TER General Board

I found TER from a provider....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 455 reads

It was rather indirect.  A gal I knew for many years and I were discussing this new thing called the internet around 2000, and she mentioned that there were places on the net where you could find ratings of escorts.  She said it was called "Dog Eat Dog", or something like that.  Well, I did a lot of research and landed up on the websites of several rappers and kennel clubs before I landed on the bow-wow site; but from there it was a hop, skip, and jump to here where I stayed.

I also learned a lot about sexual nutrition from my tantrika to my ever lasting gratitude.

I'm sure there are a lot of other subtle things that I have learned as well, not the least of which are sexual techniques.

From my trips to Canada:
- I was recommended a hole in the wall place at Toronto.  Eating there made me feel like a true local.  I was told the Art Gallery of Ontario is awesome, and I had a blast there.
- I was recommended a great restaurant at downtown Vancouver, and the lady also taught me how to use the city's public transportation system (Skytrain) to get in and out of airport without having to rely on taxis / rentals.
- I got decent overview of the local economies.  My work involves analyzing macro economic conditions, and I like hearing anecdotal examples of how the economy is turning, even though many economists shun anecdotal evidences
- Most importantly, I get to know myself better.  
- I am also learning to be a better kiss

One lady took me to dinner to a very nice restaurant in her neighborhood that I didn't know existed.

Another shares her taste in music with me, and I've become acquainted with several artists I wasn't familiar with.

Another, who I became more involved with (not romantically and not in the P4P business), showed me some shortcuts in the acquisition of liquid assets.

Of course I've learned a lot from their talents, that goes without saying.

From a masseuse I saw repeatedly over a few years I learned a great deal about pain management, both from her directly and from her recommendations that pointed me toward therapies I'd never have investigated on my own. Saved me from a slow decline into living with painkillers.  

I was recently introduced to a great Belgium beer, and over the years have shared some exotic food and drink in several situations.

There's probably a lot more that doesn't come to mind, but it's good to stop and appreciate that aspect of it all.

Posted By: EWarren
From my trips to Canada:  
 - I was recommended a hole in the wall place at Toronto.  Eating there made me feel like a true local.  I was told the Art Gallery of Ontario is awesome, and I had a blast there.  
 - I was recommended a great restaurant at downtown Vancouver, and the lady also taught me how to use the city's public transportation system (Skytrain) to get in and out of airport without having to rely on taxis / rentals.  
 - I got decent overview of the local economies.  My work involves analyzing macro economic conditions, and I like hearing anecdotal examples of how the economy is turning, even though many economists shun anecdotal evidences  
 - Most importantly, I get to know myself better.    
 - I am also learning to be a better kisser  

USChgoGambler588 reads

-- Modified on 10/6/2014 4:52:43 AM

bonordonor576 reads

that I have a nice looking big dick. lol

It was rather indirect.  A gal I knew for many years and I were discussing this new thing called the internet around 2000, and she mentioned that there were places on the net where you could find ratings of escorts.  She said it was called "Dog Eat Dog", or something like that.  Well, I did a lot of research and landed up on the websites of several rappers and kennel clubs before I landed on the bow-wow site; but from there it was a hop, skip, and jump to here where I stayed.

I also learned a lot about sexual nutrition from my tantrika to my ever lasting gratitude.

I'm sure there are a lot of other subtle things that I have learned as well, not the least of which are sexual techniques.

We'd been going at it for a while and I ended up on the bottom end of the bed on my back with my legs hanging off it and my feet on the floor.  She climbed on me as if to get into RCG but had one knee on the bed, the other foot on the floor and her hands reaching across to a low dresser.  She started to pound away, then gasped, "I think I just invented a new sexual position!"  
"What should we call it?" I asked.
"Spider Monkey!"

from my bed to try that.  It sounds like fun.

I love inventing new positions.

A few months ago, a provider and I woke up in the AM and got into it.  We ended up in a tangled mess on our sides with arms and legs all over the place and her left boob in my right eye.

We called it the "Junk Drawer", for the way kitchen gadgets get all tangled up in that drawer we keep them in.

oryx32573 reads

Told me about TER, and several other verifying websites

how to avoid BSC people in my personal/civvie life.. :D

cuppajoe467 reads

Just came back from overseas where I had the opportunity to meet, on separate occasions, two very attractive young ladies.  Being local residents, their English was limited, though their oral skills were not. They both were a beautiful, even brown all over and they were both Muslim.  We had a terrific time, I learned a lot, but I might have a hard time putting into words what I learned.  All I know for sure is that, with our clothes off, I was feeling really friendly towards someone with very different looks, thoughts and beliefs than me.  


Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
how to avoid BSC people in my personal/civvie life.. :D

All sorts of stuff new restaurants and the like. Of course some new things behind closed doors. I also learned a valuable lesson ladies in and out of pay for play pay a lot more attention to personality and sense of humor versus being more focused on looks like us fellas. Learned that if ya can make a gal laugh ya can make her do about anything even if the proverbial meter isn't ticking.

-- Modified on 10/6/2014 3:15:23 PM

As a newbie I've been fortunate enough to connect with  a couple of providers that have been very open and forthcoming about the business, what to look for / look out for in providers, etc.

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