it 4x.  
So the Gentleman has no choice put to present a shallow review, totally leaving out the  
good stuff that means a great deal to the modern Monger. So what you're left with is a  
vulgar, half story of key words.  

What's even more disheartening is the fact the gentleman has to devote more time than he originally thought to writing a review. He is now going back and forth deleting things and the session is burying itself into oblivion in the back of his mind. By the time the review is finished he has made up his mind to never write one again.

So, my question is... is TER, P411 and the other big name sites the crème of the crop or are there others out there that are more exclusive, maybe a larger community... hell, even private ones? It seems agencies only know where to go and market their girls or there are communities for agencies etc. not many options for the indy.  

Feel free to PM me or comment. Anything personal just PM me.

Can you tell us why it was denied? Not sure what it means when you say the review has to be "shallow" or guys are forced into "totally leaving out the good stuff."

TER kicks back many reviews bc there isn't enough detail, and they WANT the good stuff.

But to answer your question, yes, TER is the best review site I have ever used. By far. Not that I don't check out other sites as well but here is where I start and here is where I have the most confidence as there is so much info available here through profiles, reviews, use of pm's, etc.

The reason it was rejected was it was too informative and then wording, and then the ratings were an iasue because he didn't indulge in certain things. So even though its offered, if he didn't take it it doesn't count towards the score

That doesn't ring true. Unless you mean he touched upon forbidden topics. Otherwise, TER likes information.  

What does "wording" mean?

The ratings part I get. That can be tricky, and TER can be a stickler.

-- Modified on 1/25/2017 4:13:31 PM

I've had a review kicked back for too much info but it was not about the service but related to information that might have allowed someone to identify the person and what might be considered private aspects of her life. I was fine with that even though I didn't think I had provided anything that could have "outed" anyone.

As for the rating -- that is in keeping with the new rules: If a service is not performed you cannot get the rating for it even if you offer it so just get used to that.

When it comes to BBFS. Otherwise, no "Creme" involved, but still the best review site and the only one I use.

I have few reviews for the very reasons you list.  I am an older monger and using the more vulgar terms when describing my session with a lady is just hard for me to do.  I feel I can get my point across without degrading terms.  Maybe next time I will just write all the things we did in the closing sentence and still make my review palatible.

Reviews are full of acronyms, euphemisms, and euphemistic acronyms. No one's forcing you to talk dirty, so I don't see the problem.

one would think, but talk to the guys approving the reviews....

Posted By: darmody
Reviews are full of acronyms, euphemisms, and euphemistic acronyms. No one's forcing you to talk dirty, so I don't see the problem.

I have never experienced this. Did he try putting in key words and being thorough? I manage to stick in plenty of "good stuff" and get my reviews approved. (The only time they ever forced my to exclude what I thought was important information was when I suggested drug use.) Are you sure the gentleman wasn't missing some key ingredient, and making it a vulgar, half story was simply unnecessary?

Also, why would the writing and rewriting bury the details of the session into oblivion in the back of his mind? How weak is his memory? Maybe it didn't make as strong an impression on him as you think. And why are you so involved in the process? I've never talked about any of my reviews with providers, except the couple who asked me if I wanted to review them. That's as far as it went: them asking.

Because I read and keep track of my reviews and who is writing them. Thats business. Keeping track helps me improve what I do. I asked him aboutbthe review because some details were wrong and other details left out. I wanted to know why he wrote it so.... Vulgar

I say disappear into oblivion because who in the world has time to keep writing the same details over and over again? I write poetry in my spare time and have literally lost works writing them over and over again or taking things out and etc.

I can say from experience TER doesn't force reviewers to leave out details, get things wrong, or write vulgarly. Except in the sense that I feel compelled to be specific about what acts we engaged in. But I'd probably do that anyway, since I know that's a big part of why people bother reading.  

You confronted him, he gave you a plausible answer. An answer that may actually be true in his head. But I wouldn't assume it was TER's fault. Maybe he's just really bad at expressing himself.  

As for losing poetry by writing over and over again, I think I know what you mean, but I don't get the connection. Because we're talking about memory here, not the product of writing about the memory. A reviewer can lose the narrative thrust (for lack of a better term) and be unable to finish because of constant, forced revisions. I get that. But he should still be able to remember what happened. I don't see why that would be obliviated.

-- Modified on 1/25/2017 4:12:28 PM

GaGambler964 reads

except for all the rest of them that is. lol

TER has plenty of faults, but there is a reason it's the largest site of it's kind. It really is the best review site that I know of, and I've been on plenty of them.

