TER General Board

I don't have a guilty conscious. (eom)
JohnyComeAlready 354 reads


Ladies, do you spend significant time dealing with time wasters? If so, what are the various ways that time wasting occurs? Are there some creative guys out there? I imagine the most common category is guys who contact you just for the thrill but don't schedule meetings.

Posted By: dani987x
Ladies, do you spend significant time dealing with time wasters? If so, what are the various ways that time wasting occurs? Are there some creative guys out there? I imagine the most common category is guys who contact you just for the thrill but don't schedule meetings.

that might even give the impression of time wasting. That seems to make things go smoother, and I'm sure they appreciate it.

LasVegan438 reads

Only makes sense.  Respecting their time........is always a good thing.........and goes a long way in building rapport...........don't you think?

Are you planning on being a time waster?  Have you ever worked in the real world with customers?  I imagine not.

Unlike you I don't know everything and sometimes I think it best to ask those who might have direct knowledge.

You sure do spend a lot of time accusing OTHERS of never having a real job, when you backpage bargain hunt in freaking LA lol. Seriously, who the fk would take business or financial advice from YOU? Next...

He asked a question because OMG, it's a DISCUSSION board. You're a troll.

One told me she is an aspiring actress and has worked with Tom Cruise already.

Another told me that she just quit her job as a Wall Street analyst.  And how do you know what my skill set is?  Where are you getting off mocking the lovely women I've reviewed here. You somehow think you're better than they are?  I see your reviews.  Meh

Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
One told me she is an aspiring actress and has worked with Tom Cruise already.  
 Another told me that she just quit her job as a Wall Street analyst.  And how do you know what my skill set is?  Where are you getting off mocking the lovely women I've reviewed here. You somehow think you're better than they are?  I see your reviews.  Meh

I see that you're getting old and now worry that you won't have any guys calling you.  With your attitude I guess that it'll be public aid soon.  You should offer half hour sessions.  These women tell me they make really good money.  I'm meeting a TS later today.  I'm sure you think that is disgusting as well.

Pssst, accomplished providers do not have to offer bargain basement rates and put up with guys like you. If I was soooo worried about guys calling, don't you think my rates would be LOWER? Poor thing... broke and deluded. Tell me, how many guys does a provider have to see to make 1k a week if she's charging 100? How many does a provider have to see a week who charges 500 to make that same 1k? How about 700? I will let you see if you can figure that out all on your own lol.

I knew it.

I know why you are so afraid of them.  They're young, hot and love to service their customers.  All you talk about is getting some poor schlub to show up and leave as quickly.  I can see why you have such a following.  I guess there are enough pathetic men that don't think they deserve better.

Hate to break it to you, but the men that see me do not run in your circles, nor could they. That is how dumb you are... if you knew a thing about real competition, marketing and branding you would have realized that older and younger women do not compete with each other. The two demographics are like night and day, as you have clearly proven with your ignorant posts. Why are you trying so hard to convince me that theem  women you see are so great? Psst. generally the REVIEWS will do that for them. Can't wait.

Because they are directly competing with the younger, hotter and in shape ones.  Sheesh...you are simply out of touch with reality.  I guess at your age it's understandable.  If I saw you, you would like me.  But I don't pay much.   I like to be judicious with my money.

The most common offense is actually the guys who are too lazy to read any of our info, so they'll instead contact us asking questions that are already clearly spelled out on our ads/websites.  

The second most common is when they email with something to the effect of "any plans to tour Frog Balls, AR? I'd love to schedule a 1hr appointment." Those guys scoff at the idea of paying deposits or travel fees, but expect ladies to hop on a plane and pay for lodging in a different city...all for a 1hr appointment that may or may not come to fruition.  

After that, there's your typical "r u avail" types and the dudes who actually did read the chick's stuff, but want her to relent on her rates/rules/availability.  

If we're speaking in terms of numbers, I'd say that for every 10 people who contact me, only one will be a viable client. It's annoying as shit but it's part of doing business. I typically won't bother responding to the time wasters.  

