TER General Board

"I just smile and offer to stick a dollar bill in their cleavage."
Negoti8er 9 Reviews 4685 reads
1 / 48

I looked back, but didn't find any discussion about this story on here.

Has anyone else read the Reason article that was posted on 9/9/2016 detailing the Seattle "Trafficking" bust?

There are 3 parts to the story, however, part 2 is most concerning to me.  Part 2 discussed the methods LE used to identify suspects and successfully charge them with crimes stiffer than soliciting.  Those charged who tried to put op a fight were sent letters by the county stating if they fight, the initial charges will be amended to additional counts and crime enhancement charges.  

What are your thoughts on this?  Were these guys playing fast and loose with US web domains and hosted incalls in a tough sex crime county?  Does this set a precedent for LE elsewhere?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 1008 reads
2 / 48

about this topic and the thread was removed.  IF TER removed it, then maybe they don't want this topic discussed here.  If you removed it, then FUCK YOU for wasting my time.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 962 reads
3 / 48
Negoti8er 9 Reviews 826 reads
4 / 48

It took me several tries to get this posted and one of those tries was actually posted briefly and then promptly removed by TER.

Negoti8er 9 Reviews 800 reads
5 / 48

I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say.

FakawiTribe 741 reads
6 / 48

the po-po here will go after homegrown sites primarily since it's low hanging fruit. 

John_Laroche 724 reads
7 / 48

During the course of the investigation, undercover detectives made "dates" with more than a dozen different  "K Girls." The information they gleaned from these women was in keeping with what League members and agency-owners would later say: While K Girls did come to the area expressly to work at Asian brothels, the relationship was more one of independent contractor than indentured servitude.

Hard to say how other LE will respond. I guess it depends on if convictions are made and upheld.

Another good reason to avoid any "meet-ups," use a fake name, burner phone, etc...

Although it's clear that there was little or no evidence of trafficing, K-girl agencies make for a target rich environment compared to independents

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 835 reads
8 / 48
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 846 reads
9 / 48

This bust has been discussed extensively on the Kgirl board, although admin took down some of the posts that named names.  This bust happened because a bunch of guys got together and formed a "hobby club" and would get together IN PERSON for breakfast or lunch and compare notes on working girls, mostly Kgirls.  Nearby patrons overhearing the conversations reported them to LE and the group was infiltrated by an undercover officer over a period of a year who gained membership in the group.  (Rule 1:  Don't ever meet in person with another hobbyist that you don't personally know and have not personally vetted.)  Once the office had the real names of the members and the locations of the incalls, they busted the members (all of whom were outed publicly and had their lives ruined), several orgs and about a dozen working girls, along with a local review site these guys were running.      
This was entirely preventable had these guys not had the arrogance to meet in a large group and discuss their hobby in a public place in front of civilians.  This bust should not be unsettling to anyone, hobbyist or provider, who is careful and diligent in their hobby life.  The circumstances were unique

clairecavendish See my TER Reviews 537 reads
11 / 48

Although I know that thanks to Twitter there are also numbers of girls getting together for big lunches to do much the same, though they don't do it regularly in the same places, and it's much easier to check if another girl is a genuine working girl before you agree to meet.
I do wonder if other diners around those meetings listen in on the conversations though!!

LadyOpium See my TER Reviews 806 reads
12 / 48

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
This bust has been discussed extensively on the Kgirl board, although admin took down some of the posts that named names.  This bust happened because a bunch of guys got together and formed a "hobby club" and would get together IN PERSON for breakfast or lunch and compare notes on working girls, mostly Kgirls.  Nearby patrons overhearing the conversations reported them to LE and the group was infiltrated by an undercover officer over a period of a year who gained membership in the group.  (Rule 1:  Don't ever meet in person with another hobbyist that you don't personally know and have not personally vetted.)  Once the office had the real names of the members and the locations of the incalls, they busted the members (all of whom were outed publicly and had their lives ruined), several orgs and about a dozen working girls, along with a local review site these guys were running.      
 This was entirely preventable had these guys not had the arrogance to meet in a large group and discuss their hobby in a public place in front of civilians.  This bust should not be unsettling to anyone, hobbyist or provider, who is careful and diligent in their hobby life.  The circumstances were unique.  
Wooowww.... what fools

CENZO1 162 Reviews 585 reads
13 / 48

Just google this happening and you'll get all the information you need as to names, places, setups, etc.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 480 reads
14 / 48

when it first happened in January was that all of these girls were sex slaves and working against their will.  The girls often go along with this because then they are treated as "victims." plead out to a misdemeanor, get probation with very few conditions, and go on to the next city to work at another org.  Depending on the jurisdiction, some can go to "hooker school" (like going to school to erase a traffic ticket) and get their record expunged.  Hooker school is an especially popular option with girls busted in the Bay Area.

