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I know many ladies over 40...
Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 541 reads

You among them.  :)

Guy Scenario: You have the choice between pursuing the interests of a professionally dressed, well traveled, in shape, good looking 40 something lady with manners and an average, uneducated, been no-where, money clamoring, motorcycle ganging, 20 something with no fashion or style. The 20 something is showing you a lot of physical interest. The 40 something is a bit more reserved but is absolutely sending you signals. Which would you choose? 20 or 40?  

Simplified - Is it automatic that men will *always* gravitate toward the youngest, most available woman in the room just *because* they're young and and just because they have the chance to get one in OR do men sometimes choose to explore the 40 something unknown?  

A little hint for the future - waiting to get into the 40 something's pretty panties might be worth the wait and – automatically choosing the 20 something might mean that you'd be blowing off one of the rawest, sexiest throw downs a women could ever offer you. Don't be so quick to judge because it's also possible that the best BJ you ever receive could *cum* from the lady sitting adjacent to you (cue in growling tigers).  

Meow! Laney

ps. Love honest answers! If you choose the 20 something there are no judgements here!

L.Guapo1315 reads

Or maybe you are just off your meds?

I am not looking for civie action out side my wife period. In the hobby I see ladies in their 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's but that is the hobby. But as for my preference each age has it's upside.  

If I was single I would likely still avoid them both. Biker babe's are not my thing and well traveled career types aren't ether. If I was single I would be looking more long term and neither would likely be a match. Now a girl of ether age dressed in jeans and a t shirt, clean cut, free of tats, and if I was single be game. But if they both were dressed that way, give me the 40 year old.

I should have set the scene better. One hundred percent single. I'm not interested in married men for civie dating much like you're not interested in civie dating outside of your marriage. Two thumbs up on that one!

GaGambler709 reads

One is that L.Viejo is correct and you are off your meds once again. The other is that lopaw is correct and you are really that desperate for attention.

but what the heck, I will play along. Most likely I wouldn't pick either one. I doubt seriously the 40 something is "all that" I have 40 something divorcees throwing themselves at me all the time, and there isn't one in a hundred that does a thing for my libido, and of course the ones that do appeal to me don't have to throw themselves at anyone.

The twenty something may or may not appeal to me, just because you find her with no sense of style or fashion certainly doesn't mean that I will share your opinion. If "I" found her doable, yes I would pick the 20 something, if not I can always pull up p411 on my phone and get laid by someone that I do find attractive without having to pick between two bad choices.

Isn't it a shame that even though you couched your threAD/question in a manner that most favored the old broad, almost no one gave you the response you were hoping for?

Maybe you should post the same ThreAD on the Florida board? You might find a more receptive audience there. They seem to give allowances to OTHBSC hookers in "God's Waiting Room"

JackDunphy1027 reads

That doesn't mean every 30 or 35 y.o. is ugly or just plain Jane, as there are some exceptions.  

But if you notice, people usually qualify there remarks about a woman of that age...like "she is pretty hot, for a girl over 30 that is."

You just can't beat those twenty something's. So hot, so young, so refreshing.  

Yes, many of them tell time by using a sun dial, but I am not paying to fk them due to there recent induction to the Mensa club, ya know?

Simplified- you just can't beat youth Lamey. :D

p.s.- good to see you posting again. Great topic too. One of my faves

wrps07844 reads

The pussy becomes drier the older they get. Nothing like young wet pussy lol,

Lamey has been M.I.A. for quite some time posting on the GD and I am glad she is back. She is fun in a really wacky and goofy sort of way and she makes people laugh with her many non sequiturs at times.

I think she got caught up with that failed boycott a few months ago with OC and she deserves to start back fresh.

We all make mistakes.

Lameys a good girl bro.

There are thousands of women from the ages of 20's through the 80's that have a natural moist vagina....don't shut us all out because of your own "Dry" experiences.  The older I get, the wetter I am!!

how moist an octogenarians cooter is?