I have to agree with GaG on this one.  Although I haven't messed around with too many others to gather enough data.  For one, excluding the inflation with the scoring criteria.  The reviews help us mongers decipher between the bs and non-bs (bs being the sometimes inflated scores and non-bs being a description of what a session would be like under normal circumstances).  Off course there are cases of YMMV, but for the most-part if said provider has however many reviews attesting to her service then she is who she claims to be and there's proof to show it.  

It is hard when they are part of a search engine...what is written means more.  That is what I am told.  So does a trend...if a lady is on and off again with appearance, performance, and/or attitude, it will effect that overall impression whether in words or numbers.  Boundaries unfortunately effect it too...all you can do is hope the onlookers understand that.  

I think TER is the best...I do take a look at what is being said etc and try to improve if I see their point.  Certainly I see the trends too...it can be helpful to check yourself.  When it is hard is when the time you  spent was great, the verbal and physical feedback was super and the overall score and words do not seem congruent.  It messes with your head a bit...smile, take the high road, RISE!

Getting denied for a shallow review.. that doesn't make much sense, I would be curious what he is writing and the reason why it got kicked back. It's never a problem writing just about anything, I've done it in my own reviews and have read many others where giving every detail is not a problem.

It is interesting how people all think the site they use, because it is the busiest in their town, is the best.

It's kind of like when people who use Windows, or people who use Apple, have to use the other one. They get frustrated because they are so used to the one they've been using. The same thing with review sites.  

My experience is that some are better interfaces than others, but they all do the same basic thing.  
I'm just grateful that they exist.. Finding the relevant site in each market is a small challenge, but definitely worthwhile.
They all make it really easy to get laid by women that I probably wouldn't have a shot with any other way.
Freaking awesome!

In this field busiest has a lot to do with best. Less busy sites are less likely to have the profiles and reviews you're looking for. Even if the profiles are incomplete or a lot of the reviews short, uninformative, and bad reads, that's better than not being able to find the lady you're looking for.

True, but in some markets TER is the least busy site. Some of those other sites (that shall remain nameless) have for example over 700 providers listed in one city. In that city, TER is next to silent.  

TER is great but it's not great everywhere.

GaGambler621 reads

In Dallas for example, TER is far from the dominant site, but I still consider TER the better site. I am forced to use the other one because they have far more Texas reviews than does TER, but I still consider TER the better site.

One of the things I love about P 411 is the fact they link to ALL a lady's reviews, not just the ones here. When looking for a new lady to see, P 411 is almost always the first (and usually the last) place I look. Once I find a woman whose Pics grab my interest, it's just so easy to click on the links to her reviews on ALL the review sites and within just a few short minutes I have more than enough information to know if I want to book with her.

As I said, I much prefer TER, but I will certainly concede that in many markets TER is not the "go to" site.

Write one... January I've seen so many & none of them wants to write a review.. Couple of them already have repeated ... One stated he will write one but it's been days ugh.... This is a review site, you found me here with the reviews of others so why not write one!!!  

Happy Hump Day Everyone!!!

Including one from me. So you're not doing too bad.

GaGambler590 reads

After all, you don't want people thinking you are a slut, do you??? lol

It's so funny how people think. I actually try to keep my P 411 Okays down to one new one every month or two, just to have something "current" I don't want hundreds of okays because "some" hookers don't want to see guys who see "too many" women, go figure???

Its' funny, when I am in Costa Rica and bring a chica up to my room, I have lost track of how many have asked me "How many chicas have you seen today?" I guess it's not just guys that do this, and at least the guys rarely ask the question out loud, but yes I know it's what they are thinking. lol

One of them told me his last review for a lady took a total of three hours of his time writing, submitting, rewriting and resubmitting and score changing and he was only with the lady for one hour!!!
I'm sad because regular up-to-date reviews on this site have helped to reassure and encourage bookings from many lovely gents who've found me here. If it's going to become so difficult to write a review for someone guys will get discouraged and reviews will dry up. Why make life so complicated on such a good site??

Posted By: clairecavendish
One of them told me his last review for a lady took a total of three hours of his time writing, submitting, rewriting and resubmitting and score changing and he was only with the lady for one hour!!!  
 I'm sad because regular up-to-date reviews on this site have helped to reassure and encourage bookings from many lovely gents who've found me here. If it's going to become so difficult to write a review for someone guys will get discouraged and reviews will dry up. Why make life so complicated on such a good site??
You have a rendezvous and PERFORM XY&Z, and the client writes what XY&Z were like. If the client is properly informed about TER's new performance rule and how to score...XY&Z would be a 10. If you only PERFORMED X&Y, that would equal a 9. PERFORM X, and it equals an 8.