Posted By: dani987x
Ladies, do you spend significant time dealing with time wasters? If so, what are the various ways that time wasting occurs? Are there some creative guys out there? I imagine the most common category is guys who contact you just for the thrill but don't schedule meetings.

but only do when there is something worth my while to read.

I do have to agree with this... guys have a VERY short attention span especially when tits and ass are in their face ha ha. I try to keep the fluff on the Home and Bio pages and the Rates and Contact pages are pretty straight forward. I have a form, but do not insist guys use it, nor do I make them go hunting down my email on another page or worse.. not having it there at all. Whether a guy emails me the info or fills out the form, I don't give a shit. As long as the info is there when he contacts me. we are all good.  

You can always tell which guys are going to be like talking to a carrot stick, because you literally have to PULL information from them one phase at a time... next. If the initial correspondence is this much of a hassle, the date is going to be a bust for sure.  

Some women get time wasters because they bring it on themselves by being cryptic, but others who spell things out like they are talking to a second grader, should not have to deal with such nonsense. No one wants to go through an assistant or booker these days, but guess why we have them? Yup.

R U avail 2nite 4 sum fun in da sack?


Think I'd consider hiring a screener/booker. Not the one who just posted that  
"Retirement" BS tho. He's kinda a douche bag.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
The most common offense is actually the guys who are too lazy to read any of our info, so they'll instead contact us asking questions that are already clearly spelled out on our ads/websites.  
 The second most common is when they email with something to the effect of "any plans to tour Frog Balls, AR? I'd love to schedule a 1hr appointment." Those guys scoff at the idea of paying deposits or travel fees, but expect ladies to hop on a plane and pay for lodging in a different city...all for a 1hr appointment that may or may not come to fruition.  
 After that, there's your typical "r u avail" types and the dudes who actually did read the chick's stuff, but want her to relent on her rates/rules/availability.  
 If we're speaking in terms of numbers, I'd say that for every 10 people who contact me, only one will be a viable client. It's annoying as shit but it's part of doing business. I typically won't bother responding to the time wasters.  
Posted By: dani987x
Ladies, do you spend significant time dealing with time wasters? If so, what are the various ways that time wasting occurs? Are there some creative guys out there? I imagine the most common category is guys who contact you just for the thrill but don't schedule meetings.
-- Modified on 5/30/2015 1:04:04 AM

Let me try and simplify on how not to be a time waster.  Research who you are interested in meeting first.  If she's got a website, review it and most often easy to follow directions are contained within.  

Once you've done that, contact using the preferred method.  Know before hand the date and time you are interested in meeting.  If it takes more than two emails to arrange things, you've wasted her time.  

It's that simple.  Don't over complicate things.  Be polite, but keep communications to a minimum.

I have both an assistant and  auto response to take care of that. I will not bother responding to anyone who has not been screened or is at least asking a question that makes sense. Guys who constantly bombard our emails asking when we are coming to town yet never offer to get us there, are a waste of time unless it's guy I know from the boards... they generally pm me which is totally fine. Why is it a waste of time from random people?  Because the very same guys who send those emails are never around when you finally DO make it to their town. It's a baseless email unless he is prepared to pay to get her there. If not, then look at the ad boards for her and that's when she will be there lol. Gawd.  

You would be surprised at how many guys just want a damn pen pal and never intend to freaking book. I found out just how many time wasting idiots cruise escort website just to look at photos, yet never book when I password protected my site. I mean I had guys from all over the damn place coming out of the woodwork when I did that... wake up call on just how much wasted time is spent. Yes, I do have a lot of spare time until my child gets in for the summer, but guess what.. it is MY time. If I want to piss it away laying on the beach and posting on TER, so be it.

Dear Ms. Rayne:
I was just wondering do you cross reference their hobbying activity before you dignify them with a response?  This would be a critical step for those who might have a hobbying history versus those who don't.  Then you or your assistant can discern who to give a response to and who does she not give a response to.  Or would most of the men who interact with you in this manner seem to have an invisible online presence with respect to their reviews?  
Finally do you address the tenor of the letter and decide if this is someone credible from what they are asking or is it someone who might not be substantive in the nature and scope of items that he is inquiring about?  Asking questions of that nature would certainly save you time and keep you sane.