Almost every one of these Asian busts is first touted by LE as them breaking up a slaver operation, but the majority are just independent girls working at an agency who tour the country just like independents.  As shown here, it often takes months for the truth to come out and LE has already taken their bows and moved on.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 535 reads
15 / 48

Mine got pulled too, but I'm not going to waste my time posting again

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
about this topic and the thread was removed.  IF TER removed it, then maybe they don't want this topic discussed here.  If you removed it, then FUCK YOU for wasting my time.  

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 552 reads
16 / 48

Ok I lied. Seems it was in my messages
Send message
Exactly! Most European Countries will tell the US to "fuck off" when they demand records. Privacy is much more respected and protected over there. The fact that the US puts more people in prison than any other country in the world, even the "evil" ones, like China and Russia, don't lock up their people the way we do, it doesn't help the US. Who else in the world would twist a simple Kgirl situation into "human trafficking"? Get the feeling that LE was trying to get an under-aged provider "in the mix" so they could really throw the book at those guys? There is going to be a lot of LE butt hurt and desperation to keep careers and budgets as marijuana becomes legal in the country. I get the feeling that one of the next "created" LE issues will be human trafficking and the evils of prostitution. They are not going to allow all those prisons to go empty.  

Quote Reply Report this Mine got pulled too, but I'm not going to waste my time posting again  
Posted By: coeur-de-lion
about this topic and the thread was removed.  IF TER removed it, then maybe they don't want this topic discussed here.  If you removed it, then FUCK YOU for wasting my time.  
-- Modified on 9/20/2016 8:05:34 PM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 460 reads
17 / 48

I'd love to teach hooker school myself.

I bet a few hookers could teach John school.

We're never too old to learn

Skyfyre 324 reads
18 / 48

In 99% of the cases there is no trafficking. However in order to perpetuate the scam and to rip off the taxpayers the LE Industrial Complex ALWAYS tried to intimidate and coerce the prostitutes into crying "trafficking victims" to avoid jail and/or harsher treatments.

That is their MO whether it's for AMPs, streetwalkers or escorts.

Don't be fooled by these maggots and parasites of taxpayers.

impposter 49 Reviews 272 reads
19 / 48

I read most (all?) of the posts up to Skyfyre (9/20 4:51 PM) and I just want to say:  

Possibly, legalize.  

Focus LE efforts on the small amount of REAL trafficking that goes on.  

Leave consenting adults to enjoy the mutual benefits that safe, informed, respectful hook ups can bring.  

-- Modified on 9/20/2016 7:16:31 PM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 342 reads
20 / 48

It does not exist in the US like it does in other countries, but alas wants you to think it does to justify the $$$ they get. It's all BS.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 510 reads
21 / 48

But then Terrorism will grow, drug use will soar, and we will see more pit bulls and AK 47's on our streets! :)

Posted By: impposter
I read most (all?) of the posts up to Skyfyre (9/20 4:51 PM) and I just want to say:  
 Possibly, legalize.  
 Focus LE efforts on the small amount of REAL trafficking that goes on.    
 Leave consenting adults to enjoy the mutual benefits that safe, informed, respectful hook ups can bring.  

-- Modified on 9/20/2016 7:16:31 PM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 443 reads
22 / 48
FatVern 568 reads
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I doubt if most of it is done by force or coercion, but it still fits the definition of trafficking.

If it was decriminalized the bookers wouldn't make any money.

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 644 reads
24 / 48

For this to happen,
the Brainwashing that Religion has done to ensure CONTROL of the Genitals
has to be addressed:

Replace the old negative patterns and beliefs around Sex and Sexuality with New Updated thoughts.
Sex is a bodily function.  Orgasms are for Health.  

The "Bad" anchors about Sex are cut away, allowing for the new thoughts to take hold.