Stop being such a jackdummy-ass.. Women are beautiful at every age...  GAWD the nerve of some people that pussy have idiotic shit to say!!! 😤😤😤😤😤......

We went to a bar together, and all the 20-somethings were hitting on her over me, and I was 25! Wtf lol.

And gorgeous meaning mainstream media standards gorgeous.

Took off on his chopper with the 20 something bimbo and you're at the bar scratching your head like WTF. Don't take it to heart, I would have jump at the chance of getting with you, 20 yo's don't do it for me.

I am the least bit intimated by a 20 something. if I am interested in a person, I will let them know and leave it up to them to decide all on their own. I am confident enough to know that!

Skyfyre851 reads

I'd choose the 20-something because (at least in the example scenario) I'm more assured of scoring a home run.

If  20-something shows a lot of physical interest in me I already got half the battle won because my physique would be my weakness point. With that out of the way all I have to do now is to talk a good game while trying to impress her with my intellect and money which are my strong suit.

OTH the 40-something "may" be a better long-term investment there's more chance for me to strikeout as she's more likely to not be as easily impressed with my non-physical sides. She's not likely to fall easily to my garb either.  

PS:  I assume that in this hypothetical scenario both women are competitively matched as far as physical attractiveness. But, we all know in real life it would take a lot for a 40-something to compete against a 20-something

WICardinalfan630 reads

......how many times has that question been posted??????

I could not help myself.

noagenosage592 reads

"But a push in the bush is worth two in the hand."  Old Folk Adage.

Posted By: LoveLaneysRedLightShow

 A little hint for the future - waiting to get into the 40 something's pretty panties might be worth the wait and – automatically choosing the 20 something might mean that you'd be blowing off one of the rawest, sexiest throw downs a women could ever offer you. Don't be so quick to judge because it's also possible that the best BJ you ever receive could *cum* from the lady sitting adjacent to you (cue in growling tigers).  
 Meow! Laney  
 ps. Love honest answers! If you choose the 20 something there are no judgements here!
Ummmmmm, Your profile says your Blowjobs are NO CIM! "best BJ you ever receive" Yeah, Right!

Given that knowledge, I'll take the younger one.

who are more than capable of sucking the chrome off a trailer hitch. :o

We have more in common, shared life experiences, and mature women know what they have and how to use it!

That being said, if an attractive 20 something threw herself at me, who am I to say no!

Since I separated 5 years ago I have made it a rule to never date anyone under 30.

The only exceptions I make are for those times when the young lady is willing.

I read the title and I thought what the 40-something woman might have in store for us is a penis. I thought this would be an amusing anecdote of a guy unknowingly flirting with a TS.

I would have to pick the 40 year old lady. Not many men can compete with a 20 year old, wild child like you're describing. I am definitely one who had it both ways and I'm  happy to say I'll go with the 40 to 50 year old lady

Ok, I'm 51 so not interested in someone older than me, but 18-50 I don't care about age, just performance.

To be perfectly honest, I don't have many women of any age flirting with me at a bar. I'm below average in looks and I have no game what so ever. I can be me very well, but I can't play the Rico Suave guy and act/portray something that I'm not. As a Scientist I know full well and understand the male flashy attraction for women, this happens all the time in the animal world, the male is beautiful, flashy and puts on a show in order to attract a mate. So, it makes perfect sense that the primal instincts of women are attracted to the guys that have game and play the part. I can and do talk to anyone, I have conversations with random women all the time, but if I'm interested then it's as if I have a flashing neon sign over my head. One of my colleagues said to me the other day "you should do quite well with the ladies you have a good job", I told him I don't do well with the ladies because I'm below average in looks and his response is yeah but you have a good job, fuck that if that's why a woman wants to spend time with me to get her hooks into my pocket no thanks. This is why I play our sport, there is no guess work, I know exactly what her motivation is, she knows mine, it works well for both parties for 2-3 hours and then it's "see ya next time". That's fucking perfect! I don't have to settle for a woman that I could attract, and she supports a lifestyle of her liking.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.  