Superstar!863 reads

Contact girl 1-2 months in advance.  Get screened and approved.  Then become her email penpal (email lengthy role play scenarios, wardrobe requests, irrelevant questions.)  Then after 100 emails, he typically cancels the day before the date due to some asinine reason.  (Death in the family/emergency surgery/)

Contact girl pretending to want to meet, get screened and approved, then just don't answer her emails ever again.  

I have had a guy admit to me that he does this because it is much more exciting to know that he CAN meet the girl than it is to actually meet her in person.  Also it's a lot cheaper (aka FREE) to be a time waster than a client.  Very annoying but these guys USUALLY give some warning signs early on, and also with the blacklists, a lot of girls report these guys so the next girl has a heads up to take his booking with a grain of salt.

-- Modified on 5/29/2015 12:18:09 PM

Heya There

I had a hell of a week from trying to work as a massage girl instead of full service. Clients contact me all the time and its never goes thru.

It make me so mad and I just can't talk to them anymore.
Its discouraging and of course time wasting.

Give me f strength.


It called an interview If I call a lady and she has a tv radio pimp voice or just sound tired I will not book also I call first then Google numbers/ter numbers to see is she ok also cops like thughs move on by the next day so you dont see them. If you dont want calls dont put up sings adds.

VOO-doo773 reads

Summer Fridays are not days I get a lot of emails (people go away for weekends), and today is no different. I only got one. It was from p411.  

He wrote a nice message, introducing himself and asking for a 2-hr incall date at 12PM. I got it around 9AM that morning. It seems kind of unlikely, logistically, but he sounds nice, it's not far away, there's reasonably priced hotel nearby. I figure, if I can make this work, I can get some money and still have the rest of the day free. So, I called a hotel in his area to see if I could check in before 12. No way, they were sold out last night.  

I emailed him back, explaining the situation, and basically saying, 'Thanks, but it can't work today, sorry! Maybe another time.'

He asked me to check in ________ town. Oh, that won't work? Well, if not there, than maybe _________? I called several places; none could do a check-in that would get me in and ready by 12. I told him that.  

He says, 'Maybe you can come to my place', then a few minutes later: 'Nope, sorry, bad idea!!! Stop!!! Never mind!!!' Um, ok.  

I tell him I can do an outcall if it works for him, 'for future reference, when there's more time to plan.' I'd pretty much given up on the idea of meeting him that day. But of course, he's like, 'Well, ok, maybe, let's see.'

Then the magic words: 'What are your rates?'

Sigh. This means either one of two things (neither of them good): 1) He didn't even read my site before booking, or 2) He wants me to say, '2 hours is $xxxx' so that he can respond with, 'Well, can we maybe do $xxx?'

I refer him to my site for rate info, and turned my computer off. Never heard from him again. Between the phone calls, his emails, researching places to meet, and complaining about it all in this post, I wasted well over an hour on a client I doubt I will ever meet.

Multiply that by several times per day, and then factor in Mr. Needy who needs to know if I miss him? And what did I eat today? How many times did I blink my eyes? Can I touch my nose with my foot? (Maybe there are a few Mr. Needies at any given time...I try to discourage that, but it's hard to discourage some guys)  

Then you'll see why we just hit DELETE when we get those emails saying, like, 'Hi, you sound really nice. How much for an hour?' Or that pen-pal email from a client we've seen, like, twice.  

Clients who actually book me usually have it all together from the first email. Whenever you get that back-and-forth, let's try this, r-u-avail, can-we-maybe stuff, it's pretty much a given that the guy will not be serious enough to commit

Your post about Mr. Needies  and time wasters got me thinking about my own communication with ladies that I have met.  Generally, I only contact a lady when I am ready to book.  I keep my emails as short and simple as possible and still try to provide all information needed.  I will also confirm once or twice depending on how far in advance I booked, but that is usually the extent of our email communication.

However, I do have 1 lady that will frequently send pictures by email and I will always send short response.  My response is usually just 1 or 2 sentences and includes a tasteful comment and a simple thank you for the picture.  Are those responses unneeded and viewed as wasting time?  Would she stop sending them if I don't respond? I like the pictures and would like to continue receiving them.