GaGambler 483 reads
25 / 48

Feminists are a bigger enemy to the hobby than even the religious pukes, hard as that might be to believe. Soccer moms are a much bigger obstacle to legalized prostitution than any church.

Case in point. just look to the south of us, The Catholic Church dominates almost every country in Latin America, but in virtually every one of those countries the Church seems to co exist quite nicely with legal P4P, but if you look at any country in Latin American where the hobby is under fire, it's the feminists leading the charge, NOT the religious pukes.

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 527 reads
26 / 48

They have Religion backing them up with the prescription for what the Genitals are to be used for.
They believe they know what is the best and highest use of the Vagina.

They hurt all females with their spewing of Hatred

GaGambler 488 reads
27 / 48

It's hard to use sex as a weapon when a man can go get laid for a few hundred bucks and no emotional bullshit to go along with it.

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 509 reads
28 / 48

I teach women how to have Orgasms for their Health.  
All my Talks have been interrupted and complained about  
by Women who think it's Dirty and a Sin to talk about Orgasms.

They have belief systems set in place that don't recognize Orgasms as a huge pleasurable part
of being a human being.

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 705 reads
29 / 48

It's all about CONTROL.

The amazing thing is,
guys instinctively know how important Sex/Orgasm is for Health.

Women (especially civilian) need Sold on the Benefits

lopaw 29 Reviews 420 reads
30 / 48

They are both wrongly grouped in the same camp. No one is more of a feminist than me, yet I am also quite the monger as well. It depends on what each person decides what feminism means to them. To me it means equality in pay and employment and educational opportunities. I will always love and respect sex workers and I have been barked at many times by my female friends about my stripclubbing habits ( I would never dare tell them about this hobby!). They blast me as being a traitor to my own gender and that I exploit women which is worse than if a man does it. I just smile and offer to stick a dollar bill in their cleavage.

-- Modified on 9/21/2016 8:46:08 AM

vantheman666 10 Reviews 318 reads
31 / 48

Although I confess that I shudder a little at the "feminazi" term, since it was coined by big fat idiot Rush Limbaugh.  I think in terms of "sex positive" and "sex negative" feminists.  The "sex negative" camp is a blight on society, and causes misery in general with their negativity.  They can't be intelligent when they think that YOUR behavior as a woman somehow reflects on them as women.  Maybe they've never heard of individualism?

GaGambler 474 reads
32 / 48

One camp wants "equal rights" and has fought for decades to achieve that goal, and I find those particular feminists admirable. The other camp wants "special rights" and the right to dictate their views, moral and otherwise, to the rest of us. I find those people much less than admirable.

It's the same with most other minority groups, whether they be minorities in regards to race, religion or sexual preference. I myself am a minority and I know first hand the ugliness of racism, I also know that most of those battles have been fought and won and today I have just as many rights as anyone else in this country, personal racism aside of course, some people just aren't going to like you, whether it be for your race, religion, or how you comb your hair, nothing can be done about that, but back to my point, I know have equal rights and I am perfectly happy being "equal" I don't need for anyone to make up to me for past wrongs, nor do I want to dictate to anyone else how they can act as long as their actions don't affect me or anyone else but themselves.  

The sex negative camp that you talk about doesn't get this point, they aren't happy to be able to be able to make their own life decisions, now they want to make yours, or mine, or lopaws. I can't stand those people. They remind me of the Puritans who set the foundation for this country, They came here fleeing religious persecution and the minute they were in charge they started persecuting others.

alee43 48 Reviews 233 reads
33 / 48

dang. i read the whole thing. good read. well written

glad everything on this website is made up juvenile fantasy. Note all the ad links are for some masseuses or escorts

seriously, scary stuff. Personally, if I were a cop, I would volunteer for those assignments and milk the task for all its worth, before they reassign me to something more dangerous, although more important, like pursuing terrorists, murderers and robbers. I wonder how many members contribute to THOSE types of naughty websites across the state, the country, the world?

i have to agree though, that the slavery part is TRUE. For sure, when they say debt is slavery, it is true. A lot of the chicks own credit cards. Stupids like me run up a credit card debt. now I am a cubical slave.
but seriously, if a chick is good looking, she has the CHOICE to do sex work. Her uglier sisters have to work in the factory for minimum wage building cell phones for the american consumers (who continue to enslave THEM by purchasing phones).