I know nothing of his financial status as I was only introduced briefly. He was average looking and not my usual type. I was attracted to his swag – at first. When he was overtly rude to me for the purpose of sporting his game I was immediately turned off and wishing I hadn't stepped out of my comfort zone. LOL.

Most young guys could use an older woman to show them how it's done, and they tend to jump at the chance to have sex with less seduction work on their part.  

The older guy will favor the younger girl since younger ones are most likely less available to him (outside of P4P), or because he didn't get laid enough at her age and wants to live out those fantasies.

It's really hard to say without actually being in the situation, but I am pretty sure I'd go with the forty year old.

Biologically, men are wired to seek out traits that signal fertility like youth, breasts, hip/waist ratio etc.   So my guess is that most, if just acting on horniness alone, will choose the younger girl.  

BUT (and you didn't mention the guy's age), I think a lot of guys who are well past 40 would choose the older girl if he wanted to pursue something more long term.  

Then again, who does the woman's eye go toward at the bar?  The 20something hot loser with abs, or the older guy who looks like he has his act togther.????  That's an easy one!

50 something, harley rider, average body. Would never have looked in his direction had a girlfriend not known him and introduced us. It was his swag that got my attention.  

I generally gravitate toward the suit wearing type.  

For my devout haters - he hit on me a couple of times but I was busy with my girlfriends so I couldn't have a conversation with him right away. It could well have been that it was getting late and it was a timing call. lol.

GaGambler655 reads

and if so, why does it still bother you?

That kind of thing happens to all of us "old folks" even me. lol

I say good for him, apparently he had enough swag that he was not only able to pull a twenty something, but have you all bothered about it to boot.

How bout an older guy who has his act together and still sports the abs Audrey? They're out there too.  

Posted By: Lila Aubrey
Biologically, men are wired to seek out traits that signal fertility like youth, breasts, hip/waist ratio etc.   So my guess is that most, if just acting on horniness alone, will choose the younger girl.    
 BUT (and you didn't mention the guy's age), I think a lot of guys who are well past 40 would choose the older girl if he wanted to pursue something more long term.  
 Then again, who does the woman's eye go toward at the bar?  The 20something hot loser with abs, or the older guy who looks like he has his act togther.????  That's an easy one!

...I would like to think that I would always gravitate towards the sophisticated 40-something. I've never acted upon any inclinations I've had towards the fairer sex, but all of those inclinations have been towards women not unlike what you described. I for one feel like those women often put us 20-somethings to shame, which is a shame in and of itself! I would count myself lucky to have a more private encounter with such a woman, as I would imagine she's rather experienced, and could perhaps teach me a thing or two.  

That being said, I have nothing against us 20-somethings!. However, I also like to think that I'm on my way to being at least somewhat like the mature woman in your scenario, which makes aging something to be excited and about and not something to fear!

-- Modified on 8/5/2015 3:05:25 PM

Pretty much my reasoning for picking the older women. In my experience the older a women the less likely she is to ask a thousand questions about what I like(they already know what to do), which really is a turn off for me.  

Posted By: ANaturalBeauty
...I would like to think that I would always gravitate towards the sophisticated 40-something. I've never acted upon any inclinations I've had towards the opposite sex, but all of those inclinations have been towards women not unlike what you described. I for one feel like those women often put us 20-somethings to shame, which is a shame in and of itself! I would count myself lucky to have a more private encounter with such a woman, as I would imagine she's rather experienced, and could perhaps teach me a thing or two.  
 That being said, I have nothing against us 20-somethings!. However, I also like to think that I'm on my way to being at least somewhat like the mature woman in your scenario, which makes aging something to be excited and about and not something to fear!

Because she's more likely to be ready for casual sex and less likely to be concerned about details like how much I have invested in retirement, where do I see myself in 10-20 years, will I be polite to her mother, and so on.

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