-- Modified on 5/29/2015 5:45:08 PM

If she initiates contact, it's perfectly reasonable for you to respond.  

Posted By: justintime2985
Your post about Mr. Needies  and time wasters got me thinking about my own communication with ladies that I have met.  Generally, I only contact a lady when I am ready to book.  I keep my emails as short and simple as possible and still try to provide all information needed.  I will also confirm once or twice depending on how far in advance I booked, but that is usually the extent of our email communication.  
 However, I do have 1 lady that will frequently send pictures by email and I will always send short response.  My response is usually just 1 or 2 sentences and includes a tasteful comment and a simple thank you for the picture.  Are those responses unneeded and viewed as wasting time?  Would she stop sending them if I don't respond? I like the pictures and would like to continue receiving them.

-- Modified on 5/29/2015 5:45:08 PM

Superstar!694 reads

while taking up as much of her time as possible (for setting up the fruitless appointment) in the process.

VOO-doo596 reads

If she's mailing you stuff (even if it's a mass email) you're perfectly welcome to say, 'Thanks' or 'Hot photo!'  

Not all clients who text or email us OTC are pains, BTW. Some guys send me interesting things - tidbits about books, music, travel, etc. And sometimes, it's even very nice to hear a 'hi' from a guy you haven't seen for a while. (Sometimes, if we don't hear from you, we do think, 'Gee, I wonder what happened to Mr. So-and-So.') For a while, I had an ongoing correspondence with a psychiatrist who lives 1500 miles away...he rarely travels to my area, so my efforts would never have netted me any additional income, but I liked emailing back/forth with him. I found what he had to say extremely interesting.  

If you're worried about crossing the line over a simple thank you...I doubt you will EVER come close enough to the line to even see it, lol.  

I have guys send ME pics of them. And literally, some people email me just to ask, like, what I had for breakfast (or something equally inane). Not even regulars, just dudes I've seen once or twice. I also get drunk-texted quite a bit

is the provider who communicates with you all week long (up until the night before the date), responds to your emails promptly, gets you excited, and on the day of the date she pulls a NCNS.

Or the provider who goes out of her way to post a lot of local ads looking for business, only to never respond to real (not BS) emails. I have wasted time waiting around for some thoughtless bitch's reply that never came, when I could have been scheduling someone else.

It definitely works both ways.

+1 there! I don't like waiting for a provider to confirm a time when it should be a simple yes or no. I hate telling them,"hey, "I'm going with someone who was a little more responsive" I have shit to do also ya know.  

Posted By: lopaw
Or the provider who goes out of her way to post a lot of local ads looking for business, only to never respond to real (not BS) emails. I have wasted time waiting around for some thoughtless bitch's reply that never came, when I could have been scheduling someone else.  
 It definitely works both ways.

As a framing contractor I spend a ton of time looking at and bidding jobs that people bring to me. I am lucky if I get 25% of them. Do I think they wasted my time? NO! They wanted info and a bid and then went a different route. Sometimes negotiation can last for weeks with no positive outcome for me. I receive nothing for my time and effort. So be it. It is how the business world works. You Ho's are starting to feel a little to entitled when you start crying about potential tricks wasting your time.

Your business REQUIRES you do that shit... ours does not. We set our own rules, our own hours, rates and schedules. Sorry if you can't do that, but until you have PIMP in front of your username, you will not be telling any 'ho' what to put up with. We don't owe you a damn thing until AFTER you pay. And, you guys need to make up your mind about whether or not being an escort is a real job or not, because I could have sworn it was the latter. In any business a smart person would figure out ways  to minimize the amount of time they spend dealing with idiots... we have figured out a way to do that. Again, I am sorry if the job you chose makes that perk impossible for you. Perhaps we should tell you to 'go find another job if you don't like it.' Is that not what we are told all the time? Yah... lol.

-- Modified on 5/29/2015 7:31:36 PM

Superstar!793 reads

jacked off and cancelled the job the day before you were scheduled to begin work, you might get a little annoyed too.

I just relocated my entire family to Frog Balls and now I find out its a den of sin???!!!

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