It doesn't take a genius to write the truth! The old system was nonfactual, and it's refreshing to now know the truth about what providers actually PERFORM.  

My performance scores are going to drop from 10's to 9's, because I'm stopping anal for awhile, but I'm not complaining and my clients will know I'm unable to earn a 10. Seriously, it's not too "complicated" to figure out!

Unless they are in a threesome. Unless I'm reading it wrong?

I'm reading this and even if she offers everything but anal, but doesn't have another girl or guy in the appointment, I'm assuming she gets an 8?

Unless I'm missing something here.

-- Modified on 1/25/2017 9:08:54 PM

...that makes 10. All three of these have to happen in the session being reviewed. No one other than her and the reviewer have to be present for these 3 things.

Posted By: TheNudeOpera
Unless they are in a threesome. Unless I'm reading it wrong?  
 I'm reading this and even if she offers everything but anal, but doesn't have another girl or guy in the appointment, I'm assuming she gets an 8?  
Unless I'm missing something here.
First off...Hi Courtney! xoxo  

TER Scoring Rule:
8. In order to keep our overall performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she performs one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. For each of these services that are performed, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum. Remember, it’s your review; within these guidelines you still get to decide what her score should be. You do not have to give her the ‘extra point’. If your review rates a provider higher than her maximum score, the score will be adjusted down to her maximum.

Courtney, let's say I start at a 7 and I perform DFK = 8, and then I give a BBBJ = 9, and then I get fucked in my ass (to be blunt) = 10. Now if I didn't "PERFORM" (new key word) one of the three (DFK, BBBJ, or anal) but I did have a rendezvous with a couple (either FMF or MFM) or a rendezvous with a group (as I did in my last review, which was a straight MMMMMF Bukakke), my performance score would be a 10. The same scenario applies if I PERFORMED with a duo (FF or FM) partner with a MALE (remember, I need a cock to PERFORM a BBBJ or get fucked in the ass) client...or, I PERFORMED with a MALE (Yayyy, a cock) duo partner on a female client = a 10. Also, a group (FFFFM, FMMMM, FFMM) of partners with a client = a 10 (as long as there's a cock involved).

Bottom line, I NEED a cock (whether it's my own (which is a non-issue for me, because I have no weenie) or a partner's or client's cock) to receive a 10 in performance!  

BUT...the client doesn't necessarily have to give me a 10 in performance...it's his prerogative to give me whatever score he likes, even if I PERFORM everything necessary to receive a 10.

Whew, I hope I got that all right, and if not...hopefully TER will correct me.


That might be on TER if they have not well communicated the new requirements for reviews and scoring performance. Still, any time you want to write a review the rules are presented -- I suspect most simply don't read them if they written more than 2 reviews though.  

Maybe TER will put a new heading section telling people in BIG BOLD (RED?) LETTERS to read rule 8 before attempting to draft their review as the rule has changed.

I don't have a problem providing them even if there might be potential little hassles that creep up. So far, I haven't had a review rejected. It's a little time consuming, but it's worth it if it helps her out with future bookings by having current reviews. Plus, I love writing them which allows me to describe what an amazing experience I had with her.  

I've been on the other end of stick where I wanted to see a lady, but she didn't have any current reviews. It took me a lot more time researching her with other methods, than if she would have had some current reviews. Current reviews are beneficial to both ladies and clients.

Now if TER can do a little streamlining of the overall review submittal process, it would help out a lot.

elvispat655 reads

A review that encompasses more than the sex acts does take a couple of hours to write, even if TER doesn't kick it back.  You have to think about how you felt, your perception the provider's reaction, and try to express it all in a way that's not repetitive of previous reviews, unless it was a completely vanilla session.

A well-written review should be entertaining, and that takes effort.  The pace of the writing should match the pace of the action.  It should be at least a little funny, because readers can plow through dozens of these and if you can't crack a smile, the topic can become boring (at least until you go to the Pictures Only board).  If you want to paint an interesting picture with your words, you have to spend some time describing the location, and you have to get a little more detail in there about looks and acts.  She was pretty.  What about her made her pretty?  High cheekbones?  Doe eyes?  A Gisele Bundchen mask?