Prostitution illegal. sheesh! only in americas set a precedent for LE elsewhere?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 319 reads
34 / 48

Read up on this interesting practice called bundling, and no, it isn't about getting your cable, internet, and phone all from the same provider.

-- Modified on 9/21/2016 3:44:08 PM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 413 reads
35 / 48
dancebbq09 130 Reviews 518 reads
36 / 48

cracked me up!  had a similar post and thats where TER posted it. lol.    

i guest TER powers don't want added attention

GaGambler 339 reads
38 / 48

Come on SB, show some balls and review her, or are your balls really in her purse? I hear once a pit bull sinks her teeth into your "manly areas" it's virtually impossible to get her to let go.

2465305 70 Reviews 458 reads
39 / 48

Decriminalize it? Works for me but what will wrps07 ever do. I mean this guy eats sleeps and shits the police blotter and Back Page.  

Posted By: impposter
I read most (all?) of the posts up to Skyfyre (9/20 4:51 PM) and I just want to say:  
 Possibly, legalize.  
 Focus LE efforts on the small amount of REAL trafficking that goes on.    
 Leave consenting adults to enjoy the mutual benefits that safe, informed, respectful hook ups can bring.  

-- Modified on 9/20/2016 7:16:31 PM

scoed 8 Reviews 511 reads
42 / 48

I really like the article. It sucked what happened. It isn't remotely unusual but really sucks.  

LE in regards to sex work does nothing but harm to the women who are exploited. True sex trafficking is rare but does exist.  

I know a woman who was trafficked. She was US born. She found herself in a horrible situation and a pimp used it to ensnare her into an even worse one. According to this woman this human parasite used the threat of LE to help keep his victims in line. I fully believe her as I know her to be an honest woman.  

I know of women raped and robbed that didn't go to the police for fear of arrest. I know a woman who was providing to earn money to get her and her daughter out of an abusive situation. She was foolish and failed to screen and got busted three times. The third time she was sent to jail for a short stay. They took her kid away for over a year as a result. She was lucky from what I understand to get her back.  

I know a woman who wanted out of sex work. She was taking classes to become a nurse.  She was busted right after graduating and just taking the licensing exam which she past. Now she can't get her license and she worked another year to get a degree in something she still can do. The extended her sex work career with their actions. A career she wanted to leave and took steps to do so.

Which of these women the "victims", sometimes quite literally, did LE help? None. In each case LE was part of the problem. As the article pointed out end demand programs don't work. Criminalizing this only gives pimps power, isolates the vulnerable from getting help, emboldens those that would do harm, and ups every form of risk for all.  

Even if LE has contact with a true victim of sex trafficking odds are all they would do is arrest her, charge her, and give her a record making excape of this life much harder for her. This nation is ass backwards if the goal is to help the exploited with our prostitution laws. The best way to help those trafficked is to make this legal. It would make LE assessable to the victims. It would make reporting it safer. It would reduce the profit in trafficking. Bringing this out of the shadows would make this safer for all.

-- Modified on 9/21/2016 8:29:58 PM

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 391 reads
43 / 48
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 401 reads
44 / 48
GaGambler 486 reads
45 / 48

Dont worry, I am sure she won't let anything happen to your balls while they are in her care, but I would be worried that items THAT small can be easily lost while being carried around in a hookers purse. Oh well, it's not like you ever had any plans to use them. roflmfao

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 628 reads
46 / 48

I knew a guy that liked to be rolled up in the sheets and teased.

I may have to add this "Bundling" to my menu ,  
                                        along with Cuddling.

tantraerica See my TER Reviews 493 reads
47 / 48

I wanna be teachers pet if your going to be the Head Master.... ;-)

LoveSashaEvans See my TER Reviews 330 reads
48 / 48

Goes unnoticed. You think its a small amount because people don't highlight cases of human sex trafficking. A person goes missing every few seconds.

I know that we all like to believe that this stuff should be all glitzy and glam but the reality is that it is not for the majority of girls. Turning the cheek allow this mess to continue destroying people's lives. There are countless reviews here and on other sites of low end girls where the idiot describes in their review that the girl has a handler but they won't report that crap.  

If we really want to "Leave consenting adults to enjoy the mutual benefits that safe, informed, respectful hook ups can bring" we need to all be accountable for our actions and report things when we see them.

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