TER General Board

I just like hot intelligent people. That's all!teeth_smile
MissLolaLuxe See my TER Reviews 804 reads

My type ranges so much male and female. The sexiest part of someone to me is their brain. Not in a pretentious miss America sort of way. I just genuinely am not attracted to dumb people. - that was rude intellectually challenged :D

On this season's episode 2 of the Showtime series "Ray Donovan," Jon Voigt's character Mickey Donovan imparts this life lesson to his grandson: he tells Conor that "tits are good, but when you get older, it's all about the ass."  This made me smile inwardly, because it seems that the body type I'm drawn to has changed over the years.  I had always been attracted to skinny girls, the spinner types.  In fact I married two (sequentially).  But as I've gotten older, it's the thicker women that appeal to me now, the ones with the Brazilian or Dominican type bodies: big ass, thick thighs, small waist (big tits a plus).

So I'm wondering, gents and ladies, has this happened to you?  Has your ideal woman/man changed/evolved over the years?
And  how so?

Thanks for participating.

Now I am more intrigued and drawned by inteligence, success , genuine connection and drive (plus being a tiger in bed doesn't hurt either). I feel that now my selection process is quite different because being just physically attractive is not what I aim for.. Like most guys want in women, I want the full package!

Ive always thought thicker girls looked better than the skinny ones. I just think they look healthier.

No my ideal type hasn't changed much I still like fit girls with tight abs. I'm not into big ass although I like a nice curve around her ass. It's different from being curvy.  

Never deviated but then I'm still in my 30s maybe it will change when I'm 70

I will however agree that other subtle preferences can change for me too even though I haven't deviated from the yoga model type.  I look at my favorites list from years ago and wonder why I favorite some of them. Today I wouldn't see some of them at their rate.

... and the age of 19 is the sweet spot.  

Although, I like what a grown woman has to offer, a young woman could never duplicate what experience teaches.

and have never had an experience that I didn't enjoy.

I'd say you are the one who is insecure.

Example - Ashley Shy, I describe her as athletic based off the photos she has posted on the PO board. I would also describe her as thin/not skinny One of Ashley's but shots was stupendous and shapely. I wouldn't describe her ass as big.

I don't think sloppy when I hear the word big...  I also don't associate thick with being big.

Actually mine hasn't actually changed either, I've always liked the type of women I like

Ever since then you've been pissy.  

You know that wasn't directed to you personally.

I see dumb & dumbber has got your back.

You know who comes after Dumb and Dumber?  Dumbest.  And, yes, that would be you, Einstein.

take away. Let's try Again..............................
(+)Add. (-)Take away. Good. Now do it.

-- Modified on 8/7/2014 6:28:08 PM

Our Official Brain Donor included me in the Dumb and Dumber crew and my response acknowledged that.  This is what happens when you don't read posts.  Just makes you look, well, Dumb and Dumber. Or maybe Dumb-ette.

If it's a man i like a nice solid,muscular ass
But if it's a woman I'm all about a nice round thick booty =)

In my youth I found the J-lo, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian type of caboose UN-appealing.  Now I want to hit that kind of shit with a wanton vengeance.  

Posted By: bdb6
On this season's episode 2 of the Showtime series "Ray Donovan," Jon Voigt's character Mickey Donovan imparts this life lesson to his grandson: he tells Conor that "tits are good, but when you get older, it's all about the ass."  This made me smile inwardly, because it seems that the body type I'm drawn to has changed over the years.  I had always been attracted to skinny girls, the spinner types.  In fact I married two (sequentially).  But as I've gotten older, it's the thicker women that appeal to me now, the ones with the Brazilian or Dominican type bodies: big ass, thick thighs, small waist (big tits a plus).  
 So I'm wondering, gents and ladies, has this happened to you?  Has your ideal woman/man changed/evolved over the years?  
 And  how so?  
 Thanks for participating.

My type ranges so much male and female. The sexiest part of someone to me is their brain. Not in a pretentious miss America sort of way. I just genuinely am not attracted to dumb people. - that was rude intellectually challenged :D

But if a woman has the IQ of a house plant we'll still happily fuck em' as long as their "hot".

  It's nature's "Equal Opportunity" law.  

Posted By: MissLolaLuxe
My type ranges so much male and female. The sexiest part of someone to me is their brain. Not in a pretentious miss America sort of way. I just genuinely am not attracted to dumb people. - that was rude intellectually challenged :D

I used to be a tit man. Now I'm more of an ass man. I'm not sure when the change happened, but I know that I've been this way for at least the last 10 years.

Posted By: bdb6
On this season's episode 2 of the Showtime series "Ray Donovan," Jon Voigt's character Mickey Donovan imparts this life lesson to his grandson: he tells Conor that "tits are good, but when you get older, it's all about the ass."  This made me smile inwardly, because it seems that the body type I'm drawn to has changed over the years.  I had always been attracted to skinny girls, the spinner types.  In fact I married two (sequentially).  But as I've gotten older, it's the thicker women that appeal to me now, the ones with the Brazilian or Dominican type bodies: big ass, thick thighs, small waist (big tits a plus).  
 So I'm wondering, gents and ladies, has this happened to you?  Has your ideal woman/man changed/evolved over the years?  
 And  how so?  
 Thanks for participating.

on a thin toned athletic body - with breast that are not too big for her frame.....  it's all good....

A tight firm ass, strong well shaped thighs and a six pack abdomen will do it every time and done so for years.  

Those are real life wants and needs. Hobby I need clean, pays, not rough and leaves me alone when not in a booking.

Big ol' titties on a hot little cutie drives me crazy, a boobman through and through. Love it all of course, appreciate a shapely derriere and nice legs, but bazongas hypnotize me, busty women oh my yessir

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