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I love you MADLY for being such a good fuck!!! No prob. eom
emilypaige See my TER Reviews 620 reads


I've been around the block but this one has me scratching my head a bit.... would
appreciate some thoughtful response - and I am sure there will be some of the usual
thoughtless but entertaining response as well....


you are getting royally pounded in mish

you are working your hips and using your hands above you head against the headboard to push back hard to meet the thrusts

you are sucking two of his fingers voraciously....  moaning....

he is squeezing your left breast and especially the nipple - harder - harder as you nod and urge him on

you orgasm -  (or in all fairness perhaps you just decide to fake one but if so you are one of the
best actors ever and have wonderful control over your bodies ability to produce the physical effects and copious fluids...)

and you exclaim something extraordinary in the throes of orgasm and repeat it several times afterward while pulling him to you.... holding him tight.... and looking deeply into his eyes....

the thing you exclaim -

is it likely to be -

gfe reflex.....

totally meaningless brain disconnected speech....

an impulse of the moment.....

truth being expressed while barriers are down....

something you are saying to someone else in your imagination.....


the same or similar,

to share a woman's intuition about things said in moments like these...

however if you can't relate to the situation I certainly understand -  or if you would rather not say -

Cheers :)

It will be with someone I love or care about and am fiercely attracted to.  

Usually how it is making me feel and how amazing they were in their participation in my orgasm.  

MK, happens all the time, very responsive with someone I care about and am attracted to.

In addition what I say is from the heart because there is real feelings.

-- Modified on 8/1/2014 3:45:13 PM

Exclaim what exactly?

I guess it's never happened to me either then Mr. Ketterman lol.

-- Modified on 8/1/2014 6:05:28 PM

It's like asking Meryl Streep what she was "thinking about," or feeling, when shooting the dramatic sequences in "Sophie's Choice." She couldn't tell you.

Did a provider blurt out her love for you?

You must be something special as a lover man (Poe's Law, king's x), maybe the ladies ought to give you a discount just to experience your superior skills. What do you think? Would you like that?

but incorrect... on the first score

on the second bit,  well,   I'll leave that to the ladies.....

Hope it makes you feel better, since you got that of your chest.

then why waste your time on them ??   :p

I suspected that when I posted this a lot of people would jump to the most obvious conclusion -   that is interesting in itself, however....

Panthera12565 reads

He was much, much more insufferable and nauseating under his original handle. At least he is tolerable these days.

When I say it, I mean "right now."  It isn't fake per se, just easily induced by all the fake circumstances of the moment.

Sounds like a good time.

And some don't.

A playwriting exercise is to write a scene or one-act on the theme of two people "falling in love," with one of the givens being to not use "the L word." Surprisingly difficult for some.

In the fantasy play, it can easily be avoided. Providers who offer role-play beyond the obvious five or six choices used in porn, should make it clear during the screening or in their ads whether or not they are comfortable with the use of that word.

unless perhaps it is an agreed upon fantasy

good way to make me go limp though :p

The woman might insist on hearing the juicy details of his sexual excursions while away, and as he basically tells her dirty stories she's free to react however she wants. She might get angry, jealous, or she might masterbate, or she might demand sex, or all three in sequence. If a woman asked something like, "And this Irma, did you love her?" And if you assert that at this point you would go limp, does that mean you would fall out and abandon the improvisation? What if another was couple was watching the scene, or participating in the fantasy in other rolls? You would ruin it for them to? Just because that nasty L word" makes you go limp?

In a fantasy where a bride to be is undressed by the groom-to-be's boss and the seamstress fitting her wedding gown, the word might pop up in all sorts of ways, before during and after the threesome.

And I really don't think it's any different in vanilla fucking. That too is fantasy.

Even the laity act out fantasies. Everything from going steady to fending off jealous lovers to marriage itself is, in reality, nothing more than fantasies born out of the lives unhappy people who try to live their illusions. They might not call it fantasy, may not openly want to admit it, because that would tarnish the gloss.

You really seem to have some naive ideas as to what is real and what isn't.

Whoring is an escape from reality. Thrillseeking, drinking, gambling, drugs, overeating, all are escapes in the same way. Maybe everything is an escape except reality, which is unendurable.

and anything that happens there may feel "real" at the time - may *be* 'real' in that moment or context -    but not be "the truth" in the cold light of day

however,   in this case, it was not the L-word though I suppose that is a natural assumption.....

I kinda don't thing that a lady would take anything you said in that moment seriously.   Unless it involved pet sitting or auto maintenance.

Blumpkinlover625 reads

Rhymes with Pawny :) If so, she uses the L word quite liberally and I wouldn't give it a second thought.  If not, then disregard.

no - but the girl you are referring to is a lot of fun....    A lot of Asian provides especially those who have limited English use the L word quite a bit....      

it shocked me the first time I heard it, back in Saigon in '68 though - of course I was an innocent 18 year old full of noble feelings lol

but I don't really claim any "credit" -

All but three women I've seen this year have orgasmed with me while fucking.  It's not that I *do* anything magical -  I honestly think it's simply a matter of the size of the equipment nature gave me....   but then again a couple have not been able to take it either.....

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