But this has nothing to do with getting reviews rejected by TER.  That's happened to me, and it's because I didn't weave enough sex details into the review.  "Enough" is in the eye of the beholder, but if you cover kissing, touching, oral and the penetrative categories (or the reason for not doing them), and you describe her face, breasts, vagina and ass, as long as they get a few paragraphs you'll be fine.  And don't just list the acts without description and spend 5,000 characters talking about the wine you shared; this is a site about sex.

If the provider doesn't want you to mention certain acts but they were central to the session, break out the subtlety.  Unless you're talking about an 18 year old or the world Kegel champion, "I slowly slid [my finger, my penis] in to her tightness" is a discreet way of describing anal.  Any mention of a blowjob that doesn't end in an explicit description of the cum shot (or lack thereof) can be understood to mean swallowing.

What the new scoring system does that's a problem, however, is it uses one an unpopular act as a bright line to separate providers.  I think anal sex is pretty popular, especially in the porn world.  But it's really not in the TER world.  Here is data to prove the point.

#1: I looked at all 30+ reviews of a provider whose average performance score is above 9.3 (and should be in the top 10 in one of the 10 biggest cities; something's wrong with the TER top 100s) and whose profile indicates she has anal sex.  19 of them were 10s for performance.  Of those 19, exactly TWO mentioned having anal sex, and two more indicated they might like to in the future.  

#2: Another provider with 30+ reviews of which all but one are 10s.  She is in the top 15 nationwide.  This time, 8 described anal.  1 said, maybe next time.

So the preference among clients for anal, looking only at providers who advertise it, is between 10-25%.  I think it was unwise for TER to make anal the cutoff for a 10 when most clients don't want it.  If you want anal, do a search that includes it.

-- Modified on 1/26/2017 8:17:14 PM

Anal isn't the cutoff; it's just one possible path to 10. Do the math. Start with 7, add kissing with tongue (+1), BBBJ (+1), then either two girls, two guys, or anal gets you to 10. Your complaint shouldn't be with anal, specifically. It should be with TER requiring one of three unusual acts to get to 10.

GoogleWasMyIdea757 reads

TER and it's rules and moderators, for all their problems, enforce a certain discipline on the review process. That's why it's the only site where you can be pretty sure a provider with a reasonable number of reviews and, say 9.4, is probably going to provide a better experience then another provider with a reasonable number of reviews and a 9.0.

The biggest problem is that for every review you have to enter all the basic info (ad site, sizes, phone, ect). It can easily be 20 minutes of cut-and-pasting of info already available. It would be awesome if these areas were pre-filled (say, by the last reviewer) and you could just change if they were wrong out of date (probably with a mod approving the change). I'm sure if the back end could be fixed the number of reviews would skyrocket since you wouldn't have to spend half your time worrying about administrivia.

incredible experiences with ladies at least half a point off from each other. And I left them all feeling the same way. I'm not too much into the numbers. I'm more into her personality, appearance, and available menu items that meets my needs. I do my homework to determine if a connection can be formed during the visit. I believe that this makes for a better experience for both parties. So far, so good. I'm sure with the right research, a visit with a 9.0 could be the same as or better than a 9.4.

As for actual review submittals, I think that I have it down to about 10 minutes max. It would be very helpful if the basic information was filled in with me just making any revisions. Then I could just check off items performed and cut & paste my review in. Probably cut time to 5 minutes then. I don't see this changing, so I'll carry on as is.

It has a few bugs, but they will be worked out. Autofill is on it's way.

and I guarantee TER Admin will approve it even if I haven't read the new guidelines. This was a 10 in anyone's book. Would have loved to have requested to video that evening. Always next time ...

-- Modified on 1/25/2017 11:50:16 PM

I love it when my clients take the time to write a review, but I have heard multiple times what a nightmare they have getting it approved. Why???????????????????????????????????

I'd prefer it if we could keep some of the more juicy details more discreet or private.

Thx hun,

They can reject a review if the details are not juicy enough.

Happened to me before.

But it is what it is...and you can withhold some details.  Remember that...

they wanted their expereince to be more discreet...for them more special like that.  

Also, I assume that's from the perspective of a reviewer, not a review-reader. I like to have as much information as possible when reading reviews, "juicy" and otherwise.

Even with regular things like which cereal to buy, people often go with the brand name first because it's familiar. Perhaps try doing a web search to see what's out there and think of having your visibility in different markets or sites so that you get opportunities from other angles